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Chapter 584 Hunters and Fishermen

Two hours later.

Ning Dongxia's speedboat arrived in the sea a hundred kilometers away.

According to the radar coordinates, the mine island where pomelo is concentrated is located in this sea area.

In the pitch-black sea, there is no edge in sight.

It was late at night, the sea was pitch black, without any light. ??

In the dark night, only the waves swept by, and a few stars dotted the sky.

Ning Dongxia and a group of subordinates put on night vision goggles.

With the help of night vision goggles, suddenly... the darkness around the sea became clear.

Night vision goggles can make the dark night clear through color conversion.

Ning Dongxia stood on the speedboat and looked around, and sure enough, she found an isolated island on the sea level several kilometers away.

The entire island hangs alone in the middle of the sea. Around the island, there are several patrol fishing boats parked on guard.

There is a huge drilling platform on the island. The drilling platform is working all night long! Oil and natural gas are constantly being pumped out.

"This was originally a private oil mining island, with a small oil field underneath it, owned by a wealthy family in Sujiang Province. But a year ago, all the staff on the island suddenly contracted cancer and died. Later, after professional investigation,

, they discovered... that there is some concentrated pomelo in the oil field on this island... so now, they mainly focus on mining concentrated pomelo!" His subordinates stood on the speedboat and reported Ningzhong.

"Master, there is something not simple on this island. I shot at a large number of mechanical equipment, which may be the weapons they have hoarded. This may be a trap." The mechanical body of the red princess stood aside and reminded solemnly.

Hearing the words of the princess in red, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

"It doesn't matter, we have to fight the game. The enriched uranium inside should be real. The other party wants to use real enriched uranium as bait to attract me, so how can I miss the opportunity?" Ning Dongxia's beautiful red lips raised.

A touch of cold arc.

So what if you know it’s a game?

As long as enriched uranium is real.

This kind of thing is restricted by the state.

It belongs to the national strategic energy. Because it is the main raw material for making nuclear fission!

At this time, Ning Dongxia planned to take the risk to steal enriched uranium. This thing... just a little bit is enough.

At least it can support her in the next key step of research.

"If the research is successful, your energy source problem... will be perfectly solved." Ning Dongxia glanced at the princess in red behind her and said slowly.

The biggest drawback of the red princess's mechanical body is that it consumes too much power.

To activate such a huge mechanical body, a large amount of electrical energy is required. Ordinary lithium batteries cannot handle it and will run out of power very quickly.

Even BYD's blade battery can't resist it.

So she had to redesign an energy solution.

And the enriched uranium on this island is a very good energy source!

As long as enriched uranium can be turned into nuclear power, unlimited energy will be generated!

This is an absolutely bold idea.

This idea is exactly the same as the design in the Marvel movie Iron Man.

Iron Man, Tony Stark, has an infinite nuclear energy reactor installed in his heart, so he can activate the Iron Man armor that weighs thousands of kilograms.

But Iron Man is just a movie after all.

But in reality, Ning Dongxia really wants to develop this possible reactor! She wants to make science fiction a reality.

As long as the reactor is developed, the energy shortage loophole will be solved!

Just imagine, when the mechanical body of the red princess... has a steady stream of energy and can fight with unlimited power, how terrifying will it be?

Ning Dongxia stood on the speedboat and used special monitoring equipment to investigate and determined that there was indeed a large amount of enriched uranium raw materials on this island!

On the monitoring instrument, constantly

Flashes the value of a nuclear radiation explosion meter.

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes solemnly ordered, "Clear the surrounding obstacles! Land on the island invisibly!"

Following her order, the metal mechanical dogs suddenly transformed on the speedboat, and the metal mechanical dogs plunged into the water.

Although they are mechanical dogs, they are highly waterproof and can fight in water.

So they dived directly into the water and swam towards the island.

There are also countless bodyguards who also put on diving uniforms and turned into diving frogmen. They also jumped directly into the sea... and sneaked up...

The mechanical dog and the bodyguards swam for dozens of minutes before quietly arriving near the island.

They quietly boarded the guard ships around the island and directly used anesthetic to knock out the sailors stationed on the ships.

After dealing with the guard ship, Ning Dongxia drove the speedboat to slowly approach.

She activated the silent mode, and the speedboat made no sound and drove quietly to the island.

Since it was late at night, the sea area was completely dark and no one noticed...

Ning Dongxia and the princess in red landed on the island quietly.

A large group of bodyguards also landed on the island quietly.

"Puff, puff, puff!" The princess in red moved very quickly and teleported out mechanically, instantly eliminating a large number of guards stationed on the island.

Ning Dongxia took the princess in red and drove straight in... directly into the core of the island!

They gave way to the island's armed guard company... and came directly to the interior of the island, in front of the huge drilling platform.

Ning Dongxia had already put on radiation protection clothing at this time, and her whole body was covered with mask clothing to prevent radiation from destroying her body.

The bodyguards also put on radiation protection suits.

But the princess in red didn't wear one, because she has a mechanical body and is immune to nuclear radiation.

Radiation can only affect the cells of living bodies. The body of the red princess is made of metal, so radiation cannot affect her.

Busy work is still going on inside the huge drilling platform.

The drilling pumping unit is constantly operating.

Large amounts of oil and natural gas are extracted from underground pipelines.

Ning Dongxia got rid of the guards around her. She came to the drilling platform and looked at the oil pumping unit below.

On the detection equipment, nuclear radiation warnings kept sounding.

It is certain that this concentrated pomelo...is under the drilling platform.

No, that's not right! This enriched uranium is mixed in this oil!

Every bit of oil and gas extracted contains a large amount of enriched uranium!

Ningdongxia extracted some oil and natural gas, and after testing... it turned out that the ingredients of enriched uranium were found.

Ning Dong Xia Meimou solemnly ordered, "Arrange the cruise ship to approach and prepare to extract oil and natural gas! Pack the oil and natural gas directly and take it away! The enriched uranium will be fused into the natural gas!"

As soon as she gave the order, her men immediately started working!

While they were following the situation around the drilling platform, they began to extract oil and natural gas!

Countless black ink-colored oil was extracted and put into oil barrels.

At this time, in the dark sea, the cargo cruise ship was slowly moving forward. Ning Dongxia planned to use this cruise ship to transport... and steal oil and natural gas.

She wants to transport the natural gas back and then slowly refine the enriched uranium molecules.

And just when the cruise ship was slowly approaching the oil island, there was a sudden "Boom...!!" a shocking loud noise!!

The entire cargo cruise ship exploded in an instant, and flames shot into the sky!!

The entire dark sea surface was instantly covered by

The firelight shines brightly!!


Seeing this scene, Ning Dongxia's pretty face condensed!

Cargo cruise ship exploded??

"Not good! We've been discovered!" Ning Dongxia reacted!

This cargo cruise ship was detonated by the enemy.

Tonight's killing spree finally took place.

"Plan B! Intercept an enemy cruise ship and transport the goods out!!" Ning Dongxia ordered immediately and decisively!

The men nodded solemnly!

They immediately moved out barrels of loaded oil barrels...

At the same time, inside the island, a cruise ship carrying cargo was suddenly hijacked by Ning Dongxia's bodyguards.

Since her cruise ship was blown up, she would simply intercept one of the cruise ships on the island and use their ship to transport oil!

Barrels of oil were loaded onto the cruise ship!

At this time, in the silent island...the security companies finally took action!

"Kill...!!" A swarm of guards appeared and surrounded Ning Dongxia and others!!

"Director Ning! Something bad has happened! The entire island is full of enemy troops! The surrounding areas of the island...are also blocked by their ships!! We can't escape!" At this moment, a bodyguard appeared.

Anxious to report forward!

Luring the prey into the game, the killing array has been launched!

Tonight, those plutocratic families used enriched uranium as bait, deliberately trying to lure Ning Dongxia over!

Plan to trap it here!

And Ning Dongxia also knew that it was a murderous game, but she still entered the scene deliberately! Because she knew that these enriched uranium were genuine! Since it was really enriched uranium, how could there be any reason not to take it?

If she didn't steal, wouldn't she be sorry for the war arranged by the wealthy family?

"Red clothes! Lead the mechanical army to intercept and counterattack!" Ning Dongxia's pretty face was cold and indifferent as she ordered!

This battle was inevitable, she had already thought of it before landing on the island.

Following Ning Dongxia's order, the princess in red nodded solemnly, and her mechanical eyes burst out with red light.

Directly shoot two terrifying laser rays!

"Puff...!!" A group of island guards not far away who tried to rush up were directly penetrated by high-temperature laser rays and fell to the ground.

The princess in red controlled the mechanical dog army and rushed madly towards the guard army on the island!

It held the two-meter-long metal knife in its hand and slashed fiercely into the sea of ​​people!

"Pfft...!" The long sword was invincible!

The princess in red is extremely powerful in combat, and even if she passes through it with a long sword... the island guards can't stop her at all!

There were countless metal mechanical dogs all around that rushed forward, laser beams intertwined in the sea of ​​people.

Countless people howled miserably as their bodies were hit and fell to the ground.

The whole scene was extremely miserable.

The guards on the island are no match for the princess in red...

And at this moment, suddenly on the island, among the blocked ships, figures appeared one after another!

The group of figures flashed and rushed towards the island!

He is a genetically mutated warrior!

Their figures flashed like ghosts in the dark night, rushing towards the island crazily!

"Puff puff!" The genetic warrior rushed into the bodyguard team!

Ning Dongxia's bodyguard team... was defeated in an instant!

Even the mechanical dog army... was defeated in an instant!

This group of genetic warriors is extremely terrifying! Their leader is a young man with silver hair!

This young man has fair skin all over his body, with no trace of the dark blood of a genetic mutant!

He is also the first

Second generation genetic modifier!

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes narrowed and she shouted, "Red clothes! Come on! Intercept!"

Suddenly, the princess in red behind her suddenly teleported and rushed towards the group of genetic warriors!!

"Puff puff...!" The princess in red held a long knife and instantly rushed into the sea of ​​people!

A sneer flashed across the corner of the leading silver-haired genetic warrior's mouth, "Huh...robot? Are you worthy of fighting me?"

The silver-haired man struck suddenly, his movements were like a ghost, and he rushed away like a madman!

His figure passed through the air, and he couldn't be caught at all!

His code name - Sima Yi, possesses extremely terrifying mobility!

Speed ​​is his ultimate killer move.

His movement flew through the void, and he could only see a passing black shadow in the void!

Because his speed is so fast that the naked eye cannot catch it!

There are just bursts of sonic booms in the void!

How fast a person can move can cause a sonic boom? How terrifying is this!

Even the princess in red has difficulty catching the figure of this silver-haired man...

The princess in red drew her sword and slashed away, but when her long sword fell, the figure of the silver-haired man teleported and disappeared from the place!

"Boom!" The silver-haired man punched the princess in red hard on the back!

The princess in red staggered and was blown away!

Sima Yi's pupils shrank, this robot's copper skin and iron bones are really hard?

Even if he punched her, he couldn't damage her metal shell?

Sima Yi's body skills flash forward again!

"Dang, Dang, Dang...!!" He held a sharp special dagger and stabbed the princess in red in the back!

This dagger is also made of sx ultra-rare earth and has the same terrifying strength!

But countless attacks with the dagger still couldn't break through the metal body of the red princess!

Sima Yi's movement skills are indeed very fast, but that's all.

No matter how fast he is, he can't penetrate the metal body of the red princess.

Sima Yi's long silver-white hair floated in the dark night, and his pupils were slightly condensed.

"The metal material of this robot has been specially tempered?" Sima Yi finally came to his senses.

It is also SX ultra-rare earth. It stands to reason that the dagger in his hand is enough to break open the mechanical body of the red princess.

But at this time, his dagger was completely unable to break it.

There is only one possibility. The metal body material of the princess in red has been refined and forged twice by Ningdongxia to strengthen its hardness.

Therefore, Sima Yi's knife could not break through the metal shell of the robot.

At this time, countless mechanical dog legions were surrounding them!

Sima Yi's movement flashed, and the dagger in his hand struck again!

But the bodies of these metal mechanical dogs are also extremely hard.

Sima Yi's sword couldn't hurt them at all.

Sima Yi and a group of genetic warriors are at a loss what to do!

At this time, the princess in red still has about 60 battery, which is enough to support her to continue fighting and destroy these genetic warriors.

The princess in red leads the mechanical dog army and fights back directly!

"Puff puff!" Black blood splattered as the genetic warriors were killed, and the scene was miserable!

But at this moment! Suddenly, on the dark island observation deck, a bright and dazzling spotlight... suddenly shined on the mechanical body of the red princess!

Immediately afterwards, a giant cylindrical fort slowly aimed at the red princess below the island!

Seeing this sudden appearance of the fort, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes narrowed!?

She sensed a sense of crisis!

"Red clothes...withdraw...!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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