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Chapter two hundred and ninety-eight killing chickens and scaring monkeys

Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg of the Austrian Empire personally stated:

On December 2, 1850, a military coup occurred in Paris. President Jérôme Bonaparte of the French Republic led the First Army stationed in Paris to dissolve the National Assembly and the Second French Republic.

The establishment of the French Third Republic was announced outside the palace. Now the whole of Paris is completely under the control of Jérôme Bonaparte and his party, and their influence gradually spreads to other provinces.

However, according to the intelligence I have, the provinces are not completely controlled by the Bonapartists. The Republicans and the Montagnards have launched an armed rebellion of nearly ten thousand people in the provinces. The situation in France is still unclear.

, we still don’t know how long Jérôme Bonaparte and his regime can last.

Please give me your guidance as to what direction the Austrian Empire’s diplomacy should take in the future!

December 12, 1850

Hubei, Austrian Ambassador to France.

In the study of the Austrian Residence in France, Baron Huboy wrote down his understanding of the recent situation in France with a quill dipped in ink. He hoped that in this way, the Austrian Empire could understand the situation in France and that the diplomatic thinking was unclear.

If so, big mistakes are likely to occur.

This letter, written by Baron Huboy, was handed over to the Attaché in the mansion. Baron Huboy told the Attaché to send the letter back to Austria as soon as possible, and gave it to him, who was only a diplomat.

Some passes.

During the period of martial law in Paris, anyone without a pass will be regarded as a rebel and arrested.

The attendant military attache immediately expressed his understanding and the entourage left in the dark of night through the snow.

Baron Huboy, who was staying in the mansion, gently opened the curtains of the mansion, looked at the footprints in the snow, and then looked at the flying snowflakes and couldn't help but sigh.

Today's winter is colder than ever. I hope next year will be a good harvest year.

Otherwise the finances of the Austrian Empire…

Thinking of this, Baron Hubboy once again sighed for Austria's finances.

Baron Huboy did not know that at this moment he was being stared at by a pair of eyes in the darkness outside the door.

Those eyes disappeared into the darkness again.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Marcel Jerug, director of the French National Intelligence Service, came to the Tuileries Palace.

Wrapped in a black cloak, he took off his cloak after entering Jérôme Bonaparte's study.

"What happened? Is there another rebellion somewhere?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Marcel Jerug.

Since the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly on December 5 and the dissolution of the Second Republic on December 6, the rebellion against Paris in the provinces has never stopped.

Small-scale rebellions broke out in Lyon in the south and Bordeaux in the southwest. Many people openly opposed Jerome Bonaparte under the banner of republicans and mountain factions.

Fortunately, this suppression was quickly followed by the National Guard and the garrison under the local senior officials to jointly suppress the rebellion and did not cause much damage.

At the same time, news came from Paris that Prince Joinville was about to land in France from Calais and then lead the Calais garrison to Paris to overthrow Jerome Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte had to order the garrison in the Calais area to conduct strict surveillance and immediately escort Prince Joinville to Paris once news was discovered.

At the same time, Marcel Jerug was also ordered to send personnel to guard Calais to prevent the local defenders from interoperating with the Prince of Joinville who might log in.

The continuous intelligence suddenly increased Jérôme Bonaparte's workload, and he had to make certain judgments among the false news.

"Your Majesty, the Attaché of the Austrian Embassy left Paris at night!" Marcel Jerug said to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Leaving Paris? Why are you leaving at this time?" Jerome Bonaparte frowned and said to himself.

Marcel Jerug stood quietly and silently.

After thinking for a moment, Jérôme Bonaparte was no longer confused. Anyway, according to the Rothschild family's information, the Austrian Empire spent a total of nearly 300 million florins from 1848 to 1850, and the huge fiscal deficit was already suppressed.

This huge empire can't breathe.

If the Hungarian customs duties were not abolished, the entire Kingdom of Hungary was split into provinces, and the administrative system of the empire was able to operate in Hungary, which meant that the Hungarian nobles also assumed the obligation to pay land taxes, then the entire Austrian

The empire may go bankrupt because it completely loses its ability to repay its debts.

Even so, the Austrian Empire's finances are still in urgent need of delay. If we raise weapons again, it will only accelerate its bankruptcy.

However, all Felix Schwarzenberg's efforts in 1849 and 1850, and his gritted teeth in attacking Prussia in the Fulda area, only received favoritism from the Tsar who fined him three drinks.

On December 1, 1851, Prince Regent William I, Emperor Nicholas I of Russia, and Emperor Joseph Franz of Austria met with their foreign minister in Warsaw.

During the Warsaw Conference, Emperor Nicholas I affirmed the Kingdom of Prussia's dissolution of the two houses of parliament and the abolition of the 1848 Constitution, and then gave a vague statement to Franz Joseph that this was the end of it.

Under the "mediation" of Nicholas I, the war between Prussia and Austria ended.

The Kingdom of Prussia abandoned the Elfors League and rejoined the old German Confederation, while at the same time indemnifying the Austrian Empire 30 million florens.

Such a treaty would be a lighter punishment than Austria's punishment of the Sardinian dynasty.

The secret agreement was deliberately thrown aside by Nicholas I.

Compared with Felix Schwarzenberg's expenses, this situation is simply a loss and cannot lose money anymore.

Even so, Felix Schwarzenberg held his nose and agreed to the other party's conditions.

On December 4, Prince Regent William, who returned to the country with peace, announced the dissolution of the Esfal League, and the Kingdom of Prussia rejoined the German "big family".

The "suffering humiliation" Felix Schwarzenberg understood more clearly the restrictions imposed by Nicholas I and the Russian Empire on the Austrian Empire, and his relationship with the Russian Empire became slightly alienated.

[The above information was "friendly" provided by the Rothschild family. It cannot be ruled out that Felix Schwarzenberg deliberately disclosed the information to the Rothschild family, and then they also informed Jérôme Bonaparte.

Generally speaking, the Austrian Empire and the French Republic have tentatively moved closer to each other.

Jérôme Bonaparte believed that Baron Huboy's letter was mostly a judgment on the recent situation in France.

"Continue to closely monitor the news from each embassy! Report to me immediately if there is any situation!" Jerome Bonaparte issued an order to Marcel Jerug.

"Yes!" Marcel Jerug quickly stood up straight and responded with a sonorous and powerful response: "Loyalty! Honesty!"

Jérôme Bonaparte also responded to Marcel Jerug.

After the report, Marcel Jerug put on his cloak again and left, while Jerome Bonaparte continued to process the corresponding documents.

When he looked at the dossier on the Orleans family that Minister of the Interior Baros gave him, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "It's time to kill the chicken and scare the monkey!"

On December 13, shocking news came from the Tuileries Palace.

The President of the French Republic, Jérôme Bonaparte, will launch an investigation into the Austrian family's pursuit of unfavorable talents while he was king.

As soon as the rumors came out, the civil service system in Paris and some ministers were a little restless. They had more or less been favored by the Orleans family.

Now that the president wants to investigate the "illegal wealth" of the Orleans family, they should admonish Jérôme Bonaparte as a matter of course.

Among these people was Jérôme Bonaparte's confidant and Finance Minister Achille Fuld.

"You also think I shouldn't launch an investigation into them?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Achille Fuld.

"Your Majesty, what you do will cause panic in the whole Paris!" Achille Fuld tactfully dissuaded Jerome Bonaparte.

"People are panicking?" Jérôme Bonaparte sneered: "I wish they could all be picked out, so that I can catch them all!"

Faced with Jérôme Bonaparte's almost scoundrel rhetoric, Achill Fuld could only say to Jérôme Bonaparte: If the president insists on investigating, then please allow him to resign!

Jérôme Bonaparte knew that Achille Fuld wanted to avoid suspicion, so he approved Achille Fuld's resignation.

In the afternoon of the same day, Jérôme Bonaparte appointed Magnet to replace Achill Fuld as Minister of Finance.

Under Jerome Bonaparte's attitude of changing people without changing his ideas, Paris stopped testing Jerome Bonaparte's bottom line.

Under the joint investigation and supervision of Minister of the Interior Baros and Minister of Police Mauppa, the inheritance of the Orleans family stranded in Paris was inventoried.

The price of all goods including real estate and antiques is about 25000 francs, which is equivalent to one-fifth of France's annual fiscal revenue.

With such huge numbers, the Orleans family faced bankruptcy in France.

[All the assets of the Orleans family have been accumulated over several generations. Although some locks were lost during the Revolution, Louis XVII tried his best to make up for the Orleans family during the Restoration Dynasty.

During his tenure as king, Louis Philippe's annual salary was 18 million francs. Coupled with his character as a middle-class miser, the Orleans family's entire property made them the richest man in France.】

Most of the houses were auctioned, and most of the money from the auctions was used to build "workers' homes." A few houses were used as rewards for their cronies at very low prices.

As for Jérôme Bonaparte, the money he received from this house raid was only about 2 million francs, which was equivalent to his annual salary when he was president.

Compared with his cronies, Jérôme Bonaparte is actually a bit frighteningly incorruptible.

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