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Chapter 1350 Huiyue Organization takes the blame

Under the guidance of his mother, Chen Xiu chose to believe in his mother.

"Mom, come with me! I'll take you away!" Chen Xiu suddenly asked solemnly before leaving.

But her mother Tong Sang shook her head with a dull and complicated face, "I...I'm holding back..."

Tong Sang's voice was hesitant. She had suffered severe brain trauma, which had damaged her speech and language functions. It was extremely difficult for her to speak a few words.

Seeing that it was extremely difficult for his mother to even speak, Chen Xiu's expression became even more solemn and complicated.

As a son, he can only watch his mother do this.

The meaning of mother's words is... she is responsible for holding back the group of Tong royal warriors behind her...

Let Chen Xiu run away first. .??.

But how could Chen Xiu put his mother in such danger?

Chen Xiu insisted on taking his mother away, but her mother shook her head.

She spoke out a few words with great difficulty, "It will... it will drag... you... you... you go..."

Chen Xiu's eyes were red, and he wanted to say goodbye to his mother again.

But at this time, the situation no longer allowed it.

Because behind the tunnel, there are already dense footsteps approaching!

It's the Tong royal family's killer team that has come after them.

"Mom, wait for me! I will definitely come back to save you!" Chen Xiu gritted his teeth without hesitation... his body flashed and he turned around and evacuated...!

And just after Chen Xiu retreated away...

Tong Sang, the woman in black, looked dull and solemn, with a hint of complexity flashing across her face.

Her brain has been severely damaged and her memory is damaged.

But at this moment, in this brief moment, she remembered Chen Xiu.

She remembered that the person in front of her... was her son.

This is a memory imprint originating from the depths of the soul.

How can we not recognize our own flesh and blood?

So after Tong Sang sensed that her son was in danger, even though she was in a dull and stupid state, she rushed to the scene without thinking about her own safety.

Come out...lead your son away...

At this time, after watching his son flee away...

Reassurance flashed in Tong Sang's eyes.

Her eyes... returned to their stupid state again.

Her brain used too much consciousness, causing her brain to operate excessively...

At this time, Tong Sang couldn't bear it any longer, his vision went dark, and his consciousness completely passed out.

Her delicate body collapsed on the ground, completely unconscious...

A few minutes later, not far behind, a large group of genetic warriors from the Tong royal family rushed in!

But when this group of genetic warriors from the Tong clan rushed to the scene, they were already a step too late...

Chen Xiu has already fled away...

Princess Tong Sang was left alone lying on the ground, completely unconscious.

"Princess Tong Sang?! Why is she here?! Quick, report to your superiors!" After the group of genetic warriors rushed into the underground trench tunnel, they were all shocked when they saw Princess Tong Sang unconscious on the ground...

Soon, Princess Tong Sang was carried out of the underground tunnel.

Based on the situation at the scene, the soldiers of the Tong royal family analyzed that...perhaps the intruder from the Huiyue organization...secretly kidnapped Princess Tong Sang, and used the remaining memory of Princess Tong Sang to make her confess.

The only escape route in the forbidden area behind the mountain...

The intruder then fled...

Before he left, he knocked out Princess Tong Sang...

This is the most reasonable explanation.

No one thought that the intruders would be the Chen Xiu brothers.

Because given the courage of the two brothers, they would not dare to break into the Tong royal family's base.

What's more, the two brothers will never be found.

The coordinates to the Tong royal family base.

So the only reasonable explanation is...this intruder is a master of Huiyue Organization.

The Huiyue organization came to take revenge on the Tong royal family.

At this time, the group of genetic warriors from the Tong Royal Clan quickly pursued towards the tunnel... trying to intercept and catch up with the intruder...

In the underground tunnel, Chen Xiu's figure teleported and flashed, constantly rushing out of the tunnel...

In the blink of an eye for almost ten minutes, he teleported dozens of kilometers within the tunnel.

A bright light appeared in front of the tunnel.

Chen Xiu used his body teleportation technique and rushed out.

Finally broke out of this tunnel.

Outside the tunnel, they have completely escaped the encirclement of the Tong royal family.

Outside this tunnel is a dense and boundless primeval forest, but this primeval forest has escaped the blockade of the Tong Royal Clan's base. It belongs to the outside of the Tong Royal Clan's back mountain base.

Chen Xiu took the opportunity to teleport away suddenly.

At this time, the signal in his Bluetooth headset was restored again.

After escaping from Houshan Base, the signal shielding was restored.

"Chen Xiu!! Where are you now?!" Ning Dongxia's solemn and anxious voice came from the Bluetooth headset.

I couldn’t contact Chen Xiu all night yesterday...

Ning Dongxia thought something had happened to Chen Xiu and stayed up all night! Ning Dongxia even drove to the vicinity of the Tong royal family's base with Princess Hong and Chen Xing, preparing to invade the Tong royal family today if they could not be contacted again.


But at the critical moment, Chen Xiu's signal suddenly recovered.

"I have escaped from the back mountain of the Tong royal family and am now in an uninhabited primitive jungle area dozens of kilometers away from the back mountain. I will give you the coordinates! Help me draw an escape route map!" Chen Xiu said in a condensed voice!

He said, using his hands

The machine sent a coordinate to Ning Dongxia!

"I'm twenty kilometers away from you! Wait, we'll be here right away!" Ning Dongxia's voice came from the Bluetooth headset.

Chen Xiu Yining? Ning Dongxia is also nearby?

Ten minutes later, a military armed helicopter roared with propellers and flew over the virgin forest where Chen Xiu was.

The entire helicopter is painted with a stealth coating, which can prevent any military radar from detecting its presence.

So Ning Dongxia's helicopter roared past... The soldiers of the Tong royal family did not notice it.

The helicopter roared and stopped over Chen Xiu.

A rope ladder was lowered.

Chen Xiu suddenly grabbed the rope ladder and climbed up quickly.

At this time, the group of killers from the Tong royal family in the rear finally heard the movement, and countless killers from the Tong royal family were rushing towards this side with their horses on their horses!

'Whoosh whoosh!' Countless bullets and flames below, accompanied by long arrows from cold weapons... were fiercely blasted towards the armed helicopter above.

But the armed helicopter tilted sideways and eerily avoided countless bullets and flames.

The entire armed helicopter is controlled by the red princess' AI brain and is extremely flexible and skillful in driving.

The princess in red controls the armed helicopter and takes off directly into the sky!

In the murderous eyes of countless Tong warriors below...the armed helicopter soared into the sky...and disappeared into the endless clouds...

Below, the group of Tong royal family gene killers looked ferocious and angry!

"This is unreasonable! Chase me! Send out the Air Force fighter units! We must catch up with that helicopter! We must not let the people of the Huiyue organization leave alive!!" A high-level commander shouted angrily and ordered!!

Following his order, dozens of military fighter jets from the Tong Royal Family's base suddenly broke through the skyline from the airport and chased the helicopter!

This chapter has been completed!
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