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Chapter 2703 Sage-level relic [Soul Gem]

The heavy fog created by the illusion covered the large pit at the old cemetery, so people on the ground did not discover the huge eight-ring life ring. After York Bronte's soul was shattered, only one piece remained.

Translucent extremely cold ice crystals are still floating in the air.

Shade stretched out his hand to take it, and a layer of white frost immediately appeared on his hand. Miss Danister explained to Shade and Iluna:

"This is the purest soul core after all soul impurities and powers have been stripped away. It is the most important part of a soul. It is said that the ancient soul masters were able to perfectly peel off such a core, but this technology is not available in the Sixth Age.

Has been lost.

I must remind you that it is illegal to use soul technology to completely destroy a spirit body, and it is even more illegal to use the soul core as a ritual material or potion material, so you should not do this."

She warned the "young people". Shade and Iluna both nodded. Shade also explained how to use it in the future:

"Dead Apostle York Bronte is dead. I will trade this soul core to an old god from the Fifth Age."

"But doesn't that cause a time paradox? I mean, the souls of the Sixth Age appear in the Fifth Age."

Iluna gestured and said, and Miss Denist explained to her:

"There is no time paradox when it comes to gods. For those great ones, the past is the future, there is no difference."

"And this broken soul has accumulated so many sins and paradoxes that I feel unsafe if I plunge directly into real death."

Shade also explained his actions. Neither of the two eighteen-year-old girls objected, but the matter was not over yet:

"What to do with these souls?"

Iluna pointed around. Even if the souls were no longer resentful spirits, they still looked very eerie standing on the snowy ice. But this time, Shade was not needed to deal with it. After Iluna finished speaking, a few of the souls were gone.

Just like the Brontë family just now, they disappeared on their own and went to where they were supposed to go.

Most of the souls were attracted by the "edge of life and death" without any resistance and returned to that world of neither life nor death. Next, the church still needs to seal it again. The Five Gods Church has done a lot in the past year.

It's a similar thing, and it's not a big trouble.

Seeing the souls disappear, the red-haired girl waved her hand towards the water surface again, and among the flesh and blood that had not completely turned into ashes, an aqua-blue luminous gem flew up.

"Whispering element? Is this a relic? Wait, isn't this whispering element a little too powerful?"

Shade asked, and Miss Denister checked:

"It turns out to be this, the sage-level relic [Soul Gem].

Carrying it with you can restore your own spirit and heal yourself at the cost of consuming soul power; bury it in your body, and the ratio of this transformation will be further increased. Moreover, holding gems can ensure the independence of your soul.

And integrity, so that’s what it depends on.”

"What about the negative effects? This relic sounds very good. As long as you are careful not to consume your soul power too much, isn't this an excellent recovery accessory?"

Iluna also asked, and the librarian lady smiled and shook her head:

"There is no such good thing. Do you know the origin of this relic? The original [Soul Gem] was transformed from the soul of a girl who experienced a tragic life, and most of the people who use it next seem to be cursed by fate.

Similarly, in the end, after the soul corrupted or deteriorated, it turned into the same gem. This relic ensured that the soul would not be torn or corrupted by external forces, but the user was more likely to be corrupted by himself.

There is no generally accepted result for the existing number of [Soul Gems], but it will not be less than 130. The effects of different gems are almost exactly the same, but the purer the original soul, the better the recovery effect of gems formed after metamorphosis or corruption. Some people think

The essence of this gem is a curse, but this is not a generally accepted view in the academic community."

She held up the gem, which looked really beautiful in the snow:

"Souls that have completely fallen into despair will turn into evil things called 'soul witches' through this gem. This kind of thing will not be less troublesome than the thing we just dealt with. After killing them, the new soul gem will be

will be born. Fortunately, Shade directly froze Bronte's soul, otherwise I'm worried that we would have to deal with the next stage of Dead Apostles.

It has indeed prepared many means after 1821, and I must admit that even if I perfectly recover to the thirteenth ring now, I would not want to fight this thing again."

However, she also admitted that if you only use this relic occasionally, then [Soul Gem] is definitely an excellent recovery item:

"Keep it, this trophy alone is worth our actions this time."

"I don't need this. I have a perfume bottle, and if I'm injured, I can heal by soaking in water."

With that said, Shade handed the gem to Iluna, but Iluna didn't like this kind of relic very much:

"I don't want it. I'm just here to help. You guys are doing most of the work."

Only then did the red-haired girl remember to ask:

"Speaking of which, Miss Bayas, where did you get this chocobo?"

The red-haired girl even reached out to touch the fluffy hair of the yellow chocobo. Unlike little Mia, the chocobo was happy to be touched by others.

Iluna explained:

"The fortune teller asked me to come and see Shade. After I arrived, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get out of the forest, but Emilia came to greet me. Well, she didn't admit that she was Emilia. Anyway,

, she lent me this chocobo, and she told me not to fly around in the forest on a skeleton horse, because Vesta Grove doesn’t like undead.”

"I feel like the people above must have guessed who you are."

Shade pointed to the top of the pit, and Iluna shook her head indifferently:

"If you know it, you will know that as the chosen one, it is my freedom to go wherever I go. The greater the power, the greater the freedom."

Then he excitedly said to Shade:

"I've never ridden a chocobo before, this mount is really fun!"

"Did it run so fast because it was given a special blessing by Emilia? Let me guess. Chocobo Oath?"

The eighteen-year-old red-haired sorceress asked curiously again, and Iluna nodded immediately:

"Yes, Emilia said that thaumaturgy is called 'Chocobo Oath', and I don't quite understand it either. Oh, it's time for me to leave. Shade, I'm back. As long as I can help you, I want to

Go back and tell Luvia that you are okay."

She said in a good mood, happy that she had helped a lot in time. Then she returned the [Night Watcher] to Shade, and then rode on the yellow chocobo, which probably rarely left the woodland. The chocobo once again

There was a splash of lightning, and with a big jump, Iluna, who was wearing a hood, jumped into the pit.

"Who are you going to ask to explain to the church about Bronte?"

On the ice at the bottom of the pit, Miss Danister, whose red hair was fluttering in the wind and snow, asked Shade again that the effect of the [Spirit Elixir] was disappearing and her level was returning to the eighth level. But Shade

It was discovered that although the priest's magical potion could temporarily restore her level, it did not seem to restore her age.

"Yes, we still need to investigate whether the current Baron Bronte knows about Bronte, we also need to deal with the follow-up of the cemetery, and the manor of Prince William of Anjou, and we also need to investigate Theodore Bronte

The blood of the children of Te and Ben Bronte. Can the church recognize that the person just now is you through the spell you just cast?"

"Can't I just admit it? And I spent most of my time using a sword. Your sword is very good."

Shade nodded:

"Then don't go through the academy, and don't go through the Witch Council. Then ask Miss Bell to write a report and hand it over to the church tonight through the black market."

He looked at the gem in his hand again, and then at the red-haired girl, who raised her eyebrows:

"Do you think that as the college librarian, I will lack such relics?"

So Shade put it away temporarily. Last time he planned to give [Noble Blood Red] to Agelina as a gift, but the relic was traded to the hermits. Now this restoration relic looks good,

It was also very suitable for the identity of a little princess girl. However, the danger of a sage-level relic was too great, so he planned to discuss it with Lesia before deciding whether to give this to Agelina for self-defense.

Above the pit, the hermits greeted the church and then retreated. They were alerted by the undead, but did not want to get involved in the matter. The people in the church were still waiting for news, and when Shade and the red-haired girl appeared

He also said that after exchanging information in the evening, the church's ring warlocks had no objections, because the [Night Watch] was still in Shade's hands.

So Shade, who was slightly tired, returned to the city with the girls, and returned to the Accordion Hotel at four o'clock in the afternoon.

The witch who was looking at the snow from the window greeted them. Seeing that everyone was fine, she knew that the matter was successfully resolved:

"The noise you made just now was really loud. People in the city thought it was an earthquake. I flew to the roof and even thought about flying over to help you, but it seems that things went smoothly.

But speaking of which, do you know what’s going on with the snow outside? It’s snowing so completely unreasonably, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t normally snow today.”

The red-haired girl looked at Shade, and Shade pointed at herself:

"I caused it."

The witch was a little surprised:

"Aren't you a magician who is proficient in the moon? I have never heard that you are also proficient in ice and snow spells."

"Of course this is not my power. It is very complicated to explain. Did you know that in the early fifth era, there was a witch emperor called the Ice Witch? She had silver hair and was very petite."

Miss Winslet thought for a moment:

"I don't know. Is this related to our topic?"

Shade then said:

"It was the Witch Emperor who lent me power, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to change the sky on such a large scale."

PS: The picture of this chapter is "Sage-level Relic·Soul Gem".

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