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Chapter 340: Strategy for the War against Russia

"Your Majesty, please look!"

Brigadier General Leboeuf, who was sitting opposite Jerome Bonaparte, spread out the map on the table. There were 4 maps in total, recording the Danube region (Romania), Bulgaria, and the vicinity of Constantinople and Grammar.

Rimea region (Sevastopol).

Each map is completed at a scale of 1:80,000 in accordance with Jérôme Bonaparte's requirements. It can be said to be the most detailed and timely military map in the world today.

[ps: The military maps of the Russian Empire and Britain are generally around 1:320,000, and the maps were probably drawn during the Napoleonic Wars.]

On these military maps, the height of each mountain and the width of the river are accurately marked with numbers, which can be said to be quite perfect.

"You did a good job!" Jérôme Bonaparte looked at each one carefully and nodded with satisfaction.

From a certain point of view, the bureaucratic class in the world has a moral character. As long as the superiors do not issue a fatal order, the lower-level bureaucrats will only complete the order at a discount.

Only after giving them a fatal order, this group of bureaucrats will try their best to complete the task.

The bureaucratic class that is forced to a dead end is enough to burst into efficiency several times better than before. Of course, don't expect bureaucrats to be able to spark ideas in certain creative fields. The vast majority of bureaucratic classes will only turn 1 into 2.

Will not change 0 to 1.

"This is what we should do!" Leboeuf responded humbly.

"With these maps, France will be invincible in the next war in the Near East!" Jerome Bonaparte pointed to the map of Romania and said to Leboeuf.

Next, Jerome Bonaparte and Leboeuf conducted a simple deduction on what form the Russian Empire might take in the Near East.

After merging the four maps, Leboeuf pointed out that the Russian Empire would most likely launch its army from Bessarabia (currently a territory of the Russian Empire) to attack Bulgaria after occupying the two Danubian principalities.

At that time, the Austrian Empire will inevitably send troops at the same time.

"According to the estimates of the Secretariat, the combined army of the Russian Empire and the Austrian Empire will be around 500-600,000 people." Leboeuf said to Jerome Bonaparte in a serious tone.

"Why do you think the Austrian Empire will join the war with us?" Jerome Bonaparte did not refute Leboeuf's hypothesis, he asked curiously.

"Your Majesty, there is no way for the Secretariat to speculate on diplomatic issues, but we must prepare for the worst! The war is changing rapidly, and we must think of all response strategies." Leboeuf answered frankly to Jérôme Bonaparte.


Jérôme Bonaparte nodded with satisfaction. Leboeuf's calm attitude made him realize that the "frequently defeated" general in front of him was making rapid progress.

He may be more outstanding now than in history!

Jerome Bonaparte thought to himself.

A person's ability to lead troops in war is never fixed and depends on the decision-making of the ruler.

Why were all Liu Bang's talents born in Pei County? Why were most of Zhu Yuanzhang's subordinates born in Fengyang?

Or why Napoleon's men are so crowded?

Probably because the ruler himself is also a man with some great military exploits, otherwise most of them are just ordinary people.

The same person will have different results in the hands of Jerome Bonaparte and Louis Napoleon, because Jerome Bonaparte has a vision that transcends this era for a hundred years. In all military affairs, everyone is fighting for it.

When we are exploring the path of future military warfare and trying to get out of the shackles of the Napoleonic Wars.

[ps: After the Napoleonic War, the thinking of European countries has been limited to the Napoleonic War period. Even when the Civil War saw the dawn of total war, everyone including Moltke believed that the Civil War was nothing more than "

There is nothing redeeming about two armed thugs chasing each other across the country.”]

Jérôme Bonaparte has seen the direction of history, and he understands the military changes in the coming decades. He stands on the shoulders of everyone and overlooks the world.

The vision of the monarch also determines the vision of the general. If he cannot keep up with Jérôme Bonaparte, he is destined to be eliminated.

Leboeuf was the one who worked hard to catch up with Jerome Bonaparte, otherwise he would be ruthlessly left behind by Jerome Bonaparte.

"Go on!" Jerome Bonaparte smiled and put his hands flat on the table, pretending to be listening.

In Leboeuf's script, the Russian Empire and the Austrian Empire will join forces to advance into Bulgaria at an extremely fast speed, and even Serbia and other Balkan regions will also be attacked by the Austrian Empire.

As long as the Russian Empire and the Austrian Empire react quickly enough, they will be able to sweep the Balkans and Bulgaria, and Greece, as a neutral country, will inevitably be coerced by these two countries and declare war.

"Once a war is launched, France must be fast! We must transport troops there at an extremely fast speed, and then defeat the invading enemy forces! In this way, we can deter Austria through war, so that they will not dare to join at will.

War." General Leboeuf put forward the idea of ​​quick victory.

"The Austrian Empire will negotiate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and they will not join this battle! I have confidence in Minister De Luys!" Jerome Bonaparte asked Leboeuf: "

Which port are you going to log in at? Gallipoli?"

"No!" Leboeuf shook his head and replied to Jerome Bonaparte: "The Secretariat once asked the military attache stationed in Constantinople about the situation of the Gallipoli port and the surrounding environment. That area is in the Pacific Ocean.

It is small and not conducive to the deployment of large corps! So we decided to log in in the Varna area! The port here can allow the French army to obtain strategic supplies faster!"

After speaking, Leboeuf pointed to the port of Varna in Bulgaria.

Jérôme Bonaparte saw that the flat terrain from Varna to Aksakovo on the map was very suitable for stationing a large army. To the north, he could attack the Danube Principality to cut off the supplies of the Russian Empire, and to the east, he could pass the naval general.

Transport to Sevastopol Fortress, and then launch an attack on Sevastopol Fortress.

As long as the Sevastopol Fortress is destroyed, the Russian Empire's fleet in the Black Sea will be completely destroyed. Because the distance between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire is too far, whether attacking from the Caucasus or from the Danube Principality, they will face supply difficulties.

problem, which requires relying on the navy of the Sevastopol Fortress as support to transport supplies. Once Sevastopol is captured, the Russian army that penetrates deep into the Ottoman Empire will be in danger of collapse due to supply problems.

Of course, this was also a strategy based on Jérôme Bonaparte's goal of defeating (the Russian Empire) rather than completely defeating it.

If you want to completely defeat the huge Russian empire, unless Britain and France launch attacks from the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea at the same time, and then the Kingdom of Sweden will also attack Finland, only in this way can the Russian Empire face a complete collapse of order.

Even so, there is a high possibility that the British and French forces will retreat on their own initiative.

The infrastructure of the Russian Empire is really poor, which will cause hell-level difficulties for logistical supplies.

Jérôme Bonaparte also understood that creatures like Maozi would only fall into the quagmire relying on external forces alone, and they would only disintegrate internally.

The spiritual followers of the Decembrists in the Russian Empire have not yet been completely exterminated.

"However, this requires the favorable cooperation of the naval department!" Jérôme Bonaparte continued to Leboeuf.

"We believe that the imperial navy will be able to complete the mission!" Although Leboeuf has not met Dicko, he has also heard about Dicko's vigorous and resolute style as the Navy Minister, and Jérôme Bonaparte's attitude towards the navy.

Since Jérôme Bonaparte came to power, the Navy's shipbuilding expenses have been increasing year by year.

If the Admiralty is not even qualified to defeat the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Empire, then Leboeuf has reason to doubt whether the existence of the Imperial Navy is still necessary.

"I also discussed this issue with Minister Dicko! He told me that the existing naval fleet is fully capable of destroying all the fleets of the Russian Empire in the Black Sea!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Leboeuf with a smile.

, and then added: "However, the Secretariat of the Navy Department and the Secretary of the War Department must cooperate with each other!"

"Secretary's Office of the Admiralty?" Leboeuf seemed to have heard an unusual term.

"That's right! The Ministry of the Navy also imitated the Ministry of War to establish vertical management of fleets in various regions!" Jérôme Bonaparte spread his hands and complained a little: "Minister Dicko is always good at learning, unlike some people

Once you achieve a staged victory, you will be complacent."

Leboeuf did not dare to respond to Jérôme Bonaparte, of course he knew that the object of Jérôme Bonaparte's complaints was none other than the Minister of War, Saint-Arnaud.

As an adjutant, Leboeuf did not want to mix it up casually.

"Go on!" Jérôme Bonaparte smiled apologetically. He found that he had unknowingly taken the topic away again.

Subsequently, Leboeuf proposed two plans. The first one was to take Varna and go north deep into the interior to completely defeat the Russian Empire. The second plan was to attack the Sevastopol area with the main force and then sweep across the Balkans.


"Who proposed these two plans?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Leboeuf.

"The first plan was proposed by Colonel Bazin, and the second plan was proposed by Colonel Trochu! Both plans are very insightful!" Youdao is a sedan chairperson, and Leboeuf is also appropriate.

I complimented my colleagues.

This chapter has been completed!
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