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Chapter 901 The Showa staff is in France!

"Your Majesty, there are a total of 193 bullet holes in the target!" Niel reported to Jérôme Bonaparte in a trembling voice.

"That is to say, out of 230 bullets, 193 hit the target, and only 37 missed, right? Minister Vaillant!" Jérôme Bonaparte showed a pleasant smile on his lips, speaking in a frivolous tone.

Minister Wayan asked.

"That's it! Your Majesty!" Minister Wayang's voice also trembled slightly.

At this time, Minister Wayang's mind had fallen into a temporary standby state. He could not imagine how subversive changes this kind of shotgun would cause to the entire battlefield if it were used on the battlefield.

The fearless bayonet spirit that the French army had previously believed in would be completely turned into a joke under the firepower of this weapon.

"Minister Vaillant!" Jérôme Bonaparte heard Minister Vaillant's fear, and he hurriedly pursued the victory and said: "If each enemy battalion has two machine guns of this type, will our existing tactical system be safe?"

Able to break through the enemy's deployed fire network!"

After listening to Jérôme Bonaparte's words, Minister Vaillant could not help but simulate the scene in his mind.

A regiment (that is, three battalions) of troops led by him acted as the attacker and captured the high ground occupied by Jerome Bonaparte.

At this time, Jérôme Bonaparte on the high ground only had one battalion, but they had two machine guns.

The army led by General Vaillant formed a dense formation in battalion units (a unique French tactic) and attacked the highlands occupied by Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte immediately ordered his only two machine guns to shoot at General Vaillant, and the machine guns continued to spray out continuous fire snakes.

Wayan's soldiers began to collapse under the machine gun fire.

“Minister Wayang, Wayang!

"Just when Minister Vaillant was simulating the ruthless slaughter of the army by machine guns in his mind, Jérôme Bonaparte's voice reached Minister Vaillant's ears.

After coming back to his senses, Vayan looked at Jérôme Bonaparte with a hint of horror. Seeing this, Jérôme Bonaparte quickly put on a gentle smile and asked in a calm tone: "Minister Vayan,

What do you think of this weapon?"

"Your Majesty, I think this weapon is really terrible!" Minister Vaillant immediately replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte looked at Vaillant in astonishment. He didn't understand what exactly Minister Vaillant was dissatisfied with.

In the period before the Maxim heavy machine gun was invented, the "Gatling gun" was the pinnacle of rapid-fire weapons.

There is no weapon that can outperform the "Gatling gun" in terms of rapid fire except the Belgian Montini machine gun.

Historically, the French army used Montini machine guns produced in Belgium during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870.

However, the Montini machine gun can only outperform the "Gatling gun" in terms of rapid fire. In other aspects, the Montini machine gun is mercilessly crushed by the "Gatling gun".

The most terrible thing is the Montini machine gun, which weighs nearly half a ton and is so complex that if only one part is damaged, the entire machine gun will be scrapped.

No one would be willing to push a thing of about half a ton to the front line, not to mention that as long as the internal parts of the Montini are slightly damaged, the entire Montini machine gun will have to be returned to the field for rebuilding.

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Pushing a half-ton weapon down from the battlefield is also a difficult problem.

The weight of the Gatling gun is obviously much lighter than the Montini machine gun. Even with the gun mount, the weight is less than one-third of the Montini machine gun.

Even if the Gatling gun is damaged, soldiers can easily push it onto the battlefield.

"What aspect do you think is bad?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Minister Vaillant curiously, "I can let Alfonso Chassepo continue to revise it!"

Alfonso Xacepo's face showed a hint of anxiety after being denied, and he also asked Minister Wayang: "Your Excellency, what did I do wrong? Tell me and I will change it immediately!


After Minister Vaillant pondered for a moment, I said to Jérôme Bonaparte with a slightly sad and angry tone: "Your Majesty, I admit that this weapon is indeed good, but don't you think the appearance of this weapon is too great?"

It’s too cruel!”

Jérôme Bonaparte looked at Minister Vaillant with wide eyes. He really couldn't believe that these words came from a minister of war.

Is the person I am appointing a general or a Holy Mother?

Jérôme Bonaparte couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"Minister Vaillant, shouldn't war be about wiping out all the enemy's active forces in the shortest possible time!" Jérôme Bonaparte said coldly to Vaillant: "If you don't even know this, then your war

It’s better not to be a minister anymore!”

Seeing Jérôme Bonaparte being angry, Minister Vaillant hurriedly explained to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, war is to destroy the enemy's effective strength in the shortest possible time. I agree with this statement, but in my opinion

War should be about two armies fighting head-on with bayonets in their hands.

Cavalry and artillery are embellishments before a frontal battle."

Minister Wayang paused, pointed at the "Gatling gun" and continued: "In my opinion, the appearance of this gun has seriously violated the original intention of the war..."

Minister Wayan's explanation as if he was possessed by the Showa staff made Jérôme Bonaparte realize why the historical Gatling mechanism was only used by mainstream armies (here referring to the British, French, Russian and Austrian armies) more than ten years after its invention.

recognized by Germany).

Presumably most people during this period believed that war was a battle between infantry and infantry with bayonets.

Foul weapons like the Gatling gun are destined to violate the "tradition" of war.

Weapons that violate tradition like this are destined to be boycotted by the military, both covertly and covertly.

[PS: Historically, the introduction of the Montini machine gun was also resisted by the French military. It was Napoleon III who insisted on equipping the army with the Montini machine gun.

It was just that Napoleon III at that time regarded the Montini machine gun as a winning weapon and kept it highly confidential. Ordinary soldiers only came into contact with this type of weapon after the start of the Franco-Prussian War.

Moreover, the idea of ​​the Montini machine gun was also wrong at the time. The French military used the Montini machine gun as an artillery piece and placed it at the rear of the troops.

As a result, after the start of the Franco-Prussian War, the Montini machine gun with a range of only 400 yards and the Napoleon Bronze Cannon with a range of 3,000 yards received cordial greetings from the 4,000-yard Krupp cannon.

The Montini machine gun only appeared briefly on the battlefield and then completely fell into decline.】

"Minister Vaillant, I don't agree with your point of view!" Before Jérôme Bonaparte could speak, Chief of the General Staff Niel retorted: "The purpose of our war is not to fight heartily, but to fight heartily.

It is to eliminate as many opponents as possible!

If there is a faster way to eliminate our opponents, why can't we use it!"

"If we rely too much on weapons, it will appear that our army's will to fight is too weak!" Minister Vaillant retorted in a low voice to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Minister Vaillant, you have to understand one thing. The outcome of a war is always decided by the person who uses the weapon!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Minister Vaillant with a serious expression, "The fighting will of an army does not determine the outcome of a war."

It depends on the weapon. A person with a strong weapon may not necessarily have a weak will to fight, and a person with a weak weapon may not necessarily have a strong will to fight!

In our battle on the Crimean Peninsula, Russia's weapons were weaker than ours!

Their fighting will is not the same as their weapons, which collapse at the first touch!"

Having said this, Jérôme Bonaparte paused for a moment, and then continued: "Nière, Vaillant, please remember that war is the last option, and there must be casualties behind every war.

, the death of every soldier represents a family.

I hope you can be kind to the lives of every soldier and officer under your command, because like you, they only have one life.

My purpose in equipping breech-loading guns and machine guns is also to reduce the deaths of our soldiers.

In order to minimize their sacrifices, I am willing to give up the so-called original intention!

have you understood?"

There was a look of shame on Minister Wayan's face, and he quickly responded to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, I remember it!".

"Now, Minister Vaillant, are you still dissatisfied?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Minister Vaillant again.

Minister Wayang looked at the "Gatling Gun" carefully, and then said respectfully to Alfonso Xacepo: "Mr. Xacepo, can you add a few more barrels?"

After Alfonso Chassepo thought for a moment, he glanced at Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte nodded slightly, Alfonso Chacepo turned his head to Minister Vaillant and replied: "Your Excellency, how many doors do you want to increase?"

"How about Gate 8?" Minister Wayang asked Alfonso Xacepo.

"Yes, yes! However, it will take some time!" Alfonso Xacepo responded to Minister Wayang.

"I can wait!" Minister Vaillant responded to Alfonso Xacepo.

Immediately afterwards, Niel also came up with an idea. He hoped to improve the hub-type gun mount into a rotating shaft-type gun mount. This would allow the machine gun to harvest enemies more conveniently.

"This is possible, but it will also take some time!" Alfonso Xacepo replied to Chief of Staff Niel.

"Your Majesty, if Mr. Chasepo can do these two things, we are willing to purchase their equipment!" Minister Vaillant said to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Chassepo, how much time do you need to improve?" Jérôme Bonaparte also asked Alfonso Chasepo.

"Two... no, one and a half months! Your Majesty, I only need one and a half months!" Alfonso Chassepo responded to Jérôme Bonaparte with determination.

"I'll give you a month and a half. During this month and a half, everyone in the R&D center will be at your disposal!

You must give me a satisfactory answer in one and a half months!"

This chapter has been completed!
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