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Chapter 284 The Big Robbery

 At eight o'clock in the morning on Saturday, the total martial law in Tobesk City was lifted, which made this supposedly ordinary Saturday in the Thunder Moon become extremely lively.

People who had been stuck at home all day walked out of their homes one after another. The cries of hawkers in the city and the shouts of newsboys promoting big news were louder than before.

The hooves and wheels of the taxi made a pleasant sound on the street, and the hurried footsteps made the city full of vitality.

The rising mist enveloped the city, and the distant chimneys on the outskirts of the city spewed black smoke into the sky. But none of this could affect people's good mood. The actions of the city hall and the church yesterday frightened the citizens who did not know the truth.

, the news that thousands of people were killed overnight also cast a haze over everyone's heart.

But fortunately, everything has returned to normal, and Tobesk is once again shrouded in mist and sunshine. Although the weather is not good today, people are in a particularly good mood.

On the bustling Queen Mary Street in the west of the city, the early morning light shines on the street. The pedestrians coming and going do not disturb the quietness of the three-storey single-family building facing the street. Maybe the family is still sleeping to spend this different time.

An ordinary Saturday.

Shade and Dr. Schneider, wearing black coats and black hats, appeared at the street corner. The two men were walking in a hurry, both carrying black suitcases in their hands. However, in the busy flow of people, they did not attract attention from other people.


Passing by passers-by, the carriage slowly drove past them. The doctor and the detective stopped at the door of 17 Queen Mary Street one after another. Dr. Schneider walked up the steps under the eaves, and Shade stood

Behind him, he turned his back to the door and looked around the street.

With a click, the keyhole covered by the blue-eyed doctor turned, and the door was opened.

The doctor pushed the door open a crack and walked in with his suitcase first. Shade, who was on guard, held the suitcase in his right hand and put his left hand in his coat pocket. He looked around, then turned and walked up the steps, leaning against the door.

Slit into the door.


The door was locked from the inside, and the early morning sunlight slanted on the doorstep. The passers-by on Queen Mary Street did not notice what was happening at this moment.

The two men who entered No. 17 did not communicate with each other. They quietly put on shoe covers, gloves, and masks in the foyer, and then entered the living room one after another.

Facing them, a fat maid in an apron came over carrying a plate and looked at the two strangers in surprise:


"Go to sleep."

The doctor said softly. Shade quickly took the plates from the maid's hands and put them on the table aside. The doctor carried the sleeping maid to the window and threw it directly into the alley on the side of the house.

Then they found the remaining two servants on the first floor, put them to sleep, and threw them all into the alley from the side window.

Without spending any more time on the first floor, the men carrying suitcases walked up the stairs to the second floor.

There are six rooms on both sides of the corridor on the second floor. The doctor walked to the second room on the left, made sure that Shade was following him, and then pushed open the room.

The young man who was sitting at the desk packing his luggage looked at the door in shock:

"who are you?"

"Her divination was indeed correct, and the information my father sold me was also correct. He hired a ring warlock to protect himself."

The doctor's dull and monotonous voice came from behind the mask.

"What do you want to do to my employer?"

"Leave here, your employer is related to the [Lord of the Blood Feast] sect. Correspondence ring warlocks from Zalas Conjuration Academy, if you don't want to cause trouble, leave here immediately."

"How do you know...Forget it, it doesn't matter, everything here has nothing to do with me. It's really unlucky to encounter this kind of thing, I said why the employment fee is so high. Damn it, I will not be summoned by the college for questioning


The young man hurriedly closed his suitcase, passed by the two men wearing masks, and left without looking back.

Shade and the doctor still did not continue to communicate, nor did they search the second floor, but walked directly to the third floor. Shade used the silence spell he got from Iluna, and then kicked open the door next to the stairs.

After opening the door, Shade and the doctor raised their guns and shot inside. The three men in the room were beaten into pieces without saying a word.

"He hired desperadoes to protect him, and he did not hesitate to die."

The doctor lowered his muzzle, smoke rose up, and the men's voices sounded dull behind the masks.

Exiting the room with Shade, they arrived at the door of the master bedroom on the third floor.

After knocking on the door and hearing a rude man cursing, the doctor kicked open the door and walked in with Shade:

"Whoever moves will be beaten to death."

Two men pointed their guns at the four-poster bed.

The curtains in the room were tightly closed, and it was extremely dark. The air was filled with incense and a strange smell that could be smelled even with a mask on. The floor was covered with thick carpets, and men's and women's clothes were tangled on the carpet.

, the belt of the police uniform and the garter belt of the woman are paired together.

The four-poster bed was hung with curtains. As Shade, who was walking behind, turned on the gas lamp on the wall, a naked middle-aged fat man and a graceful woman loomed behind the curtain.

The doctor held a gun in his right hand and tore open the curtain beside the bed with his left hand. The woman screamed and hid under the quilt, while the middle-aged man shouted, and then the doctor's gun was pressed against his head. He looked at the intruder in horror.

of strangers.

"Chief Constable of Ridwich Field, Mr. Anthony Wargrave?"

Using gloved hands, the doctor first took out Shade's ID and shook it, then took out a black and white photo from his pocket, took a look at it and threw it on the bed. It was a close-up photo of the police director secretly taken from a special angle.

Black and white photo of body.

"MI6? The money is in the safe next door. Don't shoot. I'm..."

"You don't have to answer."

The doctor's muzzle twitched, and he ignored the police director's lover who was screaming on the bed, and said to Shade behind him:

"Go next door and search."


Shade turned around and walked out of the room. A few dozen seconds later, there was a sound like the wall was being demolished from the next room.

His boots hit the floor, and Shade quickly came back. He was holding a cloth bag full of banknotes in his left hand, and holding a plaster statue with ruby ​​eyes in his right hand.

"Found it, in the safe."

"Woman, give you three minutes to get dressed and leave the house, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen."

The doctor's dull voice came from behind the mask. The woman, who was paralyzed with fear, stood up, grabbed her clothes on the carpet and left the room. The panicked footsteps disappeared at the top of the stairs.

The doctor's hand holding the gun was very steady. The middle-aged man with his bare upper body was pointed at his head by the muzzle of the gun. He raised his hands high and did not dare to move. His brown eyes kept looking at the two strangers wearing masks:

"Listen, gentlemen, I can give you money, I can give you..."

"Shut up! I'll kill you first because you deserve to die."

The doctor's thumb slowly opened the battering ram. The middle-aged man shook his head in despair, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he could no longer make a sound. Having cooperated with [Mercury Blood], he fully understood who was in front of him.

"Second, it's because you killed my client."

As Shade spoke, he walked to the window, opened the curtains and opened the bedroom window.

The sun entered the room, making the abnormally white skin of the naked upper-body fat middle-aged man seem to reflect light. The warm summer wind also blew in, but it did not faze Anthony Wo who was being pointed at at all.

Grave is relieved.

"Third, do you know how much time and energy we spent looking for this thing?"

The doctor viciously hit the police chief in the face with the butt of his gun, and dragged the middle-aged man to the window while he was lying on the bed groaning in pain.

"You guy who brought bad luck to me, lie down here!"

Placing the middle-aged man's head on the window sill, the doctor took an eye from the statue from Shade. After confirming that he was wearing three layers of special protective gloves borrowed from Priest August, he placed the ruby-shaped glass

He suddenly slapped the window sill, and immediately, something bright red seeped out from the broken glass.

The whole thing looks like a gel, but has some liquid content.

Shade opened the suitcase and used the empty bottles prepared in advance to contain the liquid. The doctor looked at the sun and observed the color of the blood-red liquid, then reached out and dipped some with his gloves, and roughly wiped it into the middle-aged man's mouth.

The police chief of Tobesk City's Rydovich Field immediately started twitching, and an abnormal blue color spread from his mouth to his whole body.

"It's a [fake Philosopher's Stone]. The poisoning condition is the same as the characteristics given by the academy."

The doctor was relieved.

"There is still some liquid on the windowsill and it cannot be collected all."

Shade reminded him while holding the half-filled vial. The doctor glanced at the red colloid and liquid droplets on the window sill:

"There is no need to collect them all. We have to tell the Zhengshen Church that we have nothing to do with the cult, we are just here for this relic."

Letting go of the poisoned and convulsed police chief, the doctor opened his suitcase and took out a small bottle of brown liquid. This was the magic potion "Heart of Fire" taken from Priest Augustus. It was said to be a magic potion, but it was actually very potent.


Shade squatted on the ground and put the other "ruby" eye of the plaster statue into his suitcase together with the broken liquid.

With a click, the box was clasped tightly at the same time, and the two men stood up facing the sunshine outside the window.

Shade lifted the still-dead middle-aged man onto the window sill with one hand, canceled the silencing spell, and shot him in the head.


While horrified shouts rang out one after another on the street, he grabbed the banknotes in the bag and threw them out. The flying paper in the wind carried it further, and the falling banknotes made the streets scream.

The sound became louder.

The doctor smashed the kerosene in his hand to the ground, and the two men walked out of the room with their suitcases. When the door was slammed, the doctor reached over his shoulder and pointed back. A violent fire exploded with a roar, and black smoke billowed from the window into the sky.

, chaos quickly spread to the entire neighborhood.

This chapter has been completed!
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