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Chapter 1046: Infighting among the Legislative Group

According to the Constitution of the Third Republic originally formulated by Jérôme Bonaparte, the way the legislative body voted on the budget was not that Achille Fuld proposed an overall budget figure and then voted.

Instead, Achille Fuld, on behalf of the government, integrated the budget funds submitted to him by various departments of the empire and proposed them to the legislative group one by one. The legislative group voted on the funds proposed by Achille Fuld.

[Only the funds for the Department of War and the Department of the Navy are combined and submitted to the Legislative Council for approval.]

In the process of passing/rejecting the proposal, as long as Achille Fuld does not want to tell the representatives of the legislative group the purpose of the funds, then they will never know the purpose of the money, and the allocation of the budget is all left to the decree.

In other words, as long as Achille Fuld has a little thought, the highway renovation plan proposed by Baros will be dispersed into the budgets of various departments without anyone noticing, and the budget of the Ministry of Public Transport will not

It seems so annoying.

However, Achille Fuld would be so kind as to let the public transportation department pass safely!

The answer is of course no.

He must arouse the opposition of some members of the Bourbon Palace Parliament and create some difficulties for this proposal.

Only in this way can he have sufficient reason to interfere with the Ministry of Public Transport in the subsequent renovation work.

Of course, Achille Fuld is not afraid that this proposal will not be passed.

Before arriving at the Bourbon Palace, Achille Fuld had already obtained Jérôme Bonaparte's authorization to act expediently, and at the same time received a " trump card " from his hands.

Therefore, the first budget proposed by Achill Fuld was not a proposal to vote on the national debt issue as before, but a proposal to sell 80,000 hectares of state-owned forests was placed in front of the legislative group.

After hearing the proposal put forward by Achille Fuld, Fife, the Republican representative present, instantly "resurrected". He stood up and asked Achille Fuld loudly.

"Minister Fuld, based on what you just summarized!

The empire's fiscal balance was positive last year, so I would like to ask why the government sold 80,000 hectares of state-owned forests to the public!

Has the government’s finances reached a point where it cannot survive without selling land?”

As soon as Favre finished speaking, there was a small-scale discussion in the Bourbon Palace, including some representatives (members) who originally supported the imperial faction.

For some imperialist MPs, the reason why they were willing to support the empire was not because they were blessed by Emperor Bonaparte.

On the contrary, the fathers of some imperialists were the targets of Emperor Bonaparte's suppression.

It's because the empire can bring them order, stability and economic prosperity.

However, the government has increased expenditures again and again, making them worried.

They fear that one day the government will completely collapse due to huge expenditures, just like those bankrupt empires in the 17th and 18th centuries.

[Of course, this kind of people have always been the object of ridicule by Jerome Bonaparte. When Jerome Bonaparte, who is based in the 21st century, looks at the economy of the 19th century, he always feels that all their economic actions are too

If you are too conservative, you are afraid that if you are not careful, the government will fall into financial ruin.

However, from the 19th century to the 21st century, Jerome Bonaparte never saw any big government completely collapse due to economic problems.

Most of them are due to military and political issues other than the economy, causing the entire economy to be in trouble.

Take the economies of South and Central America, which are prone to inflation.

If the economies of the Americas were not controlled and suppressed by the United States of America, they would never be where they are now.

Even if Cuba is "blocked" by the United States of America, their economy does not suffer from inflation like the governments of South America.

As the saying goes, the difference in vision determines the difference in means.

People in the 19th century focused on the countries that had gone bankrupt in the 17th and 18th centuries, while Jérôme Bonaparte focused on the end of this century and the 20th century.]

Achille Fuld's proposal to sell 80,000 hectares of state-owned forests and Favre's remarks just hit the hearts of the legislators who are complacent with the status quo, causing an inexplicable feeling in the hearts of the legislators.


Seeing that the discussion in the Bourbon Palace was getting louder and louder, Pio, who was born as deputy speaker, had to knock the table several times with a gavel, and then said solemnly.

“Dear representatives, please refrain from making noises in public places!”

The noise at the Bourbon Palace ended immediately, and everyone turned their attention to Achille Fuld on the podium.

Immediately afterwards, Bjorn once again hinted at Achille Fuld, "Minister Fuld, is there anything else you would like to add?

If not, we will start this round of voting!”

Achille Fuld spoke to Favre again and responded, "Representative Favre, your remarks just now constitute a crime of slandering the empire.

However, as a member of the Empire, you enjoy a certain range of immunity from speech.

And everything discussed in the Bourbon Palace is only spread in the Bourbon Palace.

So you don’t have to worry about the police coming to your home and arresting you!”

As if to see Favred's reaction, Achille Fuld paused for a moment after finishing these words and turned his gaze to Favre.

Favre, who was "threatened" by Achill Fuld, looked very ugly. He stood up and shouted at Achill Fuld, "As a member of the legislative group, I have no responsibility for the government itself."

It has the unjustifiable right to supervise and has the right to veto all unreasonable proposals!”

"Representative Favre, we have not restricted these rights of yours!" Achille Fuld said tit for tat, "However, according to the constitution of the empire, as an imperial parliamentarian, you also have the obligation to safeguard the authority of the government, don't you?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "If the government does the right thing, of course I am willing to defend it!" Favre's momentum quickly weakened a lot, and he said to Ahir angrily

Fuld said, “The government’s financial opacity now makes it impossible for us to know what the state of the government is!”

"So you maliciously denounced the empire's economy to achieve your ulterior purpose!" Ahill Fuld showed a meaningful smile on his lips, "You republican representatives, can't you say something else?


"Minister Fuld, you ride on the horse..."

Favre, who was provoked by Achille Fuld, couldn't help but uttered a curse word. Achille Fuld quickly seized the opportunity and said to Bjorn, "Dear Deputy Speaker, I request that Favre be expelled."

Get out of the Palais Bourbon!”

Billo glanced at Favre in the distance and said lightly, "Representative Favre, your remarks just now are no longer suitable for you to stay in the Bourbon Palace. As the deputy speaker of the legislative group, I ask you to leave!"

If you are unwilling to leave, then I will ask the guards to send you away!"

After that, Pio ordered the guards to take Favre away.

"No need! I'll go by myself!"

In order to save the last bit of dignity, Favre flatly refused to be carried away by the guards, but stood up and left on his own.

Several Republican MPs sitting around Favre seemed to support Favre's action, and they voluntarily followed Favre to leave.

The number of Republican MPs who originally had only more than 40 seats in the Palais Bourbon was suddenly reduced by one-eighth.

The only remaining members of the Bourbon Palace are Olivier and Darimon, who are known as moderate republicans, and Jules Simon, who is swinging between the two sides!

Achill Fuld, who watched Favre leave the Bourbon Palace, spoke again to everyone present, "Gentlemen, let's continue the topic!

I know that many of you here are worried about what Senator Favre just said. I am here to tell you clearly that this is nonsense!

There is nothing concealed about the financial situation reported by the government to the legislative group (except for the Paris urban construction bonds concealed by George Haussmann), and our government does not have a fiscal deficit to the point where it is starved of food!

As for the proposal to sell 80,000 hectares of state-owned forests, the purpose is also to maintain the infrastructure of the four provinces of Upper and Lower Rhine, Mosel and Vosges!

Especially the Mosel province, which has become the largest textile production base in the empire. Countless cotton textiles are produced here and then distributed to other provinces and abroad!

The Upper Rhine and Lower Rhine provinces were also the largest economic regions in the empire after Paris. The steel and grain produced here were transported to every corner of the empire via waterways and roads.

I would like to say that the economic benefits generated by the empire’s money spent here are far beyond what can be compared with 80,000 hectares of forest!”

After hearing Achille Fuld's remarks, the MPs from the Alsace-Lorraine region immediately applauded Achille Fuld.

The imperial MPs also felt relieved after hearing Ashill Fuld explain the financial direction.

No matter what, the empire's money is always spent on the right path.

Immediately afterwards, Achille Fuld continued to say to everyone present, "And in order to show his support for infrastructure construction, His Majesty the Emperor specifically proposed that all the 20 million francs given by the Parliament this year to the royal family should be invested in the Alsace-Lorraine region.

on the infrastructure construction!

And on behalf of the royal family, he voluntarily donated 1,000,000 francs to build worker apartments in Paris!

Strive to allow every Parisian worker to enjoy low-priced rent!”

All the members were in disbelief at Jérôme Bonaparte's decision, including Pio, who was the deputy speaker.

After a while, a roar sounded in the Bourbon Palace: "Long live the Empire, long live His Majesty the Emperor, long live freedom!"

Immediately, all the MPs, regardless of their inner will, shouted the slogan "Long live the Empire, Long Live His Majesty the Emperor" in unison!

The loud voice reached outside the Bourbon Palace through the Bourbon Palace. After Favre, who was expelled from the Bourbon Palace, heard the shouts coming from the Bourbon Palace, his eyes became more sinister.

After seeing the applause of the whole hall, Achille Fuld on the podium couldn't help but admire Jerome Bonaparte.

This chapter has been completed!
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