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Chapter 294 The Fall of the Second Republic (Part 1)

After the stacks of notices were printed, Mokar returned to the War Ministry with the notice and handed the notice to the army to the Minister of War Saint-Arnaud.

Saint-Arnault immediately issued an order to the telegraph office under the Secretariat, requiring them to convey "the announcement of the President of the Republic announcing the army" in the form of a telegram to the major military districts in France and Algeria.

After receiving the order, the telegraph office quickly took action. They used the telegraph machine grafted at the Ministry of War to send a report to the French Military District.

The content of the notice is as follows:


"You should be proud of your mission; you will save your country, because I am counting on you, not to violate the law, but to ensure that the first law of the country - the sovereignty of the country, of which I am respected

legal representative.

“For too long, you have faced the same barriers that I have faced: barriers that have prevented me from doing good things I want to do and from you showing your support for me. These barriers have now been broken down.

"The National Assembly sought to undermine the authority vested in me by the entire country, which no longer exists."

"I make an honest appeal to the people and to the army, and inform them: Either give me the means to ensure your prosperity, or ask someone wiser to take my place.

"In 1830 and 1848, you were regarded as the defeated. They first dampened your heroic and selfless spirit, and then ignored you. At this solemn moment, I eagerly hope that the army will make a loud voice.

"Then as citizens, please cast your vote freely; but as soldiers, please remember: absolute obedience to the orders of the leaders in power is a responsibility that the military, from generals to soldiers, must strictly abide by.

"I am responsible for my actions to the people and to future generations; in light of this, I should take all measures that I feel are necessary for the public interest.

"As for you, please continue to abide by discipline and safeguard honor unswervingly. Please use your solemn attitude to help the whole country express its will in calmness and reflection."

“Please be prepared to severely punish any attempt to impede the free exercise of the people’s sovereignty.

"Soldiers, I need not mention to you the memories that my name evokes. They are engraved in your hearts. We are bound together by inextricable ties. Your history is inseparable from mine. You

You and I have shared the honor and disgrace, the joys and sorrows in history."

"As for the future, we will have a common sentiment and determination to maintain the tranquility and majesty of France."

After the notice was sent out through the telegraph office, the commanders of the major military regions received the situation from the Paris area as soon as possible.

At 6:20, Commander Reignault of Strasbourg issued an order to Paris supporting President Bonaparte in dissolving the National Assembly.

At 6:30, Liuelli, commander of the Italian Front in Lyon, also sent an order to Paris supporting the president's dissolution of the National Assembly.

The fact that the two major military regions were able to express their loyalty to Paris as soon as possible gave the telegraph office an unexpected surprise, and they quickly informed Minister Saint-Arnault of the news.

Minister St. Arnaud also breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the support from the Italian and Strasbourg fronts. With the support of these two military regions, plus the strength of Paris itself, they at least have the entire Republic.

With more than half of the troops remaining, if the generals in the remaining military regions want to oppose, they have to weigh their own strength.

Furthermore, the army of the Republic is not a private army. Those military leaders appointed and dismissed by the central government have very little influence on the army.

After the first notice to the army was issued, Mokar came to the police department again.

Police Chief Mopar hurried out to greet Mokar. Mokar handed the "Appeal to the People" to Chief Mopar and said: "Director Mopar, immediately mobilize all your police forces and post notices on every street in Paris.

Be fast!”

"Yes!" Director Mopar accepted the "appeal" handed over by Mokar and watched Mokar leave.

After Mokar left, Mopa trotted to a conference hall with a plump belly.

At this time, the conference hall was already full of people. They were the police chiefs of various districts in Paris.

"Now you should immediately post these things in your jurisdiction, and act quickly!" Mopar pointed to the thick stack of "appeal letters" and repeated to the police chief present what Mokar had said to him.

The 48 police chiefs each received a certain number of "letters of appeal" from Mopar, and then returned to their jurisdictions by carriage.

The police sergeants who returned to their jurisdiction summoned the police (urban management) in their jurisdiction and also issued an order to them not to post any signs in their jurisdiction as soon as possible.

After layers of orders, the "Appeal" was all posted around eight o'clock.

Paris was now completely under the control of Jérôme Bonaparte and his troops.

In the past two years, Paris citizens who have experienced martial law many times have become accustomed to it.

Some citizens even greeted the soldiers enthusiastically and asked them what they were going to do.

The soldier, who also had a confused look on his face, told the soldier that they were going to Paris on orders from their superiors, and that specific matters needed to be taken after instructions were given by their superiors.

This means that the entire coup was nothing more than an arbitrary act by Jérôme Bonaparte and some of the top military officials. Ordinary soldiers were only coerced by them and ignorantly participated in the military coup.

Some of the middle and low-level officers were still potential republicans, but faced with the army's iron discipline, they could only take action to arrest them.

Paris citizens who were confused about the army's plan saw the notice posted on the most conspicuous place on the wall. They gathered in groups in front of the notice to read it.

"The French people!"

"The current situation cannot be maintained. Every day that passes, the danger to the country increases. The National Assembly, which should be the most solid pillar of order, has become a hotbed of conspiracy. The patriotism of the three hundred members of the Assembly has not failed.

Put an end to this deplorable trend. Instead of enacting laws in the interests of the whole, the National Assembly is making weapons to prepare for civil war. It is infringing upon the rights I derive directly from the people; it is encouraging all bad desires; it is damaging France.

peace; I have dissolved the National Assembly and left it to the people to decide between the Assembly and myself.”

"You all know that the provisions of the Constitution are intended in advance to weaken the power you will give me. Six million votes are a loud and strong protest against the Constitution, but I still faithfully abide by it. I am not afraid of provocation, slander, and insult.

I am completely indifferent. But now, those who continue to cite the basic law no longer respect this law; those who have destroyed two dynasties still want to tie my hands and feet in order to overthrow this republic. At this time, I have a responsibility

To thwart their insidious designs, preserve this republic, and save this country, and for this purpose rely on the solemn judgment of the people, the only master I recognize in France.”

“So I make an honest appeal to the nation and tell you: If you are willing to continue this disturbing state of affairs that is costing you your dignity and damaging our future, please choose someone else to replace me because

I no longer want the power to do good that is holding me responsible for actions I cannot prevent; it continues to tie me to the rudder of the ship as I watch the ship hurtle away into the abyss.


"If contrary to this, you still trust me, then please give me the means to complete the great mission that I have been entrusted by you to complete."

“This mission is to put an end to this period of recurring revolutions, while at the same time satisfying the legitimate needs of the people and protecting them against subversive fanaticism. This mission is, above all, to establish institutions that are more stable than men and to lay the foundations for the

To establish something permanent.”

"I am convinced that the instability of power, over which the National Assembly alone has the supremacy, is a constant cause of confusion and discord. I therefore ask you to endorse the following main elements of a constitution which may later be adopted by

Councils at all levels to develop:

1. There should be a responsible head of state with a term of ten years;

2. There should be a number of ministers subordinate only to the executive agency;

3. The State Council is composed of the most outstanding figures, and is responsible for drafting various bills and submitting them to the legislative body for review;

4. Establish a legislative body to review and pass various laws. This legislative body should be elected by universal suffrage and should not be elected by "list elections" where election results are falsified;

5. The second parliament is composed of all the wise people in the country to balance the power and protect the fundamental law and public freedom.

"This system was created by the Prime Minister at the beginning of this century. It has brought tranquility and prosperity to France; it will also ensure tranquility and prosperity for France."

"The above is my unwavering belief. If you agree, please express it fully through your vote. If on the contrary, you prefer a weak government - whether it is a monarchy or a republic, and this system is plagiarized and I don't know

If the history it comes from is copied from the illusory future, then please give a negative answer."

"It follows that for the first time since 1804 you will be voting with a clear mind, that is to say: you will know exactly who and what you are voting for."

"If I do not get a majority of your votes, then I will facilitate the convening of a new session of the National Assembly and return to it the mandate derived from you."

"However, if you think that the cause symbolized by my name, that is, the France restored by the Revolution of 1789 and the France properly organized by Emperor Napoleon, is still your cause, please declare loudly that the way to approve my request is

The power you gave me."

"Then France and Europe will be saved from anarchy, barriers will be leveled, and mutual hostility will disappear, because all will obey the decree of the great people and the will of God.

No violation.”

After reading the appeal, the citizens finally understood what happened. President Jérôme Bonaparte actually launched a military coup.

The crowd began to commotion, and then a voice came: "Oh God! Jerome Bonaparte actually dissolved the National Assembly! How could he do it!"

Then a rebuttal came from somewhere: "The president is a right given by all French people, and he has the obligation to dissolve the National Assembly in order to protect France!"

"If the National Assembly is dissolved, then who can represent us?"

"Didn't you see the announcement that it said that the parliament must be reorganized?"

The crowd was divided into three factions in an instant, one of which supported Jérôme Bonaparte and the other opposed Jérôme Bonaparte. However, the vast majority of Paris citizens were members of the centrist group who believed that Jérôme Bonaparte

Be it Rome Bonaparte or the National Assembly, as long as they do not disrupt the order of the entire Paris, let them compete for power and gain.

After the "Appeal" was issued, the citizens of Paris were still in a stable state.

Many citizens responded with indifference.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the bunker of the Elysee Palace was opened. Jerome Bonaparte in the bunker was wearing the same Lev uniform and Napoleon hat as his uncle, Emperor Napoleon, and went out with the support of soldiers.

Along the way from the Elysée Palace to the Place de la Concorde, Jérôme Bonaparte warmly shook hands with the soldiers and thanked them for their efforts to save the Republic.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Jérôme Bonaparte arrived at the Place de la Concorde.

At this time, soldiers from a regiment of the 2nd Brigade were stationed on the Place de la Concorde. Under the leadership of Colonel de Gasui, Jérôme Bonaparte shook hands with the captains of each company and asked their names enthusiastically.

These captains and company commanders looked at Jerome Bonaparte excitedly, wishing that Jérôme Bonaparte would die.

"Soldiers, you are the saviors of France..." Jérôme Bonaparte once again publicly praised the entire French army at the Place de la Concorde.

Without the help of these bayonets, it would have been impossible for Jérôme Bonaparte to overthrow the National Assembly.

With all the soldiers watching, Jérôme Bonaparte left the Place de la Concorde and went to the Hôtel de Ville.

Except for senior officials [a senior official in the Seine department has been arrested because he is a potential republican], all senior civil servants in the city hall met with Jérôme Bonaparte, and they decisively addressed Jérôme Bonaparte as "Your Majesty."

Jérôme Bonaparte also reciprocated by ensuring that the army's occupation operations would soon end.

By then, they will still be the executors of the entire Paris policy.

The senior civil servants of the Paris City Hall breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Jerome Bonaparte's assurance. The repeated entry and exit of the army really made these "poor" civil servants feel that Alexander.

After condolences to the civil servants of the city hall, Jérôme Bonaparte finally arrived at the Palais Bourbon, the final location of his formation, where he would announce the dissolution of the National Assembly and the destruction of the Second Republic.

This chapter has been completed!
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