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The 297th chapter I established the third republic in the world

The coup on December 2 lasted for three days and ended with the victory of the counter-revolutionary group headed by Jérôme Bonaparte. According to preliminary statistics, approximately 485 people were killed or injured in the coup in Paris, most of whom were from universities in Paris.

College Students.

——"A Brief History of the Third Republic"

On December 5, 1850, the temperature in Paris was even colder than a few days ago. The biting cold wind was blowing every inch of Paris in an attempt to take away the last bit of heat in Paris.

Dark clouds once again shrouded the sky over Paris, making Paris look particularly depressing under the dark clouds.

Affected by the extremely cold weather, there were very few pedestrians walking through the streets of Paris, only sentry soldiers posted at the street entrances.

These soldiers holding mini rifles and wearing winter clothes trembled and stood at the intersection patrolling back and forth. The howling cold wind made every soldier pray that the changing of the guard time would come as soon as possible while cursing himself.


The soldiers stationed in the camps near the Place de la Concorde, the Bastille, the Palais Bourbon, the Tuileries Palace and the Elysée Palace hoped that time would slow down so that they could stay longer in the comfortable tents.

some days.

Although the crackdown on December 4th had declared the complete victory of the coup group headed by Jérôme Bonaparte, and except for those who fled Britain, all the remaining members had been arrested, but they still could not take it lightly.

The army will be stationed in the city before the referendum on December 14 to maintain the stable operation of Paris as a whole.

On the evening of December 5, a carnival party belonging only to the Bonapartists was staged at the Tuileries Palace.

The Tuileries Palace, illuminated by thousands of candlelights, exudes a hazy sense of sanctity. This palace, which has been covered in dust for more than fifty years, has once again returned to Bonaparte's hands.

A new life in your hands.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Bonapartist MPs, generals, celebrities and foreign political dignitaries came to this splendid hall at the invitation of Jérôme Bonaparte. The living room was filled with candlelight mixed with golden light.

The goldware emanating from it looked particularly dazzling under the light.

The hall was crowded, and people gathered in twos and threes to chat with each other. The generals happily described the "interesting things" that happened during the coup. The elderly celebrities recalled everything that happened during the First Empire and kept talking to the surroundings.

"The Empire is coming back", while ambassadors from various countries were listening to the generals' stories and thinking about the direction in which the situation in France would change next.

"By the way! Where is the President? Why is there no sign of the President?" I don't know who made the first inquiry. Everyone who was about to start the banquet realized that the protagonist of the banquet, Jérôme Bonaparte, was not there.

Appeared at the banquet.

It’s really weird!

Just when everyone at the banquet was discussing where Jerome Bonaparte was, Walewski, the head of the secretary's office, appeared in front of everyone to explain.

"Everyone, the President will be here soon! Please wait patiently for a moment!" Walewski said to everyone present with a smile.

Everyone present was once again having a lively discussion, and Jérôme Bonaparte, who was the protagonist of the banquet, was staying in the tent of the Place de la Concorde with the Minister of Public Works, Pesini, to talk to the soldiers and drink together.

"Bad" watered down wine.

At the call of the garrison commander, the soldiers staying in the camp raised their glasses together and said: "Long live the empire, long live the emperor!"

Jerome Bonaparte also raised his glass and responded: "Soldiers, thank you for your blessings! I am with you!"

Subsequently, Jerome Bonaparte called the police chief of the area in front of all the soldiers of the First Division and ordered the police chief to deliver frozen chicken and wine to every soldier standing guard.

"The army is our strongest shield and sword. We must give them the fullest guarantee in terms of supplies, do you understand?" Jérôme Bonaparte issued an order to the district police chief in a stern tone.

"Yes! I understand!" The district police chief nodded and bowed to express his understanding, and immediately organized police forces to deliver frozen chicken, garlic sausage and wine to the soldiers on guard.

While eating frozen chicken and drinking wine, the soldiers' resentment towards Jérôme Bonaparte and the officers was eliminated by the frozen chicken.

Amid the farewells of soldiers and officers, Jérôme Bonaparte left the Place de la Concorde in a carriage.

"Next stop, Palais Bourbon!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Pesigny beside him.

"This..." After hesitating for a moment, Pesini said, "Your Majesty, the banquet is about to begin!"

"Huh?" Jerome Bonaparte glanced out the window. At this time, the sky had turned into a dark mass, and the wind lanterns hanging on both sides of the carriage were swaying back and forth in the howling cold wind.

"No matter what." After thinking for a moment, Jérôme Bonnet decisively chose to go to the Bourbon Palace: "Let them wait a little longer!"

"But...could this be..." Pesini said cautiously to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Could it be anything?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Pesini.

"Would it make them feel that you have neglected them?" Pesini said cautiously to Jerome Bonaparte.

"They can understand it however they want! I don't care!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Pesini nonchalantly, and then warned him with a serious expression: "Pescini! You have to understand that our legal principles are not the source.

For them, they are the beings who have lived in the land for generations and cannot make a sound. Our foundation is the French army. These two pillars support us. If any of the pillars collapses, we will die without a burial.


As a high-ranking person, Jérôme Bonaparte unknowingly developed the aura of a superior person, and Pesini could not help but swallow and nodded.

The carriage crossed the bridge built on the Seine River and arrived at the left bank of the Seine River. Walking down the road, it soon came to the entrance of the Bourbon Palace.

The soldiers stationed at the Bourbon Palace subconsciously raised their rifles after seeing the carriage. Several days of suppression had caused the soldiers to subconsciously raise their rifles as a warning when they saw a strange carriage approaching.

The carriage stopped slowly in front of the roadblock, and Jérôme Bonaparte and Pesini got out of the carriage together.

The soldiers who set up the roadblock hurriedly took down the roadblock after seeing the arrival of Jérôme Bonaparte.

With a smile on his face, Jérôme Bonaparte patted the soldier on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's not hard! It's not hard!" the soldier said to Jerome Bonaparte flattered.

Under the leadership of the soldiers, Jérôme Bonaparte saw the soldiers in the camp.

At this time, they were also eating frozen chicken and garlic sausage. After seeing Jerome Bonaparte arriving, they hurriedly stood up and surrounded Jerome Bonaparte.

It was not until the military officers arrived that the soldiers returned to their seats.

Jérôme Bonaparte once again shook hands with the officers and spoke their names enthusiastically.

Super memory is an additional ability that Jerome Bonaparte gained after traveling through time.

The officers also looked as flattered as the soldiers.

After the brief greetings, Jérôme Bonaparte and Pesigny left the Bourbon Palace.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who inspected the Paris military camps one by one, returned to the Tuileries Palace at 7:45.

"The president is here!"

After receiving the news of the president's arrival, Walewski hurriedly ran to the living room and shouted at the guests in the living room.

The visitors in the living room focused their attention on the door of the living room.

After a while, Jérôme Bonaparte, who was belatedly arriving, appeared in everyone's sight.

"I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long!" Jérôme Bonaparte bowed to all the guests present.

The banquet officially began, and servants led different types of guests to different restaurants.

The seat where Jérôme Bonaparte is located is the seat of all the "meritorious officials" who participated in the coup.

Minister Saint-Arnaud and Division Commander Couzin-Montauban sat on the left and right sides of Jérôme Bonaparte, followed by General Magnan, Valewski, De Morny, and Canrobert.

,Perrault, Nomar et al.

Servants poured wine for everyone sitting at the table, and Jérôme Bonaparte raised his glass and said: "Thank you for your help! Without you, I would not have won! Now we have overthrown the National Assembly.

, the whole of France has no power to stop us! We can transform the whole of Paris in the way we want!"

The generals and ministers in the restaurant raised their glasses to drink this hard-earned sweetness.

Some of them have been waiting for this day for nearly ten years.

As soon as Jérôme Bonaparte finished speaking, Minister Saint-Arnault immediately stood up and said: "I propose that we should toast to the power of Jérôme Bonaparte! Let us wish the health of Grand Commander Jérôme Bonaparte.


Everyone present raised their glasses in unison: "I wish Commander-in-Chief Jérôme Bonaparte a long and healthy life!"

"Okay! Okay!" Jérôme Bonaparte accepted their blessings with a smile.

Immediately, tasks were assigned to the heads of various departments at the dining table.

"Mr. de Morny, after the banquet, you will draft a telegram to urge senior officials in each province to vote. If necessary, the military can supervise the voting! Be sure to ensure that the voting is completed before December 20! Your wording

You can be stricter!"

"Yes!" De Morny responded immediately.

"Minister Saint-Arnault, Minister Biffet, you two jointly used a telegraph to send a message to all of France. The message said that France has suppressed the riots! The president dissolved the National Assembly in order to prevent the spread of red!" Jérôme Bonaparte told St.

.Arnault and Biffe said.

Saint-Arnaud and Biffet nodded to express their understanding.

The next step was to order Magnan to strictly monitor the National Guard and Maupay to reorganize the army.

This chapter has been completed!
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