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Chapter 275 Left Eye

 He ​​leaped into the air.

The huge silver moon hangs high in the sea of ​​stars. The god raises his arms and his body hangs upside down in front of the silver moon:

"In the name of the Ancient God of Balance, Lord of the Blood Feast, I will give you judgment."

The dark golden luster of the scales further suppressed the blood-colored halo, and the cards in his hand flew out from his fingers, sticking close to the heart of the god.

In a daze, the girl with long brown hair actually saw a transparent woman's body with silver hair, half-overlapping with the body of the god, hanging upside down in front of the silver moon.

The night wind howled, and time seemed to stand still at this moment. The light of the silver moon was so powerful that the body of God seemed to be completely melted into the moon.

But no.

The hanging god's body fell, [Original Silver Moon] received the baptism of divinity, and the silver moon's light gathered on his left foot.

The left foot slides forward, driving the right foot downward to follow. Both feet are in the air, under the moonlit night, drawing bright and gorgeous silver light traces above Tobesk.

The dazzling light traces mixed with dark gold broke away from the tracks of the feet and gradually grew larger in the night sky.

Breaking through the night sky, splitting open this quiet summer night, under the stars, the silver moonlight's slash fell towards the long banquet table in the air like a falling ball, and towards the huge meat ball at the other end of the long banquet table.

The huge moon mark half of the city finally collided with the bloody flesh mass, and the bloody light completely dissipated, taking away the three eyeballs on the dark golden scale.

[Lord of the Blood Feast] lost.

The blood mist dissipated from the entire city, and the huge mental pressure completely disappeared in the sky above Tobesk City.

The long banquet table disappeared, and the mortals who closed their eyes fell towards the city below. Iluna maintained her falling posture, still raising her head to look at the white-robed god who disappeared in front of the silver moon.

"Do you want to fall to death?"

She heard a familiar voice, and she saw the white-robed saint holding her and falling. His power was dissipating rapidly, and she could barely look directly at his face.


Shade is smiling:

"It's me. I happen to still have some strength left. I want to give you a gift. You worked really hard tonight."

The few remaining divine powers gathered at his fingertips. He tapped her left eye patch with his fingers, and then her body completely disintegrated into silver light spots and disappeared. The light spots were like silver rain, falling on the city,

Dispel the influence caused by the arrival of the evil god.

Iluna covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying. A few seconds later, the brown-haired girl falling in the light rain was hugged by Miss Green who had not seen anything just now, and the two slowly lowered to the ground.

"Iluna, are you okay?"

The sorceress's condition isn't very good either, but at least she has no problem landing with Iluna.

“What happened tonight was really”

The two of them stood on the street, looking at the night sky when the blood mist receded. Everything dispersed, and after it was over, the bright stars hung upside down over the city of Tobesk. This was the first time since the rise of the steam industry.

It’s a view I haven’t seen in many years.

The other ring warlocks from the church also landed one by one. They were scattered on the street, bathed in the starlight. No one said anything, but they all looked at the silver moon in the night sky and the other two rings that had temporarily disappeared for some unknown reason.


The silver moon has returned to its normal size, shining here harmoniously with the sea of ​​stars and the other two moons.

"We will talk about the chosen one later. The masked man under the silver moon tonight can be called the 'God Summoner'. Mortals cannot contain the power of gods. There is a high probability that gods will leave after they leave. There are only ten

The three-ring warlock can barely survive as a divine vessel, but it is estimated that he will not be able to appear again within a few decades."

She sighed:

"However, the god just now is undoubtedly a good god. In addition to the righteous gods, are there other good gods in this era? Iluna, I have been curious since just now, what are you doing wearing a blindfold?"

Miss Green said strangely. The girl with long brown hair thought about Shade disappearing in the night sky, suppressed the urge to cry, and took off her blindfold.

The eyeball of the left eye was intact, and it was unusually bright under the moonlit night.

(Little Mia is running)

In the dim No. 6 St. Teresa Square, the light of the silver moon gathered in the living room on the second floor, and then Shade fell heavily from the air to the floor.

He was lying on his back, motionless. Above his head, two Wanxiang Impermanence cards swayed down like flying feathers, and finally overlapped and landed in his hand.

Even if Shade used the relic [Another Face] to obtain another drop of divinity from [Lord of the Blood Feast], the overflowing power of divinity still could not immediately make up for the damage his body suffered from the power of divinity.

Golden traces of light floated on Shade's body, unable to completely heal him. Miss Feliana was right, even if his soul could contain and use divine power, his body was only a mortal body after all.

Although Shade could not be cured, a ray of golden light took the initiative to enter the cat-shaped stuffed animal hanging on his waist.


In the bright golden light, the orange cat walked out with elegant steps. There seemed to be a golden light floating in the amber eyes.


It looked around confusedly, and only relaxed after confirming that this was home.

But when he saw Shade lying there motionless, he stepped forward worriedly and shouted, rubbing Shade's head with his soft face bag:


Shade moaned softly with a hoarse voice, but his eyes did not open and he was still unable to move. He had never felt that he was so fragile and so close to death. His consciousness had completely fallen into chaos, and he was just making sounds instinctively at this moment.



Mia let out a plaintive cry, looked towards the dark home, and finally lay down next to Shade's head with a sob, nudging his face from time to time.

An hour later, the hurried carriage stopped downstairs at No. 6 St. Teresa Square. After handling all the matters in the church, confirming that she was not being followed, and finally running out, Iluna tightened the reins and stopped the car.


Bang bang bang~

With her long brown hair hanging loosely behind her, she knocked anxiously on the door downstairs in the long night, but there was no response for a long time, so she had to use some tricks to unlock the door and force her way in.

Seeing that there was no light in the house, I couldn't help but feel cold. I stepped on the stairs thumpingly, and even more hesitant when I reached the second floor. Seeing that there was still no light in the house, I bit my lower lip with my teeth, looking pale and sad.

Pushing open the door with trembling hands, she saw a pale-faced Shade lying on her back in the darkness of the living room. Mia immediately stood up and made a threatening voice at the door. It was really angry and trying to protect the fragile Shade.


Iluna found the gas light switch on the wall, turned on the light, and knelt beside Shade.

"it's me."

She endured her grief and said to the angry orange cat. She tested Shade's breath with her trembling hands. Iluna Bayas raised her head, closed her eyes and looked up to the sky. It took a long time before she exhaled a trembling breath.

He took out a small, delicate crystal bottle from his pocket and opened the angel-shaped stopper. Even Mia, who was still "protecting" Shade, suddenly raised her head and looked at the liquid.

"No. 1 Holy Water Puree. I pretended to be seriously injured and the church gave me some healing aids. They didn't expect that he had already helped me."

She shook her head mid-sentence and thought it was silly to talk to a cat.

This chapter has been completed!
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