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Chapter 1319 Spiral Energy

At this moment, the Chen Xiu brothers looked shocked and unbelievable, making it even harder to digest this fact.

"However, the energy of this dark matter cannot be used indefinitely. Its use will cause irreversible damage to the body... After dark matter enters the body, it will cause the body's cell metabolism to accelerate... In other words, once this dark matter is used,

If there is dark matter, the body's cell metabolism will be wasted a lot." Yinhe explained calmly.

Seeing that the brothers were still a little confused, Yinhe said in a straightforward tone, "In other words, using dark matter once... the body's absorption will reach the upper limit. It is not an infinite cycle. After all, the human body's endurance is limited.

If you absorb too much, it will cause damage to the body and shorten your lifespan."

Upon hearing this, Chen Xiu and Chen Xing's expressions froze.

Therefore, this kind of dark matter is not without its drawbacks.

It cannot be absorbed by the human body for a long time. If too much is absorbed, it will be harmful to the human body.

"Then you just absorbed so much dark matter? Are you not afraid of causing damage to Ning Dongxia's body and shortening her lifespan?" Chen Xiu asked condensedly.

Yinhe explained, "Oh, are you starting to worry about Ning Dongxia now? Don't panic, the prerequisite for dark matter to damage the body is... the amount of dark matter absorbed by the body exceeds the limit. And I was absorbing dark matter while constantly drawing out the sword.

Release the energy of dark matter. Therefore, the dark matter in my body does not exceed the standard and is always at a controllable level."

Hearing this, Chen Xiucai felt a little relieved. .??.

"Do you have any purpose in creating this kind of sword technique?" Chen Xiu asked warily.

Currently, this fifth level personality ‘Yinhe’ has so many secrets that Chen Xiu cannot see through her for a while. He is always vigilant.

Yinhe shrugged and said, "Of course it is to break through and become stronger. The potential of Ning Dongxia's body is too low, so it needs to continue to become stronger. If you follow the route of a traditional warrior, you can only keep fighting and gain strength through actual combat.

You have stimulated your body’s potential. Isn’t this how you have been promoted and become stronger?”

Chen Xiu was noncommittal.

Just when the two brothers wanted to ask more questions...at this time, outside the dark square, the sound of engines roared!

A large number of convoys are speeding towards us!

It's reinforcements from the Huiyue organization that have arrived.

"Their support has arrived. Let's retreat first." Galaxy's beautiful eyes said deeply. After she finished speaking, she turned around and teleported away.

Her movement speed at this time was not even inferior to Chen Xiu's.

Chen Xiu's pupils condensed, and his brother followed the direction of the Milky Way...

Before coming here to fight, Yinghe had already planned his escape route in advance.

At this time, she took the Chen Xiu brothers... and fled all the way...

The killers of Huiyue Organization in the rear couldn't catch up with them.

Waiting for Yinhe and Chen Xiu

After the two brothers left...

Only then did the killers from Huiyue Organization arrive at the square.

When they looked at the corpses on the square, the killers of Huiyue Organization looked furious!

So many brothers have been sacrificed!

In the past few nights, they have sacrificed hundreds of gene killers in succession.

If they continue to sacrifice like this, the genetic battle group they sent may be destroyed by the group.

At this time, Spider-Man Ji Chang slowly got out of the car with the help of his subordinates.

Thick bandages were wrapped around his face, and the sword wound between his eyebrows had not yet completely healed.

Ji Chang came to the pile of corpses in front of the square and looked at the sword marks on the corpses. Ji Chang's face was ferocious and murderous.

The gene killers inspected the corpses on the ground, and then solemnly reported, "Lord Ji! These 24 gene warriors were all killed by sword wounds...! According to the sword skills at the scene, they should have been killed within ten minutes.

, killed with a sword! Looking at Mengzhou, there is probably no one else but Chen Xiu who can have such swordsmanship! The murderer is most likely Chen Xiu!"

But when he heard the reports from his subordinates, Ji Chang's face hardened.

Chen Xiu?

Ji Chang slowly squatted down and inspected the body of the deceased on the ground.

He looked at the strange sword wounds on the corpse...

His longer gaze fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Ji Chang stood up. He slowly shook his head and said, "No... the murderer is not Chen Xiu. The murderer is someone else."

Brush~! After hearing Ji Chang’s words, all the gene killers present had their expressions condensed??

The murderer is someone else? How is this possible?

Looking at Mengzhou, could it be that Chen Xiu still has a powerful helping hand to help him?

Ji Chang stared at the group of corpses and said with deep eyes, "Someone is secretly supporting Chen Xiu, and that person is extremely powerful, I'm afraid...not inferior to Chen Xiu."

Upon hearing this, the expressions of all the gene killers changed.

"Hey, it seems that things are a bit tricky. Chen Xiu is already difficult to deal with, but I didn't expect...another helper as strong as Chen Xiu will come...it's really troublesome." Ji Chang's eyes flashed with solemnity at this time.

If before, Ji Chang still looked down on Chen Xiu.

At this time, he had treated Chen Xiu with complete caution.

Ji Chang admitted that he had underestimated the enemy before. Chen Xiu's terror was beyond his imagination.

But now, someone as terrifying as Chen Xiu has come to support him?

And you still don’t know the other party’s identity?

This made Ji Chang faintly worried.

"Contact Huiyue headquarters and request to send additional personnel!" Ji Chang thought for a long time and immediately ordered! At this moment, the Chen Xiu brothers looked shocked and unbelievable, and it was even more difficult to digest this fact.

"However, the energy of this dark matter cannot be used indefinitely. Its use will cause irreversible damage to the body... After dark matter enters the body, it will cause the body's cell metabolism to accelerate... In other words, once this dark matter is used,

If there is dark matter, the body's cell metabolism will be wasted a lot." Yinhe explained calmly.

Seeing that the brothers were still a little confused, Yinhe said in a straightforward tone, "In other words, using dark matter once... the body's absorption will reach the upper limit. It is not an infinite cycle. After all, the human body's endurance is limited.

If you absorb too much, it will cause damage to the body and shorten your lifespan."

Upon hearing this, Chen Xiu and Chen Xing's expressions froze.

Therefore, this kind of dark matter is not without its drawbacks.

It cannot be absorbed by the human body for a long time. If too much is absorbed, it will be harmful to the human body.

"Then you just absorbed so much dark matter? Are you not afraid of causing damage to Ning Dongxia's body and shortening her lifespan?" Chen Xiu asked condensedly.

Yinhe explained, "Oh, are you starting to worry about Ning Dongxia now? Don't panic, the prerequisite for dark matter to damage the body is... the amount of dark matter absorbed by the body exceeds the limit. And I was absorbing dark matter while constantly drawing out the sword.

Release the energy of dark matter. Therefore, the dark matter in my body does not exceed the standard and is always at a controllable level."

After hearing this, Chen Xiu felt slightly relieved.

"Do you have any purpose in creating this kind of sword technique?" Chen Xiu asked warily.

Currently, this fifth level personality ‘Yinhe’ has so many secrets that Chen Xiu cannot see through her for a while. He is always vigilant.

Yinhe shrugged and said, "Of course it is to break through and become stronger. The potential of Ning Dongxia's body is too low, so it needs to continue to become stronger. If you follow the route of a traditional warrior, you can only keep fighting and gain strength through actual combat.

You have stimulated your body’s potential. Isn’t this how you have been promoted and become stronger?”

Chen Xiu was noncommittal.

Just when the two brothers wanted to ask more questions...at this time, outside the dark square, the sound of engines roared!

A large number of convoys are speeding towards us!

It's reinforcements from the Huiyue organization that have arrived.

"Their support has arrived. Let's retreat first." Galaxy's beautiful eyes said deeply. After she finished speaking, she turned around and teleported away.

Her movement speed at this time was not even inferior to Chen Xiu's.

Chen Xiu's pupils condensed, and his brother followed the direction of the Milky Way...

Before coming here to fight, Yinghe had already planned his escape route in advance.

At this time, she took the Chen Xiu brothers... and fled all the way...

The killers of Huiyue Organization in the rear couldn't catch up with them.

Waiting for Yinhe and Chen Xiu

After the two brothers left...

Only then did the killers from Huiyue Organization arrive at the square.

When they looked at the corpses on the square, the killers of Huiyue Organization looked furious!

So many brothers have been sacrificed!

In the past few nights, they have sacrificed hundreds of gene killers in succession.

If they continue to sacrifice like this, the genetic battle group they sent may be destroyed by the group.

At this time, Spider-Man Ji Chang slowly got out of the car with the help of his subordinates.

Thick bandages were wrapped around his face, and the sword wound between his eyebrows had not yet completely healed.

Ji Chang came to the pile of corpses in front of the square and looked at the sword marks on the corpses. Ji Chang's face was ferocious and murderous.

The gene killers inspected the corpses on the ground, and then solemnly reported, "Lord Ji! These 24 gene warriors were all killed by sword wounds...! According to the sword skills at the scene, they should have been killed within ten minutes.

, killed with a sword! Looking at Mengzhou, there is probably no one else but Chen Xiu who can have such swordsmanship! The murderer is most likely Chen Xiu!"

But when he heard the reports from his subordinates, Ji Chang's face hardened.

Chen Xiu?

Ji Chang slowly squatted down and inspected the body of the deceased on the ground.

He looked at the strange sword wounds on the corpse...

His longer gaze fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Ji Chang stood up. He slowly shook his head and said, "No... the murderer is not Chen Xiu. The murderer is someone else."

Brush~! After hearing Ji Chang’s words, all the gene killers present had their expressions condensed??

The murderer is someone else? How is this possible?

Looking at Mengzhou, could it be that Chen Xiu still has a powerful helping hand to help him?

Ji Chang stared at the group of corpses and said with deep eyes, "Someone is secretly supporting Chen Xiu, and that person is extremely powerful, I'm afraid...not inferior to Chen Xiu."

Upon hearing this, the expressions of all the gene killers changed.

"Hey, it seems that things are a bit tricky. Chen Xiu is already difficult to deal with, but I didn't expect...another helper as strong as Chen Xiu will come...it's really troublesome." Ji Chang's eyes flashed with solemnity at this time.

If before, Ji Chang still looked down on Chen Xiu.

At this time, he had treated Chen Xiu with complete caution.

Ji Chang admitted that he had underestimated the enemy before. Chen Xiu's terror was beyond his imagination.

But now, someone as terrifying as Chen Xiu has come to support him?

And you still don’t know the other party’s identity?

This made Ji Chang faintly worried.

"Contact Huiyue headquarters and request to send additional personnel!" Ji Chang thought for a long time and immediately ordered!

This chapter has been completed!
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