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Chapter 271 Seven Counties

 The defeat was like a mountain falling.

In one day, the two battalions of troops fell to death, and only one of the Dai army was left alone. It gathered the remaining defeated soldiers and the Chabaduiqiong who were transporting supplies. They disobeyed King Baili's military orders and were chased by the Lion Army.

Run eastward.

In the high mountains and deep valleys on the border between Nangqian and Baili, which have not been traveled for many years, the thorns that grew everywhere were trampled into a smooth road by defeated troops in one day.

In the end, they were stopped by the Jinsha River and their entire army was wiped out, sounding the death knell of the Baili Kingdom.

Liu Chengzong sent an ultimatum to Malkang, telling him that Dunyue Duoji's army was marching. If Dunyue Duoji surrendered everything, he would still have a chance to get a manor to live out the rest of his life.

However, Dunyue Dorje did not accept his kindness. The Lion Army advanced into Duogan with Li Laojiao as the vanguard. Before reaching Malkang, Dunyue Dorje hurriedly ran eastward under the protection of his own soldiers and fled into the Songpan Grassland.

Zhang Tianlin went to pursue him, but even after chasing into the grassland, he could not find Dunyue Duoji. It was not until he met Songpan Mingjun that Zhang Tianlin retreated.

The capture and surrender of the Baili nobles in Markang was relatively smooth, especially the chieftains in the southern part of Baili's territory, Nozhu and Shaerke, the two former homes of Wanhufu, were particularly eager to surrender to Liu Chengzong.

Liu Chengzong felt strange about this situation. According to the experience he learned in the war, these nobles would rather fight with him than surrender. Why did they come to see him now with gifts, asking only to give them a place to make a living?

Where to surrender?

Ah Liu, a new general who joined the Lion Army, gave the answer: "Generalissimo, they probably have no territory anymore."

Ah Liu's guess is very accurate.

When these nobles arrived at Ma'erkang, envoys from Zagu, Jinchuan and other places came and sent congratulatory gifts to Liu Chengzong in the name of Mu Yi, the chieftain of Lijiang, and also showed their merits.

Of course, this was due to the attack on the chieftains in Wasi and other places. For a time, both sides gathered in Malkang, which greatly annoyed Liu Chengzong.

The territories of these little chieftains are all on the border between Baili and Lijiang Mu's chieftains. In the past, they often fought with each other wearing the tiger skins of King Baili and King Mu.

This time, taking advantage of Dunyue Duoji's stubborn resistance to Liu Chengzong, the chieftains in the south launched a massive attack to the north and achieved unprecedented results.

It's just a group of vultures lying on Bailey's body and feasting.

Liu Chengzong no longer has the energy to take care of them.

Many nobles in Baili's hometown died in the war and fled. The defeated soldiers became bandits and roamed the land wantonly. Liu Chengzong's troops could basically only be dispersed and garrisoned in a few official villages, and the basic discussion of the local area was difficult.

No control whatsoever.

On the one hand, he selected a group of soldiers who had outstanding performance in the war from the Lion Army, and at the same time, he ordered Basang to lead the army into Baili and prepare to organize several official teams.

On the other hand, someone was sent to Baiyan Taiji, who was stationed in Qamdo, and asked him to send some Mongolian troops to maintain law and order.

Robbers and bandits are familiar with the terrain, and their number may be no more than dozens, or less than a few, but they are everywhere. His troops are limited and scattered in various places. In this kind of public security war, the advantage in combat power will shrink sharply, and the gains outweigh the losses for him.
Because of this, Liu Chengzong had a good face towards these little chieftains who were shy to express their merits to him. He didn't mention much about their northward attack. He just asked them to hand over the map and each chieftain maintained the original boundaries.

Of course, this is just what Liu Chengzong said. Whether the chieftain will hand over the map when the envoy returns is another matter.

He has no restraint on the chieftains in the south, and he doesn't have much thought to restrain them. Currently, he only has one thing on his mind, which is to digest the results of the war as soon as possible.

After all, this place is too far from their base camp in Haibei, and its productivity is far less than that of northern Shaanxi. If it were replaced by an army without experience in movement, it would have collapsed the moment the battle was over.

But even though the Lions have rich experience in movement, they are already very close to the edge of command failure.

This is a very mysterious feeling with no specific absolute expression, but Liu Chengzong can feel this emotion from the strong uneasiness shown by the soldiers.

When setting off, their purpose was to help Nangqian Gama regain its territory, and by the way, conduct some technological plunder and take away the craftsmen here.

In other words, when the troops were sent, there was no intention to capture this place. However, the war was won too easily. Without the fortress, the enemy army had almost no chance of defeating the enemy.

In ten months, he nominally ruled a land spanning thousands of miles, but he only had more than 5,000 soldiers. Even if one man stood one mile apart like Tangqi, he would not be able to stand in this land.

This situation made the soldiers feel uneasy from the bottom of their hearts, not to mention that the lifeline was disconnected from Haibei. The lifeline here started from Dajian Road and led to Sichuan through the five post cities of Baili, Dege, Longda and Qamdo.
To restore morale, he must digest the results of the war as soon as possible and make the soldiers really feel that this is their land.

However, this matter was soon solved with the arrival of Baiyan Taiji.

The Lion Army attacked from the northwest to the east, and the journey was long and long. It was very easy to pretend that Taiji was coming from Qamdo. He followed the four post cities and entered Derge on the sixth day after receiving the news.<


In the following days, the Mongolian herdsmen sent by pretense arrived one after another, and two thousand troops were stationed in the area from Malkang to Dege. The tribes of this force were mainly tribesmen of Guru Taiji and Xiao Lazun.<


Arriving with this army, there were also more than a thousand prisoners who were brought to Liu Chengzong.

They are all Baili nobles and the children of the chieftain.

On the surface, nobles from all over the country are competing to pay tribute to Liu Chengzong. In fact, since the collapse of Tubo, the nobles of Kham have never been so panicked in the past seven hundred years.

When King Bai Li's army collapsed, the winner of the war was Liu Chengzong, who was famous for protecting slaves, leaving everyone in the noble family in danger.

In just a few days, nobles from all over the country went to Malkang in person to surrender, making a last-ditch effort to retain their territory.

On the other hand, families from all over the country let their eldest sons and second sons who became monks in temples return to secular life, and sent them to pack up their belongings and flee non-stop to Qamdo, and then to Shigatse, where they attached themselves to Zangba Khan of the Karma regime.

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They were unable to ask Zangba Khan to uphold justice. They just wanted to leave a spark for the family. In this way, even if the territory was taken over by Liu Chengzong, as long as Zangba Khan recognized them, they would have the opportunity to come back in the future.

But to go to Shigatse, you have to pass through Qamdo.

As early as when Liu Chengzong was still blocked on the west bank of the Jinsha River by King Lin Cong, Taiji had already reached an agreement with Qiangbalin Monastery and entered Qamdo without bloodshed.

In this war between Liu Chengzong and Dunyue Duoji, except for Xie Erhu and several other small tribal leaders who were attached to Liu Chengzong, many Mongolian nobles contributed very little and were basically responsible for the important task of waving the flag and shouting.

But both Liu Chengzong and Baiyan Taiji and others are satisfied with this situation.

After all, from the perspective of Bai Yan and others, they led their troops to Nangqian not to let people die on the battlefield, but to go to Tibet and earn a name for themselves.

The Mongolian nobles were willing to fight for Liu Chengzong from the bottom of their hearts. They needed the daily necessities produced in Juerwan.

But the lion wouldn't let them rob.

If you don't rob the people, you will have no enthusiasm to fight. Liu Chengzong can restrain the Mongolian leaders not to rob, but the Mongolian leaders cannot restrain the people not to rob.

Therefore, the Mongolian leaders headed by Baiyan Taiji did not dare to help Liu Chengzong fight.

People were worried that if the robbery was discovered during the war, they would not be able to do business in Irvine, which would make things really difficult.

Therefore, by waving the flag and shouting a little, running to Qamdo and Leiwuqi, and occupying the entrance to Tibet, this can not only support Liu Chengzong, but also avoid causing more trouble for himself, which is basically the best result.

As for Xie Erhu, who firmly followed Liu Shizi to fight, the situation was different from others.

His tribe has been in the Qaidam Basin, and they came to Juerwan not to do business, but to find a piece of pasture land from Liu Chengzong.

Move the pastureland to Haibei, so that everyone in the tribe can have food, and fighting is just a small matter.

To put it bluntly, he only wanted those two bites of pickles.

Based on this environment, some of the noble children who fled from Kham dressed up as pilgrims and some as herdsmen. After going through all kinds of hardships, they arrived in Qamdo, only to find that there were Mongolians everywhere.

What greeted them was an order from Baiyan Taiji about picking up stones.

In fact, this group of people arrived in Qamdo one after another, and he guessed that they were mostly Baili nobles. However, he needed these people to pick up stones, so he did not identify them clearly.

All the monks in Qiangbalin Monastery went to pick up stones under his order, not to mention this group of pilgrims who wanted to enter Tibet. They were all picked up stones without discrimination.

You can't pick up big ones, you can't pick up small ones, as long as they can fit into the Liuhe Cannon.

Originally, in Baiyan Taiji's plan, he not only had these "pilgrims" pick up stones, but also had these "pilgrims" carry stones for him all the way to Lhasa and even to Shigatse.

After the battle between him and Zangba Khan is over, these people will be handed over to Liu Chengzong.

But since Liu Chengzong asked him for help, he pretended that the food rations brought by these people were about the same, so he simply sent them to him.

This group of people were captured by pretense, which made Liu Chengzong, who was about to confiscate the noble manor, overjoyed.

He patted Wei Yan on the shoulder and said, "If we let these people go looking for Zangba, they will all be the leader of the horse bandits in Kham from now on."

He pretended to be living quite comfortably in Qamdo and was surrounded by a translator who could understand Chinese. He said with a smile: "I caught him casually and brought them to you. Marshal, the soldiers you wanted were brought to you. What do you plan to do later?"

What should I do?"

"Don't worry, let's go to the official village and talk."

Liu Chengzong brought Baiyan into the official village of Dunyue Duoji, and the two sat down upstairs. He then smiled and said: "I asked you to bring your tribe, how can you bring Guru and Lazun's tribe?"


He smiled and said, "My people are picking up stones. What's the difference? They will also be obedient."

"It's not about being disobedient." Liu Chengzong waved his hand and said: "I plan to form a new army and set up seven counties here. This army will serve as officials in each county. If I can trust you, I will naturally trust your subordinates."<


I was dumbfounded when I heard the pretense.

He thought Liu Chengzong wanted people to come here just to maintain law and order, but this meant that he wanted to directly occupy the tribe.

It doesn't sound like a good thing if you can trust me to say that I brought my brothers' people instead of my own people.

Baiyan frowned and said: "My brother's subordinates may not be willing to do this, let alone my subordinates. Generalissimo, I want to use people to fight in Tibet!"

"Where are you thinking? This is a good thing. Do you think I want to form an army like this?" Liu Chengzong raised his hand and said: "The land I conquered, but I want to give you part of the power. If you don't know what is good for you, you can go ahead.

Can you go back to Haibei?"

Liu Chengzong’s solution was really a last resort.

The fact that he has a small number of people is secondary. The key is the language barrier. They must learn the language, but this problem cannot be solved within a few months.

The situation in the Baili Territory is that there is a vacuum in local power, and the old nobles are running to death. Even if they are still alive in the territory, the few troops they have are unable to deal with the banditry.

If his people want to fill this vacancy, words are a hurdle they must overcome. If it takes a few months, he may have to fight another war.

In order to solve this problem, he could only choose a compromise strategy. There were very few soldiers in the Lion Army who knew the Spanish language, but many knew the Mongolian language. There were very few Mongolian herdsmen who knew Chinese, but many knew the Western language.<


Moreover, the Mongolian herdsmen can serve as local security forces to make up for the shortage of manpower.

For Liu Chengzong, although he wanted to protect the rights of slaves, Basang's slave soldiers were not as reliable as the pretentious Mongolian soldiers.

He knows what Qinghai Mongolia wants, and it happens that only he can do these things to a large extent, and only he is willing to give them.

But even Basang himself doesn’t know what he wants, so how can he give it to him?

Therefore, in his conception, this newly established bureaucracy should be composed of lion soldiers, rhetoric soldiers, Basang soldiers and Ah Liu soldiers.

When Baiyan heard Liu Chengzong ask him if he would go back to Qinghai, he realized what Liu Chengzong meant by setting up officials: "The generalissimo said that our two families are one family, and there are officials in the local area, so we can rest assured on the way home?"

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"That's what I mean. I'm not trying to swallow up your soldiers. You have to use this road."

Baiyan didn't say much on this issue, but just rolled his eyes around the room, stood up, looked at the map on the wall, and asked: "The generalissimo said he would set up seven counties, which seven?"

Liu Chengzong didn't know what he meant, so he stood up and pointed at the map and said: "Makang, Luhuo, Dege, Gongjue, Qamdo, Lincong and Nangqian."

"Qamdo, Marshal, do you want Qamdo?"

Baiyan's ears seemed to be focused on this word, he turned around and rubbed his hands and said: "Now I agree with the general's official statement, but the general has to promise me that if Leiwuqi goes west, it will belong to me."

Leiwuqi and further west?

Liu Chengzong thought for a while and then went to Tibet.

He asked: "You don't plan to go back to Qinghai?"

"I don't have much pasture land in Qinghai. The last time I went to Tibet, I fell in love with Baicang." Baiyan said with a smile: "This time there is a big army and the cannons given to me by the commander. I want to go to Baicang."

Resident pastor."

After saying that, he looked at Liu Chengzong and said: "Although it is a little far away, we can send people to Juerwan several times a year. If this road is connected, it will not delay my business in Juerwan. There will be a big opportunity."

I can live a good life here if I am in the market of Juergen."

Liu Chengzong smiled at first, then regained his composure, sat upright and said: "If you want to be stationed in the west, I have three requirements. They are not difficult and will not affect your station."

"First, you have to take my official position, and other random titles don't count; second, you have to implement my laws, and other laws don't count."

"Third, the government will still be established over there and officials will be dispatched to govern the place. The army will still belong to my establishment. However, within the scope of your garrison, whether it is taxation or tiba, I will not interfere."

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