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Chapter 270 Ah Liu

 Liu Chengzong is not here to fight.

The hunters who entered the camp last night brought him the despair of Linka Daiben.

He believed that the time had come. The Linkadai army trapped in the ruins was alone and at a disadvantage in terms of strength. As long as he sent people to persuade them to surrender, he should be able to surrender this enemy army.

Therefore, the whole army prepared meals at the third watch and set off before dawn at the fourth watch. Monk Wang was sent to convey the news that he was willing to surrender in front of the formation.

It's a pity that Linka didn't have this tacit understanding.

Not only did Linka Daiben refuse to surrender, he also scolded Monk Wang bloody for trying to persuade him to surrender.

Liu Chengzong was so angry that he ordered his artillerymen to fill the Lion Cannon with powder, load the guns with large guns, and discharge large horizontal formations stacked on top of each other, pressing straight up from the northeast of the valley.

Strong charges are used to penetrate the simple wooden fortresses built overnight by the enemy and also to break armor.

Through the telescope, he saw the enemy's refusal to surrender. It was a heavy infantry backed by cavalry.

The size of the heavy infantry ranges from seven to eight hundred, with more than four hundred sleeveless iron armor, equipped with eight-foot-long spears and large shields, as well as large multi-braced crossbows held by two or three people.

Liu Chengzong called this type of armor ring armor, which is like an iron sack that is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. When not wearing it, you can lift it up and put it down to form a circle of iron pieces.

On the one hand, the equipment of this group of people is very good, but on the other hand, the equipment style does not belong to the Western Fan, but more like the Southwestern Yi.

If fighting in the mountains, these heavy infantry will cause him a lot of trouble, but in this river valley, it is meaningless.

Liu Chengzong could foresee that there would be a battle here that would make him unmotivated.

Every inch that is long and every inch that is strong is used in the military, which means that any shortcoming is very fatal.

The large multi-braced crossbow they used looked very powerful, but its range was not too far. Liu Chengzong estimated that it was only a hundred steps, and his artillery and rifles were enough to launch an attack from 200 steps away.

Just a hundred steps away is enough to put these enemies into an isolated and helpless situation.

After all, judging from their deployment, they planned to resist based on the simple fortifications. The fortifications were dead. They had to either stand there and take the bombardment, or jump out of the fortifications and charge. No matter which one, they would be dead.

The enemy obviously also thought of this situation.

So when Liu Chengzong used his binoculars to explore the enemy's situation, he found that the heavy infantry in front of the enemy's formation were making a commotion, and the enemy generals seemed to be arguing fiercely.

Then they started fighting among themselves.

The cause of the internal strife was that a Yi soldier ran out of the defense line and seemed to want to talk to Liu Chengzong's people again. However, before he could reach the middle of the battlefield, he was stabbed in the neck by the Baili nobleman who was riding behind him.


Then the enemy formation was in chaos, and some of the heavy infantry turned around and launched an attack on Baili's Army. Some of the Baili Army who were suddenly attacked by friendly forces joined in the counterattack, and more people fled to the mountains on both sides.

Liu Chengzong did not let them fight among themselves and ordered the army to continue advancing. The artillery fired at the fleeing enemy troops on both sides. The infantry attacked the enemy troops who had lost their formation in small groups. Wherever they went, the heavy infantry were very obedient and put down their weapons one after another, shouting "Han"

Then surrender to the 'official army'.

The head-on battle lasted only a moment. When Xie Erhu on the other side led the Mongolian cavalry to gallop across the river valley, the battle had come to an end.

The recruitment and surrender process filled Liu Chengzong with emotion. Any biased policy would affect the war.

Even now, everyone in Kang District knows that these Han soldiers, who were summoned by Nangqian Gama, took over the land of nobles when they saw them, and even made a slave boy their master.

The consequence of this policy is that even if they are at a disadvantage, the nobles are unwilling to surrender to him, so the battle must be fought.

Because low-status slaves have no right to decide whether to fight or not, but the advantage is that when fighting with real swords and guns, most enemies have very weak will to resist.

After all, the people who really fight in formation with weapons are not the high-ranking gentlemen, but the slaves who are low in the dust. If there is no other way, they will be happy to surrender.

The heavy infantry consisting of more than 700 people also surrendered to him, and their leader was quickly brought to Liu Chengzong.

The leader was an old man over forty years old. He was brought over with the head of Lin Ka Daiben, and he kowtowed with dignity. He spoke Chinese fluently, and his title confused Liu Chengzong: "Daliang Guoshen General Ah Liu"

,Kowtow to the Generalissimo."

Daliang Kingdom? Or Daliang Kingdom's general, with an official title.

Liu Chengzong felt strange. He looked at the gray-haired veteran in front of him.

He is a bit older, but he doesn't look like he has lived for more than 700 years. Zhu Wen has been dead for so many years, and there are still survivors alive?

After Ah Liu's respectful explanation, Liu Chengzong understood that this Daliang country was the Daliang country that She Chongming, the chieftain of Yongning, Sichuan.

Ah Liu's life experience is almost a microcosm of the turbulent times in Sichuan since Wanli.

He was born in Yongning, and at the age of fifteen in the twenty-eighth year of Wanli, he joined the battlefield at the call of the Ming Emperor.

It was a fine day on the sixth day of June that year. He carried a large crossbow and captured Yang Yinglong's Hailongtun in the midst of a huge crowd.

For many years afterwards, Ah Liu served as a junior officer in She Chongming's army. By the first year of Tianqi, he was already the local chief of the Xuanfu Division in Yongning. If there were no accidents, this would probably be the end of his career.<


But that year, the imperial court ordered the Yongning Xuanfu Division to send troops to aid the Liao Dynasty. In a very short period of time, the Yongnian Xuanfu Division frantically expanded its armaments and recruited local soldiers. He caught up with Dongfeng and was promoted to the position of Chief Tuqian.

In September of that year, the Yongning Xuanfu Division sent 20,000 troops to Chongqing. Ah Liu thought they would go to unimaginable distances and fight the Jianzhou Chieftain on the battlefield.

It was not until the evening of September 16th that officers at his level knew about She Chongming's plan. The next day, taking advantage of the opportunity of the aiding Liao army to perform martial arts at the school grounds, She Chongming's son-in-law Fan Long ordered to kill the governor Xu Keqiu and other military and political officials.

More than 20 people formally declared rebellion.

On October 18th of that year, Ah Liu was already standing under the city of Chengdu as a general of the Liang Kingdom. There were only two thousand defenders on the city, and it would only take a few days to break through the city.

But they don't have time.

Qin Minping, the younger brother of Qin Liangyu, the chieftain of Shizhu, and Qin Yiming, his nephew, stationed at Nanping Pass to cut off their return to Chongqing. Qin Liangyu led 6,000 troops to march along Jiangxi.

The imperial court's officers and soldiers also gathered everywhere. From October to December, they had to fight every day. No matter where they went, there were officers and soldiers. In the chaos, Ah Liu's army was separated from the main force and retreated from Jinchuan to the Western Sichuan Plateau.


At that time, his army had sufficient combat effectiveness. They could form a formation of spears and large shields to confront the Ming army, and they could also use matchlocks to shoot at the Ming army, and even often did not fall behind.

But the local tribes didn't have a good look on them, and it was much easier to deal with these enemies than the Ming army, so they were still alive, but suffered heavy losses.

Finally he found someone who was willing to take him in, Linka, the leader of the horse bandits in Kham.

Although the two sides couldn't understand each other, Linka treated the barbarian soldiers very well. Not only did he provide the best wine and meat to Ah Liu, but he also set aside a forest in his territory for Ah Liu's tribe to live in.

Ah Liu also lived up to Linka's kindness. Although he lost more than half of his men due to displacement, he still had a complete military system and weapons and equipment. In battle, he could often defeat ten against one, and Linka relied heavily on him.

However, on the Western Sichuan Plateau, the oxygen changes brought about by altitude made fire starters no longer reliable, and the power of gunpowder weapons dropped sharply. There were no professional gunpowder craftsmen among the wandering soldiers composed of defeated soldiers, and they could not figure out what the problem was.
Later, all the muskets were sold for food, and the soldiers had to pick up the old craft of making large crossbows...Compared with gunpowder, medicine crossbows are more reliable and more suitable for the exile economy.

And even if a large crossbow is used, compared to the army in the Kham region, the excellent weapons and equipment and good organizational structure can still make Ah Liu invincible when facing the same number of enemy troops.

Before today, Ah Liu never thought that he would kill Linka.

When he saw Liu Chengzong's army, he wanted to persuade Linka to surrender.

They are not ignorant country bumpkins. They are very familiar with the Ming army's tactics and firepower advantages. In the first year of the Apocalypse, under the city of Chengdu, two thousand defenders could bring out 400 small cannons and shoot at his matchlock guns.

Now he doesn't even have a matchlock gun, and the soldiers have large crossbows with a maximum range of a hundred paces. He doesn't want to fight Liu Chengzong, especially when he sees those big pipes in the Lion Army.

This kind of terrain, this kind of firepower gap, fighting has nothing to do with the courage of the soldiers.

They couldn't reach their opponents at all, so they were bombed to death.

Ah Liu discussed with his officers and found Linka Daiben again in front of the battle to boost the morale of Noble Baili: "It's not too late to surrender now."

Linka is so angry. I have fed you with so much wine and meat, and you still can’t speak a few Spanish words. How can you finally say a coherent sentence to persuade me to surrender?

Linka cares about territory, Ah Liu cares about life.

They died so many people and suffered so much, not just to eat cannons in this place.

But neither he nor Linka thought of what happened next.

While the two were still arguing, one of his officers had already crossed the low wall privately and tried to surrender to Liu Chengzong's army.

Then one of Linka's nobles, Chima, killed the officer. For a moment, his army was in chaos, and the people were furious. He and Linka stared at each other, and in the flash of lightning, countless thoughts came to their hearts.

Ah Liu drew his sword and killed Linka.

"Smart man."

Liu Chengzong had been listening to Ah Liu's story quietly. When Ah Liu finished speaking, he looked at the bleeding head, waved his hand and said: "Lin Ka treats you well. You were forced to kill him because of the current situation.

I allow you to gather his body and find a place to bury it."

After saying that, he said: "Your people surrendered to me, you should know what to do next."

Ah Liu still maintained his bowing posture and responded: "I know that after defeating the other two armies of King Baili's Dai Ben, I am willing to lead them to charge for the Grand Marshal."


Liu Chengzong applauded and said: "She Chongming is dead, and the Liang Kingdom no longer exists. Since you call yourself a general, I will make you the general of Yongning camp. When the war is over, you will be rewarded separately. Go tell your soldiers to follow me well.

I won’t treat you badly.”

Ah Liu stepped back more than ten steps with great gratitude. Then he breathed a long sigh of relief and turned to restrain the soldiers who had put down their weapons.

Monk Wang looked at his figure and said with a bit of sourness in his words: "Generalissimo, with just these few soldiers, can they become generals?"

Monk Wang was very confused. His boss, Crooked Liangzi, was so powerful on the battlefield that he was given the title of General Commander after the war.

This soldier who surrendered before the battle and killed his old master could become a general just because of this thing?

Liu Shishi laughed, shook his head and said, "You don't understand, what is a general?"

He had tried his best to suppress his inner excitement, but it was really difficult for him to appear very calm. He was ten times happier than this.

Ah Liu's soldiers are very good and their equipment is good, but these are not what Liu Chengzong values. These troops are not worthy of the establishment of a battalion, and a general is enough.

After all, the Lion Army now only has four generals including his brother's Xining Battalion. No matter which general is more powerful than Ah Liu.

Liu Chengzong attaches great importance to Ah Liu. This person is not as meaningful as three hundred heavy armored infantry in front of any leader in Qinghai.

But to him, this person is the key to open the door of Sichuan, better than three thousand heavy armored infantry.

In this place, it is easy for him to find a key to enter the snow area, but it is too difficult to find a key to enter Sichuan.

What's more, for some people, being a boss is just the beginning, and they will not only have a few generals forever; but for some people, being a general may very well be the pinnacle of their lives.

He couldn't explain these things to Monk Wang, nor did he want to explain them. He just smiled and said: "I told you, people who understand Chinese will be treated well no matter what they do."

This was not a good thing for Monk Wang. Hearing this sentence, he always felt that there was still a vacancy for the position of quarry supervisor in Hainan.

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Monk Wang shrank his neck: "The generalissimo is right."

Xie Erhu's Mongolian soldiers pursued the fleeing nobles relentlessly. Everyone likes the opportunity to beat up a drowned dog. At this moment, Tang Qi brought another good news to Liu Chengzong. Zhang Tianlin's troops were defeated this morning with 1,200 troops.

The enemy's Chinese version.

This news made Liu Chengzong overjoyed: "How did you win?"

Tangqi reported the truth: "Last night, a hunter from the left wing broke into General Zhang Qian's camp. After questioning him, he wanted to pass on the news that the left wing was surrounded by the Chinese army. General Zhang Qian put the hunter into the Chinese army's camp.

"Wait a minute, there were hunters who broke into Mr. Zhang Qian's camp last night?"

Liu Chengzong looked at each other and his generals looked funny.

Not only were hunters running into his camp last night... these hunters were also extremely talented. Liu Chengzong couldn't find Zhang Tianlin when he tried to find her yesterday, but these hunters found her as soon as he looked for her.

Except for the person Linka Daiben asked them to look for, they were not found. Others who were not supposed to be found were found. Liu Chengzong said with a smile: "The hunters of Linka Daiben are as good at searching for enemies as they are with knives!"

After he stopped laughing, Tang Qi continued: "Knowing that the friendly forces were besieged, the Chinese general wanted to lead his troops to escape this morning. Zhang Qianzong guessed it. Taking advantage of their unstable marching formation, he drove them to break the formation and killed Daiben.

The following twelve officers and more than 700 soldiers were captured."

Liu Chengzong and the generals looked at each other and clapped their hands excitedly: "Okay, only the right wing is left. Encircle and eat them. The whole Baili will no longer be able to fight, and the surrounding small and large kingdoms will also be able to surrender from Qinghai."

How much land we can control from Lake to Qamdo depends on our ability!"

This chapter has been completed!
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