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Chapter 1045: The Republic’s Disaster

Mid-January 1859.

As the "Chief Steward of the Empire", Achill Fuld once again went to the Bourbon Palace on behalf of the imperial government to conduct an annual report to the Legislative Council of the Bourbon Palace, the nominally highest authority in the empire.

The content of this report was naturally the fiscal revenue and expenditure for 1858 and the fiscal budget for 1859, which had already been discussed by the Royal Council.

When Achille Fuld's car arrived at the Bourbon Palace, the honor guard troops (which can also be called garrison troops) responsible for guarding the Bourbon Palace had already been waiting on both sides of the steps of the Bourbon Palace for a long time.

As Achille Fuld stepped onto the first step leading to the Bourbon Palace, all the soldiers drew their sabers from their waists to show respect to the imperial government represented by Achille Fuld.


At the same time, a band also appeared at the gate of the Bourbon Palace, with musical notes jumping out of their instruments, arranged, and finally combined to become the "Ode to the Expedition", the imperial national anthem, filling every corner of the Bourbon Palace.

The republicans of the legislative group in the Bourbon Palace frowned subconsciously after hearing the majestic "Ode to the Expedition".

However, no matter how reluctant these republican representatives were, they still all stood up from their seats under the leadership of the deputy speaker of the legislative group (the speaker of the legislative group is Jérôme Bonaparte, and the deputy speaker who maintains the parliament on a daily basis).

He stood up and showed respect to the empire represented by "Ode to the Expedition" with a serious face.

After the song "Ode to the Expedition" ended, Bio just opened his mouth to the members of the legislative group present, "Representatives, please take a seat!"

The representatives sat back down one after another, quietly waiting for the arrival of Ashil Fuld.

After a while, Achille Fuld appeared from the right passage of the Bourbon Palace. At this time, he was wearing a black tuxedo jacket on the upper body, lined with a woolen woven wool, and a brown lower body.

Wearing tight cowhide trousers and a pair of shiny black leather shoes, she looks like an imperial middle-class attire.

The reason why he chose to wear this outfit to enter the Bourbon Palace was to silence the "oppositions" in the Bourbon Palace. Those opponents criticized Achille Fuld's appearance on more than one occasion.

Even some newspapers controlled by imperial supporters (clerical newspapers) implicitly criticized Assi Fuld's dress as being too "fancy".

"Our (referring to Achille Fuld) does not look like a solemn imperial minister, but more like a peacock."

As a result, Achille Fuld slightly changed his attire when reporting to the legislative group.

As Achille Fuld walked to the stairs at the edge of the podium, Billot, the deputy speaker responsible for maintaining the conference hall of the Bourbon Palace, immediately stood up and walked from his seat to Achille Fuld, asking in a particularly solemn tone.


"Minister Fuld, are you ready?"

"Of course!" Achille Fuld responded to Bjorn without any hesitation.

"Then please begin your speech!" Bio made an inviting gesture.

Achille Fuld walked step by step to the podium located in the center of the entire Bourbon Palace. Billot sat on the podium below Achille Fuld, maintaining order in the entire Bourbon Palace.

Achill Fuld, who was standing on the podium, first looked around, and then bowed to the members of the legislative group sitting around the podium.

The vast majority of the legislative team applauded Achille Fuld, and thunderous applause resounded throughout the halls of the Palais Bourbon.

It took a while for the applause to end, and Achille Fuld spoke to the members of the legislative team present.

“Dear members of the Legislative Council, I am very happy to be able to represent the government and gather with you in this sacred hall to work together for our country and our nation.

As the crisis-ridden year 1857 passed quietly, our government once again won a victory in 1858 that was no less than a victory on the Crimean battlefield.

What is even more gratifying is that this victory did not increase the casualties of soldiers. It was completely a diplomatic victory.

With a peace-loving heart, the empire successfully eliminated the gradually intensifying conflicts between the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia, and won precious peace for Europe..."

Achille Fuld did not start his speech on financial issues, but started with the conflict between Austria and Sardinia led by the French Empire in 1858.

And his purpose is naturally to pave the way for future financial revenue and expenditure.

After all, nothing could be more politically correct than the annexation of Savoy and Nice in 1858.

Even members of the republican faction who were opposed to the empire could only implicitly comment on the empire's behavior as "ugly to look at".

Only by hiding the issue of fiscal revenue and expenditure under "political correctness" can Achill Fuld have the opportunity to avoid accountability from the legislative group.

As time went by, Achille Fuld gradually steered the conversation to the government's 1858 budget.

"Our government not only achieved impressive results at the diplomatic level last year, but also made great and high-quality progress in finance compared with 1857!"

Achille Fuld first reported the empire's revenue and expenditures in 1857 to the members of the legislative body, and then reported the revenue and expenditures in 1858.

Although Achille Fuld's language is very clever, no one who can sit on the Legislative Council is a fool. On the contrary, everyone who can sit here is a smart person (only when their own interests are threatened)

, they are prone to "being stupid"), and Asher Fuld's tricks can't fool them at all.

When Achille Fuld finished speaking about the income and expenditure of 1958, the entire Bourbon Palace fell into a brief silence, and everyone was thinking.

After about 30 seconds passed, the representative on the right side of the Bourbon Palace raised a sign to signal!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Favre has delivered, please stand up and speak!" Bio said to Favre, who is a republican.

Favre quickly stood up from his seat and questioned Achille Fuld in sharp language.

“Dear Minister Fuld, I would like to ask why the empire’s fiscal balance in 1858 was only slightly higher than that in 1857, even though the empire’s income in 1858 was much higher than that in 1857!

Does this mean our spending in 1858 was higher than in 1857!

I remember you being here last year!”

Favre paused, pointed to the gilded chandelier above his head, and emphasized: "In this solemn and sacred Bourbon Palace, when reporting the fiscal revenue and expenditure of 1857, I once said that it would affect the revenue and expenditure of 1857.

The root cause of the imbalance is the sudden economic crisis!

At that time, we could all understand the government!

After all, no one expected that the crisis would happen so quickly!

I still remember clearly that you assured us in your 1858 budget that government spending would be gradually reduced!

However, your original promise was never fulfilled!

Our government has tried its best to stop imposing taxes on every French citizen and strive to ensure that every French citizen enjoys the "greatness" of paying taxes for the government (Favre had tears on his face when he talked about greatness).

(with a mocking look), our farmers have to hand over one-third of their annual income to the government (this is what Favre said nonsense), and the government's wallet has become fuller through constant exploitation.


When the government spends this money condensed from the blood and tears of farmers, it is much more casual than when it spent all its efforts to collect taxes.

If the government continues to maintain this state, it is difficult for me to imagine how much more burdens will be placed on French citizens!"

When Favre finished saying this, representatives from the same Republican camp quickly applauded him, and Favre sat back down amidst the applause.

Upon seeing this, Bio knocked twice with his gavel and said in a solemn tone, "Quiet! No noise is allowed during the speech!"

A small "boo" sound came from the Republican camp!

Bio obviously didn't care about the "protest" of the Republicans. With his back to Achille Fuld, he asked Fuld on the podium, "Minister Fuld, what else do you have to say?"


“I disagree with Representative Favre’s statement that the government will impose taxes on farmers!

The empire has always maintained a caring attitude towards the peasants, and the taxes imposed on them are lower than those of any previous kingdom.

Our tax revenue mainly comes from the booming development of industry and commerce.

The empire provides a stable environment and appropriate policies to industry and commerce, and industry and commerce use taxes to give back to the empire!

Such development is beneficial to both the empire and business owners!"

Achill Fuld did not respond to Favre on the issue of spending, but instead seized on Favre's linguistic loopholes to refute.

Seeing that Achille Fuld misinterpreted his meaning, Favre wanted to get up and refute Achille Fuld again.

However, in the next second, those imperial representatives who had been instructed by Achille Fuld interrupted Favre's rebuttal with cheers and applause.

"well said!"

Thunderous applause silenced all opponents.

No matter how reluctant Favre was with his gloomy face, he knew that if he continued to be entangled like this, he would only be asking for trouble.

Ashil Fuld on the stage listened to the thunderous applause, and his lips showed joy.

Then, Achille Fuld looked at Favre's position with a slightly provocative look.

Provoked, Favre wanted to get up again, but his companions on the side held him down.

"Favre, now is not the time to break up, we are still very weak, you must stay calm!"

After hearing his companion's words, Favre sat down again!

The applause and cheers ceased under Bio's gavel, and Achille Fuld once again proposed a rough budget for 1859 to the legislative body of the Bourbon Palace.

This chapter has been completed!
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