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Chapter seven hundred and seventy-first nine-year reserve system

After the Algiers proposal was approved by an overwhelming majority of delegates, Jérôme Bonaparte had the opportunity to pursue his victory and present his second proposal to the legislative group.

"Fellow representatives, today I am here to propose a serious proposal to you and to the sacred legislative body. I know that this proposal may... no, it should be said that it will definitely be criticized or even opposed by many people.

But I still have to say it here (Jerome Bonnet paused deliberately, with a pious expression on his face) in the Bourbon Palace, which represents the will of more than 30 million citizens of France.

Because 30 million French citizens have entrusted their freedom, will, and everything to me! I must be responsible for them..."

As soon as Jérôme Bonaparte's second proposal began, he raised the tone of the entire proposal a lot. The representatives in the legislative group were either surprised or curious, and they all focused on the speech.

With Jérôme Bonaparte on the stage, they knew the highlight was about to begin.

Then Jérôme Bonaparte clapped his hands, and under the horrified eyes of the representatives of the Bourbon Palace, a team of 20 people ran out from the right corridor of the Bourbon Palace and trotted all the way to the bottom of the Legislative Group's podium.

Looking at the team in front of them, the first thing most representatives thought of was a coup.

After all, the success of the Second Reich came from a coup.

Jerome Bonaparte relied on the strength of soldiers in the suburbs of Paris to completely overthrow the Second Republic and establish the Second Empire.

The National Assembly, which originally represented the power organ of the Second Republic, was also split by the emperor into two institutions that did not belong to each other.

Since the current emperor has absolute power over the entire France, why does he still do these things to them?

Could it be said that His Majesty the Emperor wants to establish a country with absolute rule?

Just when the representatives of the legislative group were thinking wildly, Jérôme Bonaparte ordered the soldiers to distribute the photocopied documents to the representatives according to the areas where they campaigned.

Soon, all the documents were distributed, with an average of one to two pages in the hands of each legislative representative.

The soldiers who had completed the distribution once again gathered under Jerome Bonaparte's podium, waiting for Jerome Bonaparte's next instructions.

"Okay, fellow representatives, you can take a look at the situation of the National Guards in the provinces that elected you to be representatives in Paris!" Jérôme Bonaparte said while waving to the soldiers under the podium.

, suggesting they could leave.

The soldiers immediately understood what Jerome Bonaparte meant, and they hurriedly saluted Jerome Bonaparte and left.

As time goes by, more and more delegates are watching Jerome Bonaparte on the stage, and a few smart guys have realized Jerome Bonaparte's next move.

After a while, all the representatives had read the report distributed by Jérôme Bonaparte. Jérôme Bonaparte said to the representatives present with a slightly sad and angry tone, "Everyone,

Representatives, do you know how you feel after reading the report in your hands?

Now I want to reveal to you my feelings after reading the report.

I hand over reports to all of you, and I have read each one carefully.

After I read the entire arrival report, all I felt was anger and helplessness!

I don’t know when the National Guard, which protects our country and nation, became what it is now!”

Speaking of this, Jerome Bonaparte slapped the table hard with his hand, as if to vent his dissatisfaction.

The originally noisy legislative group immediately became silent, and all the representatives' eyes were fixed on Jerome Bonaparte on the stage.

“Fellow representatives, tell me honestly, is the current National Guard Army still the National Guard Army that led our country and nation to resist foreign enemies and lead to victory? Can the current National Guard Army still be able to shoulder the responsibility of diplomacy with France?

Give them a mission?"

Jerome Bonaparte asked questions one after another, which made the representatives present even more afraid to speak. They could only listen to Jerome Bonaparte's speech obediently.

Later, when Jérôme Bonaparte once again asked the representatives present whether the National Guard could shoulder the responsibility of protecting the safety of French citizens, many representatives remained silent.

"I know you don't dare to say it! Now I am here, in this sacred hall that represents the will of all 30 million French citizens, to tell you the answer!

It is impossible for the current National Guard to regain its original glory. Its existence has no use except to waste taxpayers' money (although it is not a waste of much)!" Jérôme Bonaparte said categorically.

He said to everyone present, "The National Guard of the past no longer exists. Now we only see a weak force wearing the guise of the National Guard!"

Fellow representatives, shouldn’t the National Guard like this be abolished immediately and a brand new force be established?”

As soon as this statement came out, all the representatives in the legislative group understood what Jérôme Bonaparte meant.

Jérôme Bonaparte made a lot of impassioned remarks, the core of which was that he wanted to abolish the National Guard.

At this time, some moderate republican representatives could not sit still (since the information about the entire legislative group has never been announced to the public, citizens within the legislative group can communicate as they please), and some of them stood up and tactfully opposed the heat.

Rom Bonaparte.

The representatives said that the National Guard and France have a mutually reinforcing relationship. Without the original National Guard, there would be no current empire.

Therefore, France cannot lose the National Guard, and even if the National Guard is abolished, who can guarantee that the next military organization will be better than the National Guard.

"What different reform proposals do you have?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked the moderate republican representative mildly.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the top priority of the French Empire is not to completely abolish the National Guard, but to rectify it separately! I believe that the rectified National Guard will once again become the backbone of France!" The attitude of the moderate republican representative

He expressed his opinions clearly.

"Sir, who do you think should be entrusted to complete the reform of the National Guard?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked the representative of the moderate republicans with a friendly expression.

"Your Majesty, I personally think that support for this matter can be left to the senior officials and mayors of the provinces!" replied Jérôme Bonaparte of the moderate republican party.

Faced with the suggestions of the moderate republican representatives, Jérôme Bonaparte curled his lips in disdain.

If we follow the Republican theory, the National Guards that have been handed over to senior officials and mayors will be completely reduced to a money-making tool for provincial and municipal leaders, thereby completely losing their military functions.

Historically, the Mobile Guard was under attack from the Republicans in the Legislative Group, and had to hand over the Mobile Guard to leaders at the municipal level to form.

The original plan required the formation of a mobile guard of 400,000 people. In the end, only 90,000 people were formed. However, the cost was not saved at all.

All the money goes into the pockets of provincial and municipal leaders.

"Do you guarantee that the reorganized National Guard will be an army that can be drawn out to fight?" Jérôme Bonaparte retorted.

"This..." After hesitating for a moment, the representative of the moderate republicans shook his head and replied to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, I can't guarantee this issue!

However, the National Guard is not an army that needs to go abroad to fight! Therefore, it should not take on things that do not belong to them!"

"There is no need to go abroad to fight!" Jérôme Bonaparte chuckled, and then asked: "Mr. Representative, tell me which army in the world does not need to fight!

In other words, an army that does not need to fight is still an army!

If the National Guard does not need to fight, then what was the purpose of setting up the National Guard in the first place!!"

Jerome Bonaparte's aggressive posture left the moderate republican representatives with no reason to refute. Favre quickly stood up and replied to Jerome Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, please allow me to answer this question!"

"Mr. Favre, tell me!" Jérôme Bonaparte replied to Favre.

"Your Majesty, the purpose of the National Guard is indeed to protect France, but the original purpose of the National Guard was to protect the Republic!" Favre answered bluntly to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"So the National Guard does not have to assume the task of protecting France after the establishment of the empire?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked again, "If we only need to maintain domestic territorial security, then only a certain number of gendarmes are needed.

That's enough!

Isn't the purpose of the existence of the National Guard just to enable the troops on the French front to obtain enough qualified soldiers in a short period of time! (Here Jérôme Bonaparte is misinterpreting the purpose of the National Guard)

If one day, our country is attacked by hundreds of thousands or even millions of troops!

what should we do?

We cannot always pin our hopes on active soldiers because their numbers are limited!

Take the current situation as an example, the entire empire can only mobilize about 350,000 troops (Jérôme Bonaparte is a small one), and it is impossible for them to fight one against two or three!

At this time, if we don’t count on the National Guard, who can we count on?”

Jérôme Bonaparte's words caused all the representatives present to fall into deep thought.

After a while, Favre asked Jerome Bonaparte what he wanted to replace the National Guard after it was abolished.

Jérôme Bonaparte told Favre that he would implement a nine-year military service system (five years of regular military service and four years of reserve service) after the abolition of the National Guard to prevent insufficient savings for the French reserve forces.

The problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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