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Chapter 2702 Whisper-Cowardice

The broken black giant's main body is still underwater, but it seems that it can no longer support the battle. York Bronte has also absorbed too much life force. Although he still basically maintains his human form at this moment, his head is white and swollen.

It is large, with a structure similar to wings growing on its back, its arms are atrophied, and its legs are unusually thick. It is gradually losing its human shape.

It now had four eyes on its extremely huge face. When it looked up at the two people in the sky, it grinned its mouth with sharp canine teeth and laughed. Shade and Miss Danister

You can hear it:

"I already know what kind of power you have. Let's meet again in 67 years! At that time, I will let you know my power."

The white mist in the narrow space of time seeped out and enveloped his body, and it was trying to return to the year of "destined death" in 1787 to escape what happened next. Even if the coffin as a tree hole had been lost, at least it would still be there when it returned to 1787.

There is hope of survival.

From Shade's point of view, it seemed that fate was actively attracting it to go back to die. Although there was no evidence, outsiders had a strong hunch that once York Brontë took the initiative to return to 1787 this time, it would definitely

I can never leave that time again, nor can I return to this battlefield across 67 years.

But welcoming "death" so easily seems to be a bit advantageous to him. Not only Shade thinks so, but many more people also think so.

While Shade and Miss Danister were throwing wooden stakes at him respectively, under the water where York Bronte was standing, the hands of densely packed spiritual beings stretched out suddenly, grabbing him at the moment he tried to escape.

Lived him.

These souls that were absorbed by him in the "edge of life and death" briefly recovered their sanity after the collapse of the huge flesh and blood body. Countless souls who died tragically because of York Bronte in the past sixty years held on to it.

The body, and obviously the way the Dead Apostles tried to return to the past, they couldn't leave with so many souls.

So the two wooden stakes easily hit its throat and chest, and the huge number of souls piled up on each other from the bottom of the water, even causing the spirit body to interfere with reality.

One hand after another kept tearing at its body and soul that had lost its resilience. Bronte exclaimed and wanted to cast a spell to expel them, but when the chocobo jumped into the pit with electric light, Iluna held it.

Under the light of the scale, it completely lost its ability to cast spells:

"You damn things, you were my food when you were alive. Do you think I will be afraid of you after you die?"

The wooden stake inhibited its talent of absorbing life force, and the balanced chosen one restricted its spellcasting. Therefore, even though it cursed in panic, the souls still gathered more and more, until they piled up like a hill and topped York Brontë.

Out of the water.

So its body completely sank into the "Mountain of Souls" in this deep pit of water, leaving only its head screaming and wailing on the "top". Tens of thousands of souls overlapped together, like ants.

Eroding its weird soul essence.

This cannot completely eliminate it, but this kind of torture is like the torture of cutting off flesh and blood piece by piece with a knife.

The red-haired girl in the air only lowered her height slightly, allowing Shade to reach a position level with the head. At the same time, she did not forget to use illusions to cover the scene at the bottom of the pit with heavy fog to prevent the following conversation.

leaked out.

The fog blocked the top of the head, and at the same time, the spirit body flickered in the air. The soul of Mrs. Bronte, who had been in the small auditorium on the edge of life and death, appeared in front of Shade and the two with a pale green flame.

The lady holds her husband's hand in her left hand, and her daughter's hand in her right hand.

She did not go to see her son. The family bowed slightly to Shade and then disappeared. They would continue walking. This was something that should have been done in the last century.


Shade wanted to say something to the head, but he couldn't speak due to the coldness in his mouth. Others may not understand, but Miss Danister, who was holding him behind him, could fully feel his head.

There was a chill in the place, and that chill was just right to suppress her body and soul, which had become hot after drinking the essence just now.

But the screaming head seemed to understand what he wanted to say:

"I'm not wrong! I've gone further than all of you on the road to immortality! It's our nature to fear death. I just followed my human instinct to achieve everything I have now. So what if you defeat me?

The god of death still sleeps in this forest, and the coffin still has the power to destroy all things.

You eliminate me, and no one will know those secrets anymore! I know it all, I know everything you want to know!"

Although it spoke very harshly, it still wanted Shade to let it go. But Shade actually didn't want to ask "Have you repented?" or something like that, but wanted to say that he could make his soul unable to go on.


He took out the shriveled eyeball that was pierced by a wooden stake from his pocket, which meant that it could handle this thing without it. Then the expression of the Dead Apostle who was torn apart by the souls froze, and soon it said loudly:

"I also know the secret of the tree hole. I know the secret of this woodland. I am a person who has survived since the days of Ximu Town. I know."

But it didn't matter anymore. Shade adjusted the muscles in his mouth that were numb due to the coldness, and rummaged through his pockets to find the remaining 0.9-kilometer ordinary-quality [Cowardly] from last time.

, which is the paper copy given by the doctor.

Now that this "cowardice" has been kept with Shade for too long, the black human figure looks more and more real. So he followed Chloe's instructions, put the paper man in front of his mouth, and then looked at it suddenly

Looking around, there seemed to be a strong feeling of being spied on, but it disappeared in just a moment:

"Things in the woods are indeed not over yet."

But those were things that needed to be dealt with later. Shade slowly opened his mouth and finally spit out the cold air.

The heavy snow in the sky became more dense at this moment, and the cold current that should have been colorless turned into a frosty white color.

The cold current hit the head at the top of the "Soul Hill", and the screams became louder and louder, but then became quieter after a few seconds. The spirit body rustled where it came into contact with the cold air.

The spirit body was not only frozen amidst the sound of freezing, but even crystalline and fine cracks appeared on the surface.

Even the squirming "hills" felt the extremely cold chill, so the spirits gradually retreated, and Bronte's soul also gradually dropped in height during the freezing process.

The water at the bottom of the pit quickly froze, and the chocobo standing on the water curiously raised one of his paws to observe the solid water.

The red-haired girl continued to hold Shade, and while Shade continued to exhale the chill, she lowered her height. When Bronte's cracked spirit body completely turned into an ice sculpture standing on the ice, Shade also covered his head.

He stopped and coughed violently several times, and the cold air that Chloe gave him was finally used up.

[Outlander, you have some understanding of "cold" and "freezing". 】

[Outlander, your spell "Carina's Ice Spell" has changed, please wait a moment. 】

[The spell "Carina's Ice Spell" is sublimated into the spell "Chloe's Cold Breath". The effect of the spell remains unchanged, but its coldness is enough to freeze the soul.]

The densely packed souls who had consumed their strength and resentment were still standing on the ice in the pit watching them, so Iluna had to ride a chocobo and work very hard to squeeze into the center:

"Please give way, please give way. Is this the end? Seeing that you didn't have a meeting in the afternoon, the fortune teller came to see me and let me see what's going on here."

As she spoke, she jumped off the back of the chocobo that was looking around curiously. This creature, known for its boldness and curiosity, was not afraid of the souls around it at all. However, it was very

He followed Iluna obediently and stretched his head to look at Shade from behind Iluna.

"It's over."

Shade, who felt his voice was getting better, said, staring at the crystal clear mutant soul of the Dead Apostle, and then punched it——


As the rustling sound gradually became louder, the cracks on the surface of the spirit body also spread rapidly and became fine. Until finally, with a clicking sound, the spirit body exuding extreme cold completely collapsed.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

There seemed to be a voice moaning in the cold wind, but it was just the last fear and not a confession. After the spirit body collapsed, some black airflow from the soul residue that had been frozen due to sin emerged uncontrollably, hitting a hole in the air.

Then he rushed towards Shade.

Shade originally thought this was an attack after death, but he did not stop him after being reminded by "her".

Then the life ring emerged from the steam mist behind the back, and the black air flow clung to the life ring and turned into pure whispering elements. A new sin was attributed to Shade, the "murderer" because of the fragmentation of a soul. York Bo

Lunt added a new spiritual rune to Shade's life ring.

[Weak because of fear, cruel because of cowardice, killing because of cruelty, and afraid of death because of killing. Although the coward uses all means to long for immortality, he does not know that mortals are mortal. When the destined death is opened to him

Embracing, cowardice is the first sin that makes him unable to rest in peace.】

[Outlander, you have engraved the Black Iron Whispering Spirit Rune - Cowardice.]

"Whispers? Because he used the power of the relic to keep his soul from being torn apart by other souls?"

Because Shade had already been exposed to "cowardice" twice when he was collecting sins before, so he was not too surprised to actually obtain this spiritual rune.

This great sin spirit rune can obviously be connected to the "great sin chain", but this time, like the previous "lazy", it is not the stranger's own sin. He is not cowardly at all, so he still needs to use the tree

Only the knowledge given by the Father can allow the "Chain of Sin" to accept the eighth rune of sin.

PS: The current spiritual runes of the Eight Rings are:

Miracle - Dark Night (resurrection after death in the Battle of Moon Bay), Enlightenment - Direction (a gift from Sister Brock in the Fifth Age), Whisper - Cowardice (born from the sin of fear of death).

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