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Chapter 1320 Rhnull blood!

Late at night, Yinhe led the Chen Xiu brothers to escape from the city of Mengzhou, passed through dozens of kilometers of grassland, and drove all the way... finally arriving at the secret grassland where they were stationed.

This night brought enough shock to the Chen Xiu brothers.

This fifth personality, Galaxy, seems to have too many things in her mind. As long as she thinks about it, she can think of everything.

The terror of this kind of personality far exceeds the fourth level of personality ‘annihilation.’

That night, Chen Xiu almost didn't sleep all night.

He was tossing and turning, worried about one thing: would the emergence of the Milky Way pose a threat to Ning Dongxia's main personality?

The IQ of the fifth personality Galaxy is too outstanding, and its terrifying computing power is beyond the reach of Chen Xiu. He is worried that there may be some major conspiracy hidden in this Galaxy? Even like the fifth personality destruction, it only wants to kill the main personality.

Ning Dongxia? Taking control of the body?

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Xiu woke up early in the morning.

He planned to go directly to the fifth personality, Yinghe, to ask for details.

In the early morning, Yinhe was already wearing a long Mongolian dress and was standing in front of the grassland, waving a sword in his hand and practicing sword practice.

Chen Xiu stepped forward to find her and asked directly, "When will Ning Dongxia show up? She has disappeared for 5 days. This is not normal."

Facing Chen Xiu's inquiry, Yinhe smiled faintly, "Are you worried about your woman? Don't worry, it's normal for her to disappear for a few days. She experienced that battle before and her mental strength was severely damaged. The reason why she didn't appear was

Because her mental strength has not been fully restored. Once her mental strength recovers, it will appear naturally."

Chen Xiu asked coldly, "How to ensure that what you said is true? How to ensure that you have no ill intentions towards Ning Dongxia?"

Facing Chen Xiu's question, Yinhe was noncommittal, "I can't guarantee it, and you have no other way. Either kill me or let me live. Do you have a third way?"

"You can only choose to believe me, Chen Xiu."

This sentence left Chen Xiuwen speechless.

Yinhe glanced at him lightly, "Don't worry, I was born out of fear of Ning Dongxia. She is me and I am her. I have no ill intentions towards Ning Dongxia. And if I really want to harm her, you can stop me at any time."

.After all, my current strength cannot compete with you."

Facing Yinhe's explanation, Chen Xiu was helpless and couldn't think of a better way.

"Can the method of converting energy using moonlight that you mentioned last night be mass-produced?" Chen Xiu thought about it and asked solemnly.

This was also a problem that kept him awake at night.

If this method of borrowing dark matter energy can be mass-produced, the landscape of mankind will be completely rewritten in the future.

For the first time, dark matter has been used in mass production by humans. How terrifying should this be?

Yinhe shook his head, "This method is rare, cannot be mass-produced, and not everyone can use it. You and your brother can't use it."

Chen Xiu looked at her doubtfully, "Why?"

Galaxy's beautiful eyes said deeply, "The composition of dark matter is very special. No scientists can study it thoroughly at present. I have only scratched the surface. To integrate the energy of dark matter, there are requirements for blood type."

Chen Xiu's eyes narrowed and he asked, "What is Ning Dongxia's blood type?"

Yinhe said profoundly, "Ning Dongxia's blood type is the rare panda blood type, also known as... golden blood."

Brush~! Hearing this, Chen Xiu’s pupils shrank?

Golden blood?

Yinhe continued to explain, "Golden blood is called... rhnull blood in the medical community. The probability of a person with this blood type in the human population is one in six million. As a blood donor with the golden blood type, you can donate yourself

Her blood can be given to any patient who needs a blood transfusion. Her blood can match and fuse with any blood source and will not produce antibody rejection."

"And those with this golden blood type, their bodies... are more or less different. The white blood cells of golden blood are very special and can contain various energy elements, including dark matter. Therefore, only Ning Dongxia's body can absorb and utilize dark matter.

energy." Yinhe said solemnly.

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