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Chapter 583 She still hides secrets

That night, Dai Yuwei cooked a table of sumptuous dishes herself.

Although this girl is a forensic doctor, it does not affect her ability to cook at all.

And the food she cooks is extremely delicious.

"It's time to eat." Dai Yuwei walked out of the kitchen carrying the last plate of food and said with a smile on her pretty face.

Professor Dai Tianhong also invited them to sit down and eat.

Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia were not polite and sat down to eat calmly.

I took a bite, eh? The food this girl cooked is quite delicious, a bit like a chef in a Chinese restaurant.

Pickled fish, braised beef brisket, sweet and sour carp...

Chen Xiu had a great appetite and ate several bowls of rice.

Professor Dai Tianhong also enthusiastically took out the 1982 Lafite from his private wine cabinet, opened the bottle and drank with Chen Xiu.

In the middle of drinking, Chen Xiu took the opportunity to get up and go to the bathroom... In fact, he sneaked into the villa... surveyed the entire villa... and installed micro eavesdropping equipment in the villa.

He always felt that Professor Dai was weird, so in order to dispel his doubts, he installed a bug in Professor Dai's villa area.

After installing the bugging device and conducting an investigation in the villa to confirm that there was nothing suspicious, Chen Xiu went downstairs and returned to the dining table...

"Why... did you take so long to go to the toilet?" Dai Yuwei, who was also drunk, stepped forward and asked.

She was completely drunk and snuggled into Chen Xiu's arms.

After this girl got drunk, she didn't recognize anything except Chen Xiu's arms.

Ning Dongxia was sitting at the dining table, watching this scene, her breathing was a little cold, and her eyes were full of chills.

Chen Xiu, this bastard, took the opportunity to hug someone?

The hug is quite natural??

After dinner, Ning Dongxia left angrily.

Chen Xiu pretended to be drunk and took the opportunity to leave the villa.

After Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia left, the drunkenness on Dai Tianhong's face slowly dissipated.

His granddaughter Dai Yuwei, standing by, also regained her composure.

The grandfather and granddaughter were not drunk at all.

"This Chen Xiu is not simple... He is still wary of us? Ha..." Dai Tianhong had a deep look in his eyes and shook his head slowly.

"Grandpa, you mean... he doubts us?" Granddaughter Dai Yuwei asked in surprise, "Why does he doubt us? We didn't dare to do anything illegal or frame him, so what does he suspect?"

Dai Tianhong shook his head slowly and narrowed his eyes, "He is suspicious by nature, which should be related to his identity. I suspect that he is probably an agent."

"Special... agent?" Upon hearing this, granddaughter Dai Yuwei was completely stunned, "If he is an agent, then what is he doing in Sujiang Province?"

Dai Tianhong shook his head, with a deep expression on his face, "Nine times out of ten, it has something to do with the secret of this black-blood genetic warrior... He is investigating the cause of his father's death... I'm afraid it's just a cover, the real purpose is to investigate the secret of genetic mutation..."

"Be careful when you go upstairs in a while, he may have installed a monitor, so be careful what you say." Professor Dai Tianhong glanced at his granddaughter and warned.

"Oh." Dai Yuwei nodded.

"By the way, you don't really like him, do you?" Dai Tianhong suddenly thought of something and looked at his granddaughter and asked.

Dai Yuwei nodded generously, "Well, I like him. What's wrong? Grandpa, do you want to stop me?"

Dai Tianhong sighed and shook his head helplessly, "What kind of evil have you done?"

Dai Tianhong knew his granddaughter's temper. She was so stubborn that even three cows couldn't pull her back. This time, her daughter actually fell in love with this alien Chen Xiu.

The Dai family is afraid that they will have to wade into this muddy water...

Late at night, the Huawei Wenjie 7 off-road vehicle was speeding on the streets and highways.

The off-road vehicle has turned on the unmanned driving mode, and the entire vehicle is driving automatically.

Driving on the highway.

Ning Dongxia sat in the driver's seat and glanced at him coldly, "Has the monitoring equipment been installed?"

Chen Xiu was in the passenger seat and nodded.

"You were holding her strong just now? Do you like her?" Ning Dongxia asked in a calm voice, with a cold tone in her tone.

Chen Xiu glanced at her and said, "She got into my arms by herself."

"She crawled into your arms, and you just let her do it? Wouldn't you push her away?" Ning Dongxia asked in return.

Chen Xiu rolled his eyes at her and said, "You woman, why are you so angry? You are not my woman, why do you care so much?"

"You..." Ning Dongxia was so stunned by his words that she could not refute.

"I am your partner, and I hope you will not let your overflowing emotions affect our cooperation plans! Don't forget... what we are facing is the plutocratic alliance in the entire Sujiang Province!" Ning Dongxia reminded coldly.

Chen Xiu was too lazy to reply to her and continued to sleep on the passenger seat.

I have to say that the self-driving technology of this Huawei car is very well developed. Even if you drive drunk, you don’t have to worry about it. The car will drive automatically... and take the owner to the destination.

Chen Xiu sat in the car and fell asleep...

The next day, early morning.

Township bank, secret base.

Ning Dongxia got up early in the morning, put on an apron, took the initiative to enter the kitchen, and started cooking??

While she was cooking, she wore her watch and let the princess in red provide on-the-spot guidance.

After all, the Red Princess is an AI artificial intelligence. It has incorporated a lot of knowledge and skills into its mind, including cooking skills. It also has thousands of top cooking techniques in its mind.

So Ning Dongxia asked the princess in red to guide and assist her in cooking.

On the watch, the princess in red is constantly instructing Ning Dongxia on cooking.

"Master, heat the oil in the pan first, and then add the meatloaf for five minutes." The mechanically synthesized voice of the princess in red came from the watch.

Ning Dongxia followed suit. Although she was a genius in scientific research, she really had no talent in cooking.

She originally wanted to make a beef sandwich, but instead she made it into grilled steak and toast...

Ning Dongxia was cooking while avoiding the fumes sputtering from the oil pan.

"Master, it's really dangerous for you to be like this." On the watch, the princess in red observed the scene in the kitchen with a camera and slowly reminded her.

"Why is it dangerous? It's just a bit of high-temperature oil, and it won't cause much danger if it splashes on the skin." Ning Dongxia asked while cooking.

On the watch, the princess in red shook her head and reminded seriously, "That's not what I mean... I mean... you are willing to lower yourself and learn to cook for a man... This kind of behavior... really

It's very dangerous...Master, you will fall."

Ning Dongxia's hand holding the spatula paused slightly, "I'm just trying to win over a bodyguard. I still need him. I just need to use him. After all, he has such strong skills, it would be a pity not to use him."

She randomly found an excuse to cover it up.

"Hey." Looking at the watch, the princess in red took a breath.

Although it is not a human being, it has a sharper IQ and perception than humans, so it has already sensed that something is wrong with its owner.

As a Queen, I am falling into an emotional trap step by step.

This is really dangerous.

In the morning, Chen Xiu just got up and came to the restaurant at the base.

As a result, I discovered that there were two plates of steaming breakfast food in front of the dining table?

Huh? Chen Xiu was stunned for a moment and walked forward doubtfully. He looked at

The fried beef and slices of bread on the dinner plate were stunned for a moment.

"Who did this?" Chen Xiu asked in confusion.

"Me." Ning Dongxia walked out of the kitchen and replied lightly, "I made some breakfast for myself, and I also had some extra leftovers, so I made you a portion too."

In the watch, the consciousness of the princess in red sighed helplessly.

It was obvious that the queen had studied her cooking skills all morning just to make breakfast for Chen Xiu.

But my Lady Queen... is just stubborn and refuses to admit it.

Chen Xiu sat down in confusion, picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the steak.

Then his expression turned a little weird.

"Did you do this?" Chen Xiu asked.

"What? How does it taste?" Ning Dongxia asked lightly.

"Uh... not bad." Chen Xiu suppressed his painful expression and nodded.

Ning Dongxia saw his strange expression and stepped forward to cut off a piece of beef and take a bite.

The next second, Ning Dongxia's face looked extremely ugly. This beef tasted too bad! Is this for human consumption?

Ning Dongxia finally understood the meaning of Chen Xiu's painful expression.,

She angrily threw two plates of beef breakfast directly into the trash can, "If it doesn't taste good, don't eat it!"

Ning Dongxia felt frustrated after cooking all morning and it still tasted so bad.

Ning Dongxia turned around and found that Chen Xiu had disappeared.

She sat dejectedly at the dining table and lit a Ms. Su cigarette in depression.

Why the hell is cooking so hard?!

And that damn man, why don't you comfort yourself?

Ning Dongxia was extremely frustrated.

I will never cook again! This kind of menial work should be left to those vase women! Her hands are used for scientific research, not cooking!

She sat at the dining table, finished smoking a Ms. Su cigarette, and was about to get up and leave...

But at this moment, Chen Xiu slowly walked out of the kitchen with a plate of fragrant egg fried rice.


Seeing this scene, Ning Dong and Xia were stunned for a moment.

"Tell me what you want to eat in the future, and I'll make it. You're the boss, so why do you need to do it yourself?" Chen Xiu handed the egg fried rice to her and said.

Ning Dongxia was stunned.

She tried her best to hold back, but this plate of egg fried rice was too fragrant...so Ning Dongxia couldn't help but use her chopsticks.

Soon the plate of egg fried rice was completely wiped out by her.

I have to admit, it's really delicious.

Ning Dongxia is full and stuffed.

It's better to leave menial tasks like cooking to others.

Ning Dongxia had enough to eat and drink, so she transferred 10,000 yuan to Chen Xiu on the spot, treating it as cooking and processing fees.

In the afternoon, Chen Xiu began to monitor Professor Dai Tianhong's every move in the villa.

He installed a monitor in Professor Dai Tianhong's villa yesterday, and he started monitoring at this time.

But Chen Xiu has been monitoring the base for a long time, but he hasn't found any useful clues?

Professor Dai Tianhong has been staying in the villa to conduct biological research. During the monitoring process, no suspicious topics emerged? There are no flaws.

Does this make Chen Xiu feel weird?

Could it be that my monitoring has been discovered by the other party?

And at the same time.

On the other side of the base, Ning Dongxia is conducting an autopsy to study the corpses of genetic warriors.

Suddenly, a subordinate hurried forward and reported in a solemn voice, "Director Ning... we have found clues about the enriched uranium mine you asked us to investigate...!"

Swipe~! After hearing the report from my subordinates, Ning Dong Xia Meimei

A condensation!


His subordinate Ning Zhonghui reported, "The uranium enrichment mining area was found on an island in Lianyungang in Sujiang Province...!"

A flash of light flashed in Ning Dongxia's eyes, she finally found it!

Since discovering that genetically mutated warriors are related to nuclear radiation, Ning Dongxia has been secretly searching for the whereabouts of enriched uranium.

She has always suspected that there might be a large-scale secret enriched uranium mine in Sujiang Province.

How else could they obtain the raw materials for nuclear radiation?

Even if we conduct genetic warrior nuclear weapon mutation experiments, we still need raw materials such as enriched uranium to start.

"Prepare the fleet and ships immediately and take action tonight!" Ning Dongxia ordered in a cold voice.

That night, 12 o'clock late at night.

While the two brothers Chen Xiu were sleeping.

Ning Dongxia got up late at night, took a group of subordinates, and left the base directly, speeding towards the dock of Lianyungang City...

Yungang City is a port coastal city in Sujiang Province.

The concentrated pomelo raw material Ning Dongxia is looking for this time is on a mysterious island in the East China Sea.

These concentrated grapefruit raw materials are related to a certain technology she has always wanted to study, controlled nuclear fusion technology.

So she investigates secretly and must get the raw materials of concentrated pomelo.

This technology is currently prohibited from being developed by ordinary people and is extremely dangerous, so Ning Dongxia did not tell anyone, not even Chen Xiu.

Late at night, Ning Dongxia's motorcade arrived at the dock in Lianyungang.

"Director Ning, according to our positioning and monitoring, the mine where pomelo is concentrated is in the sea a hundred kilometers away, about 7,000 meters from the seabed!" His subordinates reported the positioning to Ning Dongxia.

"Are the ships ready?" Ning Dongxia asked.

"It's ready, Don Ning, don't worry!"

The motorcade stopped and Ning Dongxia got off the car, only to see speedboats parked on the shore of the port terminal.

"What about the cruise ship that stole enriched uranium? Are you ready?" Ning Dongxia asked in a condensing voice.

"It has also been prepared and is anchored hiddenly in the sea 30 kilometers away." the formal report reported!

Ning Dongxia prepared her manpower, and she also brought a red princess mechanical body with her, and they set off to board the ship together!

After she boarded the ship, a group of bodyguards also boarded the ship!

Speedboats roared out one after another...

Rushing towards the deep sea of ​​night...

Tonight, Ning Dongxia will steal the mysterious enriched uranium as the secret raw material for her controllable nuclear fusion research and development!

And just after the Ningdong Xia speedboat left the port...

In the dark night port, a figure slowly emerged from the darkness.

The figure was wearing an invisible agent cloak and turned on the visual invisibility mode, so Ning Dongxia had not noticed his presence just now.

When Ning Dongxia drove to the port just now, this figure had been hidden under the chassis of the off-road vehicle and followed Ning Dongxia to the port.

At this time, the figure released his visual invisibility, took off his mask, and revealed his true face. It was none other than Chen Xiu.

"Oh, it seems you have any secrets you are hiding from me?" Chen Xiu stared out at the dark sea with deep eyes.

He slowly opened a special metal suitcase.

The suitcase instantly transformed into a transparent full-body protective suit.

Chen Xiu put on protective clothing.

The next second, he suddenly jumped into the cold and dark sea...

This transparent protective suit is actually a high-tech close-fitting diving suit. Chen Xiu was wearing the diving suit, and two miniature propellers appeared on the soles of his shoes. The propeller's driving force took him directly towards the depths of the sea.


This chapter has been completed!
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