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Chapter five hundred and eighty seventh meeting with Albert

"You go back and tell Jérôme that I will definitely attend on time!"

Faced with Jerome Bonaparte's invitation, Franz Joseph agreed without any hesitation.

The reason why he was willing to come to France to participate in the military parade organized by the French Empire was not just to deepen the relationship with the Anglo-French Alliance and enable the Austrian Empire to integrate into the ranks of the Anglo-French Alliance.

Nowadays, the relationship between the Austrian Empire and the French Empire has entered the ranks of a quasi-alliance, and it is time to build a closer relationship with Queen Victoria.

To be honest, Franz Joseph was still deeply surprised that Jerome Bonaparte dared to openly invite him to contact Queen Victoria.

Could it be that the French Empire is not afraid that the Austrian Empire will abandon the French Empire and form an alliance with the British Kingdom? Franz Joseph thought to himself.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Mokar, who received Franz Joseph's response, immediately responded: "Then I won't disturb you!"

Mokar immediately exited the room and closed Franz Joseph's door.

Later, Mokar took a carriage to the Elysée Palace, where Jerome Bonaparte was staying and talking.

When Mokar arrived at the gate of the Elysee Palace, the two soldiers guarding the gate stopped Mokar and told him that Cavour, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia, had just arrived for a visit.

"Kingdom of Sardinia? Where is Prime Minister Cavour now?" Mokar hurriedly asked the soldier.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister Cavour, said that he will wait for your Majesty's summons at Princess Mathilde's residence!" the soldier responded to Mokar.

Hearing the soldier's answer, Mokar frowned slightly and said to himself: "I didn't expect! Cavour actually took Princess Mathilde's boat! It seems that he should have given a lot..."

Mokar was only halfway through what he said when he instantly realized that there were two "idle people waiting" beside him, so he stopped abruptly and reprimanded the two soldiers with a straight face.

The two soldiers quickly told Mokar that they were deaf and heard nothing.

"That's good!" Mokar threatened fiercely: "If I hear a little bit of news from outside, you will be finished! Do you understand?"

The two soldiers assured Mokar that they would not spread the news randomly.

After establishing his prestige in front of the soldiers, Mokar took out a few bank notes worth one thousand francs from his pocket, and said to the two soldiers in an encouraging tone: "It's hard for you to guard the Elysee Palace. This money is enough."

Consider it the hard-earned money I give you on behalf of Your Majesty!"

Seeing the bank note in Mokar's hand, the two soldiers' eyes flashed with desire, but neither of them dared to actually reach out and take it.

After all, the person in front of me is the steward of the entire Tuileries Palace!

Seeing that the two soldiers were hesitant to take over, Mokar directly divided the bank notes into two equal parts, stuffed them into their pockets respectively, and scolded: "I let you take it, you are just like those grinding

Like girls!"

Feeling the "heavy feeling" of the bank notes entering their pockets, the two soldiers smiled and expressed their gratitude to Mokar.

"No need to thank me! If you want to thank me, just thank your Majesty!" Mokar waved his hand and told the soldiers: "I will go in first! You should watch this place carefully! Don't let anyone else come in!"

"Master Manager, don't worry!" the soldier assured Mokar, patting his chest.

Mokar entered the Elysee Palace and came to the door of the study room of the Elysee Palace, listening carefully to what was going on inside.

At this time, in the study room of the Elysée Palace, the French Emperor Jerome Bonaparte and the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Prince Albert, were sitting face to face on the sofa and discussing the issues on the Crimean Peninsula.

"Jérôme...can I call you like Victoria!" Prince Albert asked Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Of course! Albert!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Prince Albert.

"Jerome... According to your opinion, after the armies of our two countries captured the Sevastopol Fortress, should we continue to expand the scale of the war?" Albert asked Jerome Bonaparte if he was willing.

Expand the war.

"If there is a suitable opportunity, of course we in France will choose to expand the war!" Jerome Bonaparte responded to Albert in vague terms.

Jérôme Bonaparte and Xini's words obviously did not satisfy Albert. He inquired deeply: "What do you think is a suitable opportunity?"

"If the Russian Empire suffered heavy losses in the Crimean Peninsula, I would naturally choose to pursue the victory!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Albert: "As far as the current situation is concerned, I and the Ministry of War do not think that

Chase is a great option!”

"But if we don't choose to engage in close combat with the Russian Empire, we may never be able to cause harm to them! Do we mean that our two countries will always be at war with the Russian Empire in Crimea?" Albert asked with his own eyes.

In one sentence, he also expressed his own hidden worries: "If we cannot quickly force the Russian Empire to come to the negotiating table, the Russian Empire's paramilitary alliance in the New World is likely to go to war against us!"

I wish the United States of America could join the war! Jérôme Bonaparte thought to himself.

Anyway, after the United States of America entered the war, it was the Kingdom of Britain that suffered the loss.

If the United States of America can risk its own life to overthrow the hegemony of the Kingdom of Britain, Jerome Bonaparte will definitely give the United States of America a grand funeral.

It is a pity that a war between the United States and Britain is unlikely to occur in a short period of time. The reason why Albert said this is most likely to urge him to take action as soon as possible.

"Albert, I don't think the United States of America will join this war! Even if it is really willing to join the war, the Russian Empire will probably not be willing to accept it!" Jerome Bonaparte said confidently

Tone replied to Prince Albert.

"Oh?" Prince Albert asked Jérôme Bonaparte with interest: "Why do you think they won't unite!"

"Because the United States of America is a country with a republican system, while the Russian Empire is a country with an absolute monarchy! The two countries have different systems, which determines that they will never come together!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to

Prince Albert replied: "Of course, it is not ruled out that Nicholas I was ill and sought medical treatment in a hurry!"

"However, even if the United States of America does not join this ranks, we cannot always spend time in the Crimea Peninsula!" Albert paused, sighed and continued to Jerome Bonaparte:

"It costs thousands of pounds for us to stay in the Crimean Peninsula for one more minute! Our army is supported by tens of millions of taxpayers! If we always stay in one place and don't leave, our tax dollars will

People will complain!”

"You are right!" Jérôme Bonaparte nodded in agreement with Albert and said: "A long war will indeed consume domestic enthusiasm and money. Once the people find that their tax dollars have been invested in a

If there is no end to the black hole of war, I’m afraid they won’t love war as much as they do now!”

"So, I have to take action as soon as possible!" Albert said eagerly: "While we are attacking the Crimean Peninsula, we can open up a second and third battlefield, allowing the Russian Empire to have a steady stream of money and soldiers.

Consume them all continuously! This way we can get rid of the Russian Empire as quickly as possible!"

"I do not agree with your point of view!" Jerome Bonaparte immediately responded to Prince Albert: "Second, the opening of the third battlefield will not only quickly deplete the financial reserves of our two countries, but also cannot be used in the future.

Achieve the results we want! We must complete our efforts in one battle and continue to bleed the Russian Empire in the Crimean Peninsula!"

"Didn't you just say that reporting on Crimea should wait for an opportunity?" Prince Albert asked Jérôme Bonaparte.

"When I say waiting for an opportunity, I don't mean just sitting around!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Albert with a sly smile on his face: "Now we have occupied Sevastopol, where we have a complete

With the defense system and forts, we can completely rely on the defense of Sevastopol to fight a bastion war with the Russian Empire and continuously wear down their soldiers on the Crimean Peninsula!"

"But is Nicholas I really willing to take the initiative to attack Sevastopol?" Albert asked Jerome Bonaparte.

"It's up to Nicholas I whether you want to or not!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Albert with a confident expression: "A group of Russian soldiers have been secretly escorted to a prison near Paris. They will

It will become the highlight of tomorrow’s military parade!”

Prince Albert was shocked when he heard what Jerome Bonaparte said.

This is simply a direct slap on the feet of the Russian Empire in front of European countries. If Nicholas I knew about it, he would probably go crazy.

"Tomorrow you, me, and Franz Joseph will stand at the front of the military parade to review Russian prisoners of war!" Jerome Bonaparte broke the news to Albert.

"Franz Joseph? Is he also willing to join the fight against the Russian Empire?" Albert asked quickly?

"No! Franz Joseph didn't know that there were Russian prisoners of war in the military parade! The Austrian Empire is still neutral!" Jerome Bonaparte shook his head and said with gloating: "But after this military parade, Austria

I’m afraid it will be difficult for the empire to remain neutral!”

"Yes!" Albert also said with a smile on his face: "It's hard for Nicholas I to believe that a country that participated in the Russian prisoners of war parade can still maintain a neutral attitude!"

This chapter has been completed!
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