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Chapter 334 Distribution of coins

 Half an hour later, Luvia, who had returned to the second floor, finally learned from Shade about the statue of the ancient god and all his experiences in Coldwater Port City. Of course, for the young girl who took the adventure with him

In order to protect Dorothy's privacy, Shade only said that he was a friend he met when he went to Coldwater Harbor last time.

"Although there may have been other accidents in line with the predictions of "" in the past six months, you appeared there inexplicably, and I knew something was wrong no matter how you thought about it. Shade, even without divination, I am almost certain that the new "" was discovered from the New World.

The fragment refers to the accident you encountered."

Luvia looked a little anxious:

"But how could it be? How could it happen to you by chance?"

"It's useless to think about it now. The key is to confirm the identity of the other party."

Shade picked up the small bag containing coins and shook it:

"Actually, I have other things that I would like you to help me divine, but judging from the current situation, the matter of the second chosen person is equally urgent. Luvia, I would like to ask you to help me divine a god-summoning ceremony.

Can you estimate how many coins it will cost?”

"It's hard to say that divination pointing to the gods will definitely not be simple. Moreover, the efficiency of different coins is also different."

"Oh well."

Shade thought for a while and made up his mind, then handed her the [Universal Currency]:

"First of all, help me divine. I entrusted Professor Manning to help find the doomsday academic organization. When can I find it? Can it help me find the [Hermitage of Guiding Light]? Does the latter have the information I need?"

Luvia didn’t know Professor Manning, nor did she know about the [Light-Guiding Hermitage], but she vaguely guessed that it was related to Shade’s time travel:

"If you spend one coin, you will lose one. Are you sure you don't use all the coins to help you get the answer directly?"

She was very worried:

"You found these [relics], and you have the freedom to choose what to do with them."

"There's more than one way to get the answer, ask for divination."

Shade said.

In fact, strictly speaking, there is no rush at all in the third year of 3002. Shade can even spend his whole life looking for the answer. That's why he takes the risk and wastes a coin to divine Professor Manning's harvest first, and then goes

Determine how the remaining 10 coins should be distributed.

"Okay, then I'll start."

The purple-eyed fortune teller closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then suddenly flicked the coin in his hand away. As the coin flew to the top, the coin quickly rusted and decayed until it scattered into a pile of fly ash in the air. And the fly ash was all over the place.

Before falling, it had already melted into the air.

This time, Shade did not see the more mature but physically mutilated figure behind Luvia during her divination.

"How about it?"

Luvia opened her eyes, and her purple eyes seemed to flash for a moment:

"It went very well. Although this [Universal Currency] has a low rating, it is more efficient than blood money. Your professor friend has a wide range of friends and will find the person you are looking for within this week.

And bring you the answers you want to know. Although there may be some minor troubles, in general, you will get everything you want to know.”

This answer made Shade very relieved. Although Professor Manning's hobbies were a bit unique, this senior archeology professor was still very reliable. Shade was right to ask him for help.

"In this case, let's take a look at what the remaining ten coins are."

He pointed to the small cloth bag on the table:

"Wear gloves and try not to touch it. Once you find a problem, immediately put it into the [God's Gift Box] for containment."

"No problem, I'll come and check. Shade, there's no need to refuse. I'm the third ring and you're the second. There's no reason for you to come. And even if I'm cursed, as long as I consume it, the curse will be lifted.


Shade controlled his cat, and Luvia, who was wearing gloves, carefully untied the straw rope on the bag. The bag was just an ordinary item, actually a piece of rag. After opening it, ten coins were revealed, a total of three


What the two of them are most familiar with is [Pirate's Blood Money], there are three of them in total, and it is these three coins that caused Shade to sense before the pirate ship appeared.

She didn't know the other two Shades, but Luvia knew them. In order to raise coins for divination, she consulted a lot of information:

"Don't worry, the other two coins are not cursed."

Even though she said this, Luvia did not take off her gloves.

First, twist the smallest black coin among them. The radius of this coin is only about two-thirds of the size of a small copper coin of one penny. But the temperature of the coin itself is very low. Even if Shade does not touch it directly, it will pass through the bag.

I have also felt the chill that seems to freeze my bones.

"This is a poet-level relic [Death's Atonement Coin]. Don't be frightened by the name. Its effect is very small. For people who are about to die naturally, holding coins in hand can make them live for one week longer. And within this week

, the coins cannot leave the skin, and each person can use up to 5 coins."

"What? Isn't this very useful?"

Shade asked doubtfully:

"How do you become a poet?"

"it works?"

Luvia shook her head, her short brown hair swaying with the movement:

"Xia De, how many people do you think in our era can live to die naturally? The definition of natural death is the natural end of body functions, not death due to illness. Think carefully, Sha De, how many people do you think?

Can you die naturally?"

Shade was stunned for a moment, then slowly leaned back and let himself lean on the sofa. Even in his hometown, it is very difficult to die naturally. In this world, the life of the people at the bottom determines that they basically cannot survive 50 years.

Years old, as for the upper class nobles and wealthy businessmen, they were also limited by the lack of medical resources in this era, and their health was affected by the environmental problems brought about by the development of the steam industry.

It is even more difficult for a ring warlock to die naturally. This is not a safe profession.

"The negative characteristic of [Death's Atonement Coin] is that long-term contact with living people will accelerate their own aging and make their luck worse, so we will consume this first. There is no benefit in keeping this thing. I have always believed that instead of

To prepare for death, it is better to think more about the things in front of you."

She handed the coin to Shade for inspection, and Shade found a small inscription on the side of the coin:

【Atonement from the God of Death, maybe you can get mercy.】

There are three pieces of "Pirate's Blood Money" and five pieces of "Death's Atonement Coin". The last two are gold coins, about the same size as a 1 shilling silver coin. Compared with the first two coins with simple styles, the last two are

There are extremely complex patterns on both sides of the gold coin.

The front side that Shade thought was a cluster of flowers, and the reverse side that he thought was a portrait of a man with a big nose that he didn't recognize.

Luvia still picked one up casually. It seemed that there was no curse on it:

"I also know this, a clerical relic [Colmo Empire Civilization Gold Coin]."

"What is the Kolmo Empire? A kingdom from the fifth era? Or from earlier times?"

Shade has only studied one history book and is not familiar with pre-Era history.

"I can't answer you. When people found these gold coins, there was a document that called them this name. No information from the church or the academy can find the Kolmo Empire. Judging from the analysis of that document, this may be

The human kingdom in the fourth era, but the traces and information of the entire kingdom have been erased by powerful forces."

Shade moved on the sofa uneasily and asked again:

"What's the specific function?"

"Unlike the [Death God's Atonement Coin], which has an unknown number, there are definitely 285 [Colmo Empire Gold Coins] in total. Each one has the same effect. If you blow the gold coin and put it to your ear, you can hear some strange sounds.

By listening to it at high frequency for a long time, you can obtain some weird knowledge. The academy has always believed that it is the knowledge of the lost Kolmo Empire. That kingdom and civilization were minted into 285 gold coins by some existence."

This statement made Shade feel even more uncomfortable.

Luvia folded three types of 10 coins into three stacks and placed them on the table, looking at Shade with her purple eyes:

"So, what divination will you choose?"

"Luvia, can your body bear the use of so many coins for divination?"

Shade asked this question first, and the purple-eyed fortune teller smiled:

"It's okay, it's not permanent damage, it's just a bit draining."

"Well, I still have a blood coin here, so you should also have a blood coin in your hand so that you can continue searching."

Shade took out one from the table and pushed it to Luvia, so there were only nine left.

"Now there are two things that require divination. Although Professor Manning can find the person I am looking for, we must be prepared for other situations. Moreover, in our daily lives, we may encounter other things that require divination.


Shade put a [Colmo Empire Gold Coin] and a [Death's Atonement Coin] into the box. Now there are seven coins left, namely two blood money, one gold coin and four atonement coins.

"Okay, let's use these for divination. First, determine whether the pirate incident pointed out in the newly discovered stone tablet is the one I encountered."

Shade said, while Luvia picked up the atonement coin. The coin was thrown away and disappeared into ashes when it fell:

"The divination efficiency of [Atonement Coin] is much worse than blood money. But you have given specific information, so divination is easier. Yes, it was the time you met. Shade, you did this for two consecutive times.

This is the first time I’ve met the chosen one.”

She teased, and Shade shook his head:

"Then the gender of the selected person was determined. In the end, there were a total of ten people who jumped off the ship and escaped. We screened the conditions one by one."

"no problem."

She picked up another atonement coin, but nothing happened after tossing it away. It seemed that the specific information related to the chosen one could not be answered.

Two coins still yielded no results, and after spending three coins, the two finally saw the coins turning into fly ash in the air:

"A definite answer, male."

Shade breathed a sigh of relief. This way it couldn't be Princess Lesia. But he immediately realized something and pointed to himself with some hesitation:

"Luvia, is it possible?"

"Although you are also a male and are on that ship, there is absolutely no way it could be you, Shade. I have said it many times. You can think about it carefully. Do you have any special abilities related to 'darkness'? Yes."

The special power of 'balance' is comparable to that of Iluna."

Her tone was very gentle, as if Shade was a child who kept saying silly things.

Shade thought for a while:

"Does it count if I can glow in the dark?"

Now, Luvia looked at him as if she were looking at a stupid child.

This chapter has been completed!
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