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Chapter 943 The real academic spy

"Who are you......"

The man in black robe also recognized Shade through his mask.

His condition at this time looked very bad. Although there were no obvious injuries on the outside, Shade could feel that the other party's spirit was extremely unstable. If he had not been affected by a powerful relic, he would have been struck by a spirit such as [Psychic Explosion].

The attack hits frontally.

“What does one plus one equal?”

Shade asked in a low voice.


"What is thirty-nine times three?"

Shade continued to ask, but the man actually retched. Relying on simple mathematics to determine whether the spirit is damaged is a highly respected method of mental identification in the contemporary era. Of course, Shade was very sure that the other party could answer such a question in his normal state.

, Ringmancers need a lot of knowledge of grammar, history and mathematics. Ringmancers who don't understand mathematics are not normal Ringmancers.

"Send me to the city. Once it's safe, I can give you a reward of 50 pounds."

Shade helped him step into the heavy fog outside the cemetery. The man gasped for breath, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he gave a figure that Shade could not refuse. Although Shade wanted to propose the stone slab deal, he was not sure what he was facing.

What was this man's identity in [Apna Library], and this was obviously not a good place to discuss business, so he first pulled the man up and then asked:

"I'm not here for your money, you have to believe this. Address?"

"No. 21, Ikem Street, in the university district of the city."

The man's voice was low when he spoke, and he was panting as if he was about to die soon. Of course, Shade, who was supporting him, was sure that the man was healthy, but the mental loss was too great:

"What attacked you?"

Shade asked softly, and at the same time, he smelled the strong smell of ink on the other party at close range.

"The Divine Magic of the Peace Church-the Seal of Thought."

The magical arts of priests and believers of the [God of War and Peace] are always so interesting to outsiders, just like the dove bomb.

In order to avoid being hunted by the church, the two of them formed a large circle around the tomb area before daring to enter the city. After entering the city, they did not dare to hire a carriage immediately. Instead, they changed clothes in the alley, which also allowed Shade to see the other person's face.

His true appearance is that of a middle-aged man who looks very literary, with a thin face and gray eyes that can barely open.

But the man failed to see Shade's appearance clearly. He was too seriously injured.

After finding the carriage, it smoothly drove the two of them to Ikem Street in the University District in the night. When they got off the carriage, the man had to be supported by Shade to stand still. Fortunately, Shade had already sprinkled it on him in advance.

He drank some wine, so the coachman only thought it was a drunken man being sent home by his companions.

Ikem Street in the University District was quite familiar to Shade. One block away was Quill Street, where Dorothy lived. Ikem Street was also a common block in the University District with street-facing apartments on both sides. It was already dark at night, and only

There are a few window lights that can show an ambiguous light in the night fog.

Shade supported the gentleman and walked along the edge of the street where the street lights were not illuminated. After the two of them climbed the steps of No. 21, the man struggled with all his strength to knock on the door in front of him according to a fixed rhythm.

door, and at this time, Shade had already put on the mask again.

After waiting for half a minute, vigilant footsteps came from behind the door - the footsteps that were deliberately lowered and slowed down were vigilant footsteps.

"who is it?"

There was a man's voice inside the door.

"it's me."

The man supported by Shade squeezed out a voice from his throat:

"I was ambushed by the church, and the people the monastery sent to pick up the goods sent me back."

He was reminding the people inside the door that there was a stranger beside him. The people inside the door obviously understood, and Shade also understood.

Shade supported the man and said to the door in a low voice:

"This gentleman promised me a reward of fifty pounds."

"Yes sir, that's no problem."

The voice inside the door answered immediately.

Shade waited another 3 minutes and 17 seconds before he heard the sound of the anti-theft chain being removed from behind the door. Then the wall lamp outside the door was turned on, and the door opened a small gap. Two people wearing black robes and masks appeared.

people are standing inside the door.

In addition to them, there were people standing in the distance in the foyer corridor behind me, and people standing high up on the side stairs.

Shade didn't pay attention to this, but handed the person he was supporting to one of them, who carefully helped the unfortunate guy, who was almost completely unconscious, into the house.

Naturally, it was impossible for Shade to be invited in. Another tall man in black robe handed him an envelope. Shade pinched it and knew that it contained banknotes.

People here were obviously on guard against Shade. Shade smiled, stuffed the envelope into his coat pocket, and said in a dull voice behind the mask:

"Since I have helped you, can I say a few more words? I still have a deal I want to make with you. I wonder if you are interested in selling me a book?"


The man in black robe hesitated for a moment, holding the door with his right hand, leaving only the last gap:

"Of course it's no problem if it's a serious business, but it's too late today. Come back at eight o'clock on Tuesday morning."

Of course, being too late was an excuse. Shade knew that the other party wanted to confirm what happened tonight first. If the other party felt that there was a problem with his identity, I'm afraid this place would be empty on Tuesday:

"No problem, Tuesday morning at eight o'clock."

Shade nodded, turned around and left without hesitation. The man inside the door held the door frame and watched him disappear into the night mist. He waited for a while before closing the door.

Shade was walking alone in the fog, opening the envelope and counting the money with his head down. The clattering sound could not travel too far in the fog. His fingers fiddled with the banknotes very skillfully, and he did not tear them until he confirmed that they were fifty pounds.

The envelope was broken into pieces and thrown into the alley aside.

"There shouldn't be something wrong with my perception just now, right?"

He held the stack of banknotes between his right index finger and thumb, swinging them slightly in front of himself, feeling quite good.

【No problem, it is indeed him.】

"It's really interesting."

Shade raised the corners of his mouth and hurriedly turned into the alley where the gas lights were not lit.

In the dark alley, several wild cats were rummaging for food in the garbage piles beside the wall. When they heard the footsteps, the wild cats turned to look at the stranger. Wild cats in the city are not easy to mess with at night, and outsiders have also seen wild cats hurt people.

news, but they didn't bother Shade, they just stood there and looked at him.

He casually took out a few grains of Mia's cat food and threw them over:

"Among the ring magicians who were guarding me in the house just now, one of them is actually an acquaintance. It's really unexpected. An academic spy, a real academic spy has appeared."

【It seems that your mission has been fulfilled.】


Shade, who was walking in a hurry, walked out of the alley, looked in the direction of Quill Street, and then continued walking eastward.

"Sir Lykins Prisha, the 'Guiding Moon' who accompanied Princess Margaret to visit Tobesk, was actually in the house just now. He is a correspondence student at Serkses Medical School and is now working with Apu

People from the library mingled together."

The other party was also on guard against him just now. Sir Prisha was not like a "guest" in that house, but should also be one of the owners.

Shade expressed his conjecture in his mind. When he entered the area where the street lights were not illuminated, he reached into his pocket. When he reappeared, he had already changed into a coat.

His eyes were fixed on the next streetlight:

"It's just speculation at the moment. There must be conclusive evidence to confirm the identity of the other party. If Guiding Moon-Leggins Plisha is really an academic spy who infiltrated into Serkses in the Apna Library, then no matter

Whether it's the slate book I'm after, or his aura, I can easily get it...after all.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he turned and looked in the direction of No. 21 Ikem Street where he left just now:

"Sir Prisha, you don't want your identity to be exposed, right?"

On the way from the university district to Old John's pawn shop, Shade encountered no other accidents except for two drunkards who were holding each other's back and vomiting while cursing the tax policy. Before entering the pawn shop, he encountered

On the way, the box was opened again and the contents of the documents were recorded. However, Shade arrived a full fifty minutes late than the originally scheduled time, which made Old John understand that there must have been an accident during this mission.

Seeing Sha De pushing the door open with a suitcase, the old man hurriedly walked out from behind the counter. He opened the door and looked around for a while, then motioned to Sha De to put the suitcase on the counter.

Old John poured tea for Shade, and Shade talked about what happened in the cemetery. The old man listened with a serious face, and it was not until Shade talked about how he sent the injured man back to No. 21 Ikem Street that he spoke:

"Detective, although I know you are a good person, the reason why you are so kind to send him back tonight is not just for the money, right?"

"Yes, the Apna Library has what I want in its hands."

Shade nodded.

Old John put his hand on the suitcase:

"I can guarantee that the church laid an ambush in the cemetery in advance, and it was not us who revealed the secret. The Priory will ask the Apuna Library for an explanation of this matter. We can put pressure on them and ask them to try their best to satisfy your deal.

This can be regarded as compensation for you. Although we are an unknown organization of magicians, we will never treat our friends badly. Treating friendship well is one of the important components of civilization."

Shade smiled:

"Okay, Father John, then you don't have to pay me any extra fees for the unexpected things that happen with this commission."

The old man also smiled and looked down at the suitcase:

"I know you are curious about the information in this, but I don't know if you have looked through him on the way. Detective, please remember, don't get involved easily in some things. If you do, be prepared for the worst."

The old man, who had always had the temper of a child, now had a sparkle in his eyes and a somewhat serious expression:

"The poems and the chosen ones are no joke."

Shade reached out and knocked on the counter table:

"I understand, Father John, since I have a way to know about [Guiding Light Hermitage], I naturally have my own methods and methods. Don't worry, at least I'm not a member of the evil camp."

"No one should think they are evil..."

He opened the suitcase and looked through the documents inside. The content inside was the fragments, translations and speculations of the poems of the [Apna Library] about the chosen ones of wisdom and knowledge. In addition to the already known "Schluch Lake"

Apart from "Wise Man's Pyroxene", the most valuable part to Shade is that the fragment clearly states that this ceremony of the chosen one needs to be held on the water.

"...but I believe you are not evil."

"Why? Do you think I am an upright and kind person?"

Shade asked with a smile. The old man shook his head:

"Schneider never misjudges people, and sometimes I feel that you are a fellow traveler with us. Although there is no evidence, but you just think of it as the wisdom of the elderly - I think you are also thinking about this.

Working hard for the continuation of civilization. Do you still remember what we talked about about civilization? I run this pawn shop to get closer to our civilization, the civilization of the sixth era, and human civilization. This is the real

Enlightenment...we are transmitting light, you are transmitting fire, that's pretty much what it means."

Shade had no idea what Father John meant.


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