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Chapter 371 The Light of the Three

 "Yes, I would like to ask if it is possible for a mortal to become a god."

Shade, who was exposed, did not deny it. While asking questions, he raised his head and faced the old gods. The golden cracks on his body were like the afterglow of a bonfire, and they were the same as the bright gold on the gods' hair.


Miss Feliana seemed to understand something at this moment.

God is still smiling, and He gives the stranger the answer:

"It's impossible, at least in this era and your era, it's absolutely impossible."

Shade nodded:

"Then me"

"This is an unanswerable question."

"Then you"

"In a long time ago, I transformed into a saint and walked in the material world with the great one, the Tree Father. At that time, my identity was Princess Tavel of the Elf Royal Family. From what mortals call me

You should understand that I am just the god of space, and [Kiss of the Tree] describes the story of the long-gone ancient god, the Father of the Infinite Tree, who gave me part of his power and allowed me to possess the priesthood of time and nature."

His voice is like an ethereal voice singing, or like the most peaceful lullaby in a silent night, or more like a silent library with old pages reciting stories from the past.

The Moon Witch had already closed her eyes, lowered her head, and covered her ears. Miss Feliana closed her eyes and tilted her head. The golden cracks on Shade's body had completely appeared. He still wanted to explore further:

"You are originally a god. The ancient gods are gods that existed at the beginning of the world. So who are the old gods?"

"This is also an unanswerable question."

The god said, Shade knew that he was a little too greedy, so he nodded slightly:

"Thank you for your answer. Praise you, the catastrophic door of the past."

He still has many questions, and he will encounter more old gods to answer those questions about the truth of the world. This is probably also a path of sublimation, representing Shade's approach to the essence of the world.

The god stopped talking, and Shade looked at Miss Feliana:

"Do you have any questions? If not, let's complete this ceremony."

"No, please wait."

The witch said unexpectedly, she opened her dark golden eyes and looked at Shade:

"I didn't expect you to help us in the end, but I think you will leave after the ceremony is completed, right?"

This question also made the young Moon Witch look at Shade. Shade wanted to put a smile on his face, but couldn't do it:

"Yes, I think my mission is accomplished."

He didn't know what to say, and Miss Feliana took out a book, or rather a notebook, from her robe:

"This is a gift for you."

She handed the notebook to Shade and blinked. Although she was helpless, Shade was really leaving:

"Since you call me teacher, of course I also want to teach you some knowledge. It's just that your power system is completely different from ours. Over the years, the names of alchemy raw materials and potion materials have changed too much. Here are some records

I have some knowledge that I think may be useful to you, as well as some of my experiences, which I think will be useful."

"Did you prepare this in advance?"

Shade took the notebook and was a little surprised that he had such an honor to receive an item belonging to the founder of the academy.

"We prepared it together."

She will look at her real student. The Moon Witch smiled at Shade, and the lonely look on her face became even stronger:

"Goodbye then, future man."

Miss Feliana nodded, and the "four people" beside the campfire stood up together.

The Moon Witch almost fell when she stood up, and Shade reached out to help her. Then Miss Feliana and the Moon Witch stood behind Shade, because as the god stood up, the almost overwhelming sense of oppression had already

They were unable to stand.

"Where is Danmen?"

The witches asked softly.

Shade thought for a while, then pulled out a card and threw it lightly. The card flew to the crown of the tree, cut off three leaves, and then flew back to Shade's hand.

He put the cards away and caught the leaves with his open palm.

Shade distributed the leaves to the witches, and the three of them put the leaves in front of their eyes. The leaves blocked their view, but they also allowed them to see the door frame with a golden halo on the trunk of the thick ancient tree.

"it is as expected."

Shade stepped forward and wanted to use the [Door Key] to open the door, but the power of the spell had no effect on the door. If opening Mr. Jude's safe in Coldwater Port was like pushing a big stone, then

Now it's like pushing the whole world.

I summoned my life ring and illuminated the door frame with the [space] spirit rune, but there was still no response.

"What else did you prepare?"

Shade turned around and asked the witches again. They leaned together and shook their heads slightly, apparently forgetting.

There is no content about this step in the information provided by the Guiding Priory. Shade carefully recalled the fairy tale and searched in his memory for the different versions of the ending that Dorothy told him.

"In the light of the fire, the princess and the tree came to an end"

This was the content of this week's Saturday evening class. Shade remembered it very clearly. Thinking of this, Shade looked at the cluster of red-gold flames:

"Did you use your witch powers to summon this flame? I remember you said that this flame protects you from being swallowed up by the darkness of the Forest of Thousand Trees."

Shade pointed to the bonfire, and Miss Feliana gave the answer:

"The flame was brought in by us in a small jar. I only remember that it can drive away darkness."

"That is to say, it is possible that it has other purposes."

Shade concluded, looking at the silent god standing aside, who smiled at him.

So he picked a longer branch from the firewood pile and lit it with a bonfire. Shade took the branch to the foot of the tree and looked up at the giant tree.

He lowered his head, put the leaves in front of his eyes with one hand, and stretched out the branches with the other hand to touch the trunk. But he stopped after thinking about it, and said to the nervous witches behind him with some regret:

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Teacher Mana Filiana. I wish you can continue to move forward on your own path."

After saying that, he looked at the Moon Witch and realized that he didn't know her real name at all.

"My name is Brienne Oranod, which is the surname of an elf. I am one-eighth of elf blood."

The young witch whispered.

"Miss Olanode, I also wish you can always be by Miss Feliana's side."

Shade said softly, hesitating for a moment as to whether he should speak or not. God saw what he meant:

"After they leave this forest, except for the knowledge they seek from me about establishing a large-scale independent space, most of their memories will be lost during this period. The Forest of Thousand Trees will not allow mortals to take away their memories."

"My name is Shad Suren Hamilton."

He finally said his name, and Miss Carina and Moon Witch nodded. Even if they might forget it, at least they wanted to remember him at this moment.

Listening to the rustling sound above his head, Shade seemed to suddenly think of something, and said to the Moon Witch:

"Miss Olanode, may I make a request. If you become a library administrator in the future, please set a small rule. For the position of administrator, you need to try to find someone favored by the moon to inherit it. Because the ancient god-

Silver Moon Sage also possesses the power of knowledge."

Shade's request does not constitute a violation of history, because Miss Denister did say that St. Byrons has such rules. Shade's approach is actually to benefit himself. It is known that except for the current administrator, Shade

Virtue is the purest moon in St. Byron's.

"no problem."

Shade took a deep breath, took one last look at the witches behind him, and then brought the red-gold flames burning on the branches close to the golden door frame on the trunk. The flames ignited the door frame, and then all the flames in the bonfire burning behind them were all

Fly over.

The long stream of flames illuminated the four people under the giant tree, until all the flames converged, making a red-gold door visible to the naked eye appear on the tree trunk.

The bonfire has been extinguished, and there is no other light source under the tree trunk. Under the dim and oppressive tree, the witches and Shade bow slightly to the gods.

He nodded in response, and then walked towards the door. With a slight push, the door of the tree trunk was pushed open, and the god walked inside.

The door closed automatically, and the flowing red-gold flames gradually extinguished. Without the protection of the strange flames, the strange and oppressive darkness of the Forest of Thousand Trees surrounded me, whispers appeared in my ears, and my open eyes appeared in the

From the air. It seems that even the area of ​​open space is getting smaller, and the forest is encroaching here.

Shade and the witches stood together. The temporary departure of the gods made the golden marks on Shade's body disappear, and they became more energetic:

"Shadow, are you scared now?"

Miss Feliana asked, Shade shook his head:

"Actually, I have the ability to glow in complete darkness."

Although Luvia despises this special ability, Shade still needs to emphasize it.

"That's good. It means you will never be swallowed by darkness."

Moon Witch said softly.

The tree crown above the head was lowering, and the surrounding branches were like weird tentacles, stretching out to three in the darkness.

"Shade, now I want to teach you the last lesson. No matter what darkness you face in the future, you must believe in your own light. That is the purest power we possess as extraordinary human beings."

Miss Feliana shouted in the darkness:

"Get ready, my students, I'm going to shout

one two three!"

The darkness finally enveloped them completely, and the strange light on Shade's body illuminated their movements.

The three of them raised their right hands at the same time:

"Silver Moon!"

"The Yellow Moon!"

"Feliana's Witch's Light!"

The three people on the ground leaned together, and the fingertips of the three fingers burst out with dazzling light at the same time. Dark gold, orange, and holy silver, the ultimate light illuminated the dense branches around them, illuminating the trees that were entangled together like monsters.

Ordinary trees and vines illuminate the boundless darkness.

The shadows of the three people overlapped and spread around, and the light illuminated everyone's face.

This chapter has been completed!
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