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Chapter 339 Barracks Restoration and the Near East

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing Jérôme Bonaparte's order to escort warships, Minister of the Navy Duco hesitated for a moment and responded firmly.

Jérôme Bonaparte glanced at Dicko and hit the last ball into the hole to end the game. Then he and Dicko took out all the billiard balls in the net and placed the billiards in the tripod.

, while asking Dico: "What were you hesitating about just now?"

"Your Majesty, I was just thinking that in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty of London, all warships are prohibited from passing through the D'Artagnan Strait. Our doing so may cause some conflicts!" Dicko told Jerome Bonaparte what he wanted.


"According to the treaty, warships cannot travel in the D'Artagnan Strait!" Jérôme Bonaparte first nodded in agreement with Dicko's words, and then said with a chuckle: "But this treaty is now only suitable for ships of the Russian Empire.

, you forgot that the British Kingdom also broke into the vicinity of D'Artagnan two years ago and even used naval guns to threaten Greece!"

After being reminded by Jérôme Bonaparte, Dicko recalled a series of British actions in the Dartagnan Strait in 1850. Due to the reckless behavior of the British Kingdom at that time, Britain and France were cut off from communication, and France turned to France.

And contact with Russia.

After fixing all the billiard balls, Jerome Bonaparte then put the two billiard cues back to their original positions. He raised two fingers and said to Dicko: "There are already two naval powers in the Mediterranean, and

There is no need for a third naval power. The so-called Treaty of London is just to limit the Russian Empire's right to enter the Mediterranean. This is the position that Nicholas I should have had in mind when he signed the treaty.

Powerful countries do not need to be bound by anything. All treaty sponsors will use treaties to serve their own countries. Unless the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Empire can defeat the fleets of France and Britain, the Treaty of London will only unilaterally restrict them!

If the Russian Empire doesn’t like it, they can use their own power to break this rule!”

Dicko quickly understood what Jerome Bonaparte meant. In the final analysis, all treaties are just choices based on strength.

"Okay! It's time for me to leave! I'll leave the matter of the warship to you!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Dicko, while taking off his coat from the hanger and putting it on

On the body.

Dicko and Jérôme Bonaparte left the Navy Club together. After walking out of the Navy, the two took two carriages parked at the door and left in different directions.

Jérôme Bonaparte returned to the Tuileries Palace and was ready to devote himself to intense work. Compared with his undisciplined cousin in history, Jérôme Bonaparte clearly understood how to become an excellent person.


Before he really got into work, he took a sneak peek at Vernia who was studying.

In mid-April 1852, Valette was awarded the title of French Ambassador to Constantinople and prepared to go to Constantinople to take over the position of the previous ambassador.

When Valette arrived at the port of Marseille from Paris, a steam battleship with ninety guns appeared at the port. It was Valette's means of transportation to Constantinople.

Under the eyes of Valette and all the spectators at the port, a small boat was slowly placed on the sea from the steam battleship.

The naval crew on the boat gently paddled the wooden oar. With the familiar skills of the crew, the boat floated away with a tap of the oar.

As the boat approached the port of Marseille, the crew standing on the boat shouted the name "Valette" loudly.

Valette quickly emerged from the crowd and waved to the crew, who quickly moved the boat closer to Valette.

In this way, Valette, who was in a small boat, boarded a warship heading to Constantinople to report on his duties.

The propeller at the bottom of the steam battleship started slowly under the strong push of steam, and gradually disappeared from people's sight.

The day after Valette left Paris to serve as ambassador to Constantinople, Prince Regent William I of the Kingdom of Prussia (Frederick William IV was unable to govern due to mental problems) declared that he "welcomes the French Empire to join the European family"


This means that France has been accepted by the two first-class powers, and only two countries, Russia and Prussia, have not recognized France.

After the Regent of the Kingdom of Prussia recognized the French Empire as a brother of the monarchy, the Austrian Empire, which had been quarreling over the French Empire, finally reached an agreement. The nobles who were afraid that Prussia would gain France's favor decided not to insist anymore. After the Austrian Emperor Joseph Francis

Under Lanz's instruction, Felix Schwarzenberg, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Austrian Empire, recognized the establishment of the French Empire and welcomed "brother" Bonaparte on behalf of his monarch.

The Russian Empire suddenly discovered that the pace between Britain, Prussia, and Austria and the Russian Empire gradually became inconsistent.

The Holy Alliance seemed to be on the verge of collapse. Nicholas I, who was aware of the crisis in the Russian Empire, sent people to Prussia and Austria to accept their attitude, and at the same time quietly sent ambassadors to the French Empire, ready to repair relations at any time.

Poor Vladimirovich made a wrong bet. He expected Tsar Nicholas I's hatred of the French Empire, but he did not expect the changes in the attitudes of the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire towards the French Empire.

A few months ago, he was the favorite of Tsar Nicholas I. He became Nicholas I's scapegoat for the conflict between the Russian Empire and the French Empire.

At the same time, Karl Nesserrodie, who was idle at home, once again ushered in his own spring.

At the suggestion of Karl Neserrodie, Nicholas I decided to repair the broken diplomatic relations with the French Empire.

Restoration is restoration. Nicholas I was not persuaded by Karl Nesserrodie on the issue of title. With orthodox principles and religion in his mind, he always believed in the "Crown of God". Napoleon III was just the "Crown of the Untouchables".

"Scream and carry it on your head.

How could a person like Jerome Bonaparte be compared with orthodox monarchs like them?

Therefore, when it came to the issue of address, Nicholas I still adhered to his own opinion and used "friend" to represent his disdain for Jerome Bonaparte.

This move of Nicholas I successfully angered some Bonapartists (such as Pesini), who joined forces with members of the Army Department (who hoped to postpone some reforms through war) to clamor for war.

Jérôme Bonaparte was not affected by Pesigny and still carried out the next steps step by step.

Fighting against the Russian Empire is a must, but we must wait until the French Empire's deployment is completed before fighting.

Therefore, Jerome Bonaparte once again called Niel, who was in charge of the reform of the military depot, to ask him about the progress of the reform of the military depot.

"Your Majesty! As of now, we have basically completed the transformation of the military depot in the Seine Province, and the military depot has basically resumed its recruitment function!" Niel reported to Jérôme Bonaparte one by one on the situation of the military depot: "

There are also nearly 10,000 veterans who do not meet the age limit and have been properly placed... Each military station is equipped with some officers to ensure that the recruitment can continue..."

Under Niel's drastic reforms, the First Military Region of Seine Province dismissed a total of 11,468 soldiers, including 11,000 ordinary soldiers who had exceeded their years of service and 468 low-level officers.

It can be said to be a veritable military meat grinder.

At the same time, nearly 20,000 soldiers and more than 600 military academy graduates were incorporated into the Senasian First Military Region.

Although these soldiers and officers were very young, they greatly improved the French army's active ability and eliminated some bad habits.

The average age in the military region has also dropped from the original more than 40 years old to about 35 years old now.

Although combat effectiveness has declined, discipline has steadily increased.

The army in Seine Province has also changed from the original 60,000 troops to more than 70,000 and nearly 80,000 troops now.

It can be said that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The Strasbourg Military District has also removed more than 6,000 soldiers and more than 300 military commanders, and is expected to continue to remove some soldiers with bad habits.

However, the Strasbourg area does not have the convenience of Paris in terms of officer recruitment. Many officer vacancies have to wait for the allocation of the personnel department of the Ministry of War. It is for this reason that Rennault's reform efforts are not as strong as those of Nières.


"You're doing a great job!" After listening to Niel's report, Jérôme Bonaparte stood up, smiled, patted Niel's shoulder and encouraged: "Strive to keep it up, there are still several military districts waiting for us to reform!


"Yes! Your Majesty!" Niel responded forcefully.

After Niel left, Jérôme Bonaparte called in the director of the Presidential Military Secretariat, his aide-de-camp Major General Leboeuf.

"Sit down!" Jérôme Bonaparte extended his hand to invite Leboeuf to sit down and asked: "How is the situation in the Secretariat's Office?"

"Your Majesty, the Secretariat is under your leadership..." Leboeuf praised Jérôme Bonaparte vigorously.

"Don't talk too much nonsense. How far have you progressed in your survey of the Near East?" Jérôme Bonaparte interrupted Leboeuf forcefully.

Leboeuf said with a serious face: "The Secretariat Office has completed the topographic survey of the Near East and drawn a topographic map of the Near East!"

"Can I have a look at the topographic map?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Leboeuf.

"Please wait a moment!" Leboeuf stood up and left the study.

After waiting alone in the study for more than twenty minutes, Jérôme Bonaparte finally arrived at Leboeuf.

At this time, what Leboeuf was holding in his hand was the drawing drawn by the Secretary's Office.

This chapter has been completed!
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