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Chapter 1351 Tong Houyi!

Thousands of meters in the air.

Armed helicopters roared high in the sky and were escaping rapidly.

But at this moment, in the airspace behind...suddenly dozens of fighter jets roared in pursuit!

Facing the pursuit of dozens of helicopters, the red princess finally showed off her terrifying computing power as an AI artificial intelligence.

"Master, take a seat." The mechanically synthesized voice of the red princess echoed in the helicopter cabin.

I saw it suddenly controlling the helicopter and making a weird and terrifying evasive maneuver.

Immediately afterwards, the princess in red controlled the armed helicopter, and in mid-air... she started fighting with the dozens of fighter jets behind her!

"Boom...boom...!!" The armed helicopter is now completely under the control of the Red Princess's AI intelligence. There is not even a driver in the helicopter's cockpit, and it is all controlled by the Red Princess's consciousness.


Accompanied by the explosions and roars of fighter jets in the rear airspace... the rear fighter group was all shot down in just ten minutes!

No one will survive!

Even the fighter pilots were all killed, and no pilot was spared!

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiu's pupils shrank slightly.

At this time, the driving talent shown by the princess in red has completely surpassed Chen Xiu.

Beyond the current human driving level.

The terror of the princess in red is gradually revealed.

AI artificial intelligence is too terrifying. If once they... break away from human control.

I can't imagine the consequences.

But Chen Xiu has no time to worry about these things at this time. Now that he has not even solved the conflicts among human beings, how can he have time to worry about the future?

The princess in red controlled the armed helicopter and roared away...

An hour later, the armed helicopter slowly landed in Ningdong and Xia.

Hidden base, in the yurt on the prairie outside the Great Wall.

After Chen Xiu returned to the base, he checked his injuries and began to bandage and treat his wounds.

Chen Xiu's injury was a bit serious this time. He fought against the entire Tong royal family's gene killers alone and almost died in the forbidden area in the back mountain.

After several hours of bandaging, the wounds on Chen Xiu were finally under control.

Chen Xiu told Ning Dongxia and his younger brother Chen Xing all the secrets he discovered in the Tong royal family's base yesterday.

When they heard Chen Xiu's words, Ning Dongxia and Chen Xing looked extremely shocked?

Chen Xiu actually found the whereabouts of his mother?

Moreover, what shocked them even more was...the Tong royal family was also conducting a genetic research project?!

"Brother... have you really found my mother?! Are you sure that woman... is she my mother?!" My younger brother Chen Xing asked with a little shortness of breath and a trembling voice.

Chen Xiu bandaged the wounds on his body and said in a condensed voice, "I confirmed it through blood test, she... is our mother, her name is Tong Sang. She is the second eldest princess of the Tong royal family. Tong Sang is her real name. And Tong Sang is her real name.

Tong Xiuqin is just her pseudonym in the imperial capital."

After hearing what his elder brother said, Chen Xing's face was complicated and trembling.

"My mother is being imprisoned in the forbidden area in the back mountain? Has she been imprisoned forever?" Chen Xing asked urgently with a trembling voice.

Chen Xiu nodded slowly and said in a solemn voice, "The Tong royal family put her under house arrest. Her brain damage was very serious and all her memories were lost. But she still retained the last trace of reason... Yesterday, it was Niang Na

With the last trace of reason taking over her body, she finally managed to find me and take me out of the surrounding area of ​​Houshan Bar..."

"The Tong royal family...!" Chen Xing clenched his fists tightly, with a flash of killing intent in his eyes!

He finally found his mother, only to learn that her mother was imprisoned by the Tong royal family in the forbidden area of ​​​​the back mountain, and that her brain was severely damaged and her memory was lost?

This made Chen Xing, the son, very angry!

"Brother, why did she lose her memory? How was her brain injured? Do you know?" Brother Chen Xing asked in a quick and condensed voice.

Chen Xiu shook his head with complicated eyes, "I don't know about this either. In short, we must plan immediately to rescue my mother as soon as possible."

Brother Chen Xingning nodded! .??.

Ning Dongxia stood aside and was silent for a long time before saying, "As you said, Huiyue Organization does not have genetic mutation technology, but where did the Tong Royal Family... get the genetic mutation technology from?"

Chen Xiu shook his head, he didn't know this either.

"Can we use the Huiyue organization as a sword and borrow their sword to deal with the Tong royal family?" Ning Dongxia suddenly said.

Since the Tong family is always afraid of the Huiyue Organization's revenge, then... it is better to take this opportunity to convey the secrets of the Tong family to the Huiyue Organization.

Let the Huiyue organization take action against the Tong royal family.

And Ning Dongxia and the others... can just reap the benefits.

Chen Xiu was silent for a long time, but suddenly shook his head, "No, my mother is still imprisoned in the forbidden area of ​​​​the back mountain. She cannot use the knife of the Huiyue Organization. Even if she wants to borrow the knife to kill someone, she must rescue my mother first!"

Brother Chen Xing also nodded!

At least I have to save my mother first before I can kill anyone with a borrowed knife.

They have to make sure their mother is safe first!

That night, the Chen Xiu brothers stayed up all night, discussing with Ning Dongxia and the princess in red... a plan on how to rescue their mother Tong Sang.

Late at night, at the same time, hundreds of kilometers away, in the primitive jungle, the headquarters base of the Tong royal family.

The current Prince Xin of the Tong family and Tong Houyi

, sitting in the command room of the headquarters with a cold expression.

He looked at the casualty report document in front of him with a grim expression.

"More than 2,500 genetic warriors died... More than 4,000 people were seriously injured... Three four-star war gods and five one-star war gods died... How are you doing things?!" Tong Houyi slammed the table in Hengning and cursed.


In front of the conference room, all the senior members of the Tong royal family lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

The intruder broke into the back mountain last night and caused such serious casualties. It was a major blow to the Tong royal family!

"So many genetic warriors can't catch even a single intruder from the other side? My royal family usually spends a lot of money to train you, do you want to eat shit?!" Tong Houyi cursed angrily.

No one dared to answer.

"Your Majesty... the intruder's skills last night were too terrifying... we really don't know his opponent..." A high-ranking war god explained tremblingly.

"Poof!" As soon as the war god's voice fell, Tong Houyi raised his hand, and a pen shot out instantly, directly piercing half of the war god's cheek.

"Uh-huh!" The God of War wailed miserably as he covered his cheek, and blood continued to overflow down his cheek.

"I only look at the results, don't give me explanations!" Tong Houyi said in a cold and angry voice.

At the conference table, everyone did not dare to take a breath for two years.

Tong Houyi glanced around and said coldly, "Now the Huiyue Organization has discovered the secret of our genetic research! During this period of time, please keep me on guard! Be prepared to deal with the invasion of the Huiyue Organization at any time! In addition, prepare to relocate.

Plan! Move the Houshan Genetic Experiment Base... to another new base! The move must be completed within a month!"

What Tong Houyi was most worried about happened. Huiyue Organization already knew the secret of the Tong royal family's secret research on genetic mutation technology.

In order to deal with the terrorist revenge of the Huiyue Project, Tong Houyi had to relocate the experimental base!

This chapter has been completed!
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