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Chapter 283 Booty

 Shade put the ring away, leaving the cat to sulk, and then continued to talk about the ownership of other items on the table.

"God's gift box belongs to Shade."

Luvia said, and Miss Bayas also had no objection to this:

"But what is the purpose of this sage-level relic?"

She was very curious, and Shade picked up the stack of paper on the side. This was the research information left by the cult:

"Three positive characteristics and one negative characteristic. First of all, the church has recorded that every ring magician who comes into contact with this gift box for the first time can obtain a synthesis formula, using low-level relics to synthesize high-level relics. But the box only provides one possibility.

Sex, the extinct religious order has not succeeded, and neither have the silver-eyed ones."

"The records of the church have not succeeded in recording it."

Miss Bayas added.

"So does the academy."

Miss Anat also added.

Shade then shook his head:

"So, this characteristic is actually not clear. And judging from the fate of those with silver eyes, greed has to pay a price."

Shade did not obtain the so-called synthetic information when he touched the box, because what he obtained was divinity.

Moreover, based on his understanding of that god, there is no reason why this function would be added to the final work he produced. In Shade's view, this kind of "synthesis" is probably feasible, but it must be extremely difficult. Probably that

A little joke played by the gods.

"Secondly, this box can contain abnormal items, whether they are other strange things or relics. Yes, as long as it can be packed in, any relic placed in the box will never get out of control. And"

Shade paused:

"Relics that are out of control can return to normal as long as they are large enough and stuffed into a box."

"It is indeed a sage-level relic."

Luvia sighed.

"This is really good, but there should be a limit, right?"

Miss Bayas asked again.

"Of course there is an upper limit, but the people in the cult have not discovered it. After all, this is a creation of God. A relic that cannot be affected by the box must be related to God."

It's a pity that this metal box is too big, otherwise Shade would have to carry it with him.

"The last feature is also the real feature of this gift box. While the child holds it, he can get one gift from the box every week. The box can only produce one gift per week, so there is no way to organize a team of minors

The situation of receiving a gift. This gift is made based on items that already exist in the material world. It may be an ordinary item or an extraordinary item. In other words, this relic may be a perfect copy of another relic. As for obtaining it

The type of gift is not completely random, it is affected by the inner thoughts of the child receiving the gift, but there is a high probability that it is just an ordinary item."

Shade said, stroking the metal cube box:

"By the way, the gift I received this week is the thing that emits golden light in the ruins and scares away the cracks."

"This is indeed a sage-level relic."

Luvia sighed again.

Compared with the golden necklace of the ancient witch who is also a sage, the function of the god's gift box is more complicated. It is difficult to compare which of the two items is better, but in Shade's opinion, the one that truly belongs to him is definitely better.


"Shadow, you said that the box thinks you are a child? So you can still hold it for at least ten more years?"

Miss Bayas' tone showed envy:

"Children are rarely able to awaken the talent of ring magicians. I am afraid that this relic is most suitable to be placed in your hands. But I don't understand why only children can receive gifts?"

Shade leaned back slightly on the sofa, and the appearance of the young man wearing a ridiculous clown hat appeared in front of him again:

"Because, this is a gift for the children."

The positive properties of God's Gift Box are very good, and the negative properties are equally powerful.

After an adult touches the box and obtains the synthesis formula, there is a one-fifth chance of losing childhood memories, a one-fifth chance of dying directly, and a one-fifth chance of going crazy.

This relic is extremely harsh on non-child holders. No wonder Miss Carina thought it best not to have any thoughts about this relic when she first talked about it with Shade.

While the children hold the box, for every gift they receive, they will also receive a request. For example, feed a pet once, kiss their parents. If the request cannot be met, they will fall into a nightmare every night for a week.

It's a nightmare from the gods, and even a magician can get lost.

Miss Bayas was worried about this, but Shade didn't care:

"I have seen him in the past. He is a truly kind god. This god will not be so harsh on children. Even if he cannot fulfill his requirements, as long as he sincerely apologizes, the punishment will definitely be reduced."

The female fortune teller showed an awe-inspiring expression, while Miss Bayas said softly:

"It's amazing."

I don’t know whether he is evaluating Shade or the old god.

The discussion of the God's Gift Box has come to an end for the time being, and then there are only three pages left of the puppeteer's script. This thing has five pages, but the first two pages are blacked out. It should be used by the vampire himself.

"Get it away! Don't let it get close to me!"

Before the two ladies expressed their opinions, Shade immediately shook his head, as if this relic was something cursed. He gritted his teeth with an extremely determined expression:

"Absolutely, I will never use this kind of thing. Take it away quickly, don't let me see it!"

Shade has not forgotten the lesson he learned from using dice to control fate last time and almost died on the street. Luvia looked at him holding the cat in a funny way:

"Xia De, actually fate is not as terrible as you think."

"No matter whether the fate is terrible or not, I will definitely! I will never touch this kind of thing!"

Shade learned his lesson completely.

"Iluna, do you want this?"

The purple-eyed female fortune teller asked again, and Miss Bayas understood what she meant:

"It doesn't matter, you can give me any one."

"Then I will keep these three pages for the time being. They will be very useful for my divination."

Luvia looked very happy.

Therefore, among the six relics harvested, only the blood-stained iron scissors and the mercury vial were left undistributed. Miss Anat took three pages of the Puppet Operator script, and the remaining two items were shared by Shade and Bayas.

The lady split equally.

Because they still didn’t know what it was, the two of them drew lots to determine the ownership of the relic. In the end, Shade took the mercury vial, and the scissors belonged to Miss Bayas. Shade could go to Old John for appraisal, which was for a fee;

Miss Yasi can do the appraisal at the church, which is free of charge.

At this point, all the finishing work related to the ruins and the coming of the gods last night has been completed. The plan that has been prepared for a week has ended like this, and the three of them are sitting here safely. This is the best ending that Shade can think of.

Miss Bayas suddenly turned to look at Shade:

"Oh, I forgot to say, thank you for your eyes."

She pointed to her left eye, and both Shade and Luvia looked at it. The brown eyes seemed to go straight into her soul. In appearance, this eye was no different from her normal right eye, but since it was given by God

, definitely not just ordinary eyes.

"Very beautiful eyes, Shade. I know this gift was not given to me by God, but by you."

She looked at Shade:

"I'm actually prepared to be one-eyed for the rest of my life. Thank you. I noticed that you still use the title 'Miss Bayas' when talking to me. Please call me by my name from now on."

"Okay, Iluna."

Shade sighed slightly and picked up Mia, the cat who was taking a nap after eating:

"As long as you like it. Speaking of which, do you have anything else to deal with recently?"

"The chosen ones bring not only power, but also knowledge. I will sort it out recently and tell you valuable things. Next week, I will probably go to the Holy See, but I will be back soon."

Iluna said enthusiastically.

"The first chosen one has appeared, and I'm going to start looking for the second one. The only blood money can't be spent casually, I think I have to find some other ways."

Luvia was a little sad:

"Shad, what are you going to do?"

"After the martial law is lifted tomorrow, the doctor and I will take away the forged Philosopher's Stone."

"I can help you divine the danger at that time. Of course, it's just ordinary divination."

The fortune teller suggested.

"I can keep the church's patrol team away from the area for ten minutes. Now I have some power in the church."

The young girl with long brown hair also said.

"I also asked someone to help transfer the patrolling police officers. In this way, this matter will finally be over."

I tilted my head and looked at the night view outside the window. It was midsummer and tonight, when the whole city was under martial law, was probably the calmest night in Tobesk this year.

This chapter has been completed!
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