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Chapter 20 Black Dragon King Temple Mountain

Meeting the group went very smoothly and there was not much delay on the way.

In the evening of that day, Black Dragon King Miaoshan Qingzhuang and the border troops drove dozens of grain trucks back to their hometown. The women in the village had already set up a big pot outside the Guandi Temple in the west of the village, steaming fragrant millet rice, just waiting for their return.


On the way, Liu Chengzong finally understood the changes in his hometown.

Everyone knew that they were in the middle of a drought, but everyone was hoping that the situation would get better next year. In Xingping, his father Liu Xiangyu relied on the respect of the clan for his status as a Juren, and decided at a clan meeting to decide on drought-resistant crops for all races.

, the decision to dredge water conservancy.

There was a drought for a year in the first year of Chongzhen, which proved that his decision-making was correct. The prepared canals and grain planting choices allowed his father to survive the drought.

Facing the surging flow of refugees, after planning the clan's food reserves, my father once again argued against all opinions at the clan meeting and admitted 42 households of refugees. His family alone accepted seven households including Shi Wanzhong.

Each household of these refugees has at least one strong and strong laborer, and they have made a lot of efforts in repairing canals and reclaiming nearby ownerless fields in the spring of this year.

Liu Xiangyu was the famine rescuer of Longwang Miaoshan. If it weren't for him, the situation in Xingping wouldn't be any better than in Li Hongji's hometown. No one in the clan would be idle, and they would all go to big families for loans.

Because of this, the elders in the clan knew that Liu Xiangyu saved them a lot of trouble, and were willing to repay Li's compliments in daily affairs, which led to the current situation in Xingpingli.

After they became the only surviving village in the eight surrounding villages, Liu Xiangyu was elected by the clan elders as the leader of the group training of Beixiang Minzhuang. The original three quotas for Minzhuang in Xingpingli were also promoted to twenty-four.

This was the civilian establishment of the entire North Township of Fushi County in the past. Since the implementation of the Yellow Book in the early Ming Dynasty, the Lijia system has acted as a grassroots militia organization and has ensured the safety of the people based on the principle that people defend themselves and families fight.

It was on this basis that Minzhuang developed a militia system through Xuande and Zhengtong years when bandits were everywhere in the north and invaded the border areas. They were called upon by the police and returned to their fields in peace. This was not only a type of corvee but also a source of recruiting troops for the camp.

The leader of the military training is only responsible for training the troops and recruiting them for the imperial court in case of trouble. The commander of the troops is the second assistant officer assigned by the government, and many generals are transferred from the self-defense station.

When the border troops came from afar, Liu Xiangyu treated them with millet rice and arranged for them to stay at the Guandi Temple.

The Guandi Temple in Black Dragon King Temple Mountain is not dilapidated. Last year, dozens of families of refugees were temporarily accommodated as beds. This year, they were worried that new refugees would pass by. The temple was cleaned up a few days ago by the woman in the middle.

The Liu brothers didn't sleep in the temple at night. Chengzu asked Gao Xian, and Tian Shoujing, the second chief minister, took care of the sergeant, so they went home with Chengzong to pay homage to their parents.

During the day, in front of many border troops from neighboring villages, father and son met each other and could not say many things.

The second house of the Liu family is in the west of the village. It was built by Liu Xiangyu's family members after he was elected to the Yan'an Prefecture and there was a shortage of tutors. At that time, a southern osmanthus tree was planted at the door. In the following years, there were indeed two talented people in Xingping.

However, this osmanthus tree is in terrible condition. It is not suitable for growing in this land. Even if the neighbors take good care of it, it is still barely alive, neither fragrant nor blooming.

The house is close to a hill, and a series of cave dwellings were dug. Previously, the cave dwellings were idle and in disrepair. Recently, there are immigrants in the village, so they have been slightly repaired.

At first, the second entrance courtyard had not been built yet. Liu Xiangyu was admitted to the imperial examination but did not receive the actual vacancy. Many students from Yan'an Prefecture came here to beg to be their disciples. Some people simply decided to live in Heilongmiao Mountain and built a building next to the courtyard.

cave dwelling.

Speaking of which, Liu Chengzong was very unfamiliar with this courtyard. He stood under the osmanthus tree and sighed to his brother: "It has been more than ten years. We have lived in this new house for just over a year."

"Speaking of it? Ha!" Liu Chengzu was more direct. He raised his head and looked at the door: "Speaking of it, this house was not built for our family at all. Our eldest mother has not lived here for a few years."

While the two brothers were talking, someone in the yard heard the conversation outside. A gap opened in the door, and the young man's head in a scarf poked out. Liu Chengzu raised his finger and pointed at his brother and smiled: "The people from the residence have come out - Chengyun!


"Brother, Brother Lion! I heard from my second uncle that you would come back at night, and I have been waiting behind the door!"

The young man who poked his head out was one year younger than Chengzong, with clever features. His name was Liu Chengyun, and he was the eldest son of the Liu family.

In the second year of the Apocalypse, Chengyun's parents and eldest brother all died in the chaos of the bandits. He was taken to live here when he was still young. Over the years, he has lived in this house the longest.

Before the two brothers had time to say anything, Chengyun ran out quickly and faced them, taking the reins and tying the horses. He kept saying, "It's great that you are back. I just came back from the south at night."

, otherwise I will pick you up on the mountain road."

"Coming back from the south." Liu Chengzu had just crossed the threshold and wondered: "There is chaos and chaos outside, why are you going to the south?"

Liu Chengzong also frowned secretly. This child, Chengyun, was one year younger than him and had no martial arts skills, so he dared to run out blindly. It was a bit too courageous.

"There's a lot to do."

Chengyun was not afraid when he mentioned this slightly risky journey, and said happily: "After you joined the army, I went to learn my skills from my second-in-law son-in-law Wu Zhangfang and saved some money. When these department stores were very cheap, I gave it to my second uncle in Fucheng."

My aunt has opened two shops."

"I also bought you two something, and I went to see my father-in-law on the way."

These words made the two brothers stare at each other: "You, you have a father-in-law, when did it happen?"

"Just last year, the emperor granted amnesty to all married couples... You guys haven't been at home for too long. It's a long story for me. Let's meet my uncle and aunt in the house first."

With that said, the three brothers passed through the hanging flower door on the screen wall and entered the inner courtyard. They heard their mother's complaining and nagging voice in the distance, and couldn't help but look at each other and smile.

I saw people's figures reflected on the window by the lamplight in the house, and my mother complained about how my father turned away from the housekeeper and ignored the housework. The food was wasted, and all day long he was either training soldiers or compiling books, and had nothing serious to do.

The father was silent for a long time, until the mother said that the two sons would have someone to help them when they came back, and they did not have to worry about the war and disaster, then he said in a low voice: "Relax, no one can harm my family. In the Black Dragon King Temple Mountain, who can come to me?"

Not afraid at all."

"Okay, we'll be out for a while. I guess the two kids are coming back. Don't argue in front of them. You should worry more about the housework and leave a way for the tenants to survive."

"Who is standing in the courtyard?"

Chengzu answered: "Mother, the lion and I are back."

"Come in quickly when you get back. Don't get caught in the wind in the yard. Wait until your mother cleans up the house so you can sleep well at night."

While the old man was still talking, Chengzong had already let Xiao Zhuanfeng have fun in the yard. He conveniently placed the small room with eyebrows and eyebrows at the door of the wing, and then followed his elder brother into the house to kowtow to his father.

Liu Xiangyu was sitting at the main seat in the main hall, with an unlit cigarette pole on the table beside him. He looked over and over at his two sons who were prostrate in front of him. After a long time, he asked them to get up, looked away and sighed deeply.

Take a breath.

"Earlier, I thought it was not good for you two to be soldiers. Who knew the world would be ruined right now? What are your plans to bring soldiers back this time?"

This chapter has been completed!
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