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Chapter 507 Vienna Conference (2)

Faced with the sarcasm of Minister De Ruys, Orlov looked at De Ruys without any shame and said: "The purpose of the Russian Empire's military operations against the Ottoman Empire is to help

The Ottoman Empire de-radicalizes and safeguards the rights of the Slav compatriots in the Ottoman Empire. Our first phase of action is to punish the extremist forces in the Danube Principality and maintain peace on the European continent. In order to prevent the Russian Imperial Army from extremizing the Danubian extremist forces

During the period, the Ottoman Empire may have a sneak attack. That’s why our army has to go to Silistra Fortress and closely monitor the movements of Silistra Fortress.”

"What a high-sounding reason!" De Ruys once again said in an exaggerated and sarcastic tone: "I have never seen a country like the Russian Empire that blatantly invades the territory of other countries and ignores the sovereignty of other countries."

"Minister De Luys, the purpose of the Russian Empire is only to protect the rights of our Slavic compatriots in the Ottoman Empire not to be oppressed by the Ottoman Empire government! You are misinterpreting the policies of the Russian Empire government!" Count Orlov said righteously

Said verbally.

"Okay! If it is true, as Count Orlov said, that the Russian Empire carried out a military operation against the Ottoman Empire in order to protect the Slavic people's rights not to be oppressed in the Ottoman Empire, then I would like to ask, if

One day other countries..." De Luys paused and showed an apologetic smile to Count Bauer: "Let me give an analogy, for example: the Austrian Empire... As we all know, there are not a few Slavic peoples in the Austrian Empire.

If one day, the Austrian Empire also oppresses the Slavs, and the Slavs in the Austrian Empire ask for help from the Russian Empire because they cannot bear the oppression, the Russian Empire will not treat the Austrian Empire the same way it treated the Ottoman Empire.

After all, His Excellency the Count just said that the Russian Empire can take action against the Slavs in the Ottoman Empire, regardless of the fact that this is a prerequisite for the internal affairs of a sovereign country."

De Luys' words left Orlov with no excuse to refute.

The reason is that the legal basis Orlov found for the Russian Empire's invasion of the Ottoman Empire is too nonsense.

Of course, considering that Count Orlov himself is not a diplomat with a real professional background, but a temporary diplomat with a former secret service chief.

In addition, the Russian Empire's understanding of diplomacy still remains at "I am strong and I am reasonable!" "Austria Empire, you must learn to be grateful."

It is not surprising that Count Orlov himself made map-cannon remarks. In the concept of the Russian Empire, there have never been any real allies, only enemies and protectors (the current Prussia and the First World War)

Three relationships: French Republic) and son (Austrian Empire).

[ps: If you are interested, you can take a look at the article published by RIA Novosti recently: What should Russia do to Ukraine?

The content of the article is full of 19th-century chauvinist concepts. After reading the entire article, the author has some doubts that the most appropriate place for this proclamation from the Russian Empire is on the eve of the Crimean War, rather than in the 21st century.

In other words, is it possible that Russia’s foreign policy has not changed at all?

"These two issues cannot be generalized! The Ottoman Empire is the Ottoman Empire, and the Austrian Empire is the Austrian Empire!" Count Orlov tried to use ambiguous words to resolve the sharp question raised by Minister De Ruys.

As the host of the meeting, Earl Bauer frowned to show his displeasure.

Since the Russian Empire could use this method to invade the Ottoman Empire, why wouldn't it use the same method to invade the Austrian Empire.

Seeing that the situation was gradually turning against the development of the Russian Empire, Count Orlov hurriedly assured Count Bauer: "The Russian Empire will never take action against his friends! The Russian Empire cherishes the friendship of the Austrian Empire, and we hope that the Austrian Empire can cooperate with

The Russian Empire stands together to safeguard peace and stability on the Danube!"


Count Orlov's assurance in public made Count Bauer's remaining goodwill towards the Russian Empire once again decrease.

The Austrian Empire itself plays a role in this four-party talks as a mediator (the Austrian Empire is more inclined to Britain and France) and a neutralist, and Orlov's speech is undoubtedly intended to draw the Austrian Empire into their camp.

, causing the Austrian Empire to lose its dominant position in this conference.

"Your Excellency, on your Majesty's order, I invite you and the envoys from Britain and France to come here. It is not to announce to you both whose side the Austrian Empire will be on! But I want to use this opportunity to bridge the existing contradictions between you two!

Let peace return to the European continent!" Count Ball said coldly.

"Okay! Since Count Ball has already said that this is a peaceful negotiation, then we are also willing to have a candid exchange of views with the Russian Empire for the sake of European peace!" Count Clarendon said eagerly.

"What's France's opinion?" Count Ball asked De Ruys in a calm tone.

"The opinion of the British Kingdom is the opinion of the entire coalition!" De Ruisf responded to Count Ball.

"Then do you want to continue talking about the Russian Empire?" Count Bauer asked Count Orlov.

"Yes!" Count Orlov nodded.

Count Clarendon immediately expressed his first opinion to Count Orlov: "We hope that the Russian Imperial Army can give up its territorial claims on Serbia and the Danube Principality, and these territories will be returned to the protection of the Ottoman Empire's high government.


"No! I don't agree!" Orlov immediately opposed Count Clarendon: "Once the Ottoman Empire returns to the Danube Principality, it will inevitably target the people of the Danube Principality. I don't want to see an inhumane butcher's knife in the Danube Principality.

The Danube Principalities are on stage!”

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In response to Orlov's objection, Count Bauer said: "Count Clarendon, the Austrian Empire agrees with the Russian Empire on this issue!"

Seeing Count Bauer supporting him, Count Orlov's face showed a hint of joy.

He thought that the Austrian Empire still stood with the Russian Empire, but he had no idea that the conditions proposed by the Earl of Clarendon were basically the conditions that had been negotiated long ago.

Count Orlov's opposition was also expected by Count Clarendon. After hesitating for a moment, Count Clarendon said: "Then we will modify the plan. These territories will be placed under the control of European powers and high-level governments."

Under joint protection, the high-level government does not allow the wanton slaughter of Danubian people, how about this!"

Before Count Orlov could speak, Count Baoer nodded and said: "Okay!"

"Okay!" Count Orlov could only agree.

"Second, the Danube is open to all commercial navigation!"

"I object!" Orlov shouted in opposition.

For a long time, the Russian Empire had a monopoly on commercial trade on the Danube River.

Nowadays, the Danube River has been underestimated and opened to commercial navigation. Isn't this an attempt to destroy the Russian Empire?

"Then put this one on hold for now!" The Earl of Clarendon did not dwell too much on this one, and went straight to the start: "We hope to "take the balance of power in Europe" as the goal and amend the Straits Convention (Russian Empire)

Dominance in the Black Sea will be suspended)"

"Objection!" Count Orlov said without hesitation: "Since you said "European balance of power," we hope that Britain and France will reduce your navies in the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean for the sake of European balance of power!"

"This issue is not within the scope of today's discussion!" the Earl of Clarendon responded forcefully.

"In that case, please allow me to leave first!" Count Orlov said to Count Clarendon. He wanted to use this method to express his protest against the "unequal" treaty between Britain and France.

Immediately, Count Orlov turned around and left Schonbrunn Palace.

After Count Orlov left, Count Clarendon and Minister De Ruys left one after another.

Over the next week, Count Orlov began to seek foreign aid. He first visited the Prussian ambassador, hoping that they would stand with the Russian Empire and help them just as they had helped the Prussian Empire in 1851.

The Prussian ambassador regretfully told Orlov that he was just an ordinary ambassador of the Kingdom of Prussia to Austria and had no right to agree to Orlov's request privately.

However, he will send a telegram to Prussia to inquire about the attitude of the Kingdom of Prussia.

Count Orlov left the Prussian Embassy with great gratitude, and then visited the Belgian Embassy. (Orlov really didn’t know who else was standing with them)

The ambassador of the Belgian Embassy also told Orlov that they knew there was no way. Britain and France were far stronger than them, and even if they wanted to help the Russian Empire, it would be of no use.

At the suggestion of the Belgian ambassador, Orlov went to find the ambassador of the United States of America.

The Ambassador of the United States of America also made a perfunctory statement and told Orlov that the United States was not capable of interfering in the disputes in old Europe.

The successive conflicts made Count Orlov realize that the Russian Empire seemed to be isolated from the world.

When Orlov found Count Bauer again to restart the interrupted meeting, Count Bauer decisively agreed to Orlov's request.

The four-party talks began again on April 15.

This meeting will truly decide the fate of the Russian Empire.

This chapter has been completed!
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