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Chapter 281 Another person mysteriously disappeared!

meeting room.

After Ning Dongxia heard the report from secretary Ding Xue, her beautiful eyes became solemn.

She stared at secretary Ding Xue for a few seconds.

"Do you know where Mr. Shen lives?" Ning Dongxia asked.

Ding Xue shook his head.

But she nodded quickly and said, "Well, when filling out the employment information, Mr. Shen seemed to have written down her address..."

Ding Xue said, picked up the phone and checked the information in the company's information database.

"Mr. Shen's address is in Changle Street, Platinum Mansion...Room A44." Ding Xuehui reported.

"Contact the apartment department and ask them to go to the apartment and find Shen Bingxin. Be sure to contact me!" Ning Dongxia ordered.

Ding Xue quickly contacted him.

However, after a few minutes.

"Director Ning... I have also contacted the apartment property management department. They knocked on the door and contacted her for a long time... but they were unable to contact Shen Bingxin," Ding Xue explained in a complicated voice.

At this moment, the expressions of all the shareholders in the conference room changed a little.


It’s early in the morning and the marketing director can’t be found??

Could it be possible that Shen Bingxin has disappeared from the world??

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were solemn and she directly ordered, "Call the police! The police will deal with missing persons!"

Ning Dongxia ordered.

Then, she turned to the senior executives in the conference room and said, "Everyone, don't wait for her, let's have a meeting first! Everyone will first report on their respective fourth quarter financial income and expenses..."

And at this time.

The Shanghai Police Patrol Office immediately launched an investigation after receiving the report.

A big living person suddenly disappeared.

This was directly included in the missing persons investigation.

The members of the patrol room went directly to the platinum mansion and opened the door of apartment a44 from the outside.

But as a result, nothing was found in apartment a44.

The entire apartment is empty and empty?


So where did Shen Bingxin go?

The patrol room began to be launched, and the whole network was screened with big data.

Through rounds of data screening.

Finally, they discovered Shen Bingxin’s cell phone location.

Displayed according to Shen Bingxin’s mobile phone location address.

Her current location...is...in the Future Group??

And at this time.

Future Group, in the conference room of the headquarters.

Ning Dongxia is standing on the stage, presiding over the fourth quarter financial meeting.

"Ding ding ding~!" At this moment, her personal mobile phone rang rapidly.

Ning Dongxia picked up her phone and saw it was a call from the patrol room?

She answered the phone.

"Hello, may I ask...have you contacted Shen Bingxin?" Ning Dongxia asked.

But on the other end of the phone, the patrol room employee said in a solemn voice, "The missing person Shen Bingxin was not found in the Platinum Mansion. But we checked the mobile phone signals on the entire network and found... Shen Bingxin's mobile phone location is located in your future group Inside the building.”


Hearing the report from the patrol room on the phone... Ning Dong Xia Meimu was filled with doubts...

"In our group?? But we have already looked for her and haven't found her?" Ning Dongxia said in a solemn voice.

"We'll wait until we come to the door to conduct a comprehensive investigation." On the phone, the patrol room employee said in a solemn voice.

Twenty minutes later.

The patrol room staff arrived at the Future Group Building.

Based on the locked mobile phone signal, they began to unfold in the Future Group Building.

Open investigation.

They first checked Shen Bingxin's office.

But, there was no one in her office?

No findings at all?

Nothing was found in the cabinet?

The patrol room staff searched almost the entire 70 floors of the Future Building.

But no trace of anyone was found?


Where will a living person go?

According to the location of the other party's mobile phone...the mobile phone signal source is on the 70th floor of the Future Group?

The expressions of the patrol officers were solemn.

Ning Dongxia, secretary Ding Xue, and some senior executives of the group also followed behind, with complex and solemn expressions on their faces.

Where did Shen Bingxin, a living person, go?

Why does the mobile phone signal appear on the 70th floor of the group?

The members of the patrol room thoroughly inspected every place on the group floor, but found nothing.

"Is there any place that has not been investigated?" the patrol captain asked with a solemn expression.

The subordinates had complicated expressions and all shook their heads. Almost every location on the entire floor had been checked.

But still nothing was found.

At this moment, one of his subordinates suddenly thought and said, "Captain, only the bathroom is left and has not been searched..."


The captain of the patrol room immediately led a team to the bathrooms on the 70th floor and started searching.

The entire group has 70 floors, with a total of more than a dozen bathrooms, large and small.

But after checking everything, nothing was found.

However, when the captain took the signal detector and walked into one of the women's bathrooms, suddenly, the signal detector started beeping!

According to the signal display...the missing person, Shen Bingxin's mobile phone signal source is from this woman

In the bathroom?!

But the staff quickly screened the entire bathroom, but found nothing??


So where did this big living person go?

The entire women's bathroom and every toilet door were carefully checked, but nothing was found.

"Where is the signal source located in the bathroom?" the patrol captain asked.

The men took the signal source and searched back and forth in the bathroom to find it.

When the signal detector came to the direction of the sewage pipe in the bathroom, it suddenly sounded rapidly.

"Didi!" The detector flashes red!

"Wait! Bring the detector closer!" the captain ordered!

The men carefully moved the signal detector close to the sewage pipe.

The detector's signal flashes even more intensely!

It shows that there is a mobile phone signal in this sewage pipe?!

At this moment, all the patrol room staff looked at each other?

Ning Dongxia, secretary Ding Xue and several senior executives also looked surprised and solemn.

Chen Xiu, on the other hand, looked calm and indifferent.

But there was a hint of surprise and solemnity in his eyes.

Soon, the patrol room staff found tools and forcibly opened the sewage pipe in the women's bathroom!

But, the moment the sewage pipe is opened!

The expressions of all the patrol members at the scene changed suddenly...!!

What did they see??

The sewage pipe...has been blocked...

Shen Bingxin's mobile phone and her clothes were all blocked in the sewage pipe... stuck in the middle.


How come Shen Bingxin's personal clothing is here?

Then, where did her people go?

This chapter has been completed!
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