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Chapter 984: Quiet Home

At the intersection of Saint Teresa Square, the night was quiet, and the two gunshots did not break the heavy night.

Through the mist of the night, Shade saw his opponent fall to the ground. He blew the muzzle of the Ruger revolver in his hand and was about to fire another shot when he suddenly felt an extremely weak force.

Trying to seize the right to use the firearm in his hand. Of course he will not let go, and his opponent obviously does not have the ability to take the gun from him.

【Do you want to have a power confrontation? 】

"Of course not, I'm just an ordinary person."

Thinking in his mind, Shade lifted up a corner of his coat, revealing the other gun bag on his waist.

The power of the "Moving Object" spell was immediately transferred, so the gun bag containing the [Gun of Kindness] flew into the hands of the man opposite who was unconscious due to serious injuries.

If he had followed his own will and thoughts, he should have tried to get another gun in Shad's hand again, or deflected the direction of Shad's gun. But due to his confusion, he could only act in accordance with the instructions he received.

Therefore, without hesitation, he pulled out Shade's second revolver, the [Gun of Kindness], and pulled the trigger at Shade, who was smiling as he stood in the bright light of the gas street.

The silence spell attenuated the sound of the muzzle, and the bullet flew past the side of Shad's face and hit the street light pole on the side of him. After leaving traces on the surface of the black street light pole, the bullet reflected back at a magical angle, directly

Hit Jogory Dius in the head.

"oh oh"

He made a strange sound in his throat, and then finally collapsed completely.

A cat meowed from behind, and "Dorothy" walked out from behind holding little Mia. But that was not Miss Writer. They actually exchanged again without Shade's knowledge.

Lesia, who looked pale, said:

"He used your firearm and after three lucky misses, was killed by ricochet from the pistol."

[The Gun of Kindness] allows murderers to hurt themselves and makes suicides unable to hurt themselves. It has the characteristic of being "undetectable". Therefore, Captain Rades didn't die even after firing eight shots, and neither he nor others noticed anything was wrong.

place. The characteristics of this gun are not to cause accidents abruptly, but to cause accidents naturally.

Therefore, when the characteristics of [Gun of Kindness] were triggered, Shade did not stop him. People who were playing the game did not hear "because of the characteristics of the relic", but accidents happened naturally according to the rules. No one would doubt Shade.

The most reason for winning this contact battle was to praise Iluna's good luck.

"The story continues. Thief Jack has found what he wants to steal. Shade, you must go home as soon as possible."

Lesia told Shade about this, and hugged little Mia tightly, trying to get more warmth from the cat. The high frequency of exchanges made their state a bit bad, but holding Mia seemed to be able to feel

The mental power is recovering rapidly. Now the blonde girl only feels a splitting headache. They have never exchanged soul positions so frequently outside of the "Day of the Red Butterfly".

"How are you doing? I also received instructions to go home as soon as possible and escape from the murderer."

Shade looked at her with some distress, pointed to his forehead, then rummaged in his pocket, took out a small bottle and threw it away:

"No. 4 holy water, although it won't have much effect on your situation, it may be effective. Don't save me, this is very cheap. Next, don't exchange with Dorothy anymore, you can detect [Jack the Thief]

If both people at the location die, Thief Jack will disappear on the story map that Miss Bayas is looking at. She can't possibly let me conduct the investigation, which will expose a lot of things, so I have to solve the next thing by myself.


When there is only one story character left, Iluna can admit defeat to end [Dice Story Collection]. It is in line with Shade's idea that Iluna has not given up now. After all, there is no power of this angel-level relic.

In reality, Shade was not sure whether he could really catch the thief.

Lesia took a sip of the holy water, and the cat looked up at her throat. Shade bent down to pick up his pistol, ignoring the body, and they finally entered the St. Teresa Square area.

Her Royal Highness was originally worried about seeing something more terrifying, but the night in Saint Teresa Square was still calm, and the gas lamps on one side of the square gave off a strange halo in the dark night.

As soon as they looked up, they saw Dr. Schneider and Priest Augustus standing at the door of Shade's house. Lecia looked around the square with some worry, but she didn't see anything unusual, not even the body of [Ms. Charming].

All disappeared.

"Look, that was someone else's misfortune, and now it is gone. Dorothy, go and tell the doctor and the priest what happened here. Don't come near me, but follow me into the house."

Shade spoke quickly, and because Dr. Schneider and Dr. Schneider were nearby, he called Lesia Dorothy.

The blonde girl nodded, hugged Shade's cat, crossed the gas street lamps, and walked quickly towards the doctor and priest who had already seen the two of them.

When Shade arrived at the door of his house at a normal walking speed, the doctor and the priest had already roughly understood the key content. Since [Dice Story Collection] prohibits the transmission of all game information to people outside the game to prevent being trapped

The people inside the relic were aware of the accident by outsiders. Therefore, the doctors and priests only knew about the properties of the relic and that Shade was doing things related to "capturing Jack the Thief". They did not know what the narrators of the story actually told.


Of course, it is even more impossible for Lesia to ask doctors and priests what just happened here. The world itself is full of all kinds of unknown mysteries. If some things have nothing to do with you, you don’t know if you don’t know. Excessive exploration will cause


"The detective's luck is indeed not very good."

Dr. Schneider said to Priest August, and the three of them hurriedly retreated away from the door of No. 6 of St. Teresa Square. Then they watched Shade walking up normally, took out the key and opened the door.

After he entered, Lesia took out the key again and opened the door. Priest August and Dr. Schneider did not make any comment on the fact that she had the key to Shade's house.

Shade, who entered first, had already changed his shoes in the foyer, turned on the gas lights in the foyer and stairs, and then walked to the second floor holding on to the handrail of the stairs.

[Are you sure that the thief is on the second floor?]

"There are only furniture on the first floor, and there are no 'items touched by the king'. I don't believe that the sage-level (Level 2) [Jack the Thief] has the ability to enter the hidden space in the basement. The third floor only has Luvia's items, and

I have asked her to put away sensitive items. As for the attic, that is where Dorothy keeps letters from readers. In addition, room 2 on the second floor is empty, so the thief must have stolen from room 1. We just went to

After opening the door downstairs, it would not have time to run to other locations from the second floor."

The sound of shoes on the wooden stairs was Shade's favorite sound when he came home every day. But at this moment, the echoing sound was like the reckless sound that disturbed the evil spirit in a horror story.

As he walked, he looked up the stairs:

"Since the story has not ended, it means that the thief is most likely still at home. [Collection of Dice Stories] thinks I might catch him. Can you feel the thief's location?"

[No, it is currently an ordinary thief. Although the whispering element will not be completely eliminated, it is difficult to detect. You need to get close to it, or force it to use more power. 】

"Be strong when you are strong, this is true"

When he opened the door with the key just now, Shade discovered that although the door lock was intact, there were scratches on the keyhole. At this time, he followed the stairs to the second floor. Although he could not see any clear clues, his inspiration reminded Shade

, someone must have broken into his home.

There was no light on the second floor, just as it was when Dorothy finally left. Shade first turned on the corridor light, and then turned on the gas lamp in the living room. He could tell at a glance that something was missing in the living room:

"The antique knight's sword that I had when I was awarded the honor disappeared, and it turned out to be this."

The sword was originally hung on the wall of the living room by Shade. It was used to fully demonstrate his identity and show his professionalism when the client visited. Because you can see it every time you look up when you enter the door, it is easy to see it at this time.

The missing sword will be discovered.

"Oh, I was robbed, the damn thief stole my knight's sword!"

Although he knew that the people who were acting out the story could not understand his every word, Shade still stood at the top of the stairs and said in a very exaggerated manner. There was no sound of footsteps on the stairs behind him, but Shade knew that his companions were all there, with the Silence Charm and their respective

Thaumaturgy conceals the location of their voices.

"The windows are all closed, and I didn't see any suspicious figures in Saint Teresa Square just now. Could it be that the despicable thief is still in my home?"

He said loudly again, walked into the room, stood in the center of the living room and looked around his home. After living here for half a year, Shade regarded every inch of land here as his complete property. At this time, he was invaded by thieves. He told the truth

It’s really annoying. In addition, [Jack Thief] once stole from Dorothy, so Shade will not let him go this time no matter what.

"Still can't find it?"

【Yes, the other party is now almost equivalent to an ordinary person.】

Blinking his eyes, [Echo of Blood] could not find any fresh blood. After all, he was just a thief, not a murderer. Then he used [Echo of the Past]. It was a pity that Thief Jack did not talk to himself when he was stealing.

Not in the habit of saying "Yes, I want to hide in the closet" when hiding.

"There are not many places in the house where a living person can be hidden. Based on my understanding of this place, it is not difficult to find it."

While Shade was thinking about it, he sat on the sofa at home, took out his notebook and started writing. This was a note that would be handed over to Lesia and the others in a while. This time, he was not alone.

This chapter has been completed!
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