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Chapter 508 Diplomatic Orphans Russia

As soon as the second four-party talks began, the Earl of Clarendon first emphasized that the British Kingdom would continue to adhere to the three conditions proposed in the previous talks, and would add one more condition to the original three conditions.

That is, Russia will give up its right to protect Turkish Christians, and their safety will be guaranteed after the four countries (Austria, Britain, France and Russia) reach an agreement with the Turkish government.

Faced with the four extremely harsh peace conditions proposed by the Earl of Clarendon to the Russian Empire on behalf of France and Britain, Orlov obviously could not accept them.

Once Count Orlov accepts these conditions, Orlov's political life will come to an end from the moment he takes over.

Neither His Majesty Nicholas I in the court nor the Pan-Slavs in the country would tolerate him remaining in the political arena of the Russian Empire.

If things go wrong, Count Orlov himself will be assassinated by some radical elements at his doorstep.

Although there are very few cases of assassination of a national leader in later generations (or rarely reported), in the 19th century, assassination can be said to be a "required course" for becoming a national leader.

Franz Joseph, Prince Regent William I, Nicholas I... who among them has not faced assassination, not to mention the United States of America across the ocean, where there are many people who assassinate the president.

The leader of a country is like this, let alone a politician who has lost power.

All you need to do is bribe a drunkard, lay an ambush on Orlov's only path, and wait until Orlov puts his guard down to complete the assassination.

I have only heard that a country can take a thousand days to commit a thief, but I have never heard of a thousand miles to prevent a thief.

Whether in terms of political life or physical life, it is absolutely impossible for Count Orlov to agree to this condition.

"The Russian Empire seriously doubts the sincerity of Britain and France for this peace negotiation!" Count Orlov shouted loudly, and then threatened Britain and France: "We hope that Britain and France can re-examine the conditions they have proposed! Russia

The empire is not a defeated country, we still have more than one million troops! Have you ever thought about the consequences of forcing a big country to a desperate situation?"

If the offensive and defensive battle for Silistra Fortress had not started yet, Britain and France would still be concerned about the millions of Slavic livestock in the hands of the Russian Empire.

However, after the attack and defense of Silistra Fortress, Britain and France no longer worried about the army in the hands of the Russian Empire.

With 4 times the strength, it was impossible to capture a fortress in half a year. How could such an army defeat the opponents of Britain and France?

Orloff's threat seemed particularly ridiculous to Count Clarendon and De Luys.

"If this is the attitude of the Russian Empire, then there is no need to continue this peace negotiation!" Count Clarendon also hit back at Maimang and Orlov.

De Luys, who was sitting aside, also retorted sarcastically: "I really don't know what kind of army an army that has mobilized 180,000 people and spent more than half a year without conquering a single fortress is.

!If I were the leader of this army, I would have committed suicide in shame!"

"You... you..." Count Orlov pointed at Count Clarendon and De Luys, unable to speak a complete sentence.

At this moment, Count Orlov finally realized that the purpose of Britain and France was not peace talks at all.

Therefore, Count Orlov turned his hope to Count Bauer. He wanted to put pressure on Britain and France through the Austrian Empire behind Count Bauer, so as to make peace talks possible.

As the organizer of the four-party talks, Count Bauer saw the goal Count Orlov threw at him. He sighed and said to Orlov: "The Austrian Empire agrees to the four conditions proposed by the representatives of Britain and France, and hopes that

The Russian Empire can evacuate the Danube Principality as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary friction!"


Count Baur's words were like a bolt from the blue, which shocked Count Orlov.

At this time, the two letters "traitor" echoed in Count Orlov's mind for a long time.

"Oh God! How many promises did Britain and France give you before they sold your conscience? Don't you think you Austrians don't have a complete heart in your chest?" Count Orlov yelled at Count Bauer in a low voice.


Count Orlov did not resent Britain and France, because they still maintained war relations with Britain and France.

However, Count Orlov could not bear the betrayal of the Austrian Empire, the closest comrade-in-arms of the Russian Empire.

Although Count Orlov understood that the purpose of the Austrian Empire in holding this meeting was not simple, he never imagined that Count Bauer would stand on the opposite side of the Russian Empire so unscrupulously.

"Your Excellency, the Austrian Empire has not received bribes from Britain and France!" Count Bauer denied that he had any dealings with the French Empire in the Danube Principality: "We just think that whether it is the control of the Danube Principality and Serbia, or Turkey

The right to protect Christianity within the territory...should be safeguarded with the coordination of European countries (powers)!"

The Austrian Empire openly sided with the British and French camps, and angrily denounced the Russian Empire's actions that undermined European peace, making Count Orlov feel unprecedented humiliation.

"Okay! I hope the Austrian Empire will not regret it!" Count Orlov gritted his teeth and said to Count Baur.

Then he turned and left the meeting place. After Orlov left, Earl Ball showed a wry smile and said to Earl Clarendon and De Ruys: "I hope you can keep your promise!"

"Of course!" the Earl of Clarendon and De Ruys responded in unison.

Then, without the participation of Count Orlov, the British, French and Austrian families signed the "Four-Point Plan".

1. Russia announced that it would renounce its territorial claims to Serbia and the Danube Principalities, and these areas would be placed under the joint protection of the European powers (the Danube Principalities were separately protected by the Austrian Empire) and the High Gate;

2. The Danube is open to all commercial navigation;

3. Amend the 1841 Straits Convention with the goal of "European balance of power" (the Russian Navy's dominance in the Black Sea region will be suspended);

4. Russia gives up its right to protect Turkish Christians, and their safety will be guaranteed after the four countries (Austria, Britain, France, and Russia) reach an agreement with the Turkish government.

The "Four-Point Plan" was published on April 17. Seeing that Count Orlov's last hope was extinguished after the "Four-Point Plan", he took a train to the border between Austrian Galicia and Poland.

Count Orlov, who rode a carriage through the border area overnight, was escorted by a group of Cossack cavalry. After four days and three nights of day and night travel, he finally arrived in St. Petersburg on April 22.

Valley Cable

When Count Orlov reported to Tsar Nicholas I with grief and indignation that the Austrian Empire had betrayed its faith and defected to the British and French camps, Tsar Nicholas I had the same expression as him at that time. He first looked at Orlov in shock.

Count Love, then gritted his teeth and asked Orlov to report again.

"Your Majesty, we have suffered a shameful betrayal! The Austrian Empire has now sided with Britain and France!" Count Orlov said to Nicholas I in a tragic tone.

"I am such a hopeless fool!" Nicholas I cursed to himself through gritted teeth.

Now Nicholas I deeply regrets why he went to rescue the Austrian Empire in the first place. He treated the Austrian Empire with a brother's attitude, but in exchange it was indeed the Austrian Empire's betrayal.

"I will personally conquer that shameless country in Austria! I will capture Franz Joseph and cut open his heart and liver to see what materials they are made of!" Nikolai was overwhelmed by anger.

I attempted to open a third battlefield to fight Austria while facing a confrontation with Britain, France and Austria (Ottoman).

"Your Majesty, you must not do this!" Count Orlov hurriedly stopped Nicholas I from dividing his troops.

Orlov's words were met with a look of violent eyes from Nicholas I, "Why not?"

"Your Majesty! The Russian Empire has declared war with Britain, France, and the Ottomans. It really has no troops to fight against Austria!" Count Orlov persuaded him hard.

"What are you afraid of! I only need three infantry regiments and one dragoon regiment to defeat them!" Nicholas I roared at Orlov loudly.

At this moment, the Crown Prince of Russia, Alexander II, appeared in front of Nicholas I, holding a letter in his hand.

"Your Majesty!" Crown Prince Alexander quickly saluted Nicholas I after entering the palace.

Upon seeing Alexander's arrival, Nicholas I calmed down his temper a little, and suppressing his anger, Nicholas I asked Alexander what he wanted to report.

"Your Majesty, according to reports from our reconnaissance troops in the Danube region, troops from the Austrian Empire are continuously gathering towards Transylvania!" Crown Prince Alexander reported to Nicholas I.

"When did it start?" Nicholas I asked Crown Prince Alexander.

"About a week and a half ago!" Crown Prince Alexander replied to Nicholas I.

A week and a half?

Count Orlov suddenly thought that that time was not the time for him to participate in the four-party talks.

It turns out that the Austrian Empire had already placed its chips on Britain and France.

"What do you think we should do now?" Nicholas I seemed to be asking Crown Prince Alexander, but in fact he was questioning Orlov.

"Your Majesty, I just came back from the Ministry of War. They think that our army should voluntarily evacuate the Danube Principality!" Crown Prince Alexander said to Count Orlov.

"Why? Is the empire's army inferior to Austria's?" Nicholas I asked Crown Prince Alexander.

"The Imperial Army is not inferior to the Austrian Empire, but the Empire has already declared war on three countries, and it really shouldn't declare war on a fourth country! Once the Austrian Empire joins the fight, I'm afraid that there will be changes in the Kingdom of Prussia! And there have been some changes in Poland recently.

It seems that the Kingdom of Sweden is restless and heading in the direction of Finland..." Crown Prince Alexander explained worriedly.

"Okay! The usually motionless guy has become active now! It seems that they are really planning to treat me like Napoleon!" Nicholas I revealed a hint of contempt in his words.

Nicholas I, who knew the bad nature of the Slavic people very well, knew that he could not show any cowardice in front of his ministers.

Otherwise they will think you are a failed tsar, and the only outcome for a failed tsar is death.

"Your Majesty, you are not Napoleon! The Russian Empire is not the French Empire!" Crown Prince Alexander found the steps for Nicholas I and said: "I temporarily closed my fists to punch better! Our front in the Danube region is too long.

The supplies transported from the rear to the front line simply cannot meet the needs of the front line. Instead of continuing to waste time in the Danube area, it is better to put away our fists and wait for the attack of the British and French troops. I wonder if our army used this method to defeat the arrogant French Empire!"

The words of Crown Prince Alexander gave Nicholas I some confidence in his manic heart.

When Napoleon led 600,000 troops to attack Moscow, he was defeated by the Russian Imperial Army and fled.

Now these armies will naturally not be the opponents of the Russian Empire that shrinks its fists.

"Wait a little longer!" Nicholas I sighed and said to Crown Prince Alexander.

Nicholas I, who was unwilling to do so, still had a sense of luck in his heart. If the Austrian Empire's army was just showing off, then wouldn't it be a huge loss for him to evacuate the Danube Principality?

Seeing that Nicholas I still had no intention of giving up, Crown Prince Alexander had to wait for the Austrian Empire's next move. Only in this way could Nicholas I wake up.

According to the report of Ambassador Gorchakov of the Russian Empire's Embassy in Austria, the Austrian Empire's action was just to hope that the Russian Empire could withdraw from the Danube Principality. They did not want to fight with the Russian Empire at all.

The source of this statement is the Minister of War under the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph, and the reason why they are willing to report this news to the Russian Empire is probably to ease the conflict with the Russian Empire after this war.


Of course, the Austrian military does not expect the relationship between the two countries to return to before the war. He hopes that Austria and the Russian Empire will not be overly hostile.

Considering the situation that the Russian Empire may face in the future, Crown Prince Alexander did not say no to the Austrian Empire like his father.

If Nicholas I did not die suddenly...

On April 28, Count Bauer, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Austrian Empire, officially issued a warning to Russia.

If the Russian troops in the Danube Principality do not evacuate the Danube Principality as soon as possible, then the 200,000 Austrian troops stationed in Transylvania will declare war on the Russian Empire.

[ps: In addition, the expenditure of the 200,000 troops mobilized by the Austrian Empire in Transylvania was every citizen of the entire Kingdom of Lombardy and Venice. Under the forced apportionment of the Austrian Empire, on average, every citizen

The citizens of Lombardy and Venice shared 30 francs. This behavior of the Austrian Emperor made the Lombard-Venetian Kingdom even more resentful of the Austrian Empire. Many citizens fled the two places by boat and went to French Algiers.]

Nicholas I, who received the final notice from the Ambassador of the Austrian Empire, first sent someone to depose Prince Paskevich who had failed to fight well, and then after thinking alone for a few days, he sent someone to the Danube area to inform the Danube Army of the order to retreat.

This chapter has been completed!
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