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Chapter 1318 Mysterious Dark Matter!

Yinhe smiled faintly, and she raised her eyes to stare at the deep night sky above her head.

"Your understanding of the universe is too shallow." Yinhe's voice was deep, and he raised his hand to gently feel the silver moonlight pouring down.

"Moonlight is indeed just refracted light from the sun. Moonlight itself does not produce energy, but the moon does produce radiant energy. This energy... is currently difficult for human scientists to detect with instruments. A few decades ago, a world-famous physicist

, Fritz Zwicky once made a statement, you should have heard it, right? Fritz Zwicky proposed... The universe is filled with all kinds of dark matter. This kind of dark matter can penetrate any object and is invisible.

It is shapeless, but contains extremely strong energy. However, the current dark matter theoretical hypothesis... only exists in theory, and humans cannot actually detect this energy." Yinhe explained lightly.

"What do you mean? Moonlight contains dark matter?" Chen Xiu asked in shock.

He had indeed heard of the theory of dark matter.

This hypothesis was proposed by the famous scientist Fritz Zwicky, and the contemporary physics master Dr. Chen Ning Yang has also confirmed the existence of this dark matter.

There are countless molecules like dark matter in the universe.

It has no shape or form, cannot be seen or touched, but it does exist and contains terrifying energy.

Even the earth contains a large amount of dark matter.

It's just that it's still difficult to detect it with the current level of science and technology of mankind.

Only some top scientific and technological developed countries have occasionally detected a little bit of dark matter.

This kind of dark matter is still in the research stage. Human beings cannot use it, and their principles are not clear.

"No, there is no dark matter in the moonlight." Yinghe shook her head lightly and said in a deep voice, "The moonlight itself does not produce dark matter. The moonlight only contains a small amount of gamma rays. This gamma ray is carried from the moon itself.

When the moonlight is projected onto the earth, it brings gamma rays from the moon's surface to the earth. The earth contains a small amount of dark matter. Coincidentally, I found that... the gamma rays in the moonlight are similar to the dark matter in the earth.

The combination seems to produce unexpected energy, so I tried to use drugs to change the functionality of the body in a short period of time so that the body can absorb the energy generated by dark matter."

Yinghe explained calmly.

Chen Xiu was shocked and horrified?

This method is so incredible!

The moon itself contains a small amount of gamma rays. When the moonlight falls on the earth, it will

Gamma rays from the moonlight are brought to Earth.

And 'Galaxy' discovered...this kind of gamma ray...seems to be able to combine with a small amount of dark matter in the earth to produce energy fluctuations?

The two energies spirally intertwined... producing incredible energy.

Moreover, Yinhe also discovered that this spiraling energy... seems to be absorbed and utilized by the human body?

As long as the body's organ functions are changed in a short period of time and the blood oxygen saturation is increased, this dark matter energy can be absorbed into the body by the human lungs, and spread through the lungs to all parts of the body's cells, allowing the body's physical energy to recover.


Therefore, Yinhe takes a large amount of western medicine every day.

This kind of Western medicine was developed and prepared by herself. It is specially used to enhance the function of dilating blood vessels and blood oxygen saturation. It can also increase lung capacity.

It is through this series of chain reactions that she can absorb and use the energy of the moonlight combined with the earth's dark matter.

In her words, moonlight itself does not produce energy, it just carries some gamma rays.

But this kind of gamma rays unlocks the shackles of dark matter in the earth.

Gamma rays combine with dark matter in the earth, allowing dark matter to generate energy.

However, Yinhe modified her body functions in advance and took medicine to increase her lung capacity and blood oxygen saturation in a short period of time. Therefore, she was able to use the energy of dark matter by chance.

Galaxy uses the energy of this dark matter to allow her body to absorb this spiral energy wave, so her body can continue to overdraw her physical strength without limit.

Every sword she uses actually consumes the energy generated by dark matter in her body.

Dark matter energy is like eating. As long as you can eat, you can do physical work.

As long as Galaxy's body can continue to absorb dark matter, her body's strength will not be exhausted.

Hearing Yinhe's explanation, Chen Xiu was completely shocked.

So, she is using dark matter to keep her body's energy continuous? This method is too terrifying!

"So, moonlight can really make people stronger?" Brother Chen Xing asked with shock on his face?!

Yinhe nodded slowly and said calmly, "The energy produced by the combination of moonlight and the dark matter of the earth is considerable, so... in Western legends, those werewolves and vampires who transformed under the moonlight are not necessarily just legends...

Maybe it’s true.”

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