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Chapter 21 RBI

What do you plan to do?

The two brothers sat on the side. The elder brother Chengzu shook his head and said: "Back to my father, at first I wanted to go home and have a few full meals before thinking about anything else. On the way, I beat up a group of thieves in Qingjian and got a lot of food and property.

I know how to plan."

The mother's surname is Cai, and her given name is Miaoshan. Her natal family is from a small family in Sanyuan County. My grandfather is a Buddhist, so he gave Chengzong's mother this name.

Seeing that the father and son were about to talk about something in the hall, Mrs. Cai was going to clean up the house for the two children. Suddenly after hearing this, she couldn't help shouting: "Hit the thief!"

He quickly turned back and looked around until he was sure that his two sons were not injured. Then he took a deep breath, stroked his chest and said, "Don't go to war with those desperadoes anymore. Listen to my mother and don't serve as border soldiers anymore.

Live a good life when you come back, our family will not be short of those two mouths of food."

"Tomorrow morning, I will ask you to accompany you two to the Guandi Temple to worship. We will use swords and guns to express our gratitude to Master Guan for his blessing!"

"It's okay, mom, it's not dangerous."

Liu Chengzong smiled and comforted him. He was speaking from the bottom of his heart. After practicing martial arts for so many years, he actually only used bows and swords to fight with people a few times. But his mother, who had not seen much, thought that the border troops fought every day... There are so many in the world.

Let them fight the battle.

As for wiping out Bai Yingzi, it is much easier to deal with than the Hetao Mongols who were encountered outside the border wall during a routine burning of wasteland.

Chengzu was more direct and simply said to his mother: "Don't worry, mother, we are vulnerable to predators and thieves."

After that, he clasped his fists at Liu Xiangyu and said, "Father, tomorrow I will lead the border troops to hide the armor. If there is any unowned land in the village, I can find something for them to do."

Seeing that she couldn't persuade her son, Ms. Cai sighed sadly. In fact, she also knew that the world was in chaos and only force could protect the clan. After all, she was afraid that her two sons would be put at risk by wielding knives and guns.

This time I didn't give in to the persuasion and went out to clean up the house.

As soon as Mr. Cai left, Chengyun stood up and apologized, saying with a smile: "Second uncle, you guys talk first, I'll guillotine my brother's horse so that I don't get up again at night."

After saying that, he could not stop him, so he opened the door and ran out, making Liu Xiangyu, who was sitting under the landscape painting, laugh dumbly. He shook his head helplessly and said: "This kid is running around with the accountant. I don't know where he learned it. His observation of words and emotions is used by his own family."


Before Liu Chengzong could ask about the current situation of the transportation in detail, Liu Xiangyu said with a smile: "Last year when the new emperor ascended the throne and pardoned the world, the king's lawyer from Fucheng came to propose marriage. I originally wanted to be related to your eldest brother, but you two are in Yuhebao, so they are suitable.

With good luck, it’s a double blessing.”

"Shredded tobacco, you know, the border troops in Gansu are good at this, and I guess your frontier troops are also good at it. They went to Fucheng to bring cut tobacco specially for you two. The cut tobacco in Jingyang is good for drying."

Liu Xiangyu's eyes showed complicated sadness, he sighed and raised the corners of his mouth: "I have prepared a lot of silver and twenty shi of millet, and I want to kill the lion's officer."

The ancestors and ancestors exchanged glances and received double shock.

If you have twenty stones of food, what kind of officer can you buy?

Millet is not as valuable as rice, but it is still grain, and it is grain. At this time, Shaanxi was extremely expensive, and its value could no longer be measured in silver.

If you get it in the wealthy Yan'an Prefecture market, selling three coins for a dou of rice is worthless; if you get it in the poor and dilapidated Yuhebao, no matter how much you shout, it will be useless. They have not paid military pay for several years and their silver will not circulate at all.

At most, at most, there will be people coming in groups to crowd in all the mothers, aunts, and babies - hey! These people are burning buns to the point of selling food, and the mothers, aunts, and babies will definitely be able to have some soup with them.

But this thing cannot be achieved by a high official, even an officer.

Liu Chengzong shook his head and said: "Big, we are very tall. We borrowed three buckets of rice to have the confidence to come to our door and want to buy back the mother-in-law who sold it the year before last... For twenty shi of millet, can you make me a leader and a team leader?"

Fortunately He Shoubei dismissed me."

It's obviously not worth it. He knows too well that the officers of the border army are not worth much now. Even if they don't have enough to eat, the frontier army is divided into three, six or nine grades. Those who have had several years of complete training and sufficient experience,

Hungry veterans with strong combat capabilities are in the hands of the generals' henchmen.

Those who can be obtained through various channels are either bare-bones officers, or like Liu Chengzu did last year, they are trained as refugees in the command team.

In fact, the latter is not bad. Didn't Liu Chengzu train his team well? But this year's situation, there is no chance for him to train troops. Even if he manages the team and catches the duck, he will die if he enters the battlefield.

"Silly words, that's official status!"

With a snap, Liu Xiangyu slapped the tea table with his hand, causing the pipe pot to jump up. He glared and said: "The tribesmen in Black Dragon King Miaoshan can still have enough to eat. It was your third grandfather and I who led the tribesmen to dig ditches for four months last year!"


"If I don't have any fame, why would you let me, old or young, build canals? Why would you let me plant refined grain instead of planting millet?"

"The worst has not yet come, Panlong River is only one foot shallow, not to mention the extreme drought and locusts, which cannot survive the summer."

Liu Xiangyu was only very angry in the first two sentences, and then his tone became lower. Finally, when he talked about the coming locust plague in his heart, his tone showed deep exhaustion: "No matter how fast the world changes, people's hearts will always be slow.

The people recognize the official position."

But even if the people continue to recognize their official positions, it is useless to say this. Liu Xiangyu's words stopped abruptly. He grabbed the pipe and pot but was reluctant to take a puff. He just gently kowtowed his head with the small copper pot and the scarf.

In Liu Chengzong's eyes, his father was a learned man. Unlike the two brothers, who were specially trained for the imperial examination and had only read the Four Books and Five Classics and books related to the scientific examination. His father read everything, watched everything, and did different things.

There is almost nothing in the world that he doesn't understand.

At this moment, he saw the paleest feeling of powerlessness under his father's tired face.

The feeling of powerlessness comes from the fact that he built canals but was unable to stop the rivers from drying up, organized the people but could not control the current situation, planted millet and millet in the new year but could not prevent locusts, and planted peas, flax and sesame seeds but could not fight the drought.

Why bother?

Liu Chengzu, who loved order, leaned his broad back against the chair, as if his soul had been ripped out of his spine, and asked: "Why doesn't the imperial court provide disaster relief?"


The only person who answered him was his father who shook his head decisively: "Northern Shaanxi is in chaos. The magistrate does not know the county, nor does it know how many disasters will be suffered within a radius of tens of miles. The prefect does not know the prefecture, nor does it know how many disasters will be suffered within a radius of hundreds of miles."

"As for the imperial court... I don't know."

Liu Chengzong looked at his father. The old Juren said "I don't know" with his eyes closed.

It's probably not that he doesn't know, but that he's unsure or doesn't want to say anything.

Not to mention his father who has the status of being a civil servant, even he, a small frontier soldier, knows what the imperial court has been busy with in the past two years - purging the eunuchs.

In his eyes, party struggle is a confusing thing, because the party is a party of party members, not a party of political parties, and there is no party application, so it becomes a label that can be applied at will.

Regardless of the Donglin, Zhejiang, Qi, Chu, Xuan, Kun, or eunuch parties, a large number of people in them overlapped.

At least according to what Liu Chengzong saw and heard as a frontier soldier, the frontier soldiers all said that during the short period of time in the early years of the Apocalypse, the frontier troops in Yansui Town could indeed receive military pay.

But this is unlikely to happen later. Eunuch Wei has gained power, and the capable people in the Donglin Party have been basically wiped out. Whether Jiu Qian is able to collect taxes from the southeast, he doesn’t know, and the border troops in Yansui Town

He knew clearly that the arrears had been re-introduced since that year.

But now the emperor has dealt with Eunuch Wei, implicating hundreds of officials again. Anyone who praises Wei Zhongxian will be ruined, and anyone who criticizes Wei Zhongxian will be promoted.

What is scary about party strife is not the party strife itself.

It is terrible to have conflicts with each other and chaos in the court, but it is by no means the most terrible thing for a vast empire like the Ming Dynasty with a vast territory and a large population.

Looking at the empire, the talented people of the Donglin Party could not be hurt in the party struggle; but after all the talented people of the Donglin Party were reimbursed, the eunuch party composed of the Zhejiang, Qi, Chu, Xuan, and Kun parties could learn

It would be terrible if the people were completely reimbursed again.

Where can we find so many imperial talent reserves in such a short period of time?

Especially since this empire has had four emperors and ten chief ministers in seven years, and a company changing two chairman of the board in a row is enough to make everyone panic.

Let alone the drought in Shaanxi, even if there is a nationwide drought, the imperial court will not take care of it.

He is extremely pessimistic about the development of the situation. The pessimism is not only due to the memory of another time and space, but also the result of the reality and the final conclusion in the memory - there is no hope.

"Da, let's go."

Liu Chengzong's words had no beginning and no end, but he spoke very quickly and in an urgent tone: "You can go anywhere with your mother and elder brother. In a month, twenty shi of millet will be exchanged for a hundred taels of gold in Yan'an. It can be less."

"Go to the south of the Yangtze River and sail to Nanyang."

The old Juren sneered, looked at his younger son intently, suddenly laughed for a while, and said softly: "Five or six hundred people in the whole clan are pointing at your father... I'm not going anywhere."

This chapter has been completed!
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