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Chapter 335: Three to Cold Water Harbor

 "Well, it seems that it really can't be me."

Shade smiled sheepishly, sat on the sofa and touched the cat beside him:

"Then let's continue the divination. There are still two blood money and one atonement coin left... After knowing the gender, we are actually still unfamiliar with those ten people... The other person's place of residence must be

I can’t tell by divination, oh, I want to know when the other party will leave Coldwater Port.”

Shade wants to determine the scope of the search. He can only carry out operations in Coldwater Port and Tobesk City now. Even if he knows the identity information of the other party accurately, once the other party leaves Coldwater Port, Shade will not be able to continue the search.

"Yes, but just like my initial divination of Eluna, it can only give vague results."

First, a civilization gold coin was used, which was ineffective, and then a blood money was thrown, but it was still ineffective.

Luvia glanced at Shade, saw him nodding, and threw away the last blood money. When Luvia opened her eyes, what she said was indeed satisfactory:

"The second person selected will stay in Coldwater Port City for about a week, and then go to Tobesk."

"come here?"

Shade showed the same smile as Luvia:

"Then things will be much simpler. I went to Coldwater Port to inquire about the news. I have friends there who can try to find out the identities of the ring warlocks who escaped last night. Even if I can't find the exact person in Coldwater Port, as long as I know

Their identity information will be used to determine which male among them arrived in Tobesk in a few weeks, and then the candidate can be determined."

"Yes, this seems to go more smoothly than my search for Iluna's identity."

The continuous divination made Luvia look a little unhappy, but she was also excited about getting valid information.

Because she still didn’t know who the second chosen person was, Luvia asked Shade to try to find him first. Even if he found him, don’t contact him immediately. Instead, he should determine his character and the force he belongs to.

What Luvia wants to do is to unite, ensure and witness that the chosen ones stand in front of the last door, and ensure that the number of chosen people standing on her side in front of the last door is dominant. But if the other party is a bad person,

Luvia has no interest in dealing with the other party.

"Leave the next thing to me. Before the other party goes to Tobesk, I will be responsible for the actions of Coldwater Port City. Except for me, everyone else is infected with the mermaid curse. I only need to find those who want to break the curse.

People will definitely gain something."

He paused and thought of Mr. Darkness, who cheated by changing his cards when playing cards with him in the tavern, and then escaped on the pirate ship:

"Also, Luvia, I know the name of one of the people. Although that person probably won't show up in the tavern easily after the pirate ship accident, we can still trace it. In addition, there are about nine other people whose identities are waiting.


Shade didn't feel that this was a difficult task. Apart from finding someone himself, it was impossible for the church to go around the Coldwater Port officials if it wanted to find someone, and Princess Lesia would definitely have a way to get the list of people who were being focused on.

"But I'm more curious about why the other party chose to go to Tobesk a week later. My friend said that this curse is a regional curse. Once you leave the cold water port, the curse may change.


This is Shade's only question at the moment.

"You should know in a week."

Luvia said, she sat there quietly, watching Shade pick it up and constantly caress its little head. Mia quite liked Shade doing this.


"I'm here, what's wrong?"

The purple-eyed fortune teller shook his head again:

"No, it's nothing... If your fifteen credits are really not enough, I still have some relics that I can't use, so you can hand them over. It's a pity that I don't trust you enough to go with you.


(Xiao Mia is sleeping zZ...)

Early on Wednesday morning, Shade was awakened by the sound of rain hitting the window. The heavy rain probably started falling last night, and in the morning, when he opened the window, he heard the rumbling rain, which seemed to drown the entire city.

Today is the last day of the Thunder Moon, and this rain is also the heaviest rain Shade has seen since he came to this world.

"When I see rain, I think of water. When I think of water, I think of giving you a bath. Mia, I will give you a bath next month."

When Shade was getting newspapers and milk from downstairs, he said to the cat following him. The small orange cat followed Shade up the stairs, looking forward to breakfast for a while, but had no reaction at all to what Shade said.

It felt good not to have to go out on a rainy day, but Dorothy felt a little bad-tempered when she came to Saint Teresa Square in the rain. She was wearing rain boots and holding an umbrella, hugging her notebooks and books tightly, even though they were

Coming in a carriage, it was inevitable that we would get wet from the rain.

Today Shade is going to Coldwater Harbor to meet Princess Lesia, and Dorothy comes to Shade to help look after the cats.

Her main work recently is to write the detective novel that will be serialized in the "Steam Bird Daily" starting next week. She just needs to look through the detective records here in Shade as materials, so she brought the notebooks and books needed for writing.

While Shade was away, she could also take good care of Mia, which was killing two birds with one stone.

"Want to see how I get to Coldwater Harbor?"

Shade left the [Metamorphosis Ring] so that Dorothy could play with the cat. But the blond writer, who was already in the study room preparing to write, did not want to see the dangerous things in the basement, so he just waved his hand in annoyance, asking him not to disturb him.

"Speaking of which, can I see you in Coldwater Harbor?"

Shade asked again, he preferred adventures with Dorothy to Princess Lesia, the "familiar stranger".

"Except for the mandatory exchange once a week and to avoid danger when encountering danger, we generally do not make exchanges. Moreover, Lecia will not help me write a manuscript here."

Dorothy said in annoyance, lowered her head and started writing. Shade was quite regretful, and after saying hello to little Mia who was licking her paws, he set off.

Mia the cat was not dissatisfied with Shade's departure. It knew it was raining outside and cats would not go out in such weather.

From the basement, we went to the sea cliff cave outside the Coldwater Port Pier. After emerging from the sea, we found that it was also raining in Coldwater Port today.

When Shade landed from the coast in the rain, the waves that kept hitting the shore due to the strong wind almost swept him into the sea again.

But the rainy day meant that he didn't have to change clothes before going into the city. The "ugly fishman from the deep sea" shivered and arrived at the door of the Golden Rose Hotel on Hoglenz Avenue, still dripping with water when he entered.

The fat owner of the hotel thought that Shade went out without an umbrella, so he kindly reminded him that there was hot water in the bathroom, but he had to open the steam valve:

"Never turn the valve to the end, otherwise the pressure will be unstable and water will leak from the gaps in the pipe!"

By the time Shade finished taking a shower and changed clothes in the somewhat cramped bathroom, it was already half past nine in the morning.

He wiped his hair and pushed open the bathroom door, and was surprised to find someone in the room.

The girl with red hair and a long skirt was standing by the window with her hands behind her back, looking out at the rainy scene. The room that Shade rented was on the third floor of the hotel, and you could clearly see the entire neighborhood from here.

"Good morning, Pulin...Your Highness Lesiya."

She was still a little uncomfortable when saying hello. When the princess heard the voice, she turned around and looked at Shade with a smile:

"Just call me by my name, Shade, good morning. This should be the first time I use my body to formally greet you. It feels really good... Yes, you made me happy the day before yesterday.

I will introduce myself."

She was wearing a relatively ordinary long dress today, but even ordinary clothes could not hide her unique temperament. Lesia took a step forward:

"Hamilton of Regede, good morning. I am Lesia Cavendish. I am very happy to meet you in Coldwater Port on this rainy summer day."

"Good morning, Lesia."

Shade said with a smile, he felt that the other party was indeed familiar to him.

Then, Shade asked Lesia to find out more about the follow-up of the pirate ship incident. He also learned that after the night before yesterday, the church had been looking for the ring warlock who escaped from the ship that day. Of course, the princess hid it well and went to pick her up at that time.

The boatmen and servants have also been properly arranged.

She only thought that the church wanted to know more about the pirate ship after learning about the sea return ceremony. But Shade knew that the church had already understood that the second one among the escaped ring warlocks was chosen


Coldwater Harbor may be about to see an influx of more strange people.

Shade then asked Princess Lesia for help to find out information about the ring warlocks who jumped off the ship at that time. Of course she agreed. Then, she asked about the mermaid curse, but the princess just told Shade not to worry. She

It'll be okay.

"Shadow, when you come here to visit me, how can you keep talking about these boring things? Are you always like this when you are with Dorothy?"

The red-haired girl is in high spirits today:

"Because of the curse, I was trapped in Coldwater Port for two weeks and couldn't leave. Finally someone came to see me. Let's go do something interesting? I can't teach you for the time being. This trip to Carsonlik,

I didn’t bring too many books. Here’s the thing. I collected an interesting piece of information yesterday. There was a local ring warlock who was infected with a curse. He got rid of the curse by his own means. Do you want to go and have a look with me? Let’s take a look.

We will visit him as ordinary people and first observe whether he has really removed the curse. If it is true, then we will reveal our identities as ring wizards."

"Is there such a powerful person? Of course I want to go."

Maybe people on the boat will be attracted too.

"Does the church know the news? If this method can be promoted, wouldn't the mermaid curse be solved? The sea return ceremony will also be solved."

he asked again.

"But the premise is that the ring warlock infected with the curse really gets rid of the curse, so we first visit in a private capacity to confirm the specific situation."

The red-haired girl raised her hand and touched the ruby ​​​​on her ear, and asked with a smile:

"Hamilton of Rejed, are you willing to pledge with the honor of a knight that you will protect the princess you are loyal to today?"

Knights are loyal to the king, not the royal family, so strictly speaking, there is something wrong with Princess Lesia's statement at this time, but Shade is not stupid enough to correct it now:

"Oh, yes, Your Highness Princess."

He said cooperatively, and guessed how the blond female writer would react after telling Dorothy this conversation.

This chapter has been completed!
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