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Chapter 983: Gun fight at night

"Now for a shooting confrontation, by default two pistols fire at the same time. First throw the shooting points. If the sum of luck and agility points of one party exceeds the shooting points of the other party, you can be exempted from injury. If the sum of luck and agility points is less than the shooting points,

The difference in the number of visual points is used to determine the injury status.”

On the second floor of the Prophet Association, the tense situation made everyone subconsciously hold their breath. The tabletop scene showed a scene of drawing guns and shooting, which was very similar to a duel scene in the old era.

The three princesses who are familiar with gun duels in the old days all know that even in modern times with the advancement of gun manufacturing technology, it is almost impossible to kill the enemy with one shot without preparing to shoot hastily. In any case, Shade

I'm afraid they will all be shot several times until one of them is completely incapacitated due to injuries.

"Throw the shooting points first."

Following the words of the secret keeper, Professor Angs, who had lost his companion, picked up the dice. He also knew that the current situation was very wrong. Everything was reasonable, but something was wrong. But since he had chosen to abandon the mission and prepare to escape, he

You have to kill another story character.


Under the nervous gaze of the church ring magicians, the middle-aged man threw an almost impossible number:

"Points 100."

Agelina held her sister's arm tightly, feeling that her sister was equally nervous.

Professor Ance exhaled slowly, then lowered his head and read out the contents on the parchment, looking for bonuses that could be used:

"[Stalker in the Night] Chogori Dius, with a basic shooting skill bonus of 67 points, the Keeper-level relic Magic Eye [Bug Eye] has a shooting bonus of 40 points, and a .45-type semi-automatic pistol shooting bonus

30 o’clock.”

He paused, his mouth trembling:

"Because [Stalker in the Night] Chogori Dius was seriously injured, which affected the stability of his hand, the shooting penalty was 34 points, and the symbol 'Broken Bugle' had a bonus of 12 points. The total shooting points were 215."

Iluna breathed a sigh of relief, the value of 215 was not very high.

She also rolled the dice. When the dice became stable, the seventeen-year-old girl began to read the parchment:

"Points 71, basic shooting skill bonus 61, Ruger revolver shooting bonus 24, token bonus 10."

"Mr. Hamilton's shooting skills are really good."

Someone in the crowd murmured something, and Iluna held her breath, ignoring a row of unreadable content, and found an entry that was barely acceptable:

"Character special abilities, special auxiliary aiming skills, bonuses"

She saw this value, which was beating rapidly like the "Basic Investigation" just now, ranging from two digits to three digits. In the end, Iluna chose to read out a certain number directly when it appeared:

"50. Total shooting points 216."

Shade's total shooting points were just a little higher than the severely injured first-level warlock. Everyone agreed with this result. After all, it was normal for the detective to have good shooting skills. Iluna's eyes glanced at the "

"The Dark Vision of Darkness, the Shelter of Night", she knew that the challenge was not over at this moment. Only by rolling agility and luck would she know who was shot.

Professor Angs rolled the two dice and continued to throw them. This time, the two dices were thrown twice each:

"42 points of luck, 3 points of agility."

The middle-aged man took a deep breath, with a strange expression on his face, and whispered softly:

"Luck is really conserved."

"This is superstition."

Iluna said what Shade often said, but Professor Angs ignored her:

"The character's basic luck is 65 points, the injured state has an agility penalty of 40 points, the 'Inspiration Potion' provides an agility bonus of 10 points, the character trait Night Walker provides a luck bonus of 21 points, and the spell 'Crisis Sense' provides a 0.6 times coefficient of agility.

"added value"


He throws the dice again:

"45×0.6=27 points."

"The thaumaturgy of 'Protective Arrows' provides a luck bonus of 1.5 times the factor"


"30×1.5=45 points. The total points of luck and agility, 173 points, are less than Hamilton's shooting points of 216. He was shot."

Iluna smiled and rolled the dice. Her voice was very calm. People admired her psychological quality:

"The lucky points of the dice throw are 53, the agility of the dice throw is 47 points. The token bonus is 10 points, and the character's basic luck is 97 points. The champion of the big city players is indeed a lucky guy."

Iluna said that her mental arithmetic level is quite good. The total value of these four items is already 207, and she is still 8 points away from being able to completely dodge the enemy's bullets. Her eyes scanned the parchment, choosing the ability that Shade could say or

It made her feel like she was picking cheap vegetables at the market. Because there were so many, she quickly found her target:

"The profession [Detective] provides an agility bonus of 10, and Shad Hamilton's total luck and agility points are 217 points."

Iluna and Professor Dion both looked at the secret keeper in black robes, and the hoarse voice in the darkness gave the result:

"In the dark night, the brave men drew their guns and fired at each other. This was a real contest. The night gave Shad Hamilton a blessing, and the bullets from his injured opponent did not hit him. The young detective steadily pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit [

Stalker in the Night] Chogori Dius’s lungs were originally slightly injured, but because he had been seriously injured before, he temporarily lost the ability to move after this round.”

A smile appeared on Iluna's face, and just as she was about to direct the next move, the secret keeper continued:

"The two consecutive gunshots in the silent night did not attract attention because of the effect of the Silence Spell. But both Shad Hamilton and Chogory Dius knew that there was not much time left for them, [Jack the Thief]

] is about to complete his theft, and those who want to gain merit by catching the criminal must act as soon as possible.

This is the secret keeper urging the two people in the "Duel" to get the story back on track. After all, the theme of the "Dice Story Collection" this time is to catch the thief, not two men dueling at night. Just now, Iluna sat down

It is mentioned in the obtained rules that if the theme of the story is ignored for a long time, the story will undergo terrible changes.

"Jogory Dius used a spell!"

Professor Angs spoke before Iluna could. Sweat broke out on his forehead, but there was still a firm light in his eyes:

"Chosen one, maybe you are lucky this time, but I won't lose to you next time."

"What else do you want to do?"

Iluna asked suspiciously, and the middle-aged professor shook his head:

"Ordinary people can't fight against the Ring Warlock. Do you think I didn't expect this situation when I asked him to kill Hamilton? I know that Rejed's Hamilton is a detective, proficient in shooting, reconnaissance, and fighting, but the Ring Warlock lost his action

Ability does not mean that you cannot continue fighting. Chogory Dius used spells to move objects and snatch Shad Hamilton's firearms!"

He spoke quickly:

"By the way, this was originally a spell prepared for [Jack the Thief]. Dius's [Moving Object] has been affected by the relic. Even if he is a ring, the power of moving objects with his mind is far greater than that of an adult farmer."

Ox. The only disadvantage is that it must be in a still state, concentrated and prepared in advance before it can be used. Fortunately, the conditions are met now."

This is indeed remarkable. When Shade was in the first level, the power of the basic spell "Moving Object" could only move a small piece of paper. Even now, his spell is not enough to compete with the cattle.

"Contact of strength!"

Iluna said hurriedly and was about to throw the dice when the secret keeper interrupted her:

"Perhaps it was because of the exchange of fire just now that Shade Hamilton was overly frightened, or perhaps because he never thought that an invisible force would snatch his firearm. Ordinary person [Mortal Luck] Shade Hamilton,

Since I have never seen the mysterious and extraordinary (note), I did not resist at this time. The spell - moving object was used directly successfully, and Shad Hamilton's revolver was obtained by Jogory Dius."

"Conducted by Shad Hamilton"

Iluna hurriedly wanted to give Shad the next step of instructions, but it was obvious that she could not interrupt the secret keeper:

"[Stalker in the Night] Chogory Dius acted first."


Professor Ance said immediately, but the next judgment was a bit strange.

"The firearms snatched in a hurry are not familiar to [Stalker in the Night] Chogory Dius. In order to successfully shoot, he must pass three lucky judgments to determine whether there are bullets in the gun and whether he knows how to use this model.

revolver to determine whether Shad Hamilton will fight back immediately. If the sum of the three points is greater than 99, you can fire normally, and then conduct a confrontation judgment with the opponent."

It is very easy to add up the points for three times to be greater than 99. After all, there are point bonuses for other items. Professor Angs immediately picked up two dice and prepared to throw them. He did not see Iluna frowning slightly on the opposite side, as if thinking of

He didn't notice that the red-haired princess in the dark pursed her lips to prevent herself from smiling:

"Shad can't be stuck there because of the 'moving object' spell. He must have changed."


Points 1.


Points 1.


Points 1.


Professor Angce was stunned, feeling that the story this time was getting weirder and weirder. Although it was reasonable, it was strange.

He looked at his unconscious companion and suspected that the other party had temporarily defected to the church. Everyone in the church was also surprised that the professor of the "Truth Society" had such bad luck.

He had no chance to add extra points. A hoarse and cold voice sounded from the darkness. At the same time, everyone present seemed to hear the sound of gunshots coming from their ears:

"All three judgments were made by rolling 1 point. According to the rule of 'three consecutive 1 points, the result will be regarded as a big failure', the character in the story suffered a bad luck penalty. Therefore, [Stalker in the Night] Chogory Dius,

He was hit by a ricochet from a pistol. Since he was seriously injured and unable to move, this attack ignored dodge, luck and defense, and [Stalker in the Night] died."

"Miss Paavo said after the banquet at Lakeview Manor that no matter how clear the probability is, it cannot compete with fate."

Professor Ance, who was wearing a crisp suit, fell to the ground after the gunshot. The parchment scroll representing the identity of [Stalker in the Night] was ignited by flames during the fall, and only what remained when it fell into the darkness was


Agelina was trembling with excitement, Lesia pursed her lips and smiled, and Princess Margaret was also excited about this wonderful story, especially since Shade had helped her.

"Maybe I should contact that detective again, he's amazing."

The princess of the southern kingdom said in her heart that she was sure that the three consecutive dots must be related to the detective who had shown great power.

At this time, only Iluna was left sitting at the table under the light. The seventeen-year-old girl tried hard not to laugh. She held the parchment in one hand and held her chin in the other, staring with frowning eyes.

Despite the table setting, he still showed a faint smile that he couldn't control.

This smile looks so calm and confident to people.

I don’t know who applauded first, followed by soft admiration in the continuous applause:

"It's really wonderful, worthy of Iluna Bayas."

Although people don't know how she did it, the admiration comes completely from the heart.


ps: There were a group of cats in front of him, but they did not affect Shade mentally (the judgment passed) or physically (he was scared away), so the keeper here assumes that "ordinary people" don't know about the extraordinary.

This chapter has been completed!
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