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Chapter 114 Underground Garage, Mysterious Cleaner!

"You are too ugly, and I am not interested in your money."

Chen Xiu's tone was calm and he replied lightly.

The whole place was quiet.

You can hear the needle drop.

All the bodyguards present and colleagues who came out of the building after get off work were also stunned by this scene...


Chen Xiu actually looks down on Chang Siyu, a super fair and beautiful person??


Chang Siyu stood there, his beautiful breasts trembling.

That’s anger!

She lived for more than twenty years.

This is the first time that I have been looked down upon so much by a man!!

"I'm ugly? What's so ugly about me? Are you blind?" Chang Siyu shouted angrily!

"I'm inviting you to dinner just because you're jealous! Are you kicking your nose and getting into your face???" Chang Siyu was also very angry and retorted angrily.

"You are ugly, your whole family is ugly!!" At this time, Chang Siyu, like a little girl losing her temper, pointed at Chen Xiu and lost his temper.

Ning Dongxia, who was on the side, saw this and hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her best friend.

"Si Yu...forget it, don't be the same as him..." Ning Dongxia grabbed her best friend.

"Come on, I'll treat you to dinner tonight." Ning Dongxia persuaded.

Ning Dongxia pulled Chang Siyu into her Mercedes-Benz.

Chen Xiu, holding a cigarette in his mouth, also walked to the front row of the Mercedes-Benz.

He opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

Ning Dongxia is his protection target.

He must keep this woman safe.

The Mercedes-Benz convoy formed a queue and drove away slowly.

Behind, Chang Siyu's bodyguards also got into the commercial vehicle, followed closely behind, and drove away...

That night, Ning Dongxia invited Chang Siyu... to have a sumptuous Western meal to calm down her best friend.

Chen Xiu, as a personal bodyguard, also sat in the western restaurant and ate together.

However, during the meal, he remained as cold as ice. He only focused on eating and did not speak from the beginning to the end.

No matter how Chang Siyu spoke to him, asked questions, or even threatened him with words... Chen Xiu never spoke.

Finished the meal.

Ning Dongxia and Chang Siyu made an appointment to go shopping in the mall together.

Yesterday, the prince of the Bai family died.

Jiangnan business community is in turmoil.

But these two women, at this time... have put all these troubles behind them.

The two women held hands and entered the most luxurious shopping mall in Jiangnan, the International Financial Center, and started shopping.

The two women's bodyguards were waiting in the underground garage.

Only Chen Xiu, holding a cigarette in his mouth, followed the two women to protect their safety.

But what he protected was only Ning Dongxia.

He did not take Chang Siyu into consideration.

When Chang Siyu and Ning Dongxia passed by a Versace men's clothing store, she suddenly stopped.

She turned her head and glanced at Chen Xiu behind her.

This man was wearing a worn-out leather jacket and looked extremely slovenly.

There is no noble temperament at all.

Chang Siyu suddenly turned around and walked into the Versace men's clothing store.

"This one, this one...this one..."

"I don't want these three things."

"Pack up all the rest of the men's suits for me." Chang Siyu walked into the store and said domineeringly.

The waitress in the store suddenly became very excited.

Several waitresses carefully packed each suit.

The price of a single Versace suit is 30,000 yuan.

At this time, there were more than a hundred suits in the store.

After calculation, it’s more than 3 million yuan!

Gold card, swipe your card to pay.

My best friend Ning Dongxia on the side looked at this scene with a stunned look on her pretty face.

"Siyu...you...why did you buy so many men's clothes? Give them to your dad?" Ning Dongxia asked in confusion.

"Sending you a bodyguard." Chang Siyu said calmly.

Ning Dongxia:......???

Soon, the Versace store clerk packed more than a hundred men's suits and loaded them on the cart.

Pushed in front of Chang Siyu.

"Ms. Chang, your suit has been packaged completely. Please check it." The staff member said with great respect.

Chang Siyu pointed to the bodyguard Chen Xiu behind him.

"No, these clothes belong to him, give them to him." Chang Siyu signaled.

So, the staff pushed a whole cart of suits in front of Chen Xiu.

Signing for Chen Xiu to sign for it.

Chen Xiu's eyes were calm and he glanced at the car of suits in front of him.

This is a whole carload of suits.

If you don’t accept it, it seems like it will be in vain?

It's just a suit anyway, it doesn't matter if you take it away.

It does not affect his aloof and unruly image.

"Pack it up and send it to the underground garage." Chen Xiu replied calmly with a cigarette in his mouth.

The staff nodded respectfully, packed the suitcases in this car and sent them to the underground garage...

When Chang Siyu saw this scene, her beautiful red lips finally curled up.

There is no man in this world who is invincible.

Unexpectedly, under his sugar-coated bullets and such a strong money offensive, this stinky bodyguard would finally have his heart broken.

One step closer to getting this stinky man.

At this time, Chang Siyu could already imagine the appearance of this male bodyguard being chased by him...

He obeyed his words, told him to turn to the left but not to the right, made him sit but didn't dare to stand... so obedient.

Thinking of this, Chang Siyu's heart was filled with excitement.

I walked around the mall and bought a lot of clothes and designer bags.

That night, Chang Siyu spent nearly 6 million yuan.

But she was calm and calm, like a person who had nothing to do.

Holding Ning Dongxia's hand, they were talking and laughing.

After shopping and visiting the mall, the two women took the elevator downstairs, chatting and laughing.

The two took the elevator and arrived at the underground parking lot in the center of the Guojin Shopping Mall.

In the parking lot, a group of bodyguards were stationed in the garage, forming a queue to protect the safety of Ning Dongxia and Chang Siyu.

Chang Siyu held Ning Dongxia's hand and came to his Lamborghini sports car.

She and Ning Dongxia exchanged pleasantries and planned to say goodbye.

However, before leaving, Chang Siyu turned his head again and looked at the bodyguard Chen Xiu behind him.

"Hey, I'm telling you, don't act cold all day long. Let's add WeChat?" Chang Siyu said with a hint of expectation in his tone.

At the same time, she had already taken out her mobile phone and clicked on the WeChat business card QR code.

Just add Chen Xiu’s WeChat account.

"It's not necessary." But Chen Xiu, with a calm and indifferent tone, replied with two words.

Chang Siyu:……

"I'm talking about you! I bought you so many clothes just now!" Chang Siyu was furious!

This man is too much!

After all, I spent millions to buy clothes for this man;

As a result, I couldn’t even add a WeChat account.

This is a real gold-fishing man!

"Give me my clothes!" Chang Siyu became a little angry and yelled!

"Whatever." Chen Xiu shrugged indifferently.

Chang Siyu: "..."

And, just as these two people were arguing verbally.

The underground garage is not far away.

A shopping mall sanitation truck was slowly... coming towards this direction with its lights flashing.

On the sanitation and cleaning vehicle, there were several cleaners wearing yellow vests.

These cleaners all wore hats on their heads, so their faces could not be seen clearly.

However, from their collars and necks... we could faintly see a few... hideous and twisted scars.

This is not a group of cleaners!

In the underground garage.

Just as the cleaning vehicle slowly approached.

Suddenly, the cleaners whipped out hot weapons...assault rifles!!

Dozens of assault rifles were locked together...aiming at Chen Xiu not far away...!!

This chapter has been completed!
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