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Chapter 370 God and Shade

 "Two tents, you mean"

Miss Feliana looked at her two students, her expression became richer at this moment, and it was no longer that terrible numbness.

Shade looked at Miss Feliana's face. Even though her lips were white and her complexion was ugly, that kind of unique charm could not be possessed by ordinary people.

"In my time, I paid for a bottle of fish-man elixir, found the Guiding Light Hermitage, and obtained incomplete ritual information. This is an extremely dangerous god-summoning ritual. You have forgotten one thing.

In fact, the ceremony has already begun."

The firelight illuminated the faces of the four "people", and Shade's slow and deep voice was still asking questions. The crackling bonfire made everyone's shadows sway. The four people were in four directions, and three dark shadows were facing towards them.

Stretching in the distance, only the shadow of the giant tree witch under the tree is projected onto the trunk of the tall ancient tree:

"Miss Feliana, you said that you lost a large amount of ritual materials. Can you confirm that the materials were lost and not consumed?"

The witch couldn't answer, and her memory began to become confused here.

"Miss Feliana, you said that the ceremony requires the participation of a witch with the power of nature, time, and space. You prepared a powerful relic to replace the witch, but the power of the relic was absorbed by the forest. Are you sure that the power of the relic was absorbed?

, instead of the ceremony having already begun?”

They still couldn't answer.

"who is it?"

Miss Feliana's lips moved.

"It's definitely not you. You are a real person. There is no doubt about it. I had doubts about this lady."

Shade pointed to the Moon Witch, who looked at him slightly confused.

It was as if Shade's arrival had brought new power to the witches. With his words, the numb souls were regaining their vitality.

"I doubt you because the ritual requires a witch with natural power. The existence of the giant tree witch is reasonable. But then I asked someone about something, and she told me that the original position of the librarian was the same as ours.

From your time to ours, most librarians have been moons."

Shade looked at the giant tree witch. She was sitting under the tree trunk and looked at Shade with a peaceful smile.

Shade bowed his head slightly to show respect:

"The ceremony is divided into two parts. The first part accounts for 80%, and uses the ritual to call the gods. If you just want to meet the gods and have no other purpose, the ceremony can only go up to this point, and then send the gods away."

Miss Feliana and the Moon Witch looked at the "Witch" under the tree together. She gently took off her hood. Her long, light green hair swayed slightly with the night wind in the forest. There were some golden scars on her hair.

The mark was unusually shiny.

"Ritual - contacting [Yahua Door] is to directly call the gods, and there is no need to prepare a human body as a container for the saint. This leads to the fact that if you forget to send the gods away, the first step is ended, and the third step of the ritual is not continued.

The second step will lead to terrible things."

It's not that the gods can't leave on their own, but the special nature of this ritual. When a mortal calls the great one, he must send the great one away. This is the most basic contract of this ritual. Only by performing the second stage of the ritual can the entire ritual be completed, allowing

The gods stay and leave at will.

He nodded to the "Giant Tree Witch" again:

"Good evening, Tree Witch, or Princess Taweil, or the old god-Ya Changmen."

His current form of existence is very special. The reason why he has not harmed mortals due to his appearance is because the real god is not the image of the witch in front of him, but the giant tree behind her, or in that tree.

This can be understood from "Kiss of the Tree".

Miss Feliana and her party were actually just her and the Moon Witch. They broke into the Forest of Thousand Trees and held a ceremony, but after summoning the gods, they forgot what they had done because of the forest.


God accompanied them under this tree and beside this bonfire, using his body to open up this clearing in the forest. He did not remind them of what had happened, but silently helped them survive in the dangerous place. This

Maybe it's because that's how God is supposed to be, or maybe knowledge wants to have some fun.

If it weren't for the beautiful human form of the god, this would actually be considered a horror story.

But this can also explain Shade's other questions. For example, the giant tree witch hardly spoke and rarely participated in the conversation. Also, before he left last time, the three witches told him the story of the gods through singing poems, allowing him to directly obtain

Got the spell [Key to the Door].

This is completely unreasonable. No matter how powerful the witches are, they are just witches. Even if they hold relics, there is no reason to directly give Shade power. Shade originally thought that he was lucky and was very sensitive to the power of [Yahua Gate]. Now that I think about it, the real reason

In fact, it was the god himself who told his story.

This is just like the original [Innocent Creator], who allowed Shade to obtain the spell [False Immortality] by telling his story.

"Good evening, man from the future."

The god responded softly, and as golden traces of light appeared on his greenish hair, Shade could no longer look directly at Him.

However, he was glad that he was not called a "child from the future" this time.

"So everything is clear, Miss Feliana, you have completed the first part of the ceremony, and now you are still missing the second part."

Shade shook the "Encyclopedia of Ancient Delarion Fairy Tales" in his hand:

""Kiss of the Tree", the second step of the ritual is this."

The Moon Witch was frightened by the god sitting opposite her, and was stunned and at a loss. Miss Feliana, like Shade, greeted the god respectfully, and then quietly moved closer to her student.

Shade opened the book and came to the chapter of "Kiss of the Tree":

"My version of the story is very interesting. Princess Taweil coexists with the ancient tree, and finally enters the door on the trunk and gains the power of the ancient tree. The ritual is very clear. We need to let the princess enter this big tree to complete

The final summoning ceremony."

"Yes, that's right."

Miss Feliana said hesitantly, she seemed to have recalled something.

"But I'm curious. Sorry, old gods, the story of "Kiss of the Tree" is a ritual, so is it also a story you experienced? Is the ancient tree that gave Princess Taweil power in the story infinite power?

The father of trees?”

Shade kept a puzzled expression, and the gods looked at him with a smile. The wind blew through the open space, and the tree crowns rustled overhead. It was so peaceful here that when the "witch" under the tree spoke, the quiet voice was almost

Integrated into this quiet night:

"Your real question should be whether I am a mortal and become a god."

He looked at him, he looked at her, she looked at her, and she looked at him.

The Moon Witch looked at Shade in shock. Miss Feliana shook her head and closed her eyes. Shade didn't get an answer from the expression of the founder of the academy. The gods watched everything.

The witch's song seems to still be echoing here.

[Please call our names softly and ask your questions~]

It was she who sang softly in his ears.

This chapter has been completed!
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