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Chapter seven hundred and sixty-eight forging ahead

As a product born in 1789, the National Guard can be said to have been closely related to the revolution from the moment of its birth.

Therefore, it was also regarded as a thorn in the side of the monarchs after the Great Revolution. Emperor Napoleon, Louis XVIII, and Charles X all briefly abolished this revolutionary army, but in the end they had to re-establish it.

During the Kingdom of Orleans, Louis Philippe, who thought he had been put on the throne by the National Guard, fully regarded the National Guard as a powerful guarantee to maintain his power. However, the National Guard betrayed him.

When Jérôme Bonaparte became emperor of the Second Empire, he also hated the National Guard with hatred, but he did not dare to risk the world and directly disband the National Guard.

Therefore, he can only choose to keep the National Guard from being at full strength, or even less than half of its strength, and at the same time deploy a large number of troops around Paris. As long as there is a change in Paris, the surrounding troops will be there on the first day.

Enter Paris in one fell swoop and crush the rebels.

Now, Niel has actually directly abolished the "National Guard" in the next round of military reforms. This kind of reform really makes him feel a little dangerous.

After all, the time in history when the National Guard was abolished was after 1870, because France suffered an unprecedented defeat in the battle with Prussia, which made the whole of France hold their breath and want to settle accounts with Prussia, so they chose to imitate

Prussia established a reserve system and a general staff system.

Even under such circumstances, the abolition of the National Guard was only passed after a separate battle in Parliament.

The current French Empire has not yet suffered the situation of the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, and Jerome Bonaparte doubted whether the reform to abolish the National Guard could be successfully implemented.

Facing Jérôme Bonaparte's solemn question, Niel also replied with a solemn expression: "Your Majesty, I know very well the status of the National Guard in the hearts of our people!

But I also want to tell you that the National Guard system is no longer suitable for France."

Later, Niel told Jérôme Bonaparte about the investigation he had sent to various provinces and cities.

According to the research results of the Ministry of War, the vast majority of the National Guards in France are not called armies at all, but are at best local militia groups. In some places, people who are almost 50 years old are even specially selected to join the National Guards.

"Your Majesty, is it necessary for an organization like this to exist in France?" Niel asked Jérôme Bonaparte in despair, and then continued: "Rather than let them continue to be like this?"

If they go down, it’s better to abolish them!”

"Nière, some things have to be done if they are not right!" Jérôme Bonaparte smiled bitterly and shook his head.

As a time traveler, he didn't know the strength of the National Guard. In the "future" Franco-Prussian War, Gambetta led 600,000 (so-called) National Guard troops to Paris to rescue the siege, but was killed by a soldier of the Kingdom of Prussia.

He was frozen in place and unable to move.

One can imagine how full the strength of the National Guard is.

However, as Jérôme Bonaparte said, there are some things that you know are wrong, but you must act accordingly.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand!" Niel replied to Jérôme Bonaparte, shaking his head.

Jerome Bonaparte raised his head and glanced at Niel, and he saw unwillingness in Niel's eyes.

Niel didn't understand why. He was just unwilling to have his military reforms denied.

"The National Guard's problem involves too wide a scope. It can be said that one hair is affected and the whole body is affected!" Jérôme Bonaparte earnestly persuaded Niel: "We should still consider joining the National Guard.

Let’s start a new stove outside the framework!”

"Start a new one?" Niel showed a puzzled expression.

"We can set up another reserve army. This reserve army will be used for training every year except for farming time!

So that you can get into the battle as soon as possible during the war!" Jerome Bonaparte explained to Niel.

His idea also came from Niel, but it was Niel thirteen years later.

"Your Majesty, what will happen to those in the National Guard?" Niel asked in return.

"Those people, just pretend they don't exist!" Jérôme Bonaparte shrugged his shoulders and replied to Niel.

"However, they will also consume a lot of our money!" Niel continued to Jérôme Bonaparte, "And I can guarantee you! If you had not chosen to abolish the National Guard, those who were

The conscripted soldiers will find ways to escape to the National Guard to avoid your conscription!"

"This..." Jérôme Bonaparte frowned slightly, and what Niel said did make some sense.

"Is it really the only way to abolish the National Guard?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Niel again.

"Your Majesty, we must have the determination of a strong man to cut off his wrist!" Niel said firmly to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Niel in 1855 was less compromising than Niel in 1868, and more determined for reform.

Seeing Niel's unwavering desire to implement reforms to abolish the National Guard, Jérôme Bonaparte pondered again for a moment, and finally chose to agree with Niel's point of view.

After all, the only way forward for the French army is to establish a complete reserve force.

Jérôme Bonaparte would grit his teeth and move forward no matter what the price.

"Your General Staff Headquarters must issue a report on the National Guards as soon as possible. The content of the report must clearly describe the situation and status of the National Guards in various places!

At that time, I will go to the Bourbon Palace with the report and military reforms, and I think I should be able to convince those old diehards in the legislative group!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Niel.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Niel nodded and replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"I am quite satisfied with the remaining military reforms!" Jérôme Bonnet encouraged Niel: "I hope you can continue your efforts!"

"I will definitely live up to your expectations!" Niel replied seriously to Jérôme Bonaparte.

He knew that whether it was enhancing the authority of the General Staff or abolishing the National Guard, it was Jérôme Bonaparte who was using his prestige to protect him.

If his reforms do not meet Jerome Bonaparte's expectations, he will most likely be dismissed by Jerome Bonaparte.

So Niel had to work hard to get the job done.

Therefore, from late May to early June, Marshal Niel was not idle for a moment. He quickly summoned the staff of the General Staff to go to various French provinces and cities in plainclothes to collect information that was detrimental to the National Guard.

, so that Jerome Bonaparte could completely bury the National Guard.

Jérôme Bonaparte also took advantage of this period to turn his attention to Algeria, a land that had been conquered by France for nearly 25 years.

As a result, Jérôme Bonaparte called the Minister of the Interior, Pesini, and asked him about the imprisoned Abd al-Qadir.

Pesini told Jérôme Bonaparte that eight years had passed since the arrest of Abdel Qadir, the last (formed) rebel leader in Algiers. During these eight years,

During that time, Abdel Qadir's family stayed quietly in a prison near Paris.

Jérôme Bonaparte asked Pessini curiously whether Abdel Qadir had not thought of escaping from prison during this period!

Pesini responded to Jérôme Bonaparte. Due to Abdel Qadir's special status, he was held in a different location than ordinary political prisoners. The previous Orleans government specially arranged a single prison for him.


Subsequently, Jérôme Bonaparte ordered Pessini to take him to the education school of Abdel Kadivin.

Pesigny had no choice but to follow Jerome Bonaparte's intention. After the carriage carried Jerome Bonaparte and Pesigny to the prison outside Paris, Jerome Bonaparte saw being held in solitary confinement.

Abd al-Kadhivan.

After being imprisoned for eight years, Abdul Kadivine is still full of energy, although his face looks slightly haggard.

"Your Majesty, this is the traitor Abd al-Kadhivan!" The warden responsible for watching over Abd al-Kadir enthusiastically introduced Abd al-Kadir to Jérôme Bonaparte.


"No need to introduce! I know everything!" Jérôme Bonaparte raised his hand to stop the warden's introduction, and then asked Abdul Kadivin lightly, "Mr. Kadivine, are you willing?"

Be free again!"

Abdu Kadivine's eyes lit up when he heard "freedom". He hurriedly ran to Jerome Bonaparte and responded to Jerome Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, I dream of regaining freedom."


"As long as you agree to a few of my conditions, I am willing to grant you freedom!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Abdel Kadivin.

"My great Majesty, what conditions do you want me to agree to?" Abdul Kadivin asked Jerome Bonaparte again.

"First of all, you must promise not to engage in terrorist activities against France after you are released from prison!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Abdel Kadivin.

"Your Majesty, I think no matter how arrogant the guy is, it is impossible to oppose a monarch who has conquered all of Europe!" Abd al-Qadir praised Jérôme Bonaparte.

"And after you are released from prison! You cannot go to Algiers!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Abdel Qadir again.

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