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Chapter 1085 Forgotten Ancient Creatures

The naval division immediately rushed out of the base gate.

When she stood on the city wall at the entrance of the base and saw the giant beast tens of meters high outside the base, the naval division's entire expression changed...

The giant beast opened its huge mouth, spitting fire from its mouth.

This scene is too weird and shocking?!

No matter whether the soldiers at the door slashed with swords or shot with guns, they could not penetrate the thick scales on its surface!

Even the artillerymen fired with cannons, but they couldn't penetrate the scaly defense of this evil beast!

The scales on this evil beast are extremely hard!

What kind of monster is this? Why does it suddenly appear at the entrance of the base?

The naval officer's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and...why did she feel that this evil beast seemed familiar?,

She opened Baidu on her phone and quickly found a picture of a unicorn and auspicious beast on her phone.

The beast in front of me looks exactly like the Kirin in myths and legends...

So she saw a living unicorn??

The naval division looked surprised??

At this time, outside the base, countless soldiers could not resist and were blown away by this evil beast.

The naval division's beautiful eyes narrowed, and with a wave of his hand, he ordered his men to prepare to use Type 024 rockets.

Since cannons can't break its scales, use rockets.

The eyes of the unicorn at the door were even more blood-red, and it opened its bloody mouth to spit out fire.

At this moment, a shout came from not far away, "Huo Boy, step back."

That shout was from Chen Xiu.

Brothers Chen Xiu and Chen Xing appeared outside the base at some unknown time.

As Chen Xiu shouted, the evil beast shut up obediently and retreated to Chen Xiu's side.

The naval division wore a mask and looked at this scene with beautiful eyes in shock??

Chen Xiu patted the evil beast's body and expressed his satisfaction.

Fire Baby is the name given by Chen Xiu to this evil beast. It can spit fire, just like the Fire Baby in Calabash Baby, so Chen Xiu named it Fire Baby.

Chen Xiu led this evil beast into the Furious Dragon Army base in a swaggering manner.

In the base, all the officers and soldiers of the Raging Dragon Army came forward to watch with shocked expressions.

Countless humans appeared next to the evil beast, and Huowa couldn't help but lick his tongue, as if he had the urge to eat humans.

Chen Xiu glared at it, and the fire boy bowed his head in resignation, not daring to think that way again.

"Dragon King, what's going on here? Where did you get the monster?" The naval engineer stepped forward in surprise and asked.

The eight top generals also gathered around and looked at this evil beast with shock on their faces.

Everyone felt that this evil beast... was exactly like the legendary Qilin.

"Conquered on Mount Everest." Chen Xiu curled his lips and recounted what happened on Mount Everest.

Hearing the Dragon King's words, the naval officer's beautiful eyes were solemn and he fell into deep thought.

Could it be that there really are unicorns in this world?

Chen Xiu took a photo of the evil beast and sent it to the princess in red for analysis using AI intelligence.

But the princess in red searched the entire network and could not find any information about this evil beast.

After comparing all the information, this evil beast is very close to the Kirin in myths and legends.

Chen Xiu asked the experimental department of the military region to come and conduct slice experiments on this evil beast.

A small part of the scales and skin of this evil beast were cut off to conduct DNA comparison experiments.

Finally, Chen Xiu sent the compared DNA data to the princess in red.

Let it analyze and deduce remotely.

The princess in red went through the deduction remotely, and finally the AI ​​intelligent deduction analyzed the results.

The princess in red came to a conclusion based on the DNA analysis results of this evil beast.

This evil beast is Qilin.

But it is not a so-called mythical beast, nor does it have special powers. It is a dinosaur creature that has been passed down from ancient times.

Kirin is a biological species whose ancestors originated in the Jurassic era.

This unicorn's DNA contains hundreds of thousands of years of genetic history. In other words, its genes have been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years. It belongs to the age of dinosaurs hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Its ancestors are dinosaurs.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the dinosaur population became extinct.

And this beastly unicorn, as one of the dinosaurs, managed to survive.

Just like whales and crocodiles, after hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, their race has continued from generation to generation.

It's just that whales and crocodiles reproduce very quickly, and now they have become common populations in the human world.

And this unicorn seems to be on the verge of extinction. Only this lineage has been passed down and has been surviving on Mount Everest.

If Chen Xiu and the others hadn't made this expedition, they probably wouldn't have found this unicorn.

Chen Xiu was also shocked when he learned the identity of this unicorn.

Unexpectedly, I actually tamed a living dinosaur fossil?

As for the reason why this unicorn can breathe fire, Chen Xiu also asked biochemical experts in the army to analyze it.

It was concluded that because of its special physiological structure, this unicorn has lived in a magma cave for a long time, so its body can naturally produce a kind of burning methane. The moment it opens its mouth to spray the methane, the friction between the methane and the air will cause it to instantly ignite.

Burn marsh gas and shoot out flames.

This is also the principle behind its fire breathing.

It's not magic in myths and legends.

Chen Xiu placed the fire baby in the Raging Dragon Military Camp, and after taming it

, this fire baby has become very obedient now.

After all, it can't defeat humans, so it can only surrender.

Chen Xiu asked the officers and soldiers of the Furious Dragon Army to start training Huoba these days and teach it some simple combat methods.

Chen Xiu plans to make good use of this fire baby and make it a combat weapon for the Raging Dragon Army.

Such high defensive scales, such terrifying power output, and the ability to breathe fire.

If this fire baby is used properly, it can become one of the killer weapons of the Raging Dragon Army.

So you have to train well.

As for the important task of training Huoba, Chen Xiu directly left it to the naval division.

As for all the information about the 'Fire Baby Qilin', Chen Xiu ordered the Raging Dragon Army to keep it strictly confidential and not to disclose it to anyone.

After all, Huowa is an ancient dinosaur creature, and it is a newly discovered species.

Once the state unit knows about it, they will probably snatch the Huoba away and conduct various rounds of research.

Chen Xiu is a narrow-minded person. The imperial capital is in chaos, and no one knows whether Huo Wa will be used by bad people to dissect him.

Therefore, Chen Xiu planned to keep it in the Western Region to become the weapon of the Raging Dragon Army.

This is also protecting this evil beast.

A few days later,

Chen Xiu took Blood Bodhi and personally visited the Xin Royal Family.

He handed the Blood Bodhi and several Tianshan Blood Lotuses to Prince Xin.

This can also be regarded as compensation for Prince Xin.

When Prince Xin got these blood bodhisattvas, he was extremely shocked.

Over the years, he has sent his men to search all over the world, but at most they have only found such precious materials as Tianshan Blood Lotus.

But he didn't expect that Chen Xiu could actually produce a blood-enhancing treasure that was better than the Tianshan Blood Lotus.

The blood-enriching effect of this Blood Bodhi is even greater than that of the Tianshan Blood Lotus.

A flash of light flashed in Prince Xin's eyes. He felt that... with this Blood Bodhi, maybe... he might be able to break through again.

That night, Prince Xin took the Blood Bodhi and began to practice again to improve his strength.

After his daughter's death, Prince Xin no longer had any ties to him.

Originally, his daughter was still alive, but for the sake of his daughter, Prince Xin did not dare to continue practicing.

Because if his strength is too strong, it will definitely attract the attention of the imperial capital.

Therefore, in order to protect his daughter, he could only stay at the potential level of 80 and did not dare to step into it again.

Now that his daughter is dead, he doesn't care anymore and has no ties. He only has this life left, so he just keeps practicing and sees where he will be at the end of his martial arts practice.

At worst, he will eventually practice cultivation to death, and Prince Xin will admit it.

Western Raging Dragon Army Base.

After Chen Xiu took Blood Bodhi these days, combined with acupuncture, the injuries to the internal organs in his body recovered quickly.

Speeded up a bit.

Chen Xiu seemed to have gradually figured out some tricks.

He discovered that by using blood-enhancing elixirs and using traditional Chinese medicine, the injuries to the internal organs could be gradually suppressed, and the injuries to the internal organs actually began to heal.

Although the healing speed is very slow, it is a good start.

It means that he has hope to continue on this path of pure physical martial arts cultivation.

Chen Xiu has also asked his subordinates to analyze and study the characteristic components of Blood Bodhi these days.

In the end, the subordinates were helpless to discover that the rhizomes of the Blood Bodhi were not suitable for planting in ordinary environments.

The birth of Blood Bodhi is related to high-temperature magma.

Under the environment of high-temperature magma, and some plant seeds drift into the magma cave with the wind, the plant seed embryos will grow and germinate under the high temperature of the magma by chance.

It is simply impossible to grow it in ordinary climate conditions.

The birth of this Blood Bodhi can only be said to be a coincidence.

After Chen Xiu learned the news, he immediately ordered the Raging Dragon Army's spies to start searching all the volcanoes in the entire Western Territory.

See if you can find other Blood Bodhisattva in those volcanic caves.

This kind of blood bodhi is an elixir for replenishing blood and the key to promotion, so it must be mined in large quantities.


The Raging Dragon Army of the Western Region.

In the martial arts arena.

In the martial arts arena, Chen Xing flashed and teleported like crazy.

He is training, training day and night to develop his body's potential like crazy.

Since having Blood Bodhi, Chen Xing no longer has any fear. He wants to follow his elder brother's footsteps and break through the 80-year-old limit.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Chen Xing's movement flashed, and he and Huo Wa kept fighting on the martial arts field.

He is borrowing the power of Huoba to stimulate his own potential.

After Chen Xing was blasted away by Huo Wa... Chen Xing finally broke through 80!

And at the same time, thousands of kilometers away.

The Western Territory, a small country.

‘Mie’ and the princess in red are wandering in this small country. ‘Mie’ breaks into this small country and is constantly challenging the top soldiers and warriors in these small countries.

She is taking this opportunity to copy the techniques of these foreign warriors.

‘Destruction’ not only challenges warriors from various countries outside the Western Territory, but also uses the banner of Dragon King.

She declared to the outside world that she was the Dragon King's woman, and this time she came to suppress all the big and small countries on behalf of the Dragon King.

The countries in the Western Region were immediately furious after hearing this, and countless martial arts masters took action... but they were all defeated by 'Mie'.

After nearly half a month of crazy challenges.

The strength of Mie finally exceeded 80!

Physical potential, stimulate breakthrough 80!

This chapter has been completed!
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