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Chapter 115 Chen Xiu's first time, a sense of crisis!

In the underground garage.

Just as the cleaning vehicle slowly approached.

Suddenly, the cleaners whipped out hot weapons...assault rifles!!

Dozens of assault rifles were locked together...aiming at Chen Xiu not far away...!!

And at the same time!

In the garage, Chang Siyu and Chen Xiu were arguing.

She turned her back to the cleaning truck and did not see clearly what was going on behind her.

Chang Siyu had an angry face and was arguing endlessly with Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu suddenly stretched out his hand, hugged her directly, and pulled her into his arms!

"Ah..." Chang Siyu exclaimed, but he didn't even react.

I just felt like I was being pulled into the arms by a strong hand.

Then, she smelled a strong smell of tobacco and male hormones.

At this moment, Chang Siyu was sluggish and his pretty face was a little confused??

She couldn't react for a moment.

This guy Chen Xiu actually... hugged himself??

However, before she could react.

Behind you, there was suddenly a shocking sound of gunshots...!!

"Da da da da...!!" The sound of gunshots echoed...!!

Tens of meters away, in the cleaning car, several killers leaned out of the car window and opened fire...!!!

Countless bullets pierced the void and violently struck in the direction of their target, Chen Xiu...!!

Chen Xiu put his arm around Chang Siyu and protected her behind him.

Then he raised his right hand, and the sword came out of the pagoda!

"Clang, clang, clang...!!" Futu's weapon came out, as fast as lightning!

Instantly shoot down the dozens of bullets that exploded on the spot...!

Shooting and assassination, stopped!

At this time, the bodyguards around him reacted!

The expressions of all the bodyguards suddenly changed...!!

"Enemy attack...!! Enemy attack...!!"

"Level A alert...!! Explosion-proof shield array...!!!"

The bodyguard leader Yang Feng looked anxious and solemn, and immediately shouted!!

Immediately, Ning Dongxia's group of bodyguards looked solemn and directly put up explosion-proof shields...!

Rush in front of Chen Xiu!!

Use pieces of explosion-proof shields to form a protective wall...!!

At this time, the bodyguards hired by Chang Siyu finally reacted...

Her bodyguard members also took out their explosion-proof shields and rushed forward, forming a sea of ​​​​people...!!

Protect the CEO’s safety!!

In the entire underground garage, the scene was dangerous and solemn!

Chen Xiu took the opportunity and pushed Chang Siyu into the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz.

At this time, Chang Siyu was completely frightened, his pretty face turned pale, and his delicate body was trembling.

"Are they here to target me?!" In the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz, Ning Dongxia looked at him with a serious face and asked.

"No." Chen Xiu looked indifferent and shook his head, "You came to see me."

Hearing this sentence, Ning Dongxia was stunned??

Looking for...his?,

When did he provoke these armed forces?

Who sent these forces???

At this moment, Ning Dongxia was sitting in a bulletproof car, her pretty face full of doubtful question marks???

But at this moment, she didn't have time to think too much.

The situation at the scene is extremely dangerous!

The group of 'sanitation worker killers' in front opened fire again for the second time!!

"Da da da da...!!" Terrifying flames and bullets roared towards the sky and covered the ground!!

Countless bullets hit the explosion-proof shields of the bodyguards!!

There was a harsh metal collision sound!!

Sparks flying!!!

The scene in the entire underground garage was extremely chaotic!!

In the garage, the customers who had just gone downstairs to pick up their cars, when they saw this scene... they were so frightened that they screamed and ran away!!

They are just ordinary people... I have never seen such a fierce gunfight scene in my life!

All the customers were frightened!

"You guys stay in the car and don't come out. I'll take care of it." With that said, Chen Xiu slammed the door of the Mercedes-Benz.

The entire Mercedes-Benz is equipped with the highest level of bulletproof glass.

These ordinary firearms cannot break through defenses.

So at this time, it is safest to stay in the car.

Chen Xiu closed the car door, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath.

Then, he straightened his collar and walked towards the bodyguards step by step.

"Stay back, they...are here to find me." Chen Xiu held a cigarette in his mouth and said slowly in a calm tone.

Then, he walked directly towards the sanitation truck!

"Mr. Chen, be careful...!! The enemy has an ambush...!!" Behind, under the explosion-proof shield, the bodyguard leader Yang Feng, with an anxious and solemn look on his face, shouted a reminder!


Yang Feng drank it with this sound.

From all directions, several more black vans rushed out from around the basement!

Dozens of vans surrounded Chen Xiu in the middle, and the blockage was tight!!

This is a... ferocious hunting aimed specifically at him!!

Dozens of vans surrounded Chen Xiu!

Then, inside the van, a bunch of hot weapons suddenly stuck out of the window!!

A series of pitch-black holes were aimed at Chen Xiu!

This is an unprecedented attack!!!

The other side even spent huge sums of money and mobilized dozens of gunmen!!

Just to attack and kill Chen Xiu alone!!

At this moment, Chen Xiu was ambushed on all sides, with murderous intent surging!

He held a cigarette in his mouth and looked around with calm eyes.

Facing the lock of countless firearms.

There was no fear in his eyes.

His right hand slowly rotated.

A silver short blade slowly emerged from his sleeve.

Weapon, pagoda.


With the appearance of this weapon.

The air all around seemed to have dropped several degrees.

Can you see how cold and murderous this weapon is?

And at this time.

All around, in the van surrounding him, the group of killers were giving ferocious orders!


With this order issued!

"Da da da da da...!!!" Dozens of hot weapons fired in unison! Accompanied by the terrifying sound of bullets and tongues of fire!!

The overwhelming bullets shot towards Chen Xiu...!!!

"Mr. Chen, be careful...!!!" Yang Feng, the bodyguard leader, saw this scene and shouted anxiously!#!

But, it’s too late!!

The sky is filled with tongues of fire, overwhelming the sky and the earth!!

Right now!

Chen Xiu held the knife in his right hand. Suddenly... he raised the knife lightly at the bullets coming from all directions! The knife rose!

"Dang...!!" He directly blocked an incoming bullet with a knife!

Then, the bullet was bounced back by the huge force of the weapon!

The bullet twisted 360 degrees in mid-air and returned at a strange angle towards the killer who was shooting not far away.

"Poof...!" Not far away, the killer lying at the window had no time to react... and was shot in the forehead!

"Clang, clang, clang...!!"

The weapon in Chen Xiu's hand is as fast as lightning...!

Block all the incoming bullets from all around and bounce them back along the same path!!

"Puff, puff, puff...!!!" Countless bullets turned weirdly 360 degrees and shot towards the group of shooting killers all around...!!

In all directions, in those dozens of vans...the group of killers, their pupils widened...they had no time to react or dodge!

in a blink!

"Puff puff...!!!" Countless bullets came back in an instant...the bullets directly penetrated the bodies of the killers...!!!

The windows and doors of dozens of vans... were all shot through!

Bullets hit those killers!

The killers didn't even have time to escape before their bodies fell into the van one after another.

Chen Xiu holds the divine weapon of Buddha, step by step, like a demon Shura.

Heading towards dozens of vans!

"Buzz...!" Ahead, a van started its engine and tried to hit Chen Xiu hard...!!!

Seeing it, the van is about to hit Chen Xiu!

Chen Xiu directly used one hand.

"Bang!" He slapped the front of the van hard!

With one palm, he blocked the van directly in front of him with his bare hands.

The wheels of the van were spinning violently.

But he couldn't move forward even half an inch!

at the same time!

All around, "Buzz...!" Two more vans came crashing towards Chen Xiu...!!

Dozens of vans, one after another... crashed into Chen Xiu's surroundings!!

This is an attempt to hit Chen Xiu to death!!

Chen Xiu's pupils were as cold as cold, and he raised his right hand! With a sharp knife, he split a van into two halves on the spot!!

The pagoda sword in his hand is as sharp as cold and as fast as lightning!

Cut the van into two pieces with one knife!

The driver in the car was also cut in half on the spot!

And there were several vans all around, crashing into him crazily!

"Boom...!" Chen Xiu's body flashed and moved to the side of a speeding van.

Just give him a hard kick!

The van was kicked over and rolled over on the spot!

Another van is speeding up...

Chen Xiu raised his right hand!

The pagoda divine soldiers roared out!

It penetrated directly into the chest of the driver in the van!

Then, with a string of blood, it penetrated out...!

Throughout the underground garage.

It's impossible to see his murderous actions clearly.

All you can see is his body, rushing through a group of dozens of vans!

Silver light roared across the void, like a dance of silver lightning!!

In the blink of an eye, within a few minutes.

Dozens of vans were all stopped by Chen Xiu alone.

In the car, countless gun-wielding killers were all killed by Chen Xiu alone!

Chen Xiu stopped.

Stand still.

The pagoda weapon in his hand was still cold, and a drop of blood slowly dripped from the blade.

He took back his weapon and took a deep breath.

Just as he was getting ready, he turned around and left.

And, at this moment.

"Uh ah...!!" Suddenly, there was an angry roar from behind!

I saw, from nowhere in the garage... two more killers in black rushed out!

The two killers looked ferocious, and their bodies ran rapidly towards Chen Xiu!

Chen Xiu's right hand was raised slightly.

The pagoda weapon appears again.

He watched as the two killers rushed to a distance of about three meters away from him.

Just when Chen Xiu was preparing to kill these two killers.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank violently!

Because he...smelled a hint of...a sense of crisis!

Chen Xiu suddenly raised his head and stared at the two killers?!

Then, I saw...the running bodies of the two killers...a spark ignited!!

Next second!!

Flames, soaring into the sky!!

This chapter has been completed!
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