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Chapter 237 Hearing? This is a declaration of war!

July 31, 1850.

The day after the proposal of "parliamentary establishment of direct troops" was passed, Minister of War Renault convened a unique parliament at the Ministry of War.

Minister Renault, who presided over the meeting, did not directly express his views on the troops directly under the parliament, but issued an order to all members of the Ministry of War.

From now on, all orders involving the mobilization of the army must be signed by Minister Renault and Secretary of State Saint-Arnaud before they can be acted upon. Otherwise, it will be regarded as a betrayal of the motherland.

Any troops and members who mobilize without authorization will be severely punished.

During the meeting, Minister Renault patted the long conference table hard and emphasized again in his rough voice: "From now on, any transfer of more than 20 people must go through Secretary Saint-Arnault and me.

consent, otherwise you will wait to go to a military court!"

"Don't try to be clever, don't think that I can't catch you! I will always see you!" Saint-Arnaud, who has always been playing the black face, took over what Minister Regno said and continued.

The members of the Ministry of War who had been tamed by Rennault and Saint-Arnault dared to do anything in private. They were originally panic-stricken, but the threats of Minister Rennault and Secretary Saint-Arnault actually calmed down the commotion.

After the meeting, a "certain matter concerning the mobilization of troops" was passed from the War Department to the regular army units in the suburbs of Paris.

The Second and Third Brigades under the control of the Bonapartists successively announced that they would follow the orders of the War Department, and the commanders of the National Guard Corps also chose to follow the orders of the War Department.

Brigadier General Nomar of the 1st Brigade in Paris also closely followed their steps.

As for Changarnier, who had previously had a falling out with Jérôme Bonaparte, he also maintained a silent attitude after this order was issued.

The actions of the Ministry of War and the army completely ignored the proposals of the Legislative Assembly. Minister Regno and Saint-Arnault had decided to firmly hold the general power in the hands of the Bonapartists.

On August 1, the Legislative Assembly officially adjourned.

Although the Legislative Assembly has been adjourned, in order to maintain the normal operation of the Assembly and to urge the Ministry of War to establish a force directly under the Assembly as soon as possible, Thiers established a standing committee during the adjournment and selected some members to stay on duty in the Assembly.

of MPs.

Of course, the committee prepared for the adjournment still did not include the Elysees, Republicans, and Montagnards. Members of the Orthodox and Orleans factions occupied the power of the committee.

On August 6, President Jérôme Bonaparte of the French Republic visited the Normandy Province.

Members of the Permanent Committee took advantage of Jérôme Bonaparte's tour to go to the Ministry of War. They hoped to use the authority of the Legislative Assembly to overwhelm the Ministry of War and make it subordinate to the Legislative Assembly while the President was away.

On August 10, the Standing Committee submitted a question to Minister Reño, and the period for the question was set for the afternoon of the 11th.

Minister Renault showed a rather disdainful expression on his face after receiving the parliamentary question. In his mind, the Legislative Assembly was just a gathering place for a group of profiteers, and the Ministry of War was asked to take orders from these guys, unless Renault was dismissed.


Just when Renault was about to throw the so-called question paper out of the window, Secretary of State General Saint-Arnaud came to Minister Renault's office.

"Minister, I heard that the Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly came to question you?" Saint-Arnaud asked Minister Regno.

"That's right!" Minister Renault nodded, with a bored expression on his face: "These gutter rats only do their own things behind the scenes!"

"Isn't this a member of Parliament?" Saint-Arnaud shrugged and suggested: "Minister, if you are not willing to accept questioning, then I can go on your behalf."

"You?" Minister Renault looked at Saint-Arnaud and joked: "You are not going to beat them up, are you?"

"That's not certain!" Saint-Arnault said with a smile: "I'm really afraid that I can't help but tell them to beat them up at the interrogation meeting? If the French army follows their method, there will be big problems!"

"That's right!" Minister Renault nodded empathetically and agreed: "More than 700 people, more than 700 minds! The most important thing is that these people's minds are not consistent! If the army wants to serve more than 700 minds at the same time, it must be

The guys are driving them crazy.”

Saint-Arnault continued: "Instead of serving more than 700 minds, it is better to serve only one person. The president is the nephew of the emperor, and he is destined to lead us to victory. What are those guys? A bunch of trash who can only talk nonsense!"

After Rennault and Saint-Arnault reached an agreement, Saint-Arnault went to the Legislative Assembly to answer questions on behalf of Minister Rennault.

August 11 at 3pm.

This time period was the hottest time of the day. Under the scorching sun, a carriage set off from the Ministry of War and quickly arrived at the Bourbon Palace.

The carriage stopped in the shade of the Bourbon Palace, and Saint-Arnaud, dressed in military uniform, got out of the carriage.

Saint-Arnault's face seemed to have been washed with water as he got off the carriage. Sweat kept flowing from Saint-Arnault's forehead. Now his whole body was filled with a sticky feeling. His white underwear had already been

Soaked in sweat.

In such a hot weather, Saint-Arnault felt even more depressed. He eagerly wanted to give the group of MPs a blow.

Saint-Arnault entered the Bourbon Palace and soon came to the hall of the National Assembly.

The nearly 100 standing committee members responsible for remaining in the Legislative Assembly were all sitting at the parliamentary seats. Speaker Dupin also did not leave during the recess. He sat at the podium to preside over this so-called question.

As soon as Saint-Arnaud came in, he was watched by all the members. These members sat upright and looked directly at Saint-Arnaud. They did not speak or make any move.

Saint-Arnault understood that this was the "power" given to him by the parliamentarians, and he hoped to use this method to make Saint-Arnault surrender.

Saint-Arnaud was very disdainful of the methods of the congressman.

He has already experienced hundreds of battles in North Africa. Not to mention facing these powerless MPs, even if he encounters a large number of Berber guerrillas, he can deal with it with a normal mentality.

The fighting ability of these guys is far worse than those in North Africa.

Saint-Arnaud, who was not overwhelmed by the silent pressure, walked through the corridors of the Legislative Assembly as if taking a leisurely stroll, looking left and right from time to time.

Seeing this, Speaker Dupin banged the wooden hammer in his hand hard, and said in an arrogant and stiff voice: "General Saint-Arnaud, you are already late! Please go to your position immediately and accept the parliament's question!"

"Late?" General Saint-Arnaud glanced at Speaker Dupin and raised the corners of his mouth slightly as if to mock him, "How come I remember that the time when the questioning started was three-thirty! It's only now..."

General Saint-Arnault took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time as if no one else was around: "It's three twenty-eight, there are still two minutes left until the start!"

"Hurry up and get to your seat! The Legislative Assembly is not a place that you can desecrate!" Speaker Duban's attitude was still stiff. This time he raised his voice, as if to set off the majesty of the Legislative Assembly.

"I know!" Saint-Arnault didn't take it to heart at all about Speaker Dupin's roar, and even couldn't help but say "concerned": "Mr. Speaker, I hope you can protect your voice!"

After speaking, Saint-Arnaud arrived at the hearing seat.

The hearing position is the same as the podium. Both of them need to face Speaker Duban on the podium and face the members directly.

Sometimes, in order to have a psychological impact on the minister who is hearing the hearing and make the minister say some inappropriate words, the speaker behind the minister can also say something unexpectedly.

At 3:30, the questioning began.

"General Saint-Arnault, why didn't the Ministry of War implement the order of the parliament? Why didn't Minister Regno come?" As soon as the meeting began, Speaker Dupin behind Saint-Arnault roared at Saint-Arnault,

This sound was like a violent storm attacking Saint Arnaud.

Speaker Dupin's roar did not shake Saint-Arnault in the slightest. Saint-Arnault looked at the member of the Standing Committee opposite him with contempt and said: "Minister Renault was ill this morning, so he appointed me to represent him."

He participated in this inquiry."

"General Saint-Arnault, can you guarantee that you will be responsible for everything you say? Are you capable of shouldering the responsibility of the Ministry of War?" Speaker Dupin once again questioned Saint-Arnault. He was trying to defeat Saint-Arnault.

Arnault's line of defence.

"I have the ability!" Saint-Arnault said firmly: "The minister has delegated full authority to me for this inquiry!"

"Okay!" Speaker Duban's tone seemed to calm down, but in the next second, he resumed his roar like a storm: "Then let me ask you, why has the Ministry of War not implemented the parliament's proposal?"

"We are considering it!" General Saint-Arnaud said calmly.

"I asked you why you didn't execute it!" Speaker Duban seemed a little annoyed.

"I said it! We are considering which troop should be sent to execute the order and which troop should be stationed! This will take time to study... Our research needs..." Saint Arnaud still said calmly.

[Step 2 of Political Lines: Maybe we should take action, we are studying it.]

"I asked you to implement it, not to study it and then implement it!" the speaker interrupted Saint-Arnaud.

"Mr. Speaker, you don't understand the army at all!" General Saint-Arnaud also said in a tough tone: "Do you know how much trouble reckless execution will cause to the army? By doing so, you are destroying the shield that protects France.

!Our material personnel mobilization and equipment mobilization will become a mess because of any stupid execution immediately!

If the army falls into chaos, who will protect the country?"

This chapter has been completed!
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