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Chapter 276 Shadow on the Wall

 Lifting up the lying Sha De and holding him in his arms, the girl with long brown hair very carefully introduced the water from the bottle into his mouth. At this time, Sha De still maintained his basic instinct and swallowed it carefully.

The liquid, but he didn't wake up until the entire bottle was empty.


The orange cat walked around Shade, meowed twice anxiously, then jumped up and tried to pick at his pocket with its paws.

Miss Bayas was stunned:


He immediately reacted and took out his pocket watch from Shade's pocket. After opening the cover of the watch, there was indeed the last leaf of youth inside.

However, although he can still swallow liquid, it is still too difficult for Shade to chew the leaves by himself. The characteristics of the relic mean that the leaves cannot be easily squeezed out by other means.

The young girl blushed and looked at Shade, then at the cat who was watching anxiously, and reached out to touch its head:

"Don't worry, I will save him."

He covered his intact left eye with a trembling hand, then blushed and stretched the leaf towards his mouth.

There were hurried footsteps downstairs again, and Iluna realized that she had forgotten to close the door.

She turned around with Shade in her arms, and the purple-eyed fortune teller appeared at the top of the stairs gasping for air. She walked in a hurry, and saw Iluna kneeling in the room holding the unconscious Shade, and the cat squatting aside.

He was also stunned:

"Just now the evil god was so scary to my divination moon, and then I guessed it was him, Shade?"

"You were actually able to look at the night sky just now?"

Miss Bayas originally thought that she was the only person who witnessed that scene.

"My eyes are very special. Don't talk so much. How is Shade?"

Miss Anat walked to Shade and knelt down, looking at his face worriedly.

"I fed him a whole bottle of No. 1 holy water puree, but he still didn't wake up, so this."

The girl with long brown hair blushed and shook the leaf in her hand. Miss Anat understood immediately, hesitated and asked softly:

"Do you want to do it, you do it or I do it?"

"I come!"

After she finished speaking, she realized that her voice was a bit high. Miss Bayas smiled sheepishly, and was about to put the leaf into her mouth, when Shade's hand suddenly raised and grabbed her wrist, just her eyes.

Still not opened:

"Don't waste it, I only have one piece left, water."

The hoarse voice spoke, and the whole bottle of No. 1 holy water puree just now was not without effect.


Before Miss Bayas, who was holding the Evergreen Leaf, could react, Miss Anat stood up, brought the tea cup and filled it with water:

"Xia De, don't move, you really can't do it."

Bells and whistles appeared in this narrow space. In the second-ring warlock's life ring, the blasphemous silver represents gluttony, with an unusually dazzling aura. In the posture of a god, he swallowed the second drop of the Lord of Blood Feast.

Sex did not allow Shade to gain new power. Instead, the already existing gluttony was further strengthened.

His hand was grabbed by Miss Anat and raised, and finally touched the water glass. Silver light spurted out of the water glass almost in the next second.

Miss Bayas immediately hugged him and helped him upright, while Miss Anat carefully held the cup and fed Shade the water.

The light of the gas lamp in the living room flickered. During this long and eventful night, on the second floor of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, three people leaned together, their backs entangled on the wall. The orange cat squatted aside and whispered.

He shouted, as if hoping that Shade would recover soon.

"I don't understand why you want to go back to a deserted home instead of looking for us?"

Miss Bayas lowered her head and asked softly.

"Because I don't know what will happen, and I finally have my own house. Even if I die, I will die here."

The shadows on the wall swayed, and the two ladies chuckled. Although Shade was still in poor condition, saying this meant that there was no need to worry about him leaving.

"Then, will the existence of Blood Feast come to you again?"

Miss Anat also asked, Miss Bayas held Shade's head in her arms, and she held Shade's hand. Shade shook his head unconsciously, feeling as if he had touched something:

"No way, we both know the ancient god's testimony, and he can't use any means to do it."

The voice was low, and Shade fell asleep.

The light from the gas lamp was yellowish. Anyway, the night was finally over.

(Little Mia is running)

When Shade opened his eyes again, he saw the familiar ceiling of his bedroom. He sensed the time and saw that it was 7:30 on Friday morning. It was only eight hours since he fell into coma again after drinking water last night.

The movement of sitting up from the bed woke up the cat lying next to the pillow. Sunlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains and fell on the cat's back, making Mia's orange hair seem to glow.

After continuous rain, Tobesk finally ushered in sunny weather.

"Talk about it"

He recalled the last conversation last night, and when he looked at the meowing cat at his hand, he frowned:

"Did I use thaumaturgy to restore Mia from a doll yesterday? How did you change back?"


The orange cat looked up at Shade, and its big amber eyes seemed to get bigger as it looked up.

"How did Mia change back?"

Although he didn't know it, of course she should have seen it.

Some of the radiance when the divinity overflowed seemed to be absorbed by this cat.

"Mia absorbed it?"

He picked up the coquettish cat, but the silly cat looked the same as before. He still couldn't sense the element or spirit in Mia's body, which meant that it was still an ordinary kitten.

"Could it be that I was in a coma and worried that I would die, which turned Mia into a puppet permanently, so I subconsciously guided her power to restore her to her original state?"


After putting down the cat and starting to move, he felt that his body had completely recovered. After shaking his hands, Shade even felt that his body's strength and reaction force were stronger than before.

You burned a drop of divinity. Although the brilliance of that drop of divinity has gone far away, the power of the body's full immersion still caused changes in the body.

"Is there such a benefit to burning divinity?"

If you didn't get the second drop of divinity in time, you might have died. If you didn't get the No. 1 holy water, you would probably have to lie in bed for half a year.

"This was all expected. I don't regret it at all. After all, everyone is alive now and I didn't lose much."

He was very satisfied with everything he did last night. Although he lost his magic eye and another face, he saved everything and gained more experience in fighting gods. These losses were well worth it.

Probably hearing the sound of Shade getting up, the bedroom door was opened, and Luvia Anat pushed the door open:

"Oh, Shade, good morning. Are you awake? How are you feeling?"

"Not bad. Good morning, Miss Anat."

Shade moved his arms, stood up in his slippers, opened the curtains and took a deep breath, letting the bright sunshine shine on his face:

“It feels good.”

The cat being held in one hand also meowed in the sunshine.

"Where's Miss Bayas?"

He turned around and asked again. The purple-eyed fortune teller leaned on the door frame and shook his head:

"She was called away by the church. She faced the Saint last night and used the power of the chosen one to let the church know about the identity confirmation of the first chosen person. Therefore, it is impossible for the church not to ask her. She will probably be back in the evening.

When the time comes, you have to explain to us what happened last night."

Shade was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the purple-eyed fortune teller also knew what was going on with the white-robed god under the moonlight night. His memory of the last conversation last night was very vague, and he only vaguely remembered Miss Anat and Bei.

Miss Yasi appears here:

"Did you guess it?"


She quickly walked two steps into the room, and Shade saw that she was wearing an apron. He thought she wanted to ask more questions, but to his surprise, Miss Anat actually hugged him gently, but quickly let go.

Purple eyes raised and looked at Shade:

"Are you really just the second ring?"

"Of course, it's genuine."

"Then why can it carry the power of God? I am really worried, worried about you."

This question immediately made Shade understand how she and Miss Bayas understood what happened last night. They did not think that Shade was a god, but that Shade's body had become a vessel for the gods to descend, carrying a person.

The power of God. Combined with the power of the thirteen-ring warlock he used in Lakeview Manor, combined with the fact that he did not die suddenly on the spot, it is again inferred that he is a thirteen-ring warlock.

Shade narrowed his eyes. To be honest, he didn't want to reveal his secret. Apart from his identity as a foreigner, his divine power was his deepest secret. Now that Miss Anat and Miss Bayas think so, then

The church probably thought that the "Mask Man Under the Silver Moon", as a thirteen-ring warlock, called upon the gods to defeat the Lord of the Blood Feast. There was no need for him to refute this idea.

It is much better to let yourself become "suspected of the Thirteen Rings" than to become "suspected of a god".

The life ring appears behind his back, which proves his identity without a doubt

"The power last night, like the myth, comes from the past. In the sixth era, there are no righteous gods except righteous gods, but they exist in the past. I have met gods in the past. Last night, as a vessel for the gods to descend, I called

The gods of the past.”

This explanation was half true and half false, and based on his current relationship with the two girls, it was okay to tell them about his unusual time travel journey.

"Is it the time key? I understand. You did not tell the truth about the first key, so Dorothy suddenly decided to become your teacher."

Miss Anat nodded to express her understanding, and was successfully guided to the "correct" train of thought by Shade's words. In any case, she never expected that the person in front of her was the god from last night.

There was a gentle smile in her eyes, and then very unexpectedly, the girl with purple eyes stood up on tiptoes and kissed Shade on the face, and said softly:

"Thank you, Knight Hamilton of Rejed, for saving the unknown hero of Tobesk. You have done so much, but you can't let others know about it, and there will be no reward, so all you can get is a kiss from a girl.


Shade resisted the urge to ask her age, touched the side of his face and said jokingly:

"No, I have already received a reward, a lot of rewards. Ahem, besides the kiss, do the hero and his cat have breakfast?"

Mia, the cat who was following Shade's feet, raised her head very energetically when she heard the key word "breakfast" and meowed.

"Of course, but the goat's milk is gone, the whole city is under martial law today, and the Silver Parrot delivery company was raided. I made some simple breakfast, I hope you like it Shade, don't you rarely cook at home? I pay attention to your kitchen

, almost starving the mice to death.”

With that said, the two walked out of the bedroom.

This chapter has been completed!
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