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Chapter 772: The Reserve System Under Compromise

Once Jérôme Bonaparte's five-year regular army and four-year reserve plan was proposed, it immediately attracted Favre's opposition.

Favre believed that the four-year reserve plan would inevitably cost a lot of money and manpower, which would place a heavy burden on the entire French Empire.

"Your Majesty, France now has an army of nearly 550,000 people. I really can't imagine what it will be like if it can afford reserves of the same size. And if so many people are recruited into the army at once, it will also have an impact.

To our development!" Favre said excitedly to Jérôme Bonaparte.

If people who don’t know Favre well hear his words, they will definitely think that Favre is a politician who cares about the country and the people.

In fact, the reason why Favre opposed Jérôme Bonaparte was simply because Favre himself was unhappy with the Second Empire.

Favre can be said to have put his own likes and dislikes above the future of France.

"Mr. Favre!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Favre calmly: "I can tell you clearly that four years of reserve service will not have a big impact! Because all the recruited reserve members

, you only need to serve for one year in total within a four-year period, and the service time is no less than three months each year, and you can take indefinite leave!

It will not delay the busy work at all, and during the reserve service, the salary of a reserve army is only 60% of that of the regular army!

Personnel who are responsible for serving can report to the military near their location!"

After Jérôme Bonaparte explained the French reserve system, the entire Bourbon Palace conference hall fell silent again.

Even Favre did not expect that Jérôme Bonaparte's military service system would be so "humane" that he could not find any excuse to refute it.

After a while, the Bonapartist representatives who reacted immediately remembered the warm applause.

After the applause lasted for a while, Jérôme Bonaparte turned his head to Pio, Speaker of the Legislative Council, and said to Pio with a solemn expression: "President Pio, the voting can begin!"

After hearing Jérôme Bonaparte's order, Legislative Council Speaker Pio quickly cleared his throat and announced that the voting on the "Abolition of the National Guard" proposal had officially begun.

Except for a few Republican representatives, the vast majority of the representatives voted in favor.

The National Guard was adopted with the "unanimous consent" of the overwhelming majority of representatives, and then Jérôme Bonaparte presented the detailed plan of the four-year reserve plan to the legislative group, which was also approved by the legislative group with three-quarters of the vote.

The resolution was passed on the advantage.

Then, with Favre looking constipated, Jérôme Bonaparte walked out of the Bourbon Palace with firm steps.

The next day, Jerome Bonaparte went to the Senate in person. In the Senate, Jérôme Bonaparte once again stated what he had said in the Legislative Yuan yesterday.

The Senate also passed these two plans with an absolute advantage, and at the same time sent telegrams to Algiers and France in the afternoon.

This time, the National Guard could no longer escape the fate of being abolished. When the commander of the Seine National Guard announced that the Seine National Guard had been completely abolished, a small group of National Guard officers got entangled and wanted to report to Du

Illery Palace asks for an explanation.

So they went to the gate of the Tuileries Palace together, clamoring to ask Jerome Bonaparte for an explanation.

A battalion of Guards soldiers stationed near the Tuileries Palace inquired, and they immediately stood ready on the only way to the Tuileries Palace.

After seeing the rows of soldiers holding Migne rifles, the National Guard officers immediately calmed down. The National Guard officers began to use a negotiating tone to ask the Guards soldiers to make way.

, so that they could go to the Tuileries Palace to ask for an explanation.

However, these Guards officers told them with a cold face that anyone who tried to break into the Tuileries Palace without receiving instructions from the Tuileries Palace would be shot.

The National Guard officers had no choice but to stand there and wait for someone from the Tuileries Palace to come over to talk to them. After a while, the Tuileries Palace sent someone over as expected.

"I say to His Majesty's adjutant Vayan, if you have anything you want to say to His Majesty, you can tell me! I will definitely convey your words to His Majesty exactly as they are!" Vayan stood in front of the National Guard officers and addressed the people present.

said the National Guard officer.

The National Guard officers immediately surrounded General Wayan's army, and they began to complain to General Wayan one by one.

Because there were so many National Guard officers, Wayan felt as if ten thousand flies were buzzing around his ears, and he could not hear what the National Guard officers were saying.

So Wayang shouted at the top of his lungs: "Quiet! Listen to me!"

The National Guard officer immediately stopped talking and turned his attention to Wayan.

"I can't hear you clearly at all when you say this!" Vayan told the National Guardsmen present, "So, you'd better appoint a representative to talk to me!"

As soon as General Wayan spoke, the National Guard officers immediately started talking.

After nearly 10 minutes of selection, they found two people with the highest military rank (Colonels of the National Guard) to act as representatives for this negotiation and communicate with General Wayan.

The two lieutenant colonels broke away from the group and came to General Vaillant. Looking at the old boss who had served as the commander-in-chief of the National Guard in Seine Province, the two colonels were still a little frightened. They regretted following these officers.

Let's make trouble together.

After all, one of them graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris and the other graduated from Saint-Cyr College. It can be said that they both have great futures.

Now, they actually have to confront General Vaillant for a group of guys who have never attended a military academy (most of the middle and lower-level officers of the National Guard are elected). It is really not worth it.

"Do you have anything to say to His Majesty?" General Wayan asked the two National Guard colonels in a slightly majestic tone.


The National Guards tremblingly told General Vaillant that on behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the National Guards in Seine, they begged His Majesty Jérôme Bonaparte not to disband the National Guards.

Their reason is that the National Guard is the most important force in maintaining Paris, and its hasty disbandment may cause irreparable damage to the order of the entire Seine province.

"Are you threatening His Majesty?" General Wayan asked coldly with an air of calmness and authority.

"No! No!" The National Guard Colonel was frightened and quickly explained: "We don't want to threaten His Majesty, we are also thinking about His Majesty!"

"Considering His Majesty?" General Wayan sneered and said to the National Guard Colonel: "I think you are thinking about yourselves! Don't you just think that after the National Guard is disbanded, you may be kicked out of the army?

That’s why we are unwilling to disband!”

The two National Guard colonels were speechless. They did have such worries.

Of course, it's not just the commanders of the National Guard who are also worried that they will be forced to retire.

However, they are much calmer than this group of National Guardsmen.

"Now I can tell you clearly that the disbandment of the National Guard was not just a decision made by His Majesty alone! It was a decision made through consultations between the General Staff, the Legislative Yuan, the Senate and the Senate!

Therefore, no individual or group has any right to change it!" General Wayang said loudly.

The two National Guard colonels and the junior and middle-level officers of the National Guard behind them all looked disappointed. Now it seemed that their failure this time was a certainty.

However, General Wayan then said in a roundabout way: "Although the National Guard organization will be disbanded, the military command personnel within the National Guard will be retained as appropriate and incorporated into the reserve system of the army."

"Reserve system?" The two National Guard colonels looked at Wayan curiously.

"That's right! The reserve system!" Vayan nodded and told the National Guard Colonel about the organizational structure of the reserve system.

After listening to General Wayan's explanation, everyone immediately realized that the so-called reserve system is not another term for the National Guard. However, the National Guard requires voluntary participation, and the reserve system is required to join it according to regulations.

.(The reserve system and the active force implement two sets of military service laws. The reserve requires universal military service, while the active force requires a substitute service system.)

"So, you just need to go back and wait for notification!" General Wayan said to the National Guard officers present.

The officers of the National Guard immediately smiled when they heard that their positions might be included in the ranks of reserve officers, and they quickly apologized for their storming of the Tuileries Palace.

"Okay! Now that you all know it, go back quickly!" Vayan waved his hand and said to the National Guard officers present.

The National Guard officers immediately left the Tuileries Palace, but they did not know that not all of them could be included in the reserve system.

The prerequisite for being incorporated into the reserve system is to have participated in the regular army and to have passed a certain rank in the regular army.

These two items alone are enough to kill a large number of elected officers.

Without the support of regular army officers, it would be impossible for those elected officers to achieve their goals.

So in the next two weeks, the basic structure of the National Guard was completely dismantled.

The reserve system is also being established in an orderly manner.

This chapter has been completed!
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