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Chapter 269 Three Wings

 The night of June 24th, the fourth year of Chongzhen.

In the ruins of the river valley manor, rappers sang about King Gesar, and young nobles sat around a bonfire, drinking highland barley wine and laughing loudly.

The young nobles gathered together and spoke loudly and laughed at their colleague, Dorje Jiaben.

People say that the slave boy who ran away from his family became a master.

Dorji Jia was so angry that he whipped his whip and stopped sitting with them. He was very angry and blamed Basang in his heart.

Linka Daiben put down letters from far away while singing, and his king, Dunyue Dorje, ordered the left-wing army to arrive at the Jinsha River two days later to complete the encirclement.

He looked at the young nobles who were still laughing loudly by the bonfire, smiled, got up and walked around the bonfire, walking towards the shadow where Dorje Jiaben was hiding.

No one in the Baili territory knew that the horse bandit leader Linka Daiben, who was surrendered by King Baili, was from the Langson family.

With a background like his, the highest official position in the law is to lead more than 20 people.

But things are never absolute. During the twenty-year war in Kham, he served as a leader, a bandit leader in the mountains, was awarded a manor, and also killed his own lord.

The identity keeps changing, and even Linka Daiben has almost forgotten that he was once a slave of Langsheng.

Linka has defected to many bosses. He once believed that war was an opportunity to break everything.

But now, he no longer needs to break anything.

King Baili surrendered to him in the area where Margaon was most infested with bandits, and gave him that area as territory. He annexed all the bandits and horse bandits, and ordered people to stop robbing temples, manors, and passers-by.

He is satisfied with all this, but the war will never stop.

Only strength can keep everything he owns, so he is happy to see someone isolated.

Isolated people are the easiest to win over.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Duoji turned around to identify the approaching figure, and quickly stood up: "Dai Ben."

Linka waved his hand, sat down with him, and said, "Ignore their ridicule. It's his fault that your son was captured and became a master again."

"Dai Ben thinks so too?"

Duoji's embarrassed face finally showed a smile: "He is my favorite Langsheng, but he is a Langsheng after all, and he is very stupid."

Linka frowned slightly when he heard this and asked, "What do you want to do if you catch him?"

Duoji shook his head: "I don't know."

He is not a strict father, nor does he think that Basang becoming a noble of King Nangqian is a shame to the Dorje family.

Blaming Basang for being stupid is because this fool did not hide his identity.

It's like losing a puppy and running away. Why do you want to let everyone know that you are a son of the Duoji family after chewing other people's things?

If it weren't for this incident, Master Dorje would never have been sent to the battlefield by his father. This is a shame for the family. They must atone for their sins to avoid being blamed by King Baili in the future.

"He fled to Nangsuo Qianmo. Your Majesty ordered our left wing to encircle the Jinsha River. There is no one way."

After Lin Kadaiben finished speaking, he looked at the relaxed expression on Duoji's face and smiled: "But when this battle is over, we will eventually go to Nangqian. I hope you can persuade him to surrender, and I will protect his life."

And people and horses."

Duoji was overjoyed and stood up to express his thanks: "It would be great if I could protect him. I will send someone to deliver a message to him. I will definitely find him!"

With a relaxed smile on his face, Linka Daiben patted Dorje on the shoulder, got up and walked to the military tent. Halfway through, he turned back and looked at Dorje in the shadows, clenching his fists excitedly.

He shook his head.

This stupid kid has no idea how powerful the slave boy who ran away from his house is.

The nobles are all idiots, and these idiots make the people under their rule even stupider.

Thousands of slaves were enough for him to grow food in the mountains and forests, becoming the most powerful nobleman under King Baili.

This will be the best reward he gets in this battle. When the war starts again next time, he will be able to kick King Bailey away and fall to the other side.

Lin Kadaiben asked his Langsheng to warm up butter tea, inspect the camp before it got dark, and ordered his subordinates such as Ruben to do a good job in defense at night. It won't be long before the left-wing army can sleep.

They were still forty miles away from the Jinsha River. King Bai Li said that there were 4,000 enemy troops trapped on the west bank of the Jinsha River by a chain bridge. They were very powerful, but they did not carry much food and grass. They could be defeated by siege.

They will return to Changdu to deal with the Mongols.

But just when it was about to get dark, the empty echo of musketry came from the distant valley.

The sound of muskets was like a signal, followed by the sound of cannons from all directions. In the blink of an eye, there were only a few scattered blasts, like a burst of sun rain that came and went quickly.

But the sound of these cannons made the entire camp tense.

Linka Daiben was even more vigilant, because the directions where gunfire rang out were where he had posted sentries.

In the blink of an eye, Han troops holding flags appeared in all directions, from the top of the mountains to the bottom of the valleys.

The whole camp was immediately in chaos. Linka Daiben's slaves knocked over the butter tea. People picked up weapons and formed a formation in the camp. However, the enemy cavalry were not in a hurry to attack and just stood a mile away from them.

No matter which direction you look, whether it's not far or close, there must be Han cavalry waving flags three hundred paces away, as if they are using the camp as a mandala to cast spells.

Panic spread among the army, and people said that the Han army had a great conjurer.

Linka Daiben sneered at this. He had seen many Han people and had never heard of any great spell master.

But this kind of scene still made his spine tingle, because he had seen it before.

As early as when he was a horse thief, he led his troops to plunder the tribal leaders near Songpan. Those leaders came to the Han army in Songpan City, and this was the scene that happened at that time.

The only difference is that the soldiers who appeared in Songpan were infantry, while the ones here were cavalry.

At that time, just the Han soldiers from all directions frightened his bandit team to collapse.

He had to stop this emotion and immediately sent Dokang horse teams in all directions to drive away these enemy cavalry from all directions.

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However, his cavalry advanced and the enemy's cavalry retreated. As they advanced and retreated, the two cavalry soon disappeared from sight.

Until the sound of musketry came from the empty valley in the distance. In the distance, a Duokang cavalryman ran back with several horses. He fell heavily and fell down more than a hundred steps away from the camp without leaving the stirrups.

, was dragged for several steps, leaving a conspicuous blood trail on the grass.

The Han soldiers came back again, still a lone cavalryman, putting away the hammer with three pipes, holding the five-color flag and slowly waving it 300 steps away.

Linka Daiben knew that he was surrounded.

Dai Daozi looked at his masterpiece from a distance and said to Tang Qi beside him: "Tell the commander that the enemy troops on the left don't dare to move."

Tang Qi was ordered to report, and Dai Daozi rubbed his hands excitedly. It was really exciting.

As early as this army was still twenty miles away, it had direct contact with Tangqi, but Dai Daozi did not dare to step forward at that time because Liu Chengzong's main force was still sixty miles away.

He could only let the enemy hunters go deeper to the northeast until they found the ruins of the manor.

When the enemy troops arrived at the manor to set up camp and set up sentries around the area, Dai Daozi still did not dare to move.

It wasn't until it was getting dark that Liu Chengzong's order came from the camp ten miles away, asking him to remove all the sentries to facilitate tomorrow's attack.

The most difficult part of this matter is how to prevent the enemy from breaking through.

Dai Daozi had no choice at all. The density of Tangqi was four people per square mile, so he had no ability to restrict the movement of the enemy. He could only make the enemy dare not move, and missed the best time to break through.

Fortunately, the enemy general only sent more than thirty cavalry to drive Tangqi away from the north and south. This created an opportunity for Tangqi to use depth to surround the enemy cavalry.

It is easy to drive away a Tangqi, but behind each Tangqi, there are three Tangqi in the left and right directions. The deeper they drive, the more Tangqi there are around.

Protruding for three to five miles, the surging Tang cavalry already had an advantage in numbers. In a melee, who could beat the cavalry with a gunpowder tube?

Not to mention they have three gunpowder tubes.

The enemy troops ten miles away were tied up. For Liu Chengzong's camp, the crisis was lifted. They could have a good sleep and recharge their batteries for tomorrow's battle.

Liu Chengzong drank a glass of hot milk and looked at the map hanging in the handsome tent for the last time. The situation was perfect.

Within a radius of forty miles, there are two enemy armies, namely the left wing and the right wing. The left wing has been trapped by layers of Tangqi, while the enemy army on the right wing is still thirty miles away and cannot get news. Watch out for them.

Tangqi reported that the enemy army had set up camp to rest.

Both enemy armies have more than 2,000 troops, and the combined Chinese army has 7,000 troops.

The Chinese Army... The Chinese Army temporarily disappeared from his sight.

However, this is not a mistake in his tactical deployment, but comes from the enemy's uncontrollability.

This afternoon, Zhang Tianlin, who was wandering outside, wanted to pass through the gap between the central army and the right wing, but he made a mistake in his position and was discovered by the enemy's central army. However, the enemy's reaction was half a beat too slow, so that the two armies passed each other.

Get moving.

Then the entire Chinese army drove Zhang Tianlin to the west. Liu Chengzong could not explain this behavior. He could only say that the enemy thought Zhang Tianlin was easier to bully.

This kind of accident was not good or bad for Liu Chengzong. He temporarily lost an outer cavalry force of 1,200 people. But the advantage was that there were only two of the three enemy armies left, and there was a thirty-mile gap between them.


After reviewing the situation for the last time, Liu Chengzong got into bed and closed his eyes comfortably. The battle to annihilate the main enemy force was tomorrow, and King Baili's territory would soon fall under his control.

Linka Daiben couldn't sleep.

For Liu Chengzong, the situation was extremely clear, but for him it was a fog.

In the deep darkness, countless enemy troops were hidden, surrounding him. He didn't know which direction the enemy would attack from, nor how many enemy troops there were around him.

The dark night made him dare not act rashly, so he could only send out a second wave of five hunters to look for traces of the central army and the right wing.

The reason why it is the second wave is because the hunters in the first wave died.

They lit torches and almost drove themselves to Tangqi in plain sight, and then were beaten to death with a gun.

But the luck of the second wave of hunters was not much better, because they were all hunters whose hometown was Baili, and they were also unfamiliar with the terrain of Nangqian. No one knew the way without a torch, and the outcome for everyone was not good.
Two people fell off the cliff. One of them died in silence; the other shouted for help and was rescued by Tang Qi. He received good medical treatment and was tied up tightly and became a prisoner.

Two other people walked together and overcame difficulties and obstacles to climb up the mountain. When they saw the vaguely bright campground in the darkness in the distance, they walked on without hesitation.

They walked all the way to Liu Chengzong's camp and became prisoners very obediently.

There is also the last hunter who knows a lot. He knows that the Chinese army is chasing an enemy with more than a thousand cavalry to the west, so he avoids one Tang cavalry after another and walks farther and farther.

He completed the mission given to him by Lin Kadaiben and saw the Chinese army that even Liu Chengzong had not found.

It's a pity that there are two armies nearby, one is tightly defended and the other is relaxed.

He believed that the size of the Chinese army was larger than that of the enemy, and he would not be so nervous when dealing with the enemy's army of more than a thousand cavalry, so he walked into the camp where he relaxed his vigilance.

Then he met the owner of the camp—Zhang Tianlin.

Of course, he was seen tied up. Zhang Tianlin punched the hunter who woke her up twice and tied him up.

In the endless darkness, Linka Daiben never waited for a response from the two battalions of friendly troops. His troops did not dare to sleep all night and were always on guard against enemy night attacks.

But no one attacked him at night.

At midnight, Linka Daiben finally realized that the enemy planned to wait until daytime to attack him, but his army stayed up all night and was unable to resist the attack during the day, so he planned to break out.

After the breakout troops gathered, they learned the lesson of the first group of hunters and walked a hundred steps outside the camp without lighting torches. They found that it was too dark, so they gave up.

Later, they tried to light a torch, but a Tangqiman hiding in the darkness fired three muskets, and the others ran back to the camp with a splash.

Not long after, the cries of wounded soldiers were heard outside the camp.

Some people wanted to go back to save people, but were hit by a gun from a distance, which stopped them from thinking.

The wounded soldier shouted for a long time, but found that no one came to save him. As soon as he started to crawl back, he was kicked by Tang Qi who came over and was thrown on his horse and taken away.

The Tangqimen alternately used their horses to send him to the rear where Dai Daozi was. Under the light of the campfire, Dai Daozi found that there were no scars on the man's body from being hit by the three-eyed gun, but there were many big footprints and his legs were broken.

, that’s why I can’t move.

Dai Daozi narrowed his eyes and angrily took out the officer's notebook, and rated Fang Gutangqi's shooting skills as inferior or inferior.

Tang Qi defended his injustice, so he fired three muskets and shot nine lead pellets from a distance, actually hitting six enemies.

But none of the six enemies knew they had been hit. The lead shot was either stuck on their armor or embedded in their leather jackets. Only one of them had his hand broken, so he ran back to the camp thinking he had rubbed someone else's weapon.

The listless Linkade might never know that on this chaotic night, he was confronting an imaginary army.

Because as the sun shone from the east, a fluttering Liu-character flag appeared on the horizon, and a high-flying helmet gun rose up and down with the horse's back. Liu Chengzong rode a war horse and led the army in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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