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Chapter 944: The Witch Emperor and the Cat

When Shade returned home that night, Lecia was still helping Shade carefully check and read Professor Manning's letters. She found pleasure in it and even took notes on the academic work of the history professor and folklore professor.

The discussion may also be helpful in writing Dorothy's detective story.

Of course, after Shade returned home, Lesia left the study. Her Royal Highness the Princess held Shade's hand and asked Shade to show "things that fly and shine", but in the end Shade failed to go to the basement to take out the thing.

A slate, but he did have a good night.

Of course, in the bedroom.

When Shade woke up in his bed on Sunday morning, the girl with beautiful long golden hair was sleeping soundly.

Shade carefully got up from the bed, opened the door, and immediately saw two terrifying lights shining on the sofa in the living room in the darkness, and then immediately realized that those were Mia's eyes glowing.


It made a low cry, which made people panic, and made Shade at the door of the bedroom almost imagine the aggrieved expression of the cat in the darkness at this moment.

Shade quietly came to the sofa and picked up the cat in the dark. Little Mia rubbed Shade's chest. When Shade looked down at it, the cat also looked up at Shade.


The raising of the cat's face makes the cat look even more adorable. Sometimes Shade even thinks that little Mia should be the most beautiful cat in the world.

After washing and changing clothes, I went to the study room to carefully roll up the paper I had written and put it in a paper tube, then turned it into a toy and put it in my pocket.

Open the drawer and take out the time key with cracks on the surface:

"It's time to go again."

I wanted to leave little Mia at home, after all, he was only gone for three seconds, but this time the cat abnormally pulled Shade's cuffs with its claws. When Shade looked at it, the cat said "meow~"

one time.

Although Shade didn't understand cat language, he guessed that the cat also wanted to "go out" with Shade.

"Yeah, that's fine, but you can't run around."

So Shade found a towel and covered Mia, who was squatting obediently on the coffee table. After putting the cat-shaped doll solemnly into his pocket, he tiptoed to the door of the room where he was lying on his side, for fear of waking up the sleeping person.


"May the World Tree protect me in time."

He lowered his voice and said, and then thought to himself that the hoarse voice sounded like a snake roaring.


The time key turned, and the white mist door like silk made Shade smile. He was used to such adventures and liked such adventures. Stepping forward, he officially entered the white mist door, and the voice of "her" lasted forever.

They are all so charming:

【Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time".】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree":]

[Spring of Fifth Age 5177, Broken Islands, Lost Lake.]

[Event: The Witch Pursuing Eternal Beauty.]

【Duration thirty minutes (2/3).】

【You have obtained additional information.】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree continues to watch you.]

[The test given to you by the ancient god of time will continue.]

【Help mortals obtain the secret of eternal beauty from the mouths of gods.】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you rewards: Ritual-Water of Moonlight, Ritual-Fire of the Sun.]

Without hesitation, he continued to move forward in the white mist, and the curtain of white mist displayed in front of him immediately opened. As the thick mist receded toward both sides of the field of vision like water, what was shown to Shade was the night sky.

The big lake, and the mist that hangs over the lake.

The smell of the air in the deep forest near the lake is completely different from that of a warm and comfortable home, and the surrounding mist is a "sedative" with extraordinary power. If you are exposed to the mist for a long time, you will feel unusually tired, until you suddenly collapse and fall asleep.

Won't wake up. Even for witches and ring warlocks who are resistant, long-term exposure to this mist can cause stagnation of thinking and mental depression, so Shade is still very worried about the health of the Witch Emperor, Miss Violet, and her party:

"Fifth Age, Broken Islands, Lost Lake."

He recited the time and place in his mind, and his ears already heard strange noises coming from the trees behind him. Shade was too lazy to guess what would happen to him if he stayed by the lake. He bent slightly and ran forward in small steps.

, and then suddenly jumped onto the mist-filled lake:


The extremely cold air rushed directly from the soles of his feet to his whole body. Even though he was prepared, Shade was still shivering from the cold. But he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the cold this time was not as hard as the last time.

Endured it.

"Have I adapted to this cold, or is it because I have divinity this time?"

Shivering, he trotted forward for more than ten steps on the silent mist-shrouded water, then stood up on tiptoes and jumped into the sky:

"Red butterfly incarnation!"

In the hazy fog, a group of red butterflies shining with scarlet light seemed to dye the fog red. The fluttering butterflies tried their best to fly towards the island in the center of the lake. At the same time, beside the bonfire on the edge of the island in the lake, Sirk

Miss Schulz-Teresa, a tenth-year student at the Seis School of Medicine, remained in a kneeling position with her hands on her legs.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and the firelight was reflected in her eyes, and red butterflies were flapping their wings in the firelight.

Miss Teresa pushed up her glasses, turned to the big witch holding a small book and said softly:

"Aunt, he appeared."

The ruler of Witton, the great witch of the Witch Council, and the Witch Emperor, Miss Violet Marshall, was drinking tea and reading a book at this time. After hearing Miss Theresa's words, she handed the tea cup and book to the maids on the left and right,

Then she stood up holding the outstretched hand of the third maid. She waved the maids to go about their business, and walked towards the lake. She squinted her eyes and saw little red lights flashing in the distance on the lake:

"Finally home."

Her voice was hoarse and her mental state was a little bad. The rope flew out from behind her, flying toward the red light of the lake like an arrow. The rope only flew less than half the distance before falling into the fog.

In the still water, Miss Teresa, who threw the rope, still felt that the rope had tied something.

Three maids in black and white maid dresses cast spells with her and pulled the rope to the shore. The rope contracted rapidly, and after the dark chain at the end also appeared, the witches were attracted by the runes on the chain almost at the same time.

Miss Violet coughed and then suddenly came to her senses and looked at the man in the black coat who was "pulled" up from the lake by them.

Miss Schultz Theresa, wearing glasses, has the illusion that she is "fishing", but fishing cannot catch a man.

"Long time no see, Miss Violet, long time no see, Miss Theresa! Long time no see, ladies!"

Because the six maids, Sha De, didn’t know their specific names, they all greeted him as “ladies.” They either lowered their heads to avoid Sha De, or turned their heads and ignored him with a smile, or looked at them with a smile.


Miss Violet patted Shade on the shoulder. While feeling the chill, she smiled and said:

"Long time no see. Well, don't seduce my maid anymore. Last time you left in a hurry, there were still many things that you didn't explain clearly. Fortunately, you did appear again."

As he said that, he pointed to the burning bonfire, and Shade and Miss Violet walked over together. Then the Witch Emperor, Shade, and Miss Theresa sat together by the bonfire. Shade stretched out his hand to roast it first.

He turned on the fire to warm himself up, then put his hand into the inner pocket of his coat and found Mia's doll.

Cover the doll with a small handkerchief. After picking up the handkerchief, little Mia also appeared on the shore of the island in the middle of the Lost Lake.


When it came to a strange environment, the cat usually threatened the surroundings first, then rubbed Shade's chest, and finally jumped onto his lap and lay down, looking at the fire in front of it with its big eyes.

"Your pet?"

Miss Violet looked at the cat, and the firelight illuminated the faces of the three people:

"Looks very special."

"No, you can't count it as my pet, at least not now. Why is it so special?"

Shade's eyes sharpened.

【You are here again.】

"very cute."

In the light of the bonfire, the orange part of the fur on Little Mia's back was particularly bright. Miss Violet reached out to touch the cat, but Little Mia stretched out her paw to block it.

The Witch Emperor looked at the little paw in surprise. Instead of being angry, she laughed:

"What an interesting cat. I have kept many pets in the palace, but I have to admit that even the Bortles curly three-tailed cat that is more expensive than thirty times the weight of gold per gram of weight,

No one can match the beauty of this cat. How much gold did you buy this for?"

She is very interested.

"Oh, how can the value of little Mia be measured in gold?"

Shade raised his chest and asked. In fact, he couldn't answer this question. He couldn't buy the cat yet.

"Yes, gold is not everything. Sometimes you also need gems, diamonds, real estate, precious relics and knowledge."

Miss Violet nodded in agreement:

"If I met this cat before you did, I would trade an earldom for it."

"County? Your Majesty, a real princess couldn't get this cat from me even with her own body. It is indeed cute, and not only in appearance, but Mia was once"


Miss Teresa pushed up her glasses, and when she saw both of them looking at her, she whispered:

"Your Majesty Violet, sir, I admit that this cat is very beautiful, but should we get down to business first?"


When Shade wasn't paying attention, the early cat opened his mouth wide and yawned. He put his little head on his front paws and looked at the jumping bonfire quietly. His tail waggled back and forth, occasionally rubbing against Shade's arm.

, this cat is in a good mood now.

This chapter has been completed!
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