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Chapter 704: The Enemy We Meet Again

 "Did you sell him the Holy Grail of Blood?"

"Of course not. The sins he provided were not enough. The vampire was very dissatisfied, so I fought with him."

The thin, dark humanoid smiled, as if there was a lump of phlegm stuck in his throat.

As for the outcome of the fight, there is no need to say more.

"You didn't kill the other person? Oh, you don't look like such a kind person."

"Why kill him? Life is not valuable in this place. The vampire suffered new sins to make me let him go, and even told him the method of using the least sins, or the Holy Grail. Oh, guest,

Here, the transaction of sin can grant almost any wish."

The transaction of [Sin Mansion] can be to give away one's own sins, or to bear new sins. This can of course achieve a theoretical "balance of expenditures", but multiple transactions will most likely lead to "Meeting the Sin Mansion"

"Master" or "Lost" ending, so if you can stay rational, choosing to leave directly is the right thing to do.

"Wait a minute, the first shock that happened in the mansion when you guys started fighting couldn't be because of"

Shade narrowed his eyes slightly, and the thin black creature once again let out an uncomfortable laugh from his throat:

"Yes, it's because of us. He started fighting with traders here, causing hostility within the mansion to all guests."

Shade immediately gritted his teeth and turned his head to look in the direction of the door:

"So this is it! No wonder he ran so fast! I knew it was definitely not caused by me. But if Armand Bernhardt were here, then the flames that had just detonated on the first floor seriously injured the man with the black face.

Who is the hairy man?"

No matter who was blasting the flames on the first floor, Shade had no intention of leaving the room immediately. Now that he had met a trader, he might as well make some trades.

When he expressed such a wish, the dark and thin creature immediately said in an exaggerated tone:

"I guess you must be a more generous guest than the vampire just now."

"No need to praise me, do you have this?"

Shade rummaged through his pocket and found the [Pirate's Blood Money], and the creature in front of him nodded immediately:

"Of course there is blood money, but how much do you want from the guest?"

"how much do you have?"

"There is one in the mansion's treasure house, and I also have one in my personal collection. If you want it, I can give you a very favorable price. How about you bear 1.1 moments of perfect [laziness] on my behalf?"

Although the number sounds small, a "perfect" level of sin is enough to change an ordinary person's character. Even a ring magician who endures so many sins will definitely affect his own soul. Although there is a probability of obtaining spiritual runes as a result,

"Sin" is a very serious source of pollution. Even if the soul is strong enough, it cannot easily introduce this level of pollution.

"Although those two blood coins are relics, it would be too high for you to increase them. Can you give them less? I think it's okay for 0.1 seconds."

Shade tried to bargain, but the creature standing by the window shook his head and didn't even try to bargain.

"Then how about replacing [Laziness] with [Gluttony]? I'm even willing to take on more of it."

Shade's gluttony originated from the evil god [Lord of Blood Feast], and no matter how many sins he committed, it would not be a problem for him.

But the creature by the window still shook its head.

"You should give me a chance to bargain, right?"

This time the dark, thin guy with big ears finally spoke, looking at Shade with cloudy eyes:

"If you agree to this deal, I can give you this lamp."

He pointed to the kerosene lamp on the bamboo pole. Its shape looked similar to the one in the hands of the old man who led Shade into the door, but it was more primitive.

"The flame in the lamp cannot give you. This lamp collects fire. Even the most powerful flame cannot destroy it."

In other words, the function of this lamp is only to collect flames. When converted into a relic, it should be the lowest level [poet level].

"No, no, no, what do I need this lamp for? How about this, I will bear 1.1 moments of [Laziness] on your behalf, and you give me two coins. Also, tell me how to leave [Sin Mansion] under the current circumstances. Methods."

I thought the other party still disagreed, but unexpectedly it hesitated and nodded:



Now Shade was confused, but the dark and thin guy looked at him with big scary eyes:

"You want to regret it?"

"No, we can trade now."

You can't lie about the transactions at [Sin Mansion]. This is probably the only advantage of this ghost place.

First, Shade handed the parchment that recorded his sins to the other party. After both parties confirmed it, the trader wrote the words "1.1 moments of laziness·perfection" on it with a pen.

Almost at the same time, Shade felt something strange about himself. The whispering element was abnormally enhanced, and at the same time, it seemed as if someone reached out and directly touched his internal organs. It felt like he had stepped on excrement in the alley, which made his face He showed an expression of disgust, but this change really gave him strength.

Two contradictory emotions appeared in Shade's heart at the same time. The more intuitive impact is that the influence of [Sin Mansion] on him has strengthened again. It was only a slight headache at first, but now it is even worse than when the wrist was broken just now. The pain is even stronger. This building is accepting him, and when this acceptance reaches a certain limit, he will officially become part of the relic.

"I don't feel there is a problem with my character for the time being. It's a pity that I can't use [Dark Dungeon] to see the shadow under the trap door."

He thought to himself, opened his palms, and asked the trader to put two pieces of blood money in his palms.

"What's the way to leave?"

"Now the normal method cannot be left, but there are still two abnormal methods."

He grinned, revealing his burnt-yellow teeth, and stretched out two stubby black fingers:

"First, go to the third floor and repent to the owner of the mansion, and you can leave. Second, go to the underground wine cellar. There is a secret passage in the wine cellar, but that road is not easy to walk. Sinful souls guard the road.

, I won’t allow you to leave easily.”

It paused:

"Moreover, the master recently entertained a distinguished guest and tasted wine in the wine cellar. If you don't want to die quickly, don't talk to anyone else in the wine cellar."

Shade frowned. Although he got the two coins, the two methods of leaving didn't sound very reliable. In the end, fearing the power of the owner of the mansion, Shade decided to leave through the basement. After all, what was he facing?

It's safer than facing the internal owner of a location-based relic.

He didn't waste any more time and left the room and went straight to the first floor through the stairs. During this period, he didn't run into the black-haired man throwing a kitchen knife again.

After arriving on the first floor, the corridor was more twisted than the two floors above. Moreover, the carpets, walls and oil painting lamps had burnt marks everywhere. There was a burning smell in the air, and the residual heat from the surrounding fire was still there.

It has not completely subsided. It is as if a gas explosion really occurred here just now. Even if the location-type relic itself is not susceptible to external forces changing its internal style, it is still greatly affected:

"There should be a guest on the first floor besides me and Armand Bernhardt, and the other person is stronger than us combined."

The entrance to the underground wine cellar can only be reached by going around the corridor at the front of the mansion and going around the corridor at the back.

He raised his head and glanced at the charred ceiling. He was not too curious and walked quickly along the corridor. The fire that just happened on the first floor was really shocking. There were even embers left in the cracks in the wall.

, those sparks that fade and extinguish prove that the fire burning all this is definitely not a normal flame.

"Could it be a relic-level flame?"

The heavy footsteps coming from the front interrupted Shade's thinking. At the corner of the corridor, the tall humanoid creature with a black fur face and two sharp blades appeared again.

Moreover, not only was his injury completely healed, black lines like runic chains appeared on his skin. This look was the same as when Shade was devouring [Desire]'s flesh and blood under the Aurora Mansion.

Much like this, these all represent the power of sinful karma.

"Wouldn't this make me even more invincible?"

Shade turned around and wanted to run away, but the kitchen knife, which had turned pitch black, had already flown over.

"Space Stability Halo-Raglai's Jump!"

The power of stabilizing space and the power of transcending space were used almost at the same time. Shade's body teleported less than half a meter to the right, letting the terrifying kitchen knife fly past his scalp.

"Do I have the power to be free from sin!"

The monster in the distance stretched out his hand, and the kitchen knife embedded in the floor behind Sha De flew back again. But when the knife passed by Sha De, Sha De held the sword in both hands and knocked down the knife with a clang.

While the opponent tried to summon the sword again, Shade took a deep breath and allowed the life ring behind him to fully appear. This is the most powerful fighting state:

"Chains of Sin!"

The dark chain that seemed to be able to absorb light spread out from the sleeve, and with a clattering sound, it wrapped around the trembling kitchen knife. And as the kitchen knife was called back to the enemy's hand, the chain wrapping around the handle also extended to

in front of the other party.

The chain was as sensitive as a tentacle, wrapping around the opponent's right wrist from the handle of the knife. Before the other hand tried to tear off the chain, the chain had already wrapped around the arm covered with black hair.

"it works!"

The spirit in the body is flowing rapidly, which means that the confinement is working. Although it only wraps around one of the opponent's arms, the enemy's strength is obviously weakening.

The two sides used this chain to wrestle with each other, and the sin runes representing [Greed] and [Gluttony] on the chain continued to tremble under the two forces.

Shade wanted to let the chains wrap around the opponent's body, and the man with the black hair obviously wanted to pull Shade over and give him a knife.


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