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Chapter 1084 The mythical monster

"Puff puff...!" Chen Xiu's nine-turn resurrecting needle hit the evil beast's body again.

The beast howled miserably.

Although the Nine-Turn Resurrection Needle cannot seal its acupuncture points, it allows it to endure severe pain.

The evil beast was forced to finally break out of the magma.

It suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and another large mouthful of methane gas spurted out, "Boom!" The methane gas in the entire cave was ignited! The fire was blazing!

Chen Xiu's eyes narrowed, and he finally understood why there was so much methane in this cave, because all this methane... was evaporated from this giant magma pool.

Biogas is constantly evaporating in the magma pool.

Therefore, the air in the entire cave was filled with methane gas.

This evil beast also seems to have a large amount of special methane in its body. The moment it opens its mouth, the methane in its body comes into contact with the air, instantly igniting flames.

Facing the terrifying flames, Chen Xiu suddenly dodged sideways to avoid it.

His silver needle burst out again!

‘Puff puff puff’, the nine-turn resurrecting needle shot hard into the beast’s mouth, and the beast that had been stabbed shut up in a hurry.

Countless amounts of methane burned out in an instant.

Chen Xiu teleported forward, grabbed the tail of that evil beast, and exerted force!

"Boom...!!" The beast weighing dozens of tons was thrown away by Chen Xiu's bare hands!

The evil beast hit the rock wall of the cave so hard that the entire rock wall was smashed into pieces.

Outside the cave, his younger brother Chen Xing also chased in at this time, but he did not intervene in the fight, but was always alert to the surroundings.

"Uh-oh...!" The evil beast was furious and seemed to want to resist.

"Are you convinced?" Chen Xiu suddenly grabbed its tail and flicked it again!

"Boom!!" The evil beast's body violently hit the cave wall again. The entire cave was shaken violently, and the rock wall was dented and cracked.

Countless rocks collapsed.

The evil beast opened its mouth to spit out fire again.

Chen Xiu teleported forward, stomped on its mouth, and forcibly closed its newly opened mouth.

Countless flames were swallowed into its belly before they burned.

This evil beast is extremely frustrated, its huge blood-red eyes are full of rage, and its whole body is shaking with anger. It has lived for so many years, and it has never been the only one to eat people, and no one has ever been able to step on its head.


The evil beast shook its head violently, trying to throw Chen Xiu off!

Chen Xiu jumped into the air suddenly, and then stepped hard again!

"Boom...!" Chen Xiu stomped on the beast's head and sunk it into the ground.

The evil beast directly raised its tail and swung it.

Chen Xiu grabbed the tail of the evil beast, then raised his fist and beat the evil beast on the head violently!

"Boom...boom...!!" Chen Xiu's fists were extremely powerful. Every time he punched... he made the beast howl in agony!!

"Are you convinced? If you dare to resist again, believe it or not, I will blow your head off?" Chen Xiu threatened in a wild voice!

The evil beast at his feet was completely stunned, and the ferocious beast's head was red and swollen like a pig's head.

"Uh..." The evil beast was frightened by the beating. Finally, its huge body trembled, and it nodded repeatedly to beg for mercy.

It whimpered like it was begging for mercy...

Chen Xing on the side was simply stunned when he saw this scene.

This, brother is too fierce, right?

This legendary beast, which is similar to a unicorn, was actually beaten to the ground and even gave in??

"I know you can understand human speech. From now on, come back with me and be my mount. I will spare your life." Chen Xiu said in a cold voice.

When the evil beast at his feet heard this, he immediately became angry and bared his teeth...

"Boom! Boom!" Chen Xiu

A few more fists hit hard.

The evil beast howled repeatedly after being completely beaten, and nodded tremblingly in agreement.,

It was completely frightened by the beating and had no choice but to surrender.

In the end, under Chen Xiu's violence, this giant beast was completely subdued.

The two brothers explored the cave and found several other giant corpses and bones in the cave.

Based on the analysis of the shape of the bones, they should be the parents of this evil beast... and its ancestors.

It seems that its ancestors have lived and rested in this cave for generations?

And there are many human bones in the cave.

It seems that they eat a lot of people on weekdays.

"It seems that this evil beast did not jump out of the cracks in the rocks? Does it have parents and ancestors?" Chen Xing said in surprise.

This time, they discovered a new species.

"The origin of mythical beasts and ghosts in the world is just that the ancients couldn't understand it, so they mythologized them. This evil beast is very similar to the unicorn in ancient legends. It is very likely that it already existed in this world and was used as a legend in ancient times.

Ancient people saw it and mistakenly thought it was a mythical beast. Now they are almost extinct, so no one has seen it. Until today, it was discovered by our two brothers." Chen Xiu explained.

He stepped forward to talk to the newly subdued evil beast, and he learned the answer from the evil beast's nod.

It was just as he guessed.

This evil beast has been living in this cave since it was born. Its parents, and their parents' parents... have all lived in this cave for generations.

This can be distinguished based on the remains of giant animal bones remaining in the cave.

Moreover, the animal bone remains in the cave are very old. According to the remains left behind, some have become fossils and integrated into the soil.

In other words, the ancestors of this evil beast, the evil beast race for generations... have survived in this cave for at least tens of thousands of years.

Only tens of thousands of years of evolution will dry the bones into fossils.

The brothers picked a lot of Blood Bodhisattva and went back, but they did not finish picking them all. They kept some so that they could continue to grow in the magma cave.

Chen Xiu also took some rhizomes of Blood Bodhi and planned to go back and try planting them.

After leaving the cave, the two brothers searched the mountain peak again. Under the leadership of this evil beast, the brothers came and found several Tianshan Blood Lotuses.

Most of the Tianshan Blood Lotuses that grew on the mountain peaks were eaten by this evil beast.

Now it reluctantly told these two hateful humans the coordinates of the Tianshan Blood Lotus.

Brothers Chen Xiu picked Tianshan snow lotus.

However, after Chen Xiu took it, he discovered that the blood-enhancing effect of Tianshan Blood Lotus... was far less effective than that of Blood Bodhi.

The blood-enriching effect of Blood Bodhi is simply unparalleled. It is dozens of times more effective than Tianshan Blood Lotus.

After obtaining the Blood Bodhi, the two brothers took this evil beast with them and evacuated from Mount Everest...

When Chen Xiu took this evil beast down the mountain and came to the foot of Mount Everest.

The villagers at the foot of the mountain were all frightened, and everyone fled in fear when they saw this evil beast.

This evil beast is almost exactly the same as the pictures of unicorns and auspicious beasts they posted on the village door.

Chen Xiu was more certain of his guess.

A few days later.

Raging Dragon Army Camp.

The naval division is at the base headquarters, arranging and studying the latest combat array diagram.

"Report!" At this moment, a subordinate hurriedly broke into the command room, "Mr. Zhenhai! Outside our military base... a fire-breathing monster suddenly appeared! Its body is so hard that it can withstand attacks from missiles and all weapons!

It is frantically attacking the gate of our group headquarters!"

Brush~! After hearing the report from his subordinates, the navy division’s beautiful eyes suddenly condensed?

This chapter has been completed!
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