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Chapter 705 The nun who pursues sinful karma

 Xia De's left hand drew a bright arc forward, but the enemy did not stop the blow due to his slow movement.

The moonlight accurately hit the head of the man with black hair, almost cutting the head into two pieces:

"I win. Huh?"

However, the pulling feeling on the sin chain in his right hand has not weakened, and the head bleeding out of black blood is slowly recovering as if going back in time.

"Damn it, this thing actually has immortality."

Realizing this, Shade knew that he really couldn't beat him.

He had already begun to prepare to escape again, but at this time, the astonishing force from the chain suddenly weakened. After his head recovered, the enemy in the distance actually slowly walked towards him. Because of the confinement effect of [Sin Chain]

, his pace at this time was even slower than before.

"We can only take a detour through the corridor at the other end of the stairs."

Shade held the chain in his right hand and ran forward. When he felt that he had opened enough distance, he retrieved the chain and rushed forward quickly.

There was a sharp sound that broke through the air behind him, and with the combination of [Space Stability Halo] and [Raglai's Jump], Shade narrowly avoided the flying kitchen knife.

But the continuous high-intensity fighting had already made him feel tired. At this time, it was really

"No, how can I feel like this when I'm running for my life? Yes, it's [laziness] that's affecting me."

Fortunately, the feeling of fatigue was not strong, and Shade still ran forward. After passing by the stairs, in the twisted corridor ahead, the sparks on the blood-red carpet were more dense, and the temperature here was also higher. It was obvious that the

The ring warlock who controlled the flames walked in this direction.

The long corridor was empty without a single figure, and the heavy steps behind him followed closely like messengers of death. The corner of the corridor was right in front, but a red light was actually reflected at the corner.

Among the faintly audible burning sounds, Shade heard the sound of an animal on all fours, kicking quickly on the ground. The appearance of this sound heralded a new enemy ahead.

There were pursuers behind him, and Shade had no choice. He held the [Eternal Youth Leaf] in his mouth, and quickly moved forward with his sword. What ran out from the corridor on the other side was a hound burning with flames. Or

Said to be a hound that was burned by the flames and howled in pain.

Its appearance is extremely terrifying. The position of the dog's head is clearly a human face, and the dark charcoal-like skin surface and densely packed milky white bumps are enough to cause the most instinctive discomfort.

It sprang out from the other end of the corridor, howling crazily and pounced on Shade.

The feeling of the sword driving the body appeared again. Without moving the left foot, the right foot slid to the left and rear to avoid the flying hound. The body rotated by the sliding movement. When the body returned to the normal position again, both hands held the sword and used rotation.

With the potential energy, he wielded his long sword and slashed at the hound in the air.

This sword was accurate and cruel. What struck him was a complete burning hound, and what fell to the ground were two pieces of burning corpse.

The enemy was eliminated so easily not because Shade and the sword were too powerful, but because the hound was more seriously injured, and the person who seriously injured it was on the other side of the corner.

What Shade saw after rounding the corner was a burning corridor. The corridor was really burning. The ceiling, walls, and floor were burning. With the heat wave coming, the crackling sound of burning almost made Shade mistakenly think that he had escaped.

The scope of that weird sin mansion.

The corpse, which was like a fly as big as a man's head, was strung on the sword and fell to the ground. The blind nun wearing a gray nun's robe slowly turned around in the flames. Her long gray hair was not affected by the flames, but was blown away by the wind.

Swinging behind.

The silver crown-style eyepatch faced Shade. She held a black sickle in her left hand and a gray long sword made of stone in her right hand. On the hem of the robe and the two weapons, fiery red embers were flickering.

It is the power of [primordial fire] mastered by nuns.

The firelight blurred everything in sight, and the uneven heat distorted the air, giving the nun, who had always been quiet and steady, a strange color.

She walked towards Shade, but in fact she seemed to be gliding on top of the carpet. She passed by Shade in the firelight, and the sparks on the scythe touched the back of Shade's hand, but it was not hot at all.

When Shade turned around, the nun was already facing the black-haired man at the corner of the corridor, who was also holding two sharp blades.

The long sword in her right hand pulled out a fiery red afterimage in the air, swept forward, and cut off the long sword in the opponent's left hand with one blow. At the same time as the man's right hand slashed with the kitchen knife, she retreated as if floating backward, hiding.

After swiping, he swung down the sickle with his left hand, leaving a deep wound on the opponent's chest.


Shade heard the nun sigh softly, and then fine cracks appeared on the surface of the gray stone sword in his right hand. As the firelight emerged from the cracks, the gray stone shell on the surface peeled off, revealing the sword made entirely of flames.

Long sword.

The sword itself grew and widened until it resembled a large sword wielded by a giant.

The nun raised her sword with one hand and stabbed, accurately hitting the wound opened by the sickle just now. The sword blade did not penetrate the enemy's body, but relied on this light blow to make the opponent fly backwards off the ground.


Dancing the sword with one hand, it still moved as if it was flying. Every step forward, the fiery red light would leave an afterimage in the air. With Shade's dynamic vision, he could not even see clearly what Sister Devlin was wielding.

How many swords. He could only see the guy with black hair on his face, being hit by countless firelights in the air.

When it finally hit the wall at the corner of the corridor, it was completely lifeless.

Of course, this monster is immortal, so it will be repaired after a while, but at least it is no longer a threat now.

The nun held the scythe in her left hand and slowly lowered the sword in her right hand. The flames on the sword shrank and gradually cooled down until the gray stone shell enveloped the sword again. Only a few sparks could still be seen on the sword.

She slowly turned around. In the light of the fire, the fine and complex patterns on the shining silver crown-style eyepatch were as clear as ever. The vines wrapped the symbol of the eyes, and the ancient runes stretched as they did.

The leaves are hidden in the corners of the crown. This eye patch is simply a work of art.

Shade raised his hand to take off his mask to say hello, but realized that to Sister Devlin, it made no difference whether he was wearing a mask or not:

"Good morning, Mr. Hamilton."

It was the nun who took the initiative to say hello, and Shade also breathed a sigh of relief:

"Good morning, Sister Devlin, I didn't expect to meet you here. Do you want to leave together? I already know that there is an exit in the underground wine cellar."

"I still have some things to do, and I'm here for some fire."

She shook her head slightly and then asked:

"Do you know where the owner of the manor is? They won't tell me."

"It's on the third floor, but I suggest you don't go there. If you just want to find traders who can trade, I suggest you go to the second floor."

He told the location of the room where he met the vampire:

"Then I wish you good luck. I'll leave from the underground wine cellar first. Speaking of which, I have something else I want to talk to you about later."

This refers to the boundary on the third floor of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

"After I leave [Sin Mansion], I will wait for you outside."


The nun nodded slightly, and then walked in the direction where Shade came. As she walked, fires ignited again in the corridor where the flames had been extinguished, but those flames had no effect at all on the nun who had traces of embers on her body.

The reason why Shade didn't suggest going with the nun is because this place is really not suitable for him to wander around. The danger of the fishbone pirate ship lies in the choices in the middle and the last cabin, and now there are dangers everywhere in [Sin Mansion].

"However, the gray stone sword in Sister Devlin's hand, I remember Granny Cassandra said, the name is [Ashes], and it is angel grade like [Night Watch], and that sword seems to be able to match the Sister

Use [Primal Fire]. As expected of the leader of a large organization, Sister Devlin has so many good things."

With this thought in mind, Shade walked quickly toward the entrance of the wine cellar along the corridor that was still burning when the nun came.

This chapter has been completed!
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