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Chapter 280 Mission Impossible, True and False Ning Dongxia

Inside the BYD Han sedan.

Chen Xiu pinched Shen Bingxin's neck and then slowly let go.

"Give me your account number." He said coldly.

Shen Bingxin did not dare to disobey and gave Chen Xiu his private account of the Special Operations Department.

"Where to stay? I'll take you back." Chen Xiu asked coldly.

"Platinum Mansion." Shen Bingxin slumped on the passenger seat, rubbing her red and swollen neck, and said.

Chen Xiu started the BYD car... and sped away...

ten minutes later.

Delivered to Shen Bingxin and arrived at Platinum Mansion.

Here is the most upscale single apartment in Shanghai.

The monthly rent for an apartment is as high as 100,000.

To rent here for a year would cost a million dollars in rent.

It is enough to see how willing Shen Bingxin is to spend money for the mission and the packaging of her character.

"Do you want to go up and sit down? I have a high-precision computer in my apartment that can be used for you to decipher and hack into the official website of Shanhai Pavilion..." Shen Bingxin hesitated for a moment, biting her red lips, and said softly.

After she finished speaking, she seemed to have some regrets and some small expectations.

A man and a woman alone go upstairs in the middle of the night. Besides work, what other things can happen?

But Chen Xiu ignored her at all.

After letting her get out of the car, Chen Xiu started the BYD car and sped away...

Only the door of the apartment building was left, full of dust that had flown away... Shen Bingxin looked dull...

Am I just so... unattractive??

Invite yourself late at night...

Unexpectedly, they were all ignored by Chen Xiu??

Late at night, Chen Xiu went back to Tan Gong Villa first.

While the bodyguards were not paying attention, he secretly sneaked into the bedroom of the villa.

Then come out of the bedroom.

At midnight, I took the opportunity to go downstairs to the bathroom, smoked a cigarette with the bodyguards at the door, and claimed that I couldn't sleep.

Let the bodyguards in the villa be aware of his presence.

He is creating personal and physical evidence for himself.

If Ningdong and Xia are investigated once.

Then there is the witness and physical evidence that Chen Xiu was at the villa all night.

All evidence, and time points, are calculated flawlessly.

Then, after Chen Xiu finished smoking, he returned to the room.

He sneaked out of the villa again.

Came to an Internet cafe a few kilometers away.

Chen Xiu opened a private box in the Internet cafe.

Then she used Shen Bingxin's work account to decipher and log in to Shanhaige's website.

He directly hacked into the official website of Shanhai Pavilion...

Chen Xiu found various mission library information on the official website of Shanhai Pavilion...

But, I couldn't find any information about the hidden killing plan.

according to.

As Shen Bingxin said.

The hidden killing plan does not exist at all.

The so-called hidden killing plan has never been promulgated and implemented by Shanhai Pavilion.

The entire plan was planned by Qin Buxu alone?!

Chen Xiu's face was cold and deep.

Qin is not hungry, what game is he playing?

At this time, Chen Xiu was not in a hurry to expose Qin Buxu's conspiracy.

This plan involves his missing brother, Chen Xing.

Now, Chen Xiu can only continue to carry out the planned tasks.

Investigating my brother's whereabouts, this... is the most important thing.

It is also the key to his continued execution of the mission plan.

The next day.

early morning.

Tan Gong Villa, lobby.

Chen Xiu got up early and was in good spirits.

Although he was out almost all night yesterday and didn't sleep all night.

But at this time, he still maintained a good mental state, and no one could notice anything strange at all.

He came to the dining table, sat down, and began to eat.

In front of the dining table, the hostess of the villa, Ning Dongxia, was sitting there, holding a knife and fork, enjoying breakfast quietly.

Chen Xiu sat at the dining table, picked up the sandwich and started to eat it.

At the same time, from the corner of his eye... he glanced at Ning Dongxia as if nothing had happened.

He glanced at Ning Dongxia.

so similar.

At this time, the more Chen Xiu looked at it, the more he felt that this woman had almost the same face as the two women in red and black that he met last night on the fourth underground floor of the Future Group.

However, the only difference is that Ning Dongxia's pupils are black.

But last night, the eyes of the woman in red were terrifying red.

And the pupils of the woman in black are dark blue.

This made Chen Xiu feel even more weird.

What secret is hidden in Ning Dongxia?

While Chen Xiu was sizing up Ning Dongxia, he was also observing this woman's chest.

Last night, there was a battle with the woman in red on the fourth floor underground.

Chen Xiu remembered that he hit the chest of the woman in red with dozens of moves in succession...

If Ning Dongxia is the woman in red, then her chest should be injured at this time.

But why is Ning Dongxia's chest intact at this moment?

It seems that there are no traces of wounds or injuries?

Chen Xiu grabbed the sandwich with his hand and grabbed another piece on the dining table.

The fried beef was eaten without any ceremony.

He seems to eat very casually, sometimes very polite and elegant, sometimes very ruffian and unpredictable.

"Have you washed your hands? Are you talking about hygiene?" Ning Dongxia was sitting at the dining table, her beautiful eyes inadvertently... glanced at this man's hands, and said coldly.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you afraid of getting dirty? Just don't eat it." Chen Xiu said, directly reaching out and moving the entire plate of beef on the dining table in front of him, biting and chewing it without using a knife or fork.

"You..." Ning Dongxia was so angry when she saw his shameless appearance.

At this time, Chen Xiu's hands were deliberately sewn together last night.

Last night, the battle with the woman in red and the woman in black.

The palms of Chen Xiu's hands were scratched by the hair of the woman in red; there should have been wounds all over his hands.

But at this time, all the wounds on his hands had disappeared and were invisible.

It's not that he has the miraculous ability to heal wounds quickly.

Instead, late last night, he used the most secret wound suturing technique of ancient Chinese medicine and used extremely fine silkworm silk thread to fully suture his own wound.

This stitching technique is extremely meticulous!

It is hundreds of times more precise than any suturing technique of Western medicine.

Ordinary Western medicine requires 20 stitches to suture a wound.

Chen Xiu, on the other hand, used silkworm silk and the suturing technique of ancient Chinese medicine to suture the wound, which required more than 200 times to suture the wound repeatedly!

However, the advantage of suturing the wound in this way is that it can be completely concealed!

Such meticulous wound suturing can completely conceal the existence of the wound.

It can even be done so that at close range, the naked eye cannot tell the existence of a wound!

You have to put your hand in front of your eyes, a centimeter away... and carefully examine it with your naked eyes, and then you can barely see any trace of a stitched wound.

Therefore, Chen Xiu did not have any wounds on his hands at this time.

He deliberately exposed his hands as a test.

Testing Ningdong and Xia.

However, Ning Dongxia didn't seem to have any reaction.

After eating breakfast.

Ning Dongxia and Chen Xiu took a Maybach car and set off to work in the group...

Half an hour later.

The Maybach team arrived at the Future Group.

These days, all the major underground forces in Jiangnan seem to be afraid?

He has been keeping a low profile and retired and has never caused trouble to Ning Dongxia again.

Before Ning Dong Xia, kill the head of the Zhang family and kill the head of the Du family.

These two methods, killing chickens to scare monkeys, seemed to have completely shocked the entire Jiangnan underground world.

At present, no one dares to make mistakes.


Dongxia walked into the group building wearing an expensive fox fur coat, high heels, and a pretty face as cold as a stone.

Chen Xiu, holding a cigarette in his mouth, followed him and took the elevator upstairs together.

The two of them returned to their respective offices.

Chen Xiu sat down and started reading the book...

Ning Dongxia convened the group's senior management to prepare for the group's fourth quarter financial report meeting.

In the conference room.

All senior executives of the Future Group were summoned.

Ning Dongxia also arrived in the conference room.

Chen Xiu was also called over and attended the meeting together.

But, in the entire conference room, only one person was absent?

The new marketing director of Future Group, Shen Bingxin, was absent.

"Where is Mr. Shen?" Ning Dongxia asked in a calm and indifferent voice, standing in front of Nuo University's conference room.

Ding Xue, the female secretary on the side, reported in a complicated voice, "Dr. Ning... Mr. Shen has not come to work today."


After hearing Ding Xue's report, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes frowned slightly.

Today is Tuesday, a normal working day.

Shen Bingxin, the newly hired marketing director, didn’t come to work?!

"Contact her and give her ten minutes to arrive at the company. Otherwise, she will be fired!" Ning Dongxia ordered directly with a cold voice!

Every employee in her group must abide by the rules!

What's more, senior leaders must abide by principles!

And Shen Bingxin is still a new leader!

How can I be late for work?

When you first joined the job, you are so undisciplined? How can you control this kind of leadership?

If you don’t obey the system or discipline of this kind of leader, you don’t have to accept it!

Ning Dongxia can say it and do it!

She said she had to arrive within ten minutes, so she must arrive within ten minutes.

Otherwise, you will be fired directly!

Of course, except Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu is the only one in the entire group who disobeys Ning Dongxia's management.

And Ning Dongxia also took advantage of people he couldn't help.

"What are you still standing for? Call her!" Ning Dongxia shouted coldly!

However, secretary Ding Xue had a complicated face and explained, "Mr. Ning... we have called dozens of times. But no one answered Mr. Shen's calls... we can't reach her."

At this moment, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes condensed.

The senior executives and shareholders at the conference table also looked at each other with confusion?

In front of the conference table, Chen Xiu was smoking quietly, with an imperceptible solemnity flashing in his pupils.

A bad premonition flashed through Chen Xiu's heart.

Shen Bingxin, something happened?

This chapter has been completed!
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