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Chapter 46: Inheriting the ancient lunatics

 "Good evening, Mr. Hamilton, don't bother with the tea. First of all, congratulations on joining the School of History at St. Byron's Comprehensive College, but tonight is about two other things."

Professor Garcia, the deputy dean of the School of History, said. After gently clapping his hands in congratulations, he stretched out two fingers without giving Schade a chance to speak. This professor was very resolute:

"First of all, it's about you. Please show your core spirit rune."

The heavy hammer fell, the life ring appeared in the scorching steam mist, and the brass-colored [Time and Space] appeared in front of three translucent figures.

Every time Shade summons the life ring, he feels that this power system is really...fashionable.

Professor Garcia nodded with satisfaction and said in unskilled Delarian:

"Very well, Mr. Hamilton, this is indeed [Time and Space]. You have now been included in the list of key training by the History School. In addition to the relic that has been handed over to you, your "Time Travel Practical Training" will be personally guided by me.

.The academy’s charter is that this course will not start until you carve the first spiritual rune. But you are the key training target, and the time point for time travel can be advanced..."

"in advance?"

Shade blinked.

"Yes, it's tonight. To be more precise, after talking about everything tonight."

There was no emotion in Professor Garcia's words, which gave Shade a serious and stereotyped impression, but Shade admired professors with this kind of personality.

"Most of the correspondence magicians don't actually understand the key training objects.

You are different from ordinary correspondence students. Although you cannot go against the rules and let you enter the college directly, St. Byrons will provide you with many teaching conveniences and provide you with more training resources, but it will also propose more

Request. Mr. Hamilton, the School of History looks forward to the day when you officially enter the school. I rarely take the initiative to praise students, but please don’t waste your talents. Generally speaking, the "Time Travel Practical Training" of the School of History is taught by ordinary people.

The lecturer is responsible.”

After saying that, Professor Garcia gave Shade a strange smile. This professor probably didn't smile often. Shade nodded with a sullen face. Of course he was happy about this kind of thing, but he was just worried about time travel for a while.

"Before the class starts, there is a second thing. This matter has nothing to do with our history school, but to do with your group."

Professor Garcia pointed to Professor Sanchez, who was sitting opposite Shade. Although both of them were professors at St. Byrons, the latter obviously had a higher status:

"Mr. Shade Hamilton, I hope you can promise that you will not tell anyone else what we are going to talk about."

Professor Sanchez, who had a pocket watch chain on his chest, said.

"In other words, can we talk about preferential treatment for key training targets?"

Shade was thinking in his mind, and did not say anything like "What you say next cannot violate morality", but nodded directly. His ears seemed to hear the sound of cat claws scratching the door, and he was very worried about little Mia destroying family property:

"I'm sworn to secrecy."

"Okay, what we are going to talk about is your group of five. Your group has a big problem."

Miss Jones lowered her head to record, while Professor Garcia sat and listened to the conversation. Professor Sanchez, who seemed to be over fifty years old, had a serious look in his eyes.

He opened his mouth to continue speaking, but suddenly he was stunned, and almost together with Professor Garcia, he looked toward the window of the living room.

Shade closed the curtains as requested. The thick fabric curtains could completely block the warm yellow light of the gas street lamps in the central square. But now, from under the curtains, a faint silver steam mist appeared at some point and was slowly spreading towards the entire room.

"Mercury fog?"

Even though the main body was not in the living room of the detective agency, the two tenured professors still recognized what it was.

"Mr. Hamilton, someone is trying to invade here."

Professor Sanchez said, but still sat there without moving. He frowned and looked at Shade:

"Have you done anything in the past two days?"

The detective, who was covering his mouth and nose and worried that he was suffering from mercury poisoning, immediately nodded. He understood when he heard "mercury". Knowing that now was not the time to hide anything, he told the whole story about the statue of the old god. But he did not tell "that lady"

"In terms of the time and place of the meeting, I just said that I had found a reliable buyer.

The professors didn't care that he sold the statue of the old god instead of giving it to the college. The two professors looked at each other, and Professor Garcia from the School of History said in his not-so-standard Delarian language:

"Then the matter is roughly clear. The buyer you found helped you solve the [Mercury Blood] tracking of the person who found the statue, but there are still subtle traces. They originally just wanted to test it, but they didn't expect that you just opened it.

Perform a ritual to let the other party confirm that you are a ring warlock."

Shade didn't know the professors' reasoning methods, let alone how to describe this bad luck.

"But don't worry, it's me, Mr. Hamilton, who chose the meeting place tonight. I'll take care of it."

Professor Sanchez said, looking at the secretary, who answered clearly:

"It complies with the regulations of the academy, but I must remind you, professor, that during the ritual projection, even a high-level warlock's own power will be reduced."

"It doesn't matter. Although the [Mercury Blood] organization is ancient, their strongest contemporary is just the nine-ring warlock 'Silver Eyed One'."

Professor Sanchez said, and by the way, he also gave Shard some common sense:

"There are thirteen rings of warlocks, but there are very few thirteen-ring warlocks in this era, and they all have their own names. The thirteen-ring warlocks of St. Byrons are our dean, 'Silver Watcher' Professor Pigman, and St.

Ms. Denister, the administrator of the Byrons Grand Library, the Red Moon Witch. Under this, ring warlocks with levels above ten are qualified to serve as guardians of the Orthodox Church's archdioceses, or as professors with tenured teaching positions in the college.

.And outside of churches and academies, warlocks above the tenth level are rare.

[Mercury Blood] has an ancient inheritance. It is said that it was born in the late Fourth Age, but it has now declined. The main body is attached to the [Blood Spirit School] that is being hunted by the Five Gods Church. The successors of Mercury Blood, regarding the angel-level relics-

The blood of mercury is too persistent."

The professor did not get up. While he was speaking, the mercury mist was almost spreading from the window to everyone's feet. Shade didn't know whether he should remind the professors that the professors were projections and didn't have to worry about being poisoned, but he was an entity.

"But what is [Blood Spirit School]?"

He believed that the professor at St. Byrons would not ignore death.

"The madman who inherits an older and more powerful heritage...will you come or shall I?"

The vice-president of St. Byrons asked the vice-president of the School of History. The latter thought for a while and said in calm but unskilled Delarian:

"First of all, let me do it. At least I need to know who the other party is and how much information they have about Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton, please watch, this is the power of space."

This chapter has been completed!
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